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November 2013
28214258NEET Quest 1Our NEET heroine, Tammy, gets an unpleasant surprise from her family and tries to make some changes in her life.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-11 28 
28247339Neet quest #2Our NEET heroine, Tammy, manage to compile a list of possibilities to fix her situation, and manage to confront her fear of talking to other people.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-12 23 
28288977NEET quest #3Tammy, our brave NEET heroine of 18 years who is trying to get a job or go back to school in 30 days after having been a NEET for 2 years, face her father for the first time in a long while.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-15 21 
28305262NEET quest #4Tammy, our NEET heroine, having finished her job application, goes to the basement to find her outdoor clothes, but is confronted with a memory from her pastCollective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-15 20 
28397942NEET quest #5Our NEET heroine, Tammy, have regressed to a bad state. She has to find her way back on track, but it proves more difficult than before.Collective Game, NEET Quest, NEET, Tomoko, Watamote, modern day, slice of life, meta, metagame, metagaming, quest start, choose a name, female protagonist2013-11-20 14 
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