/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2009
5075043Engine Heart part 2Viral trawls for more features and defectsEngine Heart, homebrew2009-07-03 6 
June 2010
10306964Engine Heart charactersSome robots get statted out for Engine Heart, and sad, bleak writefagging goes down.Engine Heart2010-06-06 4 
August 2010
11658404Engine Heart Deluxe Model EditionViral brings the polished Engine Heart to /tg/. Only $20 for a copy of /tg/ original content in paper form, and a free DL because Viral is a bro like that.Engine Heart, original content, /tg/ gets shit done, Viral2010-08-15 11 
October 2010
12469639Engine Heart module "On The Farm"A module for the /tg/ original game Engine Heart called "On The Farm"engine heart, original, content, engine, heart, farm2010-10-19 3 
12539999Engine HeartIdeas for bots, plots, and lots of discussion too. Numerous members of /tg/ are giving Engine Heart a shot; Viral is working on some more stuff of win. Engine Heart, robots, original content, free2010-10-25 17 
February 2012
17837890The Lost Future-9 With More Guns and BigotryA revival of 17560757 with more fluff, and now art. robots, engine heart, original content, post-apocalyptic, post-apoc, guns, futuristic2012-02-08 9 
March 2012
18208330The Tale of Barry BanjoOP recites the amazing tale of his current Engine Hearts campaign, including an animatronic banjo bear.Engine Heart, story time, banjo bear, funny2012-03-05 13 
February 2013
23055894Viral Marketing and Engine Heart StorytimeViral's marketing and Bee-Bot StorytimeViral Games, Bee-Bot, Engine Heart, Storytime2013-02-12 8 
23329622Viral's Big Kickstarter Scam: Part 1 (The prequel) Act 2defies any descriptionviral, engine heart, free, robot, wall-e, kickstarter, print, flgs2013-02-25 9 
March 2013
23424514Engine Heart Waterworld MetropolisViral reports about the upcoming kickstarter, nono makes a postapocalyptic Engine Heart setting, everybody wins.Engine Heart, viral, nono, robot, bot, droid, android, drone, wall-e, free, homebrew, epic, survival, apocalypse, water, ocean, sea2013-03-01 9 
23848066Viral KS Artsy TimeThis thing is taking off. approaching 50 stores.Engine Heart, Viral, Robot, Wall-E, Kickstarter, Miniatures2013-03-27 6 
April 2013
24265864The end of Barry BanjoEngine Heart general becomes storytime. Barry the animatronic banjo bear meets his final destiny. barry banjo, banjo, storytime, engine, heart, engine heart2013-04-17 11 
24453954/tg/ gets shit done. Holy shit!Viral gets icons made for Engine Heart while the Kickstarter is building up to $10,000 and there's dice for everybody.Viral, Viralgames, Engine Heart, Robot, Robots, Kickstarter, KS, Dice, Icon, Icons, Symbol, Symbols2013-04-28 6 
September 2013
27496776/tg/ discusses a robot planetAnon asks what a planet would be like if the robots had outlived their predecessors and gets interesting and creative answersrobots, engine heart, scifi, sci fi2013-09-30 1 
January 2016
44496286'Lost Source' setting worldbuilding thread #2/tg/ continues worldbuilding a post-singularity setting in the spiritual tradition of Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne.engine heart, eclipse phase, demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne, singularity, posthumans, transhumans, exhumans, cyborgs, robots, AI, worldbuilding, setting,2016-01-01 7 
May 2016
47067831Vat-cloning and robots worldbuildingOP complains about robots with artificial wombs being magical realm. /tg/ proves otherwise with stories and worldbuilding.vatclone, artificial womb, robots, engine heart, heartwarming, worldbuilding, kriegers,2016-05-04 11 
July 2016
48350214biomech fighter planes worldbuilding and setting/tg/ discusses the possibilities of sentient AI warplanes.engine heart, ace combat, bolo, giger, fighter planes,2016-07-22 10 
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