/qst/ Thread Archive

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July 2014
33171481Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 24I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But being this is a Proton pack, powered by a backpack nuclear reactor and will blow you head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself a question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Kitsune2014-07-04 12 
33632523Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 27We pay off our debts to the supernatural yakuza and embark on a job in the sewers. And then a miracle occursCollective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Oni, Mandala, Lucking out2014-07-25 13 
September 2014
34796705Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 34Reika asks us for help with an unusual patient of hers, a 'polite gentleman' who wants a male doctor to diagnose him. A good impression is not made.Collective Game, Ghost Busters, Japan, Yakuza, Youkai2014-09-12 13 
35134961Assasin school quest 3Layla gets put under house arrest by her roommate, but that doesn't stop her from taking her first mission and taking a visit to japan to kill a yakuza with a big ego, and and even bigger stomach. Assassin School quest, The Headmaster, Quest, School, Assassin, Poison, Murder, Yakuza2014-09-27 17 
October 2014
35574609Governors Quest: A Tale of the Terran Commonwealth, Chapter NineWe deal with Traders, take too long talking again, get some intel on our mystery cats, and wind up dropping everything to head off violence between heavily armed space cowboys and the New YakuzaGovernor Quest, Governors Quest, Collective Game, Quest, Known Space, Transmetropolitan, Weaboo, SciFi, Science Fiction, colony, BOLO, MURIKA, Conspiracy, Spooky, Yakuza, Cowboy2014-10-17 10 
May 2016
64587Yakuza TalesOur unamed protagonist has high levels of paranoia but also a mean killing machine.Yakuza Tales, Gang Wars, Action2016-05-08 3 
December 2018
3066975Yakuza Therapist QuestAfter stopping a sad man from trying to fly, you've been recruited into the ranks of the local nice fellows to repeat the experience.Yakuza Therapist Quest, Collective Game2018-12-11 6 
January 2019
3129544Yakuza Therapist QuestMeet the knight, part one.Collective Game, Yakuza Therapist Quest2019-01-07 2 
3173101Yakuza Therapist QuestSigmund Freud and the Penis.Collective Game, Yakuza Therapist Quest2019-01-27 2 
February 2019
3243796Yakuza Therapist QuestSerious bald people.Collective Game, Yakuza Therapist Quest2019-02-20 3 
March 2020
4091383My Life As A Yakuza Therapist Of These Fine Boys Who Do No WrongA little reboot OVA lol. Warning: sad ending.Yakuza Therapist Quest, Collective Game2020-03-14 1 
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