/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2010
12943002Shattered Uniontg discusses how, and along what socio/politico lines the US would fragment.cool, shattered union2010-11-27 0 
January 2011
13717670Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIFurther fleshing out the Shattered Sun setting. Politics and ethnicities of the Holy City detailed, theories expounded on the nature of The Other EggShattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, drawfaggotry, phoenix, sun2011-01-31 8 
February 2011
13879469Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IIIA new area is discovered in the growing world under the Shattered Sun, inspiring a plot involving scheming Masters within Terec's Alchemist Guild. Also, more ideas being bounced around for your reading pleasure! Paladins? Magic? People? Non-human races, even!?Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Gateway to Hell2011-02-13 7 
14064910Shattered Sun Writefaggotry IVA return to the Shattered Sun setting in an attempt to make it more cohesive. Thus far, racial descriptions, magic types, a revisit to the more Aztec-like pygmy race, a possible aquatic race thanks to another thread, and more ideas than you can shake a stick at!Shattered Sun, homebrew, writefaggotry, phoenix, sun, Anchordread2011-02-27 0 
May 2012
19075436Fist of Shadow Quest 11-2The Shadow Sun reveals itself. The Student ascends. The Adept appears.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-12 13 
19101734Fist of Shadow Quest 12In which we shop, round up the party, and head for the Starry Seas... only to get ambushed in the night.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-15 11 
19149444Fist of Shadow Quest 13Our hero and his party arrive in the coastal town of Sandoval only to realize they're still not going anywhere for a while. Resolving to make some dosh to pay the ferry fare, the party (sans Khan) makes a detour to the dreaded -- and predictably dark -- Darklands.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-19 8 
19186159Fist of Shadow Quest 14In which we find FUCKING VAMPIRES. A TON OF THEM.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-22 11 
19223358Fist of Shadow Quest 15In which we lose Khan and Erin, and learn a bit about Pale Luna.Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-05-25 9 
June 2012
19366586Fist of Shadow Quest 16In which our hero becomes a narc and cleans up the streets of drugs. Collective Game, Fist, Fist of Shadow, Fist of Shadow Quest, Quest, monk, unarmed, shadow, Shattered Sun2012-06-05 8 
February 2013
22905526Magical Girl Noir Quest 79A resolute green haired magical girl decides to aim for all or nothing, and receives a Faustian offer. Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-01 36 
23043090Magical Girl Noir Quest 80The bravest magical girl faces the fire.Shattered fragment's past. Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, Siberia, Midori, Moemura, Murderface, Malal, Madoka2013-02-08 38 
March 2013
23729950Shattered Galaxies QuestPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with colony building, alien fighting, and trading.Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-17 15 
23736174Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IIPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with colony building, psionics unlocking, and politics!Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-17 10 
23753721Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IIIPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with space battles, xenobiology, and slimy merchants.Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-19 10 
23764381Shattered Galaxies Quest Part IVPlaying a Lord Governor of a solar system in the far future, with boarding actions, xenobiology, and uppity pirates.Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-20 10 
23831056Shattered Galaxies Quest Part VA somewhat short thread, but trade is accomplished, and new facilities established. The future is bright!Collective Game, Shattered Galaxies, Shattered Galaxies Quest, Quest, aliens, strategy2013-03-23 11 
February 2017
1086281Shattered Sky Quest #1First day at school.Shattered Sky, Collective Game, Fantasy2017-02-07 2 
March 2017
1192069Masterpiece of a Shattered GodA draw game, the premise being that anons are the shattered consciousness of a God seeking to create his masterpiece.Collective Game, Masterpiece, Shattered, God, Masterpiece of a Shattered God, MSG, MSG Quest, Draw, Draw Thread, Draw Quest2017-03-01 1 
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