/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2011
14640939/tg/'s fearsWhat makes you afraid /tg/?horror, fear, question, afraid, dark, silence, scary2011-04-19 1 
July 2011
15673295Gargoyle Quest 24You encounter the last of the monsters, as well as another creature made from stone.Quest, Collective Game, Gargoyle, Gargoyle Quest, Silence2011-07-23 2 
April 2013
24441371Silencer Quest 1Meet the Silencer, John T. Colt, and his partner Artemis, the Hunting Witch.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-25 24 
24462192Silencer Quest 2We meet Sam and Selene as well as get a new mission. Artemis likes dogs more than cats.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-26 22 
24537073Silencer Quest 3Big city, big problems. Artemis eats some cake and gets hassled. John has a bad meal.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-04-30 21 
May 2013
24609108Silencer Quest 4In the near future of Silencer Quest, there are items that force a witch to be tsundere. Don't use them.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-04 18 
24733464Silencer Quest 5The case is solved. Or is it?Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest, What a Tweest2013-05-10 22 
24867526Silencer Quest 6Back to work. Why do we get items from Sam again? That's right, we're filthy weeaboos too.Silencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-17 22 
25130530Silencer Quest 7Spotty internet cuts this session short. We learn about the Cryptids and try out some new mechanicsSilencer Quest, Collective Game, Witches, Witch Hunters, Surely Not A Waifu Quest2013-05-31 18 
June 2013
25286480Silencer Quest 8.Lost some audience so we had to finish somewhat earlier again. Killed a bunch of bugs.Collective Game, Silencer Quest, Surely Not a Waifu Quest2013-06-07 23 
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