/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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September 2013
27228304Hivemind Quest- When Termites StrikeA quest in which a termite queen gains sentience, and /tg/ directs it against our foes the bees.Hivemind, Hivemind Quest, Termite, Queen, Collective Game, Bees2013-09-15 2 
May 2015
39774004Below (Quest)If which we meet our young protagonist, who suffers from hallucinations and poverty. Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-07 5 
39790456Below #2 (Quest)We take on double shifts, make our mother proud, and then some rich bastard ruins everything.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-08 4 
39836998Below #3 (Quest)You prepare to be smuggled out of the city.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-10 3 
39879591Below #4 (Quest)You are hastily escorted out of the city, and find a friend down below.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-12 2 
40096557Below #5Ilafi gets himself a job.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-05-22 1 
40112616Below #5-2 (Quest)You hallucinate at an inopportune time and almost lose your job.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-05-24 2 
June 2015
40303171Below #6You start work in the lower caverns gathering webs with Teomo.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-01 1 
40429909Below #7You finish work, and hear a story.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-08 1 
40741616Below #8You have a talk with Earka after work.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-25 2 
40860795Below #9A month passes.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-06-29 2 
July 2015
41202027Below #10 (Quest)You explore the uncharted deeper caverns.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game2015-07-16 2 
41246187Below #10-2A continuation of #10.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-07-16 2 
41326952Below #10-3The conclusion of #10.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-07-20 1 
August 2015
41689071Below #11Earka has you make a choice.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-08-06 1 
41935481Below #12You wake up and start training.Below (Quest), Below Quest, termite, Elf, Collective Game 2015-08-18 2 
December 2015
43935237Exterminator Quest #32We meet a nice barber and make enchiladas. Also, we get files!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites2015-12-02 5 
44194960Exterminator Quest #33Simmons attempts to calculate Vince's cash on hand.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-16 3 
44344879Exterminator Quest #34We're unsure about our luck.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-24 5 
44448125Exterminator Quest #35Fire anon returns in grand style.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2015-12-30 3 
January 2016
44589126Exterminator Quest #36We defend the honor of our racing clan, things get a little hairy.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell,racing2016-01-06 6 
44776697Exterminator Quest #37Archived early, we might get Jeremy back.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, taco bell2016-01-15 5 
44964980Exterminator Quest #38We go to court but the thread is culled early, as every QM in existence decides to run at the same time.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-24 5 
45035464Exterminator Quest #39We testify in court!collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, court2016-01-27 3 
45053766Exterminator Quest #40The big 4-Oh. We race in the Underground GP and do great! Until we don't.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-01-28 3 
February 2016
45181004Exterminator Quest #42In which the Grand Prix is completed impressively and Simmons declares a dread hiatus.collective game, exterminator quest, horror, insects, fungus, cats, purifying flames, serial killer, milf, termites, centipedes, grand prix2016-02-03 5 
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