/qst/ Thread Archive

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October 2016
642746Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 1: Welcome to SunnyvaleA new QM, Mayor, opens a slice-of-life quest inspired by the farming life-sim Harvest Moon. We meet our protag, Jacky Richmond.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-03 17 
681893Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 2: Tara the TerrorThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. The MC, Jacky, confronts Tara, accepts a challenge, plants some crops, and explores the farm.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-11 10 
693714Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 3: Ero and PeacefulThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Barrels, girls, monsters, and ecchi.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-18 8 
721108Harvest Moon Quest, Chapter 4: Bad News BearsA bear maiden, a movie night, and a heroic rescue. The slice-of-life farming sim quest continues.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-10-27 9 
November 2016
784960Harvest Moon Quest Sunnyvale, Chapter 5: Ded EditionFarming, Women, and Dungeons! But not at the same time.Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-11-17 6 
December 2016
843253Harvest Moon Quest Sunnyvale, Chapter 6: Dungeon ContinuedThe slice-of-life farming sim quest continues. Collective Game, Mayor, Harvest Moon, Harvest Moon Quest, Jacky Richmond, Sunnyvale, Farming, Slice of Life2016-12-03 2 
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