/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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November 2011
16857518Tribe to Empire QuestArising from a shitty troll copy paste thread, OP creates a quest thread where we must managed a small tribal empire. tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy2011-11-06 6 
16859102Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIAdvisor Anon continues his quest. Our settlements grow as we meet a mysterious envoy from the foresttribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-06 7 
16869061Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIThe quest continues, featuring smooth tribal diplomacy checkstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-07 6 
16882132Tribe to Empire Quest Part IIIIWar is slowly coming. We still havent got a wife. And lots plot deepens a lot. We also build new buildings train some raiders, check on our twin albino slaves and much more. Also shenanigans ensue as Bjorn mixes some stuff into Berserkers meal...tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, tribe to empire quest2011-11-08 7 
16906033Tribe to Empire Quest Part VGlorious battle with Aville (there is another part V here as suptg was down http://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/16894414)tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-10 12 
16947528Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI First HalfAfter the battle with Aville we return to Ravenhold and begin interrogation on the POWstribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-17 5 
16970602Tribe To Empire Quest Part VI Second HalfAfter the battle with Aville we finish interrogating our prisoners... then join the great feast. Cyrillia confesses some interesting thigs.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-20 2 
16989597TribeToEmpireQUESTAftermath of battle... We discuss waifu... Train some soldiers and organize an offense against Aville.tribe, empire, managing, quest, troll, civilization, diplomacy, trading, barbarian, viking, barbaric, tribal, fantasy, Tribe to Empire Quest2011-11-22 2 
January 2015
37629415Coconut and Lychee Juice: a Story of EnduranceAn anon's foray into a possible DM-side drink has gone wrong. Oh so horribly wrong.drink, fortitude save, CON check, put the juice in the coconut, possible trading card game, /ck/ related, just go to the hospital already2015-01-26 7 
August 2024
6035566Black Ocean QuestJourney of a young boy becoming a ship's captain on a strange & dangerous sea.Quest, Post-Apocalypse, Nautical, Sailing, Black Powder, Adventure, Trading, Horror, Management, drawquest, BQM2024-08-01 2 
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