/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2016
286839A Safe Haven 2The gang breaks free of Mother's castle and begins their journey through the Astral PlaneMonster girls, Narrative, adventure, drama, KeeperofSafe2016-06-27 11 
July 2016
310373A Safe Haven 3You and the gang time travel, and journey into the melodic Eversong Forest.Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe2016-07-04 10 
339321A Safe Haven 4The gang fights off siren slavers and tries to spend a relaxing time at the beach, but instead ends up fighting in a warMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe2016-07-11 10 
358374A Safe Haven 5The Gang ends A 25 year war, hangs out on the beach, and witch near the accursed lands.Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-07-18 7 
389331A Safe Haven 6The smaller gang begins their trek into the Accursed lands and meet a dragon.Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-07-27 7 
August 2016
414759A Safe Haven 7The Gang traverse the accursed lands, fight a firebird, ride a dragon, meet back up with your friends and get your legs back!Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-08-04 7 
441553A Safe Haven 8The gang works with the harpies to get to the bottom of the silencing of a goblin kingdom, and meet a strange man along the wayMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-08-12 7 
467670A Safe Haven 9The gang spends some time off in the harpy village, checks back in with Auriel and begin their journey through the warring land of Wa.Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-08-23 7 
September 2016
502123A Safe Haven 10The gang talks with a dragon,takes some time off in the demon lands and becomes a the Demon Lord's and a kitsune's oldeMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-09-02 5 
532750A Safe Haven 11The Gang has some heart to heart with a spy and leave the warring island of Wa to meet a witch, and the curse escalates. Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-09-13 5 
568271A Safe Haven 12The gang revives the dead, gain a new little sister and start to learn more about centaursMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-09-22 5 
October 2016
622774A Safe Haven 13The Gang hit the books and infiltrates a centaur camp while condoning to lewd activitiesMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-10-02 2 
653186A Safe Haven 14The Gang confronts a jerk chieftain, seduces a noble, and turn a man into a cute centauress. Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-10-11 2 
710382A Safe Haven 15The Gang meet up with Mother, lewd some more, and head back to Wa to deal with some unfinished business.Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat2016-10-25 2 
November 2016
771581A Safe Haven 16The Gang convince the forces of Wa to unite and head on to confront the Sorceress and Snake Lord in war.Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat, Lewd2016-11-06 2 
798624A Safe Haven 17The Gang make their way through a forest/warzone and confront the Snake Lord and a dangerous sorceress. Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat,2016-11-16 1 
December 2016
852275A Safe Haven 18The Gang begins finding out the truth of the war in Wa, while also growing increasingly concerned with their humanismMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat,2016-12-02 1 
894737A Safe Haven 19The Gang ends a war, decides who gets to be ruler of an island and chill in the demonlandsMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game,2016-12-11 1 
929008A Safe Haven 20The Gang spends some time with their girlfriends, leave Wa, and face a life changing confrontationMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat, Lewd2016-12-21 1 
963446A Safe Haven 21The Gang gets ambushed and decides to call on all its favors to take out an ever present menace Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat, Lewd2016-12-31 1 
January 2017
995363A Safe Haven 22The Gang worms their way out of an akward situation and head out with Azura for a "tour" Monster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game,2017-01-08 2 
1049012A Safe Haven 23The gang have a mental confrontationMonster girls, Narrative, Adventure, Drama, World Building, KeeperofSafe, Collective game, Combat, Lewd2017-01-26 1 
July 2017
1652917A Safe Haven 24The gang readies for war and performs ancient necromancymonster girls, combat, keeperofsafe, drama, story heavy, text heavy2017-07-20 1 
1684635A Safe Haven 25The Gang fight for their lives in the battle with the demonic forces of the No-Named Manmonster girls, combat, keeperofsafe, drama, story heavy, text heavy2017-07-30 1 
August 2017
1724066A Safe Haven 26The gang does battle with the no named man and deals with aftermath politicsmonster girls, combat, keeperofsafe, drama, story heavy, text heavy2017-08-14 3 
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