/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2013
23785063Who's the best starfighter pilot in Star Wars?/tg/ geeks out over Wedge Antilles, then discusses the awesomeness and the bullshit of the Star Wars EU.starfighter, star wars, x-wing, wedge antilles, yub yub, wraith squadron, rogue squadron, geeking out2013-03-21 5 
July 2013
25895335Ghost Quest 14: Liberty or DeathDelta Phoenix returns to Murric under siege. We get a look through the eyes of our crew. Collective Game, Ghost Quest, Adjutant, Delta Phoenix, Assassin, RTS, Starcraft, Wraith, Goliath, Firebat, Marine,2013-07-09 20 
October 2013
27507334X-Wing, fuck yeah!Thread looking for X-Wing RPG campaign ideas ultimately leads to casting an X-Wing TV series, based on the best part of the Star Wars EU.Aaron Allston, X-Wing, Wedge Antilles, Yub Yub Commander, Zsinj, Rogue Squadron, Wraith Squadron, Star Wars2013-10-01 6 
May 2014
32349405Possession Quest #2Where Bart learn that we're possessed by a wraith, we learn that we're possessed by a wraith, and we set to meet mad scientists.Possession quest, demon, fantasy, wraith, cultist2014-05-25 6 
November 2014
36380664Aerwin the Mon'Keigh ExpertAerwin Stroud, Eldar Explorer, travels all over the Galaxy in order to bring knowledge of the Human Race back to her craftworld brethren. Accompanying her is the Wraithguard Cameraman, Dave, and the Soundgrot, Mike. Featuring Inquisitor Attenborough.Elder, Aerwin, writefag, drawfag, dave, Wraithguard, grot, mike2014-11-26 32 
36413926New adventures with Aerwin The show of Aerwin the eldar mon-keigh expert and her crew continuesEldar, Aerwin, writefag, drawfag, dave, Wraithguard, grot, mike2014-11-27 7 
April 2015
39322254Ice WraithsThe Ice Wraiths are rolled up, and fluffed out as ice-weaponry using cyborg vampires from Russia.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths2015-04-13 14 
39328459Ice Wraiths II: The ThreadeningFluffing occurs, cryothium is discussed and tomfoolery occurs.Space Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths2015-04-14 8 
39402285 Ice Wraiths Thread IV: Calling for Writefags and Drawfags EditionIce Wraiths,almost finished,nothing except some writefagotterySpace Marines,Custom Chapter,Ice Wraiths2015-04-19 2 
39480921Rusoya Sector I: Ice Wraiths and FremenThe first official Rusoya sector thread. mainly focused on finishing the Ice WraithsSpace Marines, Custom Chapter, Ice Wraiths, Sector Rusoya2015-04-21 1 
May 2015
39849411That Roleplaying System- NOPE. WRAITH WORLD.One fa/tg/uy makes a thread about roleplaying systems /tg/ as a whole made as kids, it gets hijacked simply because of his description and /tg/ begins to GET THINGS DONE(tm).Wraith World2015-05-10 25 
June 2019
3562913Undying King Quest #1In which we awaken to insolent adventurers and a broken kingdom.King, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Addventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-06-25 3 
July 2019
3615503Undying King Quest #2A much shorter thread, in which we arrive at a riverside fort, get kingnapped, and then used as a flailKing, Kingdom, Ghost, Wraith, Fantasy, Cleric, Adventurers, Will eventually become a Civ Quest, Undying King Quest, Goodbye QM2019-07-12 1 
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