/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2007
856019Locate City - NukeA thread initially asking about player dickery with regards to Apocalypse from the Sky and Eschew Materials evolves into a method on how to use Locate City to create a 90-mile-radius nuke at 9th-level and a 440-mile-radius nuke at 20th-level.locate city, nuke, powergaming2007-12-01 35 
908902Pun-PunA powergamer brings a kobold sorcerer with a viper familiar to the table.pun-pun, powergaming, shit2007-12-18 5 
926361Getting everyone in a 1d10 mile radius Fanatic.A cunning build that uses an alphorn and a +146 Perform bonus to get everyone in a 1d10 mile radius (even hostile enemies) Fanatic for the alphornmancer.D&D, min-maxing, powergaming, alphorn, diplomacy2007-12-22 22 
June 2009
4732383How to win at Dark HeresyOP discusses how to "win" at Dark Heresy; Techpriests are generally considered badass. Thread degrades into discussion about a scum with way more money than sense and how everybody is going to kill him and his friends.Dark Heresy, 40k, powergaming2009-06-01 6 
November 2009
67600664e Character Builds, Thread 1 Redux: The White MageTouhoufag outlines awesome pacifist cleric build."D&D, 4e, powergaming"2009-11-19 11 
67852354e Character Builds, Thread 2: The Wise WolfTouhoufag outlines a fighter|warden, totally not Momiji.D&D, 4e, powergaming2009-11-20 6 
68431544e Character Builds, Thread 3: The Moon, the Stars, and the CritvokerIn which a radiant-powered, crit-centric invoker of Pelor is summarized.D&D, 4e, powergaming2009-11-24 4 
68938744e Character Builds, Thread 3, Fourth Attempt: The Moon, the Stars, and the CritvokerIn which a radiant-powered, critical hit-centric invoker is summarized.D&D, 4e, powergaming2009-11-27 5 
December 2009
72020404e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: The Blade DragoonTouhoufag creates the build of a Bard who rides battle surfing a giant floating sword.4e, build, touhoufag, powergaming2009-12-19 3 
January 2010
76166994e Character Builds, Bonus Thread: Delban's Occulted Cooling ApplianceAn epic level build all about an invisible warforged warden who freezes things.4e, build, touhoufag, powergaming2010-01-16 0 
April 2010
9233346Teddy Roosevelt, President of /tg/, player characterMuch TR loev, much big stick, much assigning of powers. Teddy has them all.player characters, Teddy Roosevelt, Teddy, TR, powergaming2010-04-17 3 
June 2011
15141246World's Fastest Space MarineWhat's eight feet tall, weights two tons and goes 200 MPH? The world's fastest space marine.WH40K, Awesome, Powergaming2011-06-03 35 
August 2014
34412602Powergaming German Quest! EinsYou are Reinholt (with a t, not a d) Kraftbohrer, and you are currently Munich's youngest Hitler Jugend.Collective Game, Powergaming German Quest, powergaming, not a historically accurate quest by any means2014-08-26 31 
September 2014
34722629Powergaming German Quest!: ZweiReinholt makes his way to the SS training Academy, but is waylaid by a crazy SS applicant, and seemingly dies in conflict with her cyberbear pet, Jozef.Collective Game, Powergaming German Quest, not a historically accurate quest by any means.2014-09-08 12 
34886757PowerGaming German Quest: Drei!Reinholt is thrown to the wolves in the SS Academy and attends Nordic Runes class.Collective Game, Powergaming German Quest, not a historically accurate quest by any means.2014-09-15 13 
35044401Powergaming German Quest: Vier!Reinholt continues his investigation of the Wehrmacht killbot with Annika's help.Collective Game, Powergaming German Quest, not a historically accurate quest by any means.2014-09-22 4 
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