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August 2012
20289970Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 1We're introduced to Michael Clairmont, a man of many names and many enemies.MEQ2, Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Bob Drake, Oolot, Switch, Michael, Clairmont2012-08-13 10 
20338053Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 2Michael makes it a point to avoid any situation that might compromise his identity and we find a few things to do. MEQ2 , The Illusive Man, Michael Clairmont, Collective Game, Mass Effect, Mass Effect Quest, Bob Drake, Oolot, Switch2012-08-16 6 
20359874Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 3We had out into the Traverse and kill some pirates, the reign of Barnacle Bob, King of Pirates begins. We get two new crew members, Sushoo the Hanar Chef and Rin a Quarian Mechanic.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-18 5 
20386688Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 4We return to planet Benning and have a proposition from a certain Cerberus operative. We decide to make a deal with the devil.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-20 6 
20433929Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Crunch Session #1A little plot, a few brainstorms.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-23 2 
20457019Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 5Michael takes the crew into the Erebus system, we defeat a small wolfpack of Blue Suns ships, Cerberus decides maybe we're not as worthless as originally believed and an few old faces make an appearance. MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-25 5 
20482318Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 6The crew of the MSV I<3Ponies bonds a little bit, we head to the Citadel and try to recruit the lovely Dr. Kelisa Janios, Berto the Biotic with a God Complex makes his first appearance and knocks it out of the park thanks to an Anon.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-08-27 7 
September 2012
20567247Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 7We recruit Dr. Janios, introduce our crew to roleplaying games in the most meta thing to happen in this quest so far and head to Kahje to see about getting a Drell crewmen.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-02 5 
20634385Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 8We recruit a Drell bodyguard and head to Thessia to investigate some missing art.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-08 5 
20659109Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 9We investigate The Demon of the Night Winds exhibit, we meet Phora the Justicar, and survive yet another huge explosion.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-10 5 
20745669Mass Effect Quest Part 10We manage to get back to the ship and are gonna have to make a decision about our mental health.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2012-09-16 5 
January 2013
22393171Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 11We leave get our swag on, bed our first Asari, and finally meet Mr. N7.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-05 4 
22433122Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 12We complete insertion onto the planets surface. Sel shows us she can handle ourself, we encounter a crazy redheaded woman ranting about Gods that Cerberus was trying to discover more about. We meet Staff Sergeant Briggs, again.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-07 4 
22528617Mass Effect Quest 2.0 Part 13We investigate the mine of an uncharted world and find a little bit more than we bargained for.MEQ2, Mass Effect, Quest, Mass Effect Quest, Illusive Man, Bob Drake, Michael Clairmont, Rin, Sushoo, Switch, Oolot, Collective Game2013-01-12 4 
November 2016
835372DanganQuesta: A Danganronpa Quest 1Plot twists, suicide, seduction, and one big mystery at the mall. Danganronpa, Dangan Ronpa, mystery, bait and switch2016-11-21 2 
December 2019
3959126MAGICAL MURDER MAYHEM~DANGANRONPA: IPerseus Meigma is selected to attend Pagus Academy, a prestigious magic school. He doesn’t get what he signed up for. Nor do his classmates.Danganronpa, Magical Murder Mayhem-Danganronpa, Bait and switch, magic, school, murder, mystery, whodunit2019-12-10 14 
December 2020
4541457Zombie Apocalypse QuestA completely new take on zombies! Take control of 5 playable characters to try to survive and unlock their various endings.Zombie Apocalypse Quest, Zombies, Zombie, ZombieQM, Apocalypse, Survival, Perma-death, Death, Drug, Quest, Death, Switching Characters 2020-12-15 13 
January 2021
4572305Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #2This time, we take control of Sarah in her perilous journey to save her son and the other survivors in the nearby school.Zombie Apocalypse Quest, Zombies, Zombie, ZombieQM, Apocalypse, Survival, Perma-death, Death, Drug, Quest, Switching Characters, Quiz 2021-01-10 6 
February 2021
4601479Zombie Apocalypse Quest Thread #3On to Larry's shipborne adventure, fighting zombies, fire and people's stupidity at the same time.Zombie Apocalypse Quest, Zombies, Zombie, ZombieQM, Apocalypse, Survival, Perma-death, Death, Drug, Quest, Death, Switching Characters 2021-02-13 1 
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