/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2010
7996799Who uses the books? DM or Players?Discussion of games where the players don't read the rulebooks, and various levels of DMs doing most of the work for them.GMing, play styles, running styles, Players, GMs, books2010-02-09 0 
May 2010
9903852Unimportant, Awesome NPCsYou know the story: The GM pulls an obviously unimportant NPC out of his ass, and the PCs like the NPC. They like it so much they make it ascend to awesomeness. This has happened to all of us. So tell me about yours, as a GM and as a PC.NPCs, storytime, GMing2010-05-19 6 
August 2010
11633488Worst DMsThread starts strong, then begins to stall. Then anon tells about his former flaming failure of a GM.Gming, worst, puns, more puns, discussion2010-08-12 18 
September 2010
11950118Mister Bombardini & Soapbox It all started about soapbox dm's. Then about religion. AND THEN about an awesome Vampire: the Masquerade character: Mister Bombardini. character, Gming, Awesome, Religion2010-09-05 32 
March 2013
23870937Writing StoriesOP asks about becoming a writer and what kind of writer interests /tg/. writing, story, stories, storytelling, GMing2013-03-26 5 
May 2013
24576270GM Toolkits for all to enjoy!/tg/ gets together and posts all their favourite GM tools.Tools, GM, GMing, DM, DMing, Helpful, Tips, Resources2013-05-03 18 
25148048Dick DM Moves/tg/ vents about bullshit they've had to endure from their DMs/tg/, dm, DMing, DMs, DM advice, DM, gm, GMing, Gming, GM, That DM, That GM2013-05-31 14 
June 2013
25625236Secrets of GMingGMs let us /tg/ in on their dirty little secretsDM, dm, gm, GM, DMing, GMing, NPC, NPCs, npcs, npc, railroading, Railroading, players2013-06-25 6 
August 2013
26793774Four powers, One World/tg/ gets cracking on a new setting involving 4 major superpowers: USA, China, the EU and Russia, and Pan-Asia.Setting, brainstorm, DM, DMing, GMing, GM2013-08-24 7 
September 2013
27292905Captain DicebeardOP meets a GMing pirate and asks /tg/ if he should continue playing. /tg/ states the obvious: DO IT FAGGOT!Captain, Dicebeard, GMing, Crazy, Awesome, Funny, Story Time2013-09-19 25 
December 2013
28617703Times your group has had to end for the nightTimes a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding.DM, GM, DMing, GMing, worldbuilding, story, stories, storytime, PC, GMPC, DMPC, bard, paladin, seduction, cancer, Elder evil, EE, BBEG2013-12-02 5 
28921062Wilderness Surival TipsOP Asked how to make survival interesting. Lots of good discussion.Wilderness, RPG, DMing, GMing2013-12-18 0 
November 2016
50350758Touhoufag asks for help with NPC behaviorDetailed discussion on generating NPC behavior which feels realistic and satisfying, especially with regards to irrationality end emotionadvice, GMing, DMing, NPCs, roleplay, roleplaying2016-11-24 7 
July 2022
85292532Megadungeon DiscussionSystem Agnostic tips and tricks for running an OSR style megadungeondungeon, GMing, megadungeon2022-07-19 5 
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Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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