/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2010
8021318American Villians Soviet HeroesAn awesome setting for those who like Alternate TimelinesSetting, Soviet Russia, Heroes, Villians.2010-02-11 1 
June 2010
10816539Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark 2: The People's Republic of FaerunMaxim's Squad of Russian badasses continues to badass it's way through Faerun. They now have their own country too. writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun2010-06-29 21 
July 2010
10944812Spetsnaz Deathsquad in the Underdark Part 3Maxim's Squad of Russian badasses once again continues to badass it's way through Faerun. Now with warforged singing Russian Tankist's hymn.writefaggotry, soviets, russians, underdark, faerun, spetsnaz2010-07-05 11 
February 2011
13985074Soviet Russia in spaceAnother planet creation thread for DH, resulting in a planet with a moon with lots of technology and an interesting society.Drak Heresy, DH, planet creation, Soviet Russia, 40k2011-02-22 5 
July 2012
20102946Soviet Tank Commander Quest Pt 4You are a Mikhail Krasnov, T-80 tank commander - The Cold War is about to go hot, with US + Russian ships sunk in the Black Sea, and war between the GermanysCollective Game, Quest, Soviet, Tank, Commander Quest, Commander, 2, glorious, worker, republic, capitalist pigs2012-07-31 1 
December 2012
21998609Deathworld Quest 1-2We survive a planecrash only to end up running from American Zombies. And then there is a necro-bear.Quest, Collective Game, Deathworld, Soviet, 2012-12-12 1 
April 2015
39444234Life In Soviet RussiaA anon requests information on life in Soviet Russia. Discussion, information and morbid jokes followSoviet Union,Soviet Union,Russia,USSR,2015-04-20 7 
December 2015
44171316Princes and Tsars Quest: 000 Our hero is created, and he makes his way to campus. (Early Archive)Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Collective Game, Soviet expats2015-12-14 5 
44196461Princes and Tsars Quest: 000.5 The thread that should've never happened. But at least something did happen or may happen.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Shameless 80s references, drinking2015-12-16 1 
44210003Princes and Tsars Quest: 001We find our way back in time, get arrested, and then involved in a conspiracy.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2015-12-17 1 
44253445Princes and Tsars Quest: 002We make some important decisions, share a bunch of feels, and begin to plot the ruination of a young man's life.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2015-12-19 1 
January 2016
44524667Princes and Tsars Quest: 003Not much happened this thread, and the QM decided to end early.Collective Game, Rus, Sergei, Menshikov, Quest, Soviet expats, Romanov, Intrigue2016-01-02 2 
May 2016
80902Mercenary Quest V2A scorpiongirl mercenary in Soviet Russia during WW2 where everyone is monstergirls. We befriend a hellhound after breaking her arms.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-15 2 
111214Mercenary Quest V2 Part 2We informally adopt an elf child, and discover that a job was a trap for a blood-crazed centaur.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-19 1 
133463Mercenary Quest V2 Part 3We enter the town hall and head off to a train to protect rockets bound for Tskov.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-27 1 
151647Mercenary Quest V2 Part 4We team up with a minotaur, and attempt to assassinate an Ushi-Oni.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-28 1 
166454Mercenary Quest V2 Part 5We attempt to run and fight several Russian soldiers under a corrupt Spidergirl Major and are getting forced to join the Secret Police.Collective Game, Mercenary, Soviet Russia, WW2, World War 2, Monstergirl, Monstergirls, Scorpiongirl, Scorpiongirls, Mercenary Quest2016-05-29 2 
July 2017
53916206Communism in CyberpunkWorldbuilding for a cyberpunk setting where rather than megacorporations, communism has taken over society. kafkaesque, dystopia, cyberpunk, communism, soviet, eastern bloc, setting, worldbuilding, 2017-07-05 1 
August 2020
4350443PsioneersPsychic twins in Cold War Soviet UnionPsioneers, Chairman, Cold War, Soviet Union, Psychic, Twins2020-08-14 1 
October 2020
75306716non-corporate cyberpunkWhat are some alternatives for cyberpunk dystopias where the power of the megacorps has been broken?worldbuilding, cyberpunk, dystopia,80s Czechoslovakia, fall of the soviet union,2020-10-10 1 
October 2022
86174598What if the soviet union had developed a tabletop RPG culture?In an alternate timeline, Gycakovich and Arnesov invent D&D in the 1974 Soviet Union instead of the US.alternate history, soviet union, D&D, system, slavic mythology,2022-10-04 5 
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