/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2013
25292538Hollow Quest Redux 6Deals were made, friends were betrayed, and in the end all will decay.Collective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, upgrade, Menos time, menos, time2013-06-07 24 
25324824Hollow Quest Redux 7We make an inspirational speech, gain an army, then find the wolf bro and bring him into the foldCollective Game, Bleach, Hollow Quest Redux, AzureEarth, upgrade, Wolf Bro, Wolf, Bro, Ally, Spider2013-06-09 24 
September 2013
27334616A.I. Quest 8 First StepsOphion earns some upgrades this time around just in time for a pirate attack! The Fleet expands, but V.I. usefulness is in question.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, fate, prisoner, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, Accident, Pirate, Attack, Upgrade2013-09-21 20 
October 2013
27571937A.I. Quest 10 A Deal is a DealOphion deals with the UFW a bit more and makes further deals, solidifying a more stable alliance. Then comes across something that may threaten his existence.A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, Xeno, Gas, V.I., Deal, Energy, Upgrade2013-10-05 20 
27938687A.I. Quest 13 Blood in the SkyOphion shops for more gear and prepares to upgrade his fleet, before an attack catches him and the UFW off-guard. A.I. Quest, Collective Game, Artificial Intelligence, computer, machine, Program0, sentience, control, repairs, Gas, V.I., Casualties, Losirians, Death, Attack, Upgrade2013-10-26 18 
January 2014
29783750Oversized Weapon Quest 9You raid the Quarry! And then get a windfall of presents. Rollin' in the progress.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, Goblins, Big Swords, all dem item upgrades and abilities2014-01-26 28 
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