/qst/ Thread Archive

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April 2015
39513781SitS Quest 00: Chargen>So... You want to see a sockpuppet show, eh? One about corporate espionage, cybercrime, and philosophy? ELH starts another quest: Traveller system based cyberpunk (Shadowrun, Ghost in the Shell, MGR, all that goes in the pot)Collective Game, ELH, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell2015-04-23 8 
39654450SitS Quest 01We avoid getting off'd by the Mob and find a new job with a bunch of Cyborgs. Also character sheet fixes.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-04-30 11 
May 2015
39816646SitS Quest 02Turns out Weldon's pretty sneaky when he wants to be, spider waifus are confusing, and one should always be wary of shooting people in the dick.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-05-08 10 
40058836SitS Quest 03A quest for Pizza turns serious when the Not!Dragon comes to visit.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-05-20 9 
June 2015
40305659SitS Quest 04My Tank Killer can't possibly be this cute! Also making a deal with a Not!Dragon. Shadowrunners everywhere cringe.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-01 8 
40393260SitS Quest 05A Date with a Not!Dragon ends with our pelvis somehow intactCollective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-05 8 
40501090SitS Quest 06We meet Aria's sister and rejoin the SCU. Oh and Cathy finds out about the date.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-10 8 
40682734SitS Quest 07We dig a little deeper to find out how the Spice flows. Then we meet a mysterious third party.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-19 6 
40823994SitS Quest 08We parse through the data from Qwin and learn about some closet demons in the process.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2015-06-26 6 
March 2016
45786214SitS Quest 09 (Reboot)Reboot of SitS Quest - We recover from an attempt on our life and catch up on lost time.Collective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2016-03-04 9 
45987806SitS Quest 10We chat with Qwin and get ready to shut down a group of Not!ShadowrunnersCollective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2016-03-14 6 
April 2016
46440352SitS Quest 11We meet with a Johnson, then plan how to deal with the Johnson's true planCollective Game, SitS Quest, SitS, Shadows in the Shell, ELH2016-04-04 6 
May 2016
136946Local Man Visits Earth QuestLocal Man Royce Arnolds has a pretty awful day. While trying to eat like a king, he finds... Love?Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-16 1 
143945Local Man Visits Earth Quest pt2Royce Arnolds starts his quest a year later, fully committed to Lynell Martin and seeing the Confederacy. Will he like what he finds?Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-18 1 
151486Local Man Visits Earth Quest pt3Royce stands in the lawless Leuans Colony, a weird artifact in his hands and a strange task from the horrifying Matryoshka. Fun!Collective Game, Local Man Visits Earth, Black Scribe2016-05-21 1 
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