/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2013
23076795Jedi Quest 3Roa gets breakfast, meets the High Council to receive her first mission alongside her Master, and finally gets in some saber practice.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-02-10 12 
23329574Jedi Quest IVRoa and Mastre Plo Koon board their escort ship, the Republic diplomatic cruiser Estrella. Roa promptly gets a crash course on Zabrak culture and life among the stars.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-02-23 12 
March 2013
23588264Jedi Quest 4.5An unfortunately short quest in which we start controlling Jedi Master Plo Koon before OP falls asleep at his desk.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-03-09 10 
23719165Jedi Quest VIn the brig of a pirate corvette with her master raising hell on the opposite end of the ship, our hero makes new friends (of sorts). Then the pirates show up.Collective Game, Jedi Quest, Jedi, Quest, Star Wars, Padawan, Roa, Koo'lade, Plo Koon, Lightsabers2013-03-17 11 
January 2016
44510516Jedi Padawan Quest #1Telan Vesc becomes a padawan, creates a lightsaber, and chooses Mace Windu as his master. Star Wars, Padawan, Collective Game, Padawan Quest2016-01-02 12 
April 2016
46546822Padawan Learner QuestThe beginning.Collective game, star wars, star, wars, jedi, knight, master, padawan, learner, quest, Padawan Learner Quest2016-04-09 2 
46570145Padawan Learner Quest Episode 2Episode 2: Holocron QuestCollective game, star wars, star, wars, jedi, knight, master, padawan, learner, quest, Padawan Learner Quest2016-04-10 2 
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