/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2008
2258696Silent HillA plea for help with creepy events in a Silent Hill based game.creepy, horror, strange, Silent Hill2008-07-29 11 
April 2011
14540119Stranded on an alien world 2The thread continues, an argument starts off between agriculture and hunter gather and the writefag marches on.stranged, alien world, writefag2011-04-10 5 
November 2011
16885981Strange PricesA mysterious stranger sold me a thread, but his price was that I archive it. I did.mysterious stranger2011-11-09 22 
March 2013
23845366Gargoyle Quest Night IIThe Angel of the frontier town descends once more upon the night. No beasts except for wolves tonight. Though there are other strange creatures that visit this town...Collective Game, Gargoyle Quest, Stone Mason, Gargoyle, Gargoyles, The Stranger2013-03-24 10 
November 2013
28340649Eldritch Souls questThe story of out hero begins with her death and her adoption of the name Owlman after awaking from death to find herself with the head and talon hands of an owl. She then proceeds to do fuck all besides get clothes and interact with some fellow former humansScholarofSouls, Eldritch soul quest, Owlman, The godamned Owl man, Death, Dark souls, Strange,2013-11-18 1 
December 2013
29081362The Revenge of Big Boy BlueBig Boy Blue is apparently going to get married soon. Pray that he's sterile.BBB, That Guy, truth is stranger than fiction2013-12-27 10 
May 2015
40275470Three Word QuestThree is all, all we have. And in three, our story starts. First with one, then with two. Where to next? Not a clue.Collective Game, Three Word Quest, 3WQ, surreal, strange, waifu, /tg/ never changes2015-05-30 21 
October 2016
661271The End of the Aftermath: A Ryukuza Side Quest 2Cassilda takes her new companion to Lake Hali near her home....but was it the wisest choice? For now she is the sought sister.Collective Game, Cassilda, The King in Yellow, horror, blood, pain, madness, strange, mystery, love2016-10-04 7 
February 2017
1087993Strange, Far Places #1Searching in an average room.Collective Game, Strange Far Places2017-02-02 1 
1115761Strange, Far Places #2Searching through a baleful door.Collective Game, Strange Far Places2017-02-11 1 
June 2017
1621913ASoIaF: A Sky of Scales #1We begin our adventure as a son of the noble house of Dayne and choose our traits.Collective Game, ASOIAF, GOT, House Dayne, The Stranger2017-06-29 4 
July 2018
60985974Space Marine working in modern office?OP asks how a biologically augmented superhuman would fare in a modern office setting, writefaggotry ensues. How would X do in 40k thread, But strangely not shit, Miracle of miracles2018-07-25 18 
September 2018
2843938Stranger Quest #1A Stranger finds himself involved in something far beyond his paygrade.Stranger Quest, Weird Fantasy, 90s America, Religion, Supernatural, Collective Game2018-09-09 3 
February 2019
3237555Dragon Ball: Human Quest Super #2With the crisis of the Oozaru averted a new, potentially greater threat emergeshim and meets a strange creature Dragon Ball Super, Human Quest Super, Collective Game2019-02-06 22 
August 2019
3694316Welcome to the Strangerhood #1The neighborhood is a little different than you remember. [Green Jacket] gets his feet under him in the new city.Welcome to the Strangerhood, Strangerhood, Collective Game, Quest, Horror, Supernatural2019-08-10 3 
September 2020
4421310Lamia QuestReverse Isekai, Isekai, LamiaA lamia is Isekai'd into the Falkland Islands where she notices strange things are afoot...2020-09-05 2 
December 2023
5846486Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 3Transformed forever by his lover's selfish act, a half-elven mage apprentice returns to his roots in search of answersReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, Seeker of the Esoteric, transhumanism, humanitaranism, fairies, lizardmen, parental estrangement2023-12-18 8 
April 2024
5947502The Isekai Inquisition 1 Princess Lorina de Lindan decides to join the Isekai Inquisition after being expelled and heartbroken. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest choicThe Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, 2024-04-21 17 
June 2024
5985566The Isekai Inquisition 1Lorina head's north to the city of Ivern to hunt Strangers, reconnect with old friends, and totally not die along the way.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime2024-06-02 11 
July 2024
6023448The Isekai Inquisition 3Lorina heads back to the Capital and starts to look into an attack on her (royal) family along with her coworkers (friends).The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, Fantasy, designated waifu, anime2024-07-22 11 
September 2024
6064507 The Isekai Inquisition #4Lorina does some detective work with Marie in the capital that mostly involves going around and beating people up and interrogating them.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime2024-09-19 6 
November 2024
6108984The Isekai Inquisition #5The side characters get their time to shine as they both fight off the sometimes otherworldly enemies of the Inquisition.The Isekai Inquisition, StrangeQM, Isekai, designated waifu, anime, Collective Game2024-11-25 6 
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