/qst/ Thread Archive

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August 2014
33913245KidpunkIn the vein as things like KND, Recess, Calvin and Hobbes, and Stick of Truth, anons attempt to create an rpg where everything is made of cardboard and runs on kids imagination magic, like orks. Or maybe it's just kids playing pretend.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-06 6 
33926167Kidpunk 2/tg/ continues to get things done, creating a system to replicate the imagination games kids play on playgrounds and in neighborhoods.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-06 5 
33931336Kidpunk 3Classes and reputations are discussed as /tg/ makes an rpg about kids on the playground, and what goes on in their imaginations.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends2014-08-07 5 
33970535Kidpunk 5Anon's begin work on the concept of evil enemy versions of the classes, things to be used as BBEGs. They also bang out the specifics of several classes.Kidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends, community2014-08-09 5 
34086351Kidpunk 7?Crafting and Pets and Companions are fleshed out, more great art assets are added, and we start working on rules for things that aren't combat relatedKidpunk, Ed edd and eddy, KND, kids next door, calvin and hobbes, recess, south park, dexter's laboratory, Phineas and Ferb, foster's home for imaginary friends, community2014-08-13 0 
February 2022
5094409Western Quest(ern) 4We put an end to the plague of awful fast food and also the horse lobotomization powder production at the Hippodrome.Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern), animatronic, laboratory2022-02-08 9 
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