/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2009
5262212Epic SoB CosplayEpic 40k Cosplay is Epic.SoB, Epic, Cosplay2009-07-27 22 
January 2011
13604903Sister of Battle: TVA Sister of Battle Cartoon/Anime. What would you like to see? From a troll-worthy OP to genuinely good content. SoB, Plot, Cartoon, Anime2011-01-22 6 
August 2011
15975401Crocodile Quest IIRenekton decides to side with Set. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. crocodile quest, sobek, two, II, 2, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt2011-08-18 0 
15981439Crocodile Quest IIIRenekton, gifted with his new form and awesome hat, slew some fishermen. Now on a mission from Set, he goes North.crocodile quest, sobek, three, III, 3, Renekton, Set, Nile, Egypt2011-08-19 3 
July 2012
19868766Planetary Governor Quest: Part FourteenWe talk about politics, Democracy up, make some good headway in dismantling the Hulk, and accidentally wake up something terrible in the core of the Hulk by abysmally failing a roll.Planetary Governor Quest, Collective Game, Space Marines, Astartes, Imperial Guard, IG, PDF, RT, Rogue Trader, Xenos, Warhammer, 40K, Tyranid, Tyranids, Genestealer, Pirates. spiders, oh god why, SOB, Sisters of Battle2012-07-14 11 
July 2013
25765853Sisters of Battle video game ideasA fairly normal SoB thread gets interesting when one anon idly wishes for an SoB video game. /tg/ gets to work and brainstorms three of them.Sisters of Battle, SoB, video game, vidya2013-07-02 12 
August 2013
26744169TA GIT DA PREDATORChriz Orksen and his team of grots lure in the sexual predators of the 40k universe, for the good of everyone (and their viewership ratings), waiting for that one predator that'll get their show renewed for sure!Chriz Orksen, Orks, Ork, Predator, erotica, Macha, SoB, Sister, Battle, Catch, Predator, WAAAGH!, 'flamer'2013-08-21 37 
February 2015
37960433SoB Quest(Short Thread) In which /tg/ is a sister of battle.SoB Quest, Collective Game2015-02-10 5 
October 2015
42898714Meanwhile, the Time Wizards!Time Wizards storytimes are had, and the rules of Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition are sharedTime Wizards, Time Wizards: Sober and Serious Edition, Storytime, Rules, Time Wizard Archibald2015-10-06 50 
December 2018
63652697Can the Sister Save CandlemasA Sororitas along with a bunch of Guardsmen try their best to save the 40k version of Christmas from a DEldar Grinch and 40k Hans Gruber.40k, humor, IG, SoB, Candlemas, Christmas, Grinch, Die Hard2018-12-26 3 
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