Thread Title Description Tags Added Score December 2007 908925 Good GM / Bad GM The difference between win and fail. DM , GM , epic , fail 2007-12-18 5 952471 Things a DM should never say after you roll a natural 20 The usual, with a dash of minotaur... d20 , DM , Epic , Fail 2007-12-31 10 April 2008 1460461 Evil Game Abortion A DM lets a new guy have the wheel. Evil characters and game breakage occurs. DM rages. D&D , story , DM , evil 2008-04-03 10 May 2008 1775987 Rapeguard A moronic DM shoehorns a celibate paladin into a magically-dominated fall because "all men want to have sex with women, no matter what they say." /tg/ plots revenge. No it's not a rape thread , blackguard , stupid DM , paladins 2008-05-20 26 June 2008 1927081 Rapeguard, continued Update on Anonymous' plan for vengeance on his group's DM. No it's not a rape thread , blackguard , stupid DM , paladins 2008-06-07 25 2088233 How to make players die inside Some VERY nasty things DM can make to players. Makes TPKs look like saying hello. Evil , D&D , RP , DM 2008-06-26 24 September 2008 2530841 What your DM is acutally thinking. GM'ing is a lot harder than one might think. That doesn't excuse their dick-ishness, though. See what your GM is really thinking when you get around his cleverly laid plans. DM , GM , Gamemaster , Dungeonmaster , Storyteller , inside thoughts , railroading 2008-09-09 5 2631570 DM Horror Stories /tg/ recounts some of their best DM horror stories. DM horror , D&D 2008-09-22 6 October 2008 2742715 The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap Epic writefaggotry ensues as Anons provide "on the ground intel" of what their local area is like three years after a nuclear war. A setting with win begins to take form. Post-apocalyptic , roadmap , writefaggotry , setting 2008-10-06 7 January 2009 3556122 The tale of a Sorotias, her flamer and an STC archive A Dark Heresy GM reports how an overzealous player torched a data bank containing hundreds of STCs before asking "what does /tg/ think would be a reasonable response to what happened here?" The response is unanimous. 40k , stc , admech 2009-01-30 15 March 2009 3941796 Poleaxe-wielding dwarf princess Anon asks what a good system would be. For his 8-year old niece. RPG , Advice , DM 2009-03-11 8 4054382 The Best DM DM posts a true story that makes every fa/tg/uy feel a little bit better about the world. Restores /tg/'s faith in humanity. Every fa/tg/uy wishes they could join his group. DM , Story 2009-03-23 69 April 2009 4201710 How to make a Horror Game Tripfag asks how to run a horror game, anon delivers. Vocabulary, delivery, and themes used for best effect are detailed. DM , RPG , Horror , Terror , Lovecraft , Evil Parrot 2009-04-06 7 June 2009 4941851 What not to do with little girls. Anonymous asks how to get rid of a little girl NPC stalking his party.
Just when the thread can't get any worse, it is saved by a grimdark derail. little girl , bad DM , Dark Heresy , awesome DM 2009-06-20 6 August 2009 5447813 Times you've surprised your GM. Often in badass and/or hilarious ways. DM,curveball 2009-08-14 1 5511229 How to make a setting Solid thread on making a good setting. game design , d&d , homebrew , useful , dm , gm , world building , ideas 2009-08-19 21 5557739 Blackguard Radio Chatter *Hiss* Is this working? *Static* Inquisitor Lord are you there? Your blackship crashed and we're stranded! *Static* -end help. Did you survive the crash? Raido Static , Blackguard , Guardmen 2009-08-23 -2 5665007 Knocking on the Door Freaky stuff DMs pulled on their players. Horror , DM , Stories , Scary 2009-08-31 6 5663000 Forced meme about DM cats. What the title says advice dog , DM cat 2009-08-31 2 September 2009 5795957 Grandmaster Chyo Quest The road to enlightenment is rocky! Guru , Grandmaster Chyo , Quest , Collective Game, 2009-09-10 7 5940037 Worst DM/Player Stories A collection of stories about bad DMs and bad players. Wasteland Warrior shows up at the end with a few of his stories. Bad DMs , Bad players , stories , Wasteland Warrior 2009-09-21 21 5985194 Crazy Fucked up DM stories OP tries to start a thread about crazy DMs by telling a story about his girl DM running monster-rape games- Anon convinces him to try to hook up with DM, and no other crazy DM stories are told. D&D , Crazy , DM 2009-09-24 6 October 2009 6088875 OH GOD WHAT AM I READING OP tells the story of one of the greatest mindfuck campaigns of all time. mindfuck , god-tier DM 2009-10-01 82 6358010 Sandbox DMing Anonymous details an algorithm for running open, "sandbox" D&D worlds, then discusses DMing tactics. Mostly archivable for the algorithmic DMing idea. Sandbox , DMing , D&D , DM , tips 2009-10-21 8 November 2009 6516181 Advice for Storytellers A no-troll, no-nonsense, honest set of advice for how to become a better DM/GM/Storyteller/Whatever-the-fuck-they-call-it-this-week. DM , GM , rookie , advice , useful 2009-11-01 2 6899036 Stupid Players, DM SMASH! Namefag free story time, on par with WW's best. story time , dick moves , DM hate 2009-11-28 5 December 2009 6975776 Awesome DM tips are awesome New DM asks for advice. Kind anon dumps what has the be a must read for DM's of 4th edition. DnD , DMing , 4th Edition 2009-12-03 4 7256441 How to not be a shitty DM OP asks how to not be a crap DM
/tg/ helps DM , Help 2009-12-23 2 7251082 Bad DMing storytime and advice Anon asks for stories about poor DMing, and /tg/ provides; plenty of advice on how not to be a bad DM is given as well. storytime , DMs , bad , DMing 2009-12-23 3 January 2010 7401927 actual DMing advice no really its actual advice. DM GM advice tips tricks 2010-01-03 8 7507054 BOOK! Book! Or, books, rather! For insertion into your campaigns. Books , dm resource , list , literature , writefaggotry 2010-01-09 2 February 2010 7985592 New DM Advice. Also Nose A new DM asks for some general advice on running a game. What happens next is very strange, but there is some excellent advice generated by the intelligent yet desperate basement-dwellers of /tg/. Takes about 10 to 20 posts before getting good. new , DM , advice , nose 2010-02-09 1 8087551 Awesome Paladin storytime A story that starts off with dick DM going "lol Paladin falls" that becomes something far, far greater. Paladin , Falling , DM Horror , writefag 2010-02-15 24 8175884 How To Sandbox DM, Part 2 A request from a DM turns into a discussion on sandbox DMing, references and Ars Ludi. DMing sandbox worldbuilding world building 2010-02-20 2 April 2010 8965303 Adeptus Quest 1 Techpriestess Lyra and Servitor Peg-Leg get really fucking lost on a horrible rock with Orks and possibly-Heretical Space Marines and all they wanted to do was save their ship. Adeptus Quest , 40k , AdMech 2010-04-04 0 9114489 Adeptus Quest 2 Techpriestess Lyra, her faithful Servitor Peg-Leg, and Space Marines fuck up orks and more besides and OH FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT OH OMNISSIAH AND ALL THE SAINTS. Adeptus Quest , 40k , AdMech 2010-04-11 2 9217744 Adeptus Quest #3 In which we narrowly avoid falling to Ruinous Powers and show the a daemon the power prayer. Adeptus Quest , 40k , AdMech 2010-04-16 0 9391452 Adeptus Quest 4 Lyra punches Daemons into oblivion, and GOOD END is achieved. Adeptus Quest , 40k , AdMech 2010-04-24 0 9403585 Tables for adding flavor to a campaign A huge resource of tables for DMs to use for their campaigns. Good material here for when your creativity got lost, or you need to speed up session creation. Tables , charts , DMing , 2e 2010-04-25 4 9411513 Servo-Skull Quest In which a servo-skull designed to fight daemons is assigned to a Secutor. Then all it does is hit on maid skulls. Servo Quest , 40k , AdMech 2010-04-25 5 May 2010 9614082 Running a Horror Game A thread about tips to run a horror game, great read for any aspiring DMs. Horror , Advice , DMs , Setting , Help 2010-05-05 2 10098576 The Worst DM In History Thread begins with a poster raging over a familiar that sponatneously dies of hunger. Thread moves on to the tale of a player knocking his DM unconcious with a Player Guide. Worst DM Ever Assassin Lazerus Familiars 2010-05-28 48 June 2010 10578551 So, our DM is X Fa/tg/uy asks for advice about his gay DM. Some serious responses, and then new copypasta is made. DM advice , copypasta , gay 2010-06-18 13 10812118 Ideas for an abandoned Dwarf Fortress Dungeon Delve Setting discussion for a dungeon crawl set in a world consumed by magical cold. Settings , DM , Mechanics 2010-06-29 6 August 2010 11633267 I Love You, NPC NPC's are in every game. They give you missions, die at your hands, and, sometimes, you love them hell out of them. /tg/ shares about times when their players got really attached to a NPC. NPC , DM , GM , D&d , Dark Heresey , manly tears 2010-08-13 10 September 2010 11930822 Admech Chat The strange language of the techpriests. 40k , AdMech , techpriest 2010-09-03 0 11956946 DM runs a D&D game for a biker gang. A brave DM shares a story of a D&D 3.5 session he ran for a biker gang. D&D 3.5 bikers dm kobolds 2010-09-05 91 October 2010 12526117 What happens when a starship goes into a Black Hole? LETS FIND OUT. Some DH players shoot a ship straight into a black hole. Wat do. dark heresy , space , rush , lear , dm , black hole 2010-10-22 0 12582554 Most Trustworthy of Eight OP posts interesting question, /tg/ responds with class and many lols are had. Trustworthy , DM help , epic 2010-10-27 4 12594371 Most Trustworthy of Sixteen OP continues with a new 8. Trustworthy , DM help 2010-10-28 0 12621591 helpful links for DMs exactly what it says on the tim dm tools helpful 2010-10-30 8 November 2010 12661791 Rock and Roll CoC Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra play a benefit concert for the damned, hijinks ensue. Call of Cthulhu , Rock and Roll , DM , CoC 2010-11-03 2 12692497 Trustworthy? 32-40 Ribbonfag asks /tg/'s opinion of eight more. Trustworthy , DM help , characters , portraits , ribbonfag , first impressions 2010-11-06 1 12711995 Bombardini: The Return (Also his shitty DM rages) Probably staged, but the DM of the game Bomb "Ruined" returns to bitch and whine, interesting things ensue Bombardini , Vampirefaggotry , Shit DMs 2010-11-07 16 12761258 1001 useful campaign ideas Various fa/tg/uys chime in with useful plot hooks, villain ideas, riddles, and other tidbits for making your campaign better dming , advice , ideas , roleplay 2010-11-12 3 December 2010 13153489 How to do a Dark Setting Properly Theory and details on how to make a grimdark setting. Concise and excellent DM advice. Grimdark , DM , GM , World Building , RPG , advice , setting , grim and dark 2010-12-15 17 13277875 Dragonmech Well, this doe--THIS IS AWESOME. dragonmech , dm 2010-12-26 38 13303204 DM Wants Game Music Hello, /tg/.
I am in need of orchestral music for DnD battle scenes. What sort of stuff do you use? DM , GM , resources , music 2010-12-27 1 13309241 Random Encounters A collection of proposed random encounters. Some creepy, some funny, all decidedly random Random Encounter , DM Ideas 2010-12-28 5 13323951 How to run a horror game A discussion of how to run a horror game that actually scares your players. Many good ideas are forthcoming horror , DMing , atmosphere , scary, 2010-12-29 2 13330806 Dragonmech 2 The awesome continues. dragonmech , dm 2010-12-30 20 13337530 Dragonmech 3 The finale! dragonmech , dm 2010-12-31 20 January 2011 13517103 Horrible things DMs do... OP relays the story of a Horrible DM who ends up derailing the game because of what he does.
Others join in. D&D , epic , Roleplay , DM 2011-01-14 0 13623151 Endman and the City of Gold (part 2) Endman's adventures in the City of Gold continue as he battles his way free of the deadly arena and sets his sights on the Diamond of Amia! Lego Quest , Endman , Futuron 2011-01-23 5 13634795 DnD Horror Stories Thread Things that happened to you that made you wanna throw your dice against the wall, things your DM does that make you want to slam his head into his table, things your PCs do that make you want to summon Cthulhu into your game. Retarded DMs , GMPC , Fail , Faggotry 2011-01-25 1 February 2011 14037159 How to be a good DM/GM Some easy advice on how to be a good DM/GM. Applies to every system out there. DM , GM , Advice , Good , How-to 2011-02-25 6 March 2011 14100433 Puzzle Thread /tg/ Discusses the use of riddles, puzzles, and other mental challenges they've used in their games. RPG , Roleplay , Puzzles , Riddles , Riddle , D&D , Lovecraft , DMing , DM 2011-03-02 0 14130012 Everything /tg/ Hates about D&D The boring and overdone tropes and cliches that we all know and hate in our Roleplaying games. D&D , dungeons and dragons , noobs , that guy , DMing , faggotry , kenders , cliches , RAGE 2011-03-05 0 14394648 DRYH DMing tips A DM goes above and beyond to bring the creepiest game of Don't Rest Your Head on record to his players. Don't Rest Your Head , DRYH , The Doctor , DM 2011-03-29 23 14418182 WHY.jpg A thread about DMs and other players being dicks... Or just plain stupid. why , d&d , bad dm , bad player , /d/m , what , whut , wut , wat , stupidity , herp , derp 2011-03-30 2 April 2011 14500694 Sorcerer Quest 14 We talk with a couple of ripouse, Rejek and Yumea, and Orpheus finishes spying for us. Next time, we will come face to face with Kresis, chief of the Sunsplitters. Sorcerer , Quest , Collective Game , Sorcerer Quest , Lizardman , Gnoll 2011-04-07 5 14562748 Sorcerer Quest 15 We finally met up with Kresis, and man, he has a LOT to say. Looks like we'll have to take out some hydra-dragon hybrids to secure his help. In the meantime we, the players, are left to ponder the meaning of justice. Sorcerer , Quest , Sorcerer Quest , Collective Game , lizardmen , gnoll 2011-04-12 5 14594217 Stat Leech OP describes a character encountered in his game, with the horrific ability to absorb others' stat levels. character , game , what do , stats , 3.5 , girl , DM , Pun Pun , overpowered 2011-04-15 4 14604016 Adeptus Mechanicus General A great discussion about how to create/play an AdMech character. "40k" "admech" 2011-04-16 1 14628575 The Addams Family (Da da da dum) A player reveals his DM has used the Addams family as the BBEG of the campaign. Discussion over just how fucked he is ensues, along with a lot of extraneous stuff. Addams Family , Dungeons and Dragons , Cooked Halfling , DM 2011-04-18 10 14711890 Final Fantas RPG DMing advice OP asks for a RPG that has a FF feel. FFRPG is introduced and DMing advice is given. FFRPG , final fantasy , dm , advice , setting 2011-04-25 0 May 2011 14824448 Chris, the Bane of Reason TORCHES DON'T WEIGH ANYTHING AND SILVER DOESN'T EXIST in CHRIS'S world D&D , That Guy , Horrible , DM , Dungeon Master, 2011-05-06 11 14871818 Jackie vs the world. A PC in a world that just hates PCs. Eventually he breaks the DM's bullshit in half and frees himself. THAT DM , Maenads , Mary-sue , Storytime , Gestalt , Escape 2011-05-10 21 14888308 Sal the bleak, Ur-priest of the end of all. A simple Gypsy guy who's the result of a supernatural gene-bashing, and his exploits as the world he lives in keeps hammering home how cold and uncaring it is to his people. Until he finally snaps and ends the world. Emrakul , Gypsy , Storytime , D&D , Paladin , THAT DM , Bard 2011-05-12 9 14969510 RL admech encounters and adventures The omnissiah approves of this thread. /tg/ tells of RL invokations of various machine gods to fix things. also interns will do anything. admech IRL RL story storythread storytime 2011-05-18 2 15030699 RPGs as Movies and TV series Every movie could just be a retarded session of your favourite movie or show! /tg/ shows us how its done humor , movie , rpg , tv , DM , bad session 2011-05-24 5 15063299 That AWESOME Guy/DM Tired of all the That Guy/That DM threads, this was their antithesis with stories of just plain awesome teammates and DMs. Special stories include The Great Caseby, an albino troll with large testicles, and killing gods. story , storytime , stories , D&D , The Great Caseby , Call of Cthulhu , That Awesome Guy , That Awesome DM , Henderson 2011-05-29 16 June 2011 15107319 Sometimes you just give it to them Instances when a DM just gives a character something/Non combat awesome stories Elfbeard , Bearded Elf , Cook Battle , Bakery , DM , Stories 2011-06-01 15 15210218 The Legend of Mandor The greatest DMPC of all time saves the day while everyone else watches (and the elf gets raped) mandor , DMPC , epic 2011-06-10 17 July 2011 15510995 WORST DM EVER MOMENTS Peg-leg Dave asks for worst DM ever moments, Horrible stories follow Peg-Leg Dave , worst DM ever 2011-07-08 20 15621909 Dark Heresy Loot List /tg/ comes up with a strange and wondrous list of items for Dark Heresy DMs. Puns and references to vidya, comics and literature abound DM , funny , 40K , Dark Heresy , DH , scifi , awesome , items 2011-07-19 27 September 2011 16423368 The Garden of Ehnkieridian, Part One and Two An amazing tale of a group's quest's to root out an nefarious evil. writefag , garden , ehnkieridian , DnD , evil , DM 2011-09-26 8 October 2011 16664498 Exalted ST Advice A veteran Exalted ST passes down some advice to would-be STs exalted , DM advice 2011-10-18 15 16717231 King Alfonso Civilization Game 4 New races made, new races discovered, and gunpowder. Decisions, decisions... civilization game , alfonso , sanguine kingdom , fucking dorfs , collective game , lizardmen , goblins 2011-10-24 12 16726480 King Alfonso Civilization Game 5 We meet Stoner Dragonling and Demon-Summoning Elves. Stuff happens. Hagan , Dragonlings , Civ , Demons , Portal , Elves , Lizardmen , King Alfonso 2011-10-25 9 November 2011 16803032 DMing Philosophers Moderately amusing thread about entering a forest and how philosophers would DM it philosophy philosophers comedy entertaining funny forest DMing 2011-11-01 18 17065352 In the Swamplands Anon wishes to know how a civilization based in marsh/bog areas would work. /tg/ reponds, and we soon get Cajun bayou-dwelling lizardmen spearhunters who wear armor made from gator leather and giant-swamp-beetle chitin. swamp , marsh , bog , lizardman , hunting , gators , spear-throwers 2011-11-30 5 December 2011 17321717 The Parrot Shipping Company Anon GM turned a simple character trait into full-fledged game experience for one PC, but made it simple enough that it doesn't piss off the rest of the party. OC , Homebrew , Macroeconomics , Houserules , GM , DM 2011-12-25 17 January 2012 17432135 /tg/ Threads of 2011 (Greatest Hits) The glories and epic times and stories of the past year on /tg/ are celebrated as we roll in 2012. thread , screencap , DM , that guy , story , stories , epic win 2012-01-06 5 17679146 Oh, what tangled webs we weave. A fa/tg/uy offers a technique towards more compelling storytelling by sewing together the goals and beliefs of multiple PCs. Complete with demonstration. GM , DM , PC , advice , story , discussion , roleplaying 2012-01-26 81 February 2012 17907864 Spore Collection, Inc. That GM who made the Parrot Trading Co. is back. What starts as a thread about overpreparation results in the creation of a fungal collection company that has Pigmen armed with Browning Machine guns and flame throwers called Baconators. original content , GM , DM , Houserules , Homebrew 2012-02-12 8 17968729 Lizard Folk Civilization Thread Lizard Folk are banished, then kill human, befriend Dwarves Civilization Thread , Lizardmen , LizardFolk, 2012-02-16 7 17973055 Lizard Folk Civilization Thread #2 Banished Lizardfolk continue to grow, fight filthy heathens Civilization Quest , Lizardmen , Lizardfolk 2012-02-16 5 18062118 Lizard Folk Civilization Thread #3 Planning, indecision, a tower is put up, then.. SPOOKY ISLAND Civilization Thread , Lizardmen , LizardFolk, 2012-02-23 1 18114793 That DM and That guy thread - the horror! DM's who make rape-towns and that guy's with cats who vomit up charsheets. Oh gods no Horror , terror , that guy , that dm , 2012-02-28 7 March 2012 18237435 Shadowrun Storytime 2 The continued story of a Shadowrun That Guy, now with more berserk troll. Shadowrun , That Guy , 2D , Dervish , Geppetto , DeadMan , Trout , Street Samurai , Hacker , Mage , Infiltrator 2012-03-07 93 18324310 Let no good deed go unpunished, Conclusion Once upon a time, OP shared a story of a jackass DM who felt virtue was its own punishment. Now OP returns months later, with his tale of woe good deeds , no good deed goes unpunished , That DM , that guy, 2012-03-14 15 18517679 Feudalism Builder 3 In which the Dice Gods inform House Cannith (among others) to kindly go hang. collect_game Feudalism_Builder nation_game ohgodmysides 2012-03-31 0 April 2012 18532118 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 5 We begin fortifying our cities, prepare for a confrontation with the Ultramarines, buy shit from RT, discover an STC printout, start work on various projects and begin planning our entrance into the Private Sector. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer, 2012-04-01 20 18717305 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 6 We reconcile with the Resistance, discover that the Munitorum Rep is an ex-Inquisitor (No surprise there) and fight off a massive Chaos raiding force. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition 2012-04-15 25 18809839 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7 We start cleanup of the Chaos-Marine wrecked city, give a speech, and start negotiations with an asinine Ultramarines Captain. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition 2012-04-22 20 May 2012 19169232 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 7.5 A short and late session in which we finish negotiating with the Ultramarines, OP refines some things and the Quest scheduling is altered. Most of the problems can be attributed to the new 4chan HTML fucking up. Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition , HTML 2012-05-20 12 June 2012 19679873 Planetary Governor Quest: Part 13 We take control of the Ork ship, recover delicious genetic-engineering Archeotech, peel the first layer off the Space Hulk, and start isolating the Chaos Frigate from everything else Collective Game , Planetary Governor Quest , Ultramarines , Space Marines , STC , AdMech , Inquisitor , Reasonable Marines , 40K Warhammer , Tau , Chaos , Space , Inquisition , HTML 2012-06-30 16 July 2012 19951003 That Group We all know about that guy and that DM, but what about that group? that guy , that group , that dm , horror stories 2012-07-19 7 August 2012 20238400 Bad DM cannot into drama Douchebag DMing thread is taken over by the rageworthy tale of a DM who despite being a drama major completely fails to deliver any to his group. Bad DMing , storytime , That Guy , That DM , douchebag DM 2012-08-09 21 September 2012 20693047 Scary Shit, DMing Tips subtle things are the scariest scary , bricks shat , DMing , tips 2012-09-13 6 20863758 Hangover Mechanicus 2 The second thrilling installment in Vyrius' quest to not piss off an order of Adepta Sororitas. Turns out he's pretty terrible at it. 40K , writefaggotry , Sororitas , AdMech , Techpriest , Sister of Battle , alcohol , butthurt 2012-09-26 10 October 2012 21023175 Player attempts to eat everything OP seeks help on dealing with omnivorous player, turns into storytime of his exploits Storytime , Humor , OMNOMNOM , DM 2012-10-07 0 November 2012 21445029 The Tale of an Industrious Rogue GM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made. Industrious Rogue , Pathfinder , Storytime , DM Kroft , Salt , Business , Dreams 2012-11-05 230 December 2012 22116071 Obongo the Kobold Story of a DMPC done right. kobold , story , DM , DMPC 2012-12-19 33 February 2013 22938730 DM Quest: Part 1 Fa/tg/uys take on the role of Robbert, an unemployed DM who decides to run FATAL for his group. DM Quest , Collective Game , Person , CYOA , FATAL 2013-02-03 6 22954278 DM Quest: Part 2 Robbert's adventure continues, the game starts, cops break in, and cosmic stuff happens DM Quest , Collective Game , Person , CYOA , FATAL 2013-02-04 8 22993614 #MyMagicalRealms dark secrets Drama of the highest sort in the ERP community, as someone reveals the scandalous That GM actions of the leader of #MyMagicalRealm and the tale of highest asshattery. Story time , awesome , Dickery , That DM , ERP , IRC , DRAMA , OHGODTHEDRAMA 2013-02-07 6 23031407 The return of Ivan D. Strelnikov The glorious leader and hero of /tg/'s Chickensmoothie Invasion returns and tells us about his adventures on other Freeform RPGs. Ivan Dmitri Strelnikov , Communism , Communist , Russian , Stalker ,Chicken Smoothie , Infiltration , Invasion , Freeform , RPG 2013-02-08 5 23098241 Alexander Crackedmind: A Real Life BBEG A thread start out fairly innocent, but brings forth an individual who has shattered his own mind using tulpa in the pursuit of fame and recognition. Seems to be a real like BBEG. BBEG , Alexander , Crackedmind , real , life , tulpa , weird 2013-02-11 15 23188679 Instant Nobles OP asks for quick noble houses, names and relations for a game he is going to be running. tg delivers DM , noble , house 2013-02-16 7 March 2013 23652450 .//Hack Quest Vol. 1 Ronin Chapter 2 Mifune and 1/2 venture into Delta/ Sacred Superior Venom Fang, and of course, fate would have them face off against danger... Collective game , Ken Smith , .hack , CC Corp Admin , Adept Rogue 2013-03-13 16 23672922 .//Hack Quest Vol. 1 Ronin Chapter 3 We remove sleep from Muramasa and bring emo goth reaper into the old dungeon on a second try. Guy isn't so bad after all. Collective game , Ken Smith , .hack , CC Corp Admin , Adept Rogue 2013-03-14 17 23744813 .hack//QUEST Ronin Vol 1. chapter 4 Kenichi parties up with some new friends and experiences an interesting server error. Collective Game , .//hack , Ken Smith , weeaboo , CC Corp Admin 2013-03-18 17 23795866 .hack// Quest Volume 1 Ronin Chapter 5 Seeing nothing inherently odd with Muramasa's texture as of now, Mifune carries on as it's nothing. The party continues on with the "Destroy the Buried Treasure!" Quest, slaying Ghost pirates! .hack , Collective Game , CC Corp Admin , Ken Smith , weeaboo , 2013-03-21 15 April 2013 24215245 Beginner Guide to Dungeon Mastering Advice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also. dnd , dnd 3.5 , dm , dungeon master , dungeon mastering , advice , help , newbie , beginner , dowjin 2013-04-13 14 May 2013 24576270 GM Toolkits for all to enjoy! /tg/ gets together and posts all their favourite GM tools. Tools , GM , GMing , DM , DMing , Helpful , Tips , Resources 2013-05-03 18 24636378 Edgymancy Zombie Quest Part 1 OP's attempt at a zombie request results in a game of edgymancy. Collective Game , Zombie , Edgymancy Quest , Edgymancy , 2edgy4u , Damien Bloodmoon 2013-05-05 20 24762261 Swamp Lizardmen Civilization Game #1 Escaping from our dwarven captors, the tribe of lizardmen face further tyranny from their reptilian brothers and are forced to hide inside an old underground ruin. Generic , civilization game , civilization , game , swamp , lizardmen , lizardman , collective game 2013-05-11 10 25148048 Dick DM Moves /tg/ vents about bullshit they've had to endure from their DMs /tg/ , dm , DMing , DMs , DM advice , DM , gm , GMing , Gming , GM , That DM , That GM 2013-05-31 14 June 2013 25404002 First-time GM Stories /tg/ recalls the first time they ever ran a game /tg/ , storytime , GM , DM 2013-06-14 7 25594732 A tale of a rabbit, a hobbit and that dm Anon appears with a story-time of much bullshittery inflicted by a rail-roading DM, and one plucky rabbit that manages to survive it. A game of kill the wabbit ensues. storytime , that dm , one lucky bunny 2013-06-23 46 25619615 Supernatural session story time A DM with a devoted group comes to tell the story of his best session ever to /tg/, and get ideas for the questline. /tg/ enjoys and obliges. horror , supernatural , dm , gm , story time , 2013-06-24 22 25625236 Secrets of GMing GMs let us /tg/ in on their dirty little secrets DM , dm , gm , GM , DMing , GMing , NPC , NPCs , npcs , npc , railroading , Railroading , players 2013-06-25 6 July 2013 25898657 The Story of the Insane Anti-Magic Stone DM The tale of a batshit crazy DM and his many PDFs. "Your nervous system is based on electricity that is based on electrons" crazy , that dm , witch , magic , story , epic 2013-07-09 57 25936580 Return of the Insane Anti-Magic Stone DM More stories about the infamous anti-magic stone GM are told, as we see how deep the rabbit hole goes. "To live forever, or younger, and regain your youth, you need to injest the blood of younger people that still have dividing cells, replacing your cells with theirs, maybe a blood transfusion would work too?" crazy , that dm , epic , story , magic , insane 2013-07-11 22 25961740 The Insane Anti-Magic Stone DM, Part 3 Even more stories about the infamous anti-magic stone GM are told, as we see how deep the rabbit hole goes. "If the state was to armour their vehicles in layes of light weight bullet proof glass they could just run the enemy down as the militants don't have access to that, or, if they did, there would be a stalemate and then they would slow down. Even if you fire a rocket at such a vehicle it would only dent the glass, so that is an aggressive approach." crazy , that dm , epic , story , magic , insane 2013-07-13 20 25996456 Civilization Game: The Cult of Otimgo The cult is born! Our lizards start a heresy, build a home, slaughter some humans, and encounter a dragon. collective game , civilization , civilization game , lizardfolk , lizardmen 2013-07-14 2 26011441 Civilization Game: The Cult of Otimgo II Where big plans crumble before the looming human threat collective game , civilization , civilization game , lizardfolk , lizardmen , Culf of Otimgo 2013-07-15 1 August 2013 26793774 Four powers, One World /tg/ gets cracking on a new setting involving 4 major superpowers: USA, China, the EU and Russia, and Pan-Asia. Setting , brainstorm , DM , DMing , GMing , GM 2013-08-24 7 September 2013 27029974 Monster Hunter Quest We wake up on the beach with our hunting party. Collective Game , Monster Hunter , Monster Hunter Quest , Guildmaster 2013-09-05 5 27148972 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 4 We've gathered enough resource to unlock lower unexplored base. Unbelievable rewards in store. Addition of two new factions and heroes, Richard the Cyborg and the Broodmother. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Cyborg , broodmother 2013-09-11 5 27328051 Veterans of the Second Dragon War An 'Ask a veteran of the Second Dragon War' thread evolves into reminiscence of the war and it's horrors roleplay , second dragon war , not world war two with dragons , elves , lizardmen , lich , dragons , second dragon war , veterans 2013-09-21 8 27415006 Touhouvania Quest Exactly what it sounds like. Touhouvania Quest , Collective Game , Touhou , SDM 2013-09-26 9 27408005 Post Apoc Hivemind Mutant Civ Quest Part 15 OP is busy, so mostly discussion. Later returns, and another close call happens. Ironically, peace is restored as we slowly settle into living the perpetual Battle of the 4 armies. New Ghoul hero. Collective Game , Mutants , Civ Quest , Hivemind , Broodmother , War 2013-09-27 5 October 2013 27658903 Problem player? Don't get me wrong...he's a damn good role player who stays in-character during the session and never meta games. Surprisingly, it's that last part that's causing all the issues. Problem , problem player , D&D , DM , dick-ass rogue , lulz , rage , That Guy 2013-10-09 12 27675147 Level 0 Peasants vs 5 Rats We knew they were still inside, the chewing.. The terrible chewing. How did they get out of the basement? we had, in our previous lives, forgotten to close the door behind us. Level 0 , Story time , DM , Evil , Bear trap , Peasants , TPK 2013-10-10 143 27689041 "That Guy" thread /tg/ shares that guy horror stories, finds that guy among us That Guy , Bad Player , Bad DM 2013-10-13 6 27948809 How to into villains A thread starts off with GMs sharing tricks they like; it eventually switches into a discussion om how to make good BBEGs. villain , BBEG , Lich , necromancer , paladin , GM , DM 2013-10-26 4 November 2013 28328109 /tg/ brews Cursed Weapons OP asks for cursed weapons, /tg/ naturally delivers cursed , item thread , items , dm resource , dm , WIZARD 2013-11-17 1 December 2013 28617703 Times your group has had to end for the night Times a campaign has had to restart, be rewritten, or put on hold because of silly bullshit players pull. Also a small bit of advice on worldbuilding. DM , GM , DMing , GMing , worldbuilding , story , stories , storytime , PC , GMPC , DMPC , bard , paladin , seduction , cancer , Elder evil , EE , BBEG 2013-12-02 5 28745264 MayorQuest #1: Kozlov Begins Kozlov Nikitovich, Communist Mayor of Worsterchire, challenges the Lizard Wizards to a duel as the Winter Wind Feast approaches. Collective Game , Quest , Mayor , Lizardmen , Kozlov 2013-12-09 0 28921062 Wilderness Surival Tips OP Asked how to make survival interesting. Lots of good discussion. Wilderness , RPG , DMing , GMing 2013-12-18 0 28971493 Adventure Seeker Deadman Quest 2 We get revived in the far future, then dunk a cyborg into a pit of acid. Collective Game , Quest , BLAME! , Deadman Quest 2013-12-20 6 29155369 Tale of the BDSM DM (Correct thread) A request for tales of bad DMs turns into a storytime session about a BDSM obsessed DM, rape and dragons. BDSM , storytime , that guy , that dm , dean 2013-12-30 14 January 2014 29668006 Excellent DM/GM Tools Thread A useful thread chock full of suggestions and links to extremely useful software and websites for Game Masters to use in their campaigns GM , DM , GM Tools , DM Tools 2014-01-23 13 February 2014 29963025 That Guy thread ft. Kid A recount of various That-Guy stories. Also the stories of an awesome Kid. that guy , Kid , That DM , That GM , 2014-02-03 26 April 2014 31230485 On the divinity of the God Emperor Some guy asks for in-universe arguments for proof of the Emperor's divinity. He gets what he asked for, along with pasta, slight storytime, and DMing advice 40k , Emperor , Emps , Emprah , funny , story , storytime , stories , pasta , copypasta , fuck witches , DM , GM , DH , that guy , argument , arguing , theology 2014-04-03 5 31328439 Party Beginnings Anons discuss interesting, memorable, unique, and awesome beginnings to roleplaying campaigns. GMs steal ideas for their games. game ideas , roleplay , game , DM , GM , awesome , /tg/ , campaign , Campaign , ideas , Roleplay , original content , brainstorm , getting shit done , brainstorming , roleplaying , Game Design , 2014-04-08 3 31498025 Oversized Weapon Quest 26 You solve a case, get drunk, find a friendservant, and start your new adventure! Collective Game , Oversized Weapon Quest , Goblins , Big Swords , Alcohol , Lizardmen 2014-04-16 22 31553537 Gnolls, how do they even work? In which a DM responds to a player's request to fuck a Gnoll female, which turns into a discussion of the ethical and social impacts of Gnolls on society Gnoll , Furry , Sex , Anatomy , National Geographic , What is this , I don't even , DM , Urethradicks 2014-04-18 7 31561086 Gentlemen Spiderfolk Worldbuilding A thread on spiderfolk rapidly develops into an entire middle eastern/arabian nights setting with intellectual philosopher-gentlemen who just happen to be vaguely humanoid spider-monsters. Also pigmy headhunter kobolds. gentleman , gentlemen , spider , spiderfolk , worldbuilding , philosophers , middle east , kobolds , pigmy headhunter kobolds , roman , roman lizardmen, 2014-04-20 5 May 2014 32390522 That DM THread #3897583465095834 Yet another "That DM" thread. Get your guilty pleasure right here. that , guy , that guy , dm , that dm , 2014-05-27 1 July 2014 33114825 The story of Legacy War BASED Regalia delivers the tales of he and his friends playtesting someone's RPG that's secretly a self-insert Naruto fanfic. Story , Epic , Game Design , Naruto , DM , GM , funny 2014-07-01 44 August 2014 34173548 GM rage quits Ragequits and storytimes rage , ragequit , storytime , that guy , that dm 2014-08-16 0 34302752 Ghostbusters: Japan Quest Episode 31 The grandsmothers try to find a wife for Daisuke, parents aren't much use and we look like a pedophile as young girls think ghostbusting is wicked cool. Until a foxy witch rescues us just like in the movies. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Youkai , Kitsune , Grandmothers, 2014-08-22 13 September 2014 34771534 The King of Homeless A reflection upon the privileges granted to the King of Homeless. creepy , awesome , The Sandman , Emperor Norton I 2014-09-10 37 35027951 Assassin School quest 1 We choose our "hero" Layla Miller, A girl who has a knack for poison and explosives and register her in the Academy of the lucky coin, a school for assassins. She meets her roommate, a strange girl called Maria Smith, goes to some classes, Poisons someone with an overdoes of potassium (they deserved it)and has good first day at school Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , murder, 2014-09-22 24 35071939 Assassin School quest 2 In which Layla makes three new friends, gets stabbed by a nun, goes to the infirmary for a three days, Gets a new hoodie and a lucky coin, and has a strange dream. Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Nun, 2014-09-24 17 35134961 Assasin school quest 3 Layla gets put under house arrest by her roommate, but that doesn't stop her from taking her first mission and taking a visit to japan to kill a yakuza with a big ego, and and even bigger stomach. Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Murder , Yakuza 2014-09-27 17 35179648 Assassin School quest 4 Layla has a rather uneventful (read, didn't kill anyone) day, besides being chased around campus by a very angry teacher, pissing off the request guy, and trying to get into stealth class Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Chase, 2014-09-29 14 October 2014 35265797 Assassin School quest 5 Layla deals with the cold, gets into a fist fight, and tortures the nun with the poisons teacher, and goes for a walk on the beach. rather short thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Nun , Torture, 2014-10-03 14 35268387 Ghostbusters Japan: Episode 37 With the help of some unlikely allies, we free Yurei and Sachiko only to end up in the fire. Collective Game , Ghost Busters , Japan , Sandman , Syren 2014-10-03 14 35348174 Assassin School quest 6 Layla goes on a visit to an unspecified European country with Maria and a new friend to kill a count, along the way she steals clothing from a dead girl, jumps on to a chandelier, and faces down a centuries old, suicidal Vampire count who's been feeding on innocent peasant girls for who knows how long, how exciting Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , bad accents, 2014-10-07 14 35390960 Assassin School quest 7 Layla wanders around with a wounded arm, meets a truly strange teacher, finds some free TNT, reads a strange letter, and watches a cheesy horror movie with her roommate, and goes on a mission for little rhyme or reason Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Nun, 2014-10-09 11 35398922 Assassin School quest 7 part 2 Lyla's African adventure continues, her guide dies to mysterious circumstances (Layla), and invades the camp of a warlord, things quickly go sour and the hunter becomes the hunted Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , African warlord, 2014-10-09 10 35415617 Catboy Quest Part 1 The freshly-named Purrwin Schrödinger is sent into a fantasy world which the whims of the dice gods have set to maximum cruelty. Things start going badly for our cuddly protagonist as soon as the game begins, as he deals with a dangerous fall, a dark forest, and unfriendly town guards. Catboy Quest , collective game , drawquest , cbqdm , catboy , Purrwin Schrödinger , cruel world , falling , cats always land on their feet 2014-10-10 10 35434978 Assassin School quest 8 In which Layla turns the nun into a vampire after a light session of torture and tea, learns the basics of disguise, And meets the PE teacher. She also makes a bomb Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison,Nun , Vampire, 2014-10-11 11 35549246 Assassin School quest 9 In which Layla meets parts of the nightshift, cheers up her roommate, and taunts a vampire nun Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison, 2014-10-16 12 35630241 Assassin School quest 10 In which Layla Puts down a mad dog, meets a new face, and Takes a mission to kill a corrupt frenchman. Rather short thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , 2014-10-20 10 35776689 Assassin School quest 11 Layla and Maria go to the big apple to visit a costume ball in a newly opened hotel, to assassinate a corrupt frenchman before he can be killed by two other assassins. Along the way they buy costumes, see a statue that looks disturbingly like Layla, and we see the world through Maria's eyes Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Costume Ball , mind control , witch 2014-10-27 10 35786546 Assassin School quest 11 part 2 In which Layla kidnaps a witch (partially for turning her into cat girl), introduces a witch to a nun, gets some catnip, and tries to take a shower Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , witch , cat girl , kidnapping, 2014-10-27 10 35815630 Assassin School quest 12 In which Layla learns a bit about her witch, and gets her a new abode, and she later takes an enthusiastic walk through the forest and goes on a mission with a somewhat familiar face Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Witch , Catgirl 2014-10-29 10 35827958 Assassin School quest 12 part 2 Layla returns to brausrburge, to track down the attacker of the local peasants, it ends with a rather impressive fireworks display Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl, 2014-10-29 10 35850393 Young Monster quest 0 A monster is born, a demon to be precise. Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , character creation , Demon 2014-10-30 11 35859615 Young Monster quest 1 In which Razsezsunael feeds a cultist to a monster in a pond, and loots a good deal of things. actually it mostly just loots things in this thread, not much else happens.
short thread to QM feeling to shit to write Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , character creation , Demon 2014-10-31 7 November 2014 35877585 Assassin School quest 13: Halloween special Layla tries to get the cowardly Maria to enjoy Halloween, And something fantastic happens, as love blooms beneath the moon Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Halloween Special , love 2014-11-01 22 35898293 Assassin School quest 14 Layla and Maria decide to go for a walk on halloween night, which eventually turns to Layla hunting a demon Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Demon 2014-11-02 14 35920808 Young Monster quest 2 Razsezsunael meets one of her kin, learns a bit about demons, and decides to pay the duke a visit Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2014-11-03 11 35942359 Assassin School quest 15 Layla And Maria go to the beach, and then fight a knight of god Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , nun , Catgirl , vampire , righteous fury 2014-11-04 13 35982459 Young Monster quest 3 Razezsunael finds a strange human, and takes her home and makes food Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , kidnapping , Demon 2014-11-06 6 36002479 Assassin School quest 16 Layla is bedridden from her and Maria's battle with the holy knight. But not for long as she rejects her humanity. Also room 1856 is renovated Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Catgirl , Vampire 2014-11-07 11 36007446 New DM Advice /tg/ chimes in with a bunch of great DMing advice. DM , GM , advice 2014-11-07 0 36082087 Young Monster quest 4 Razsezsunael goes to an orphanage, owned by a rather nasty woman called Madame Pomp. Within it she finds a rather angry ghost girl who seems to recognize her. One thing leads to another and she gains a sister, a being of fire and hate called Majazal, and they fight a angel from heaven above after a light snack Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Angel , Demon 2014-11-11 7 36104726 Assassin School quest 17 Layla and Maria go to kill a good man for no reason other than money. And then lewd happens Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-11-12 20 36146598 Young Monster quest 5 Razsezsunael and Majazal decide to finally go kill the duke, however, Raz gets distracted by learning things and kidnapping the duke's daughter, who is a half breed of monster and human, named Elizabeth. Also gets a cool looking coat Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , , Demon , kidnapping , monster girl, 2014-11-14 7 36185837 Assassin School quest 18 In which Layla has a friendly talk with the witch, learns how to cast some basic spells, unlocks stealth class, and tastes Maria, going a slightly crazier after the fact. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-16 13 36220192 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 0: The unfortunate last Magical girl Elizabeth Walters, an ordinary if lazy highschool student is woken up by a foul mouthed goblin, and forced into becoming a magical girl, the only one, apparently, as all the others have joined the side of chaos. Uh oh Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , Character Creation , The Headmaster , 2014-11-17 14 36229391 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 1: Crimson Dream, the red mage of the comet Elizabeth Walters, or rather Crimson Dream, fights her first, and rather destructive, battle against two weak monsters. And learns that she is the new star of her sister's favorite show. She then goes hunting monsters to let of steam, and Encounters the corrupted magical girl, Emerald Yellow Twirl. Will the town survive it's destructive savior? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-11-18 12 36251356 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 2: The Twintailed girl In which Crimson Dream and Emerald Yellow twirl fight a giant school after Elizabeth and Charlotte finish school for the day, and tell Elizabeth's little sister of their secret. Only for her to be kidnapped be continued Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Tree monster 2014-11-19 12 36290178 Young Monster quest 6 In which Raz dooms the city twice, nearly dies to a very angry mother, and crawls back home a month later, the city mostly lifeless Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon , lose , destruction 2014-11-21 6 36311490 Assassin School quest 19 Layla goes on a wild goose chase with a blind girl, fights a teacher, loses, sees a new show with Maria, and decides to start hunting a rat Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-22 13 36355757 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 3: The duty of an older sister Elizabeth saves her sister from the grasps of a monstrous owl, and then recruits a pink haired girl named Amanda Mimi Hill to the side of order, and she becomes Pink Holiday. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-11-24 11 36430950 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 4: The destructive Savior VS ??? Elizabeth has a sleep over, which ends with Amanda needing pampering and a movie. The next morning, the magical girls save kids from a monster, and sign a few autographs. And then Elizabeth sees a familiar face, or rather two Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster, 2014-11-28 11 36469358 Assassin School quest 20 Layla catches a rat, a rather drunk one at that, and spends some quality time with her better half's other half, and then challenges the CQC teacher again, and wins. and We learn dice gods love cats. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Yandere 2014-11-30 14 December 2014 36530986 Young Monster quest 7 Razsezsunael and Majazal find a small farm ran by a small family of humans and take it for their own, they then track down and slaughter some trouble making monsters, and raz gets a fuckhuge sword Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon, 2014-12-03 10 36589325 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 5: a stange day Elizabeth and Charlotte have a friendly chat on the roof, and meet the weird new teacher with Amanda. She turns out to be a witch, a rather friendly one. And later Elizabeth and Amanda fight a giant mole Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-12-06 11 36626557 Assassin School quest 21 In which Layla terrifies a teacher, and goes to kill a cult with Maria and Emily, for a large sum of money. Kaboom Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-08 15 36667976 Young monster quest 8 Raz decides that her farm needs more humans
really short thread because the qm falls asleep halfway through. I'm so sorry Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , , Demon 2014-12-10 4 36706565 Young Monster quest .5 In which raz walks around and talks to a rude demon, short thread Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2014-12-12 3 36744538 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 6: Witch? What a strange word On a boring sunday Morning, Elizabeth meets a rather friendly orc in an anime shop, gets a dog, and goes to break into a witch's with her friends Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-12-14 11 36784629 Assassin School quest 22 Layla pays the nun a visit, and then plays Maria's new video game on the hardest difficulty and after some calming down, decides to visit the witch and study a bit of magic Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-16 13 36857941 Young Monster quest 9 Raz fights a creature of metal that contains the soul of a man, cleans a room, and meets a familiar face once again, and turns her into something not to unlike herself Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest, , Demon , transformation 2014-12-20 6 36880806 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 7: Labyrinth of the witch Elizabeth continues looking for the witch of mazes Min. She visits a strange castle and takes a very unrelaxing stroll through a garden, and meets something dreadful that's stuck in a closet. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster, 2014-12-21 10 36899903 Assassin School quest 23 Layla and Maria have fun in the snow and take a walk in the forest. And then they meet something weird, that is a horrible singer Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2014-12-22 13 36939303 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 8: Christmas special Santa claus has been kidnapped, and there's snow everywhere, it's up to Elizabeth, Charlotte, Amanda, and Min the witch of mazes?! to rescue him and SAVE CHRISTMAS Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2014-12-24 11 36989904 Young Monster quest 10 Raz gets into an eating contest which wins her two more workers for the farm, and afterwards she finishes the day by slaying a dumb animal Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest, , Demon 2014-12-27 6 37007323 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 9: SLEEPOVER!?? Elizabeth teaches her "Dog" to not look terrifying, gains Ice magic, fights a large wolf monster with her friends, and after they defeat it, they celebrate with a sleepover. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2014-12-28 11 January 2015 37091356 Assassin School Quest 24 Layla spends sometime Pampering a sick Maria, creates a terrible new poison and finds a test subject for it, and decides to figure out what the strange orb she found is exactly. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Poison 2015-01-01 12 37227655 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 10: "Ordinary" Day The sleepover continues and Elizabeth tells Amanda what happened to her mother Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction 2015-01-08 10 37249898 Assassin School quest 25 Layla decides to take her Vampiric Nun, Clementine to Brausrburge for a bit of fun, but then they that it's being terrorized again, this time by a werewolf.
short thread to be continued Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Cat girl , Vampire 2015-01-09 12 37289959 Young Monster quest 11 Raz and company decide to get a bit of revenge, going to slay (and devour) the duchess of bats, and get back the halfbreed, as well as gaining a great amount of power Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2015-01-11 5 37357622 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 11: Oh lord wake the dead In today's episode, the girls fight an undead horde and meet a rather shy corrupted magical Girl, Violet Shade. And Charlotte gains the odd ability of fusion and she and Elizabeth proceed to test it out with each other. Shenanigans ensure Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Fusion 2015-01-14 11 37378899 Young Monster quest 12 Raz talks to some monsters, gets a rather flamboyant sword and then goes on a walk with Elizabeth the half breed Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon 2015-01-15 5 37421882 Assassin School quest 26 Layla and Clementine go hunting for a werewolf, and Layla nearly gets buried alive before coming back to a very displeased "Maria" Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Cat girl, 2015-01-17 11 37491823 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 12: And then there were four This Episode, Elizabeth learns that her mother used to be a Magical girl, and her father used to fight monsters alongside her. Then she and the girls fight a bull and crow, and go pay a visit to the Witch of Mazes Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-01-20 11 37504213 DM dickery in religion Jews and forty years of random encounters. religion , bible , dm dickery , that dm 2015-01-21 5 37535189 Kant-O-Celle Quest #1 We arrive after being transferred to the Yokosuka Naval Base. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-01-22 38 37535296 Young Monster quest 13 Raz's helps a small child turning into a monster. And then fights an Angel sent to destroy or purify what's left of her human soul. And we all learn the dangers of blood transmitted corruption Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest , Demon 2015-01-22 12 37573234 Assassin School quest 27 Layla gets a strange letter, and finds out she's been invited to join the newly formed Double faced coin, a group of students created to find and kill the supernatural. Their first Job? to kill or remove the ghost in the orchard Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-24 13 37683875 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 13: The cat of ill Omens This episode: Elizabeth receives some dire news from Charlie the mook. A human turned monster, by the name of Layla Miller.So by means of magic, they travel to see exactly what's going on at the Academy of the lucky coin. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Crossover , Assassin School Quest 2015-01-29 12 37707308 Young Monster quest 14 Raz goes to hell to go and get the best cultist back, as well as get him a new body.
Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon 2015-01-30 5 37730796 Assassin School quest 28 part 1 Layla choose her code name, and so Supernatural Agent: Cheshire is born, wearing a really cool outfit too.
And learns that her little sister has been kidnapped those religious nutters who've tried to kill her, twice Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-31 13 37741498 Assassin School quest 28 part 2 The Mission to rescue Layla's little sister from the religious nutters continues. And we learn Layla's little sister likes fire. Also, a small tour of the Academy is given Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-01-31 13 February 2015 37823865 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 14: the red handed ghost In this episode, Rumors of a murderous ghost, a violent red head seeing the spirit of foolish wolf, and a sparing match between Elizabeth and Charlotte Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-02-04 11 37843324 Assassin School quest 29 Elizabeth Miller gets used to her new life at the academy, while Layla tries to make Napalm in the dorm room, she makes a new friend, goes to a few classes, and learns some skills, mostly about how to burn things. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-05 16 37842641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #2 We get some breakfast, talk with a couple carriers, and get ready for our first mission. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-05 20 37884098 Young Monster quest End And so it ends, with a whimper. The QM apologizes profusely and writes a distant Epilogue of it all. Warning, very little actual questing is done in this thread, lots of discussion however. Collective Game , Young Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Monster , quest,Demon , Sudden End , World building 2015-02-07 2 37979198 Kant-O-Celle Quest #3 We meet BURNING LOVE!, stick up for Willie D and start our first battle. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-11 18 37977336 Assassin School quest 30 Elizabeth meets someone new, and goes to kill a rogue cyborg of the guild of the twisted rose with the help of her new friend and her older sister, Layla Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-11 11 38024719 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 15: The Hunter vs The Mage The Huntsman of Chains comes to town, goes a hunting for four little rabbits of order, he "finds" them, and gives Crimson Dream the fight of her and her friends' lives. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Crossover , Assassin School Quest 2015-02-13 11 38112439 Modern Monster Quest 1 A new story starts following a young...Human noble? Called Amelia Crawlby, who's family rules over the city of Centil. What is that strange voice she keeps hearing anyways, and why does this feel like it's going to a bad day? Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-02-17 9 38157734 Assassin School quest 31 Layla, her witch and the double sided coin members, Thomas and Lily, Go to a rather unfortunate town that shares the name with a certain horror writer's work. It seems people have been disappearing lately, and they're going to kill who or rather what has been stealing people away. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-19 13 38223329 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 16: A restful day Elizabeth takes her little sister on a walk and decides to Visit Min with her and Belladonna, to try and train in the magical arts. The Elizabeth and Charlotte have a friendly spar, and Love blooms and burns brightly under the magical night sky. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-02-22 11 38272427 Modern Monster Quest 2 Amelia learns a bit about monsters and gets a handmaiden
Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-02-24 9 38316662 Kant-O-Celle Quest #4 Our first battle concludes with a violent point-blank slugfest between battleships. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-02-26 22 38336999 Assassin School quest 32 Layla and Co continue trying to kill a cult, but the fucking fish people keep getting in the way, fucking fish people, and eldritch abominations. And we lose a dear friend Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-02-27 12 38357533 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 17: Choices This episodes starts with Elizabeth Confessing to Charlotte, and they decide to go on a "date" and end up fighting a rather pitiful clown. Then Elliote comes out to play and draws the attention of a rather strong monster, at least compared to the clown Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-02-28 11 March 2015 38497282 Modern Monster Quest 3 Amelia Crawlby's life falls apart, and she loses everything, castle, father, belongings..etc due to a group of ignorant and violent peasants. However not is all lost, as She, her body guard marcus, and her handmaiden Helga take Helga's father's ship across the sea to seek shelter with a cousin of Amelia's, who lives in the strange continent in the east Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-03-06 7 38520427 Assassin School quest 33 Layla decides to pay a visit to her Vampire and her newest prisoner, and ends up making her feel like a mouse in a house, with cat. Meanwhile Elizabeth worries a bit about her older sister Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , transformation 2015-03-07 11 38565797 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 18: Burn Bright, Flame of love In this episode, Elizabeth decides to let of some steam by hunting for a monster, and then has a rather steamy bath with Charlotte Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-03-09 12 38657254 Kant-O-Celle Quest #5 Arizona recovers from the battle, but with a nasty surprise... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-12 18 38665330 Kant-O-Celle Quest #6 The aftermath of the first bloody engagement continues to play out. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-13 18 38680832 Modern Monster Quest 4 Amelia decides to go to town, and sells her last dress to get a weapon (Naginata), she then goes out on the town and comes across Several odd things, like a scary alley way that may lead to hell, or three fox spirits punishing an Oni for his reckless actions by breaking a horn or two of his. Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-03-14 11 38702621 Assassin School quest 34 Maria freaks out when she realizes Layla will out live her, Elizabeth walks in on her older sister and Maria and then fights the CQC teacher with her friend, Katherine. All the while, someone comes to try and save the witch, maybe. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-03-15 12 38727882 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 19: Convention Confrontation In this Episode, Elizabeth decides to join a club or two before going to an anime Convention with her friends and little sister, then the Queen of chaos appears and everything goes wrong. The day is one, but at what cost? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-03-16 13 38811569 Modern Monster Quest 5 Amelia goes fishing and then goes out to town with Helga and The Oni, Na'kal Bonechewer. After getting a bite to eat, Amelia decides to pay a visit to the Silver tails out of curiosity, and learns that their lord has been expecting her. And she then has a nice and cordial talk with him. Peace while it may not last, is something to strive for, no? Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-03-20 11 38831671 Assassin School quest 35 Layla Tries to cheer up Maria by taking her to the beach, Dragging Elizabeth along with her. And nothing really bad happens, surprisingly Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-03-21 12 38854099 Kant-O-Celle Quest #7 In which we have a depressing chat with Naka-Chan, "Idol of the Fleet," and meet a lunatic with an angle-grinder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-21 20 38852565 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 20: Broken Dream A week has passed since Elizabeth lost the use of her legs, however she goes back to school a week earlier than she's supposed to stop her friends from worrying about her, and ends up recruiting Delia wick to the side of order, who becomes Tangerine Jubilee Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-03-22 11 38862317 Kant-O-Celle Quest #8 Thread 7 continued. Goddamn anon posting so fast fillin up threads Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-03-22 20 38955043 Modern Monster Quest 6 Hat man comes with a strange gift, and Amelia decides her handmaiden needs training. Shortish thread Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-03-27 9 38973160 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 21: Sunshine days Charlotte comes to visit and she and Elizabeth have a bit of fun, they then decide to go on a little hunt and end up meeting a monster called Reluna, the dancer of petals and blades. fun fun, the contractor, Lady Petal is born. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple , Fusson 2015-03-28 11 38991193 Assassin School quest 36 Layla takes Maria to see her pet vampire and mouse eared girl. However their little date is interrupted by the arrival of the order of the lord's blade. The double faced coin is given the task to even the odds. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl. 2015-03-29 11 April 2015 39074082 Kant-O-Celle Quest #9 Admiral Settle tries to head off a one-man Corgipocolypse and other stuff which I don't know because I haven't written the thread yet shit Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-02 20 39080533 Kant-O-Celle Quest #10 In which a momentary slip in judgement has severe and dangerous consequences. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-02 20 39115179 Kant-O-Celle Quest #11 In which we finally meet the most terrifying ship to wage war on the high seas - SAMMY. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-04 20 39120266 Kant-O-Celle #12 In which the cutest DE unleashes her wrath on three unsuspecting cruisers. Settle's got his work cut out for him. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-04-04 20 39136074 Modern Monster Quest 7 Homeless once again, Amelia goes to the silver tails to ask if their offer of hospitality still stands. But along the way she gets attacked by a fox spirit, who isn't too bright, and gets a bitchin new sword Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-04-05 7 39158829 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 22: Petals and Fellows The is episdoe, It's the destructive Saviors vs Sparkwitz, the fallen contractor. 5 vs 1...wait, even when the 1 is a monster that doesn't seem fair at all. Also a shocking secret is learned About Amanda and her mother. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-04-06 11 39182159 Assassin School quest 37 Layla goes to check on her sister to make sure she doesn't blow up, and ends up burning things with her and teaching her how to make poisons. Short thread Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , transformation 2015-04-07 11 39265644 Modern Monster Quest 8 Amelia trains with Marcus and Kiki, and then drops by the Crimson fangs to get a bite to eat and ends up sparing with Na'kal, before being sent through the roof, ouch. Feeling Pain is a sign of being human, but is humanity worth it, well such questions are better left to be answered later. Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble, 2015-04-11 7 39284574 Assassin School quest 38 Layla's cat side becomes a bit antsy as spring comes around as some instincts kick in, and to get her mind off of Maria, she decides to go kill some poor students to try and calm down. It doesn't work for long and well you know what happens next Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Lewd 2015-04-12 11 39307248 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 23: Secrets and truths In this Episode, Elizabeth spends a rather calm day around her house, and a reformed Sparkwitz comes to visit Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-04-13 11 39512336 Modern Monster Quest 9 Amelia gets a letter from her cousin, as well as a threat, before she gives the hatman a hug in exchange from something in her heart, before she tosses her humanity away, but does that matter much, all that really matters is what lies in the heart. Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , transformation , THE NAME FINALLY MEANS SOMETHING 2015-04-23 9 39550252 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 24: Destructive Saviors Vs Sparkwitz Contractees This Episode, It's Magical girl vs Magical girl, times five as the Fallen Contractees of Sparkwitz attack the Destructive Saviors. It begins Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , 2015-04-25 11 39568843 Assassin School quest 39 Layla's instincts finally calm down and she decides to finally set up her poison club, teaching them how to make Ghoul, before she gets into an argument with a certain student, by the name of Martin Fredricks.
Also an alternate universe side story is told at the end of the thread Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Poison , Vampire , Cat girl, 2015-04-26 12 May 2015 39673342 Kant-O-Celle Quest #13 In which the Regia Marina saves the day and no spaghetti is spilled. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Il Duce heard you were talking shit 2015-05-01 20 39674271 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 25: The destructive Saviors vs Sparkwitz's Corrupted Contractess second part The battle continues, and ends due to A sudden case of Elilotte, which isn't too surprising. And a new foe is revealed? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-05-01 13 39695624 Modern Monster Quest 10 Amelia tries to learn how to use her magic with the help of Kiki,and then they have a chat over some sweets. And the lesson we learn today? try not to catch swords with your bare hands Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Monster 2015-05-02 8 39696337 Kant-O-Celle Quest #14 In which we get woken up KONGOU STYLE. Also Arizona is very protective of us. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-02 20 39702372 Kant-O-Celle Quest #15 In which Settle pours his heart out and did nothing wrong. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-02 20 39714420 Assassin School quest 40 Maria wants to run a Pen and paper Rpg, so Layla decides to invite all her "Friends" to it, and things quickly get out of hand. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Game within a game 2015-05-03 11 39834930 Modern Monster Quest 11 Amelia and friends leave the safety of the city and surprise surprise, are attacked by Bandits of the Burning maw, looking to rile things up Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Oni 2015-05-09 7 39853119 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 26: Chaos Cracks This episode, The Queen of chaos goes for a walk and revisits the past, while the destructive Saviors and Min fight a "Snake thing" Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-05-10 11 39854272 Kant-O-Celle Quest #16 Holy shit, the MPs managed to do what many greater could not - if only for a few hours, also we get asked out to dinner. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-10 18 39860849 Kant-O-Celle Quest #17 In which we beat our head against a brick wall and speak with God. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-10 18 39877869 Assassin School quest 41 It's mothers day, and a somewhat sad day. Layla chases after a blur and ends up fighting a wizard, carrying a scythe. and becomes legion/ a fuckmothering vampire Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-05-11 12 39921207 KANT-O-CELLE QUEST #18 We spend some more time with everyone's favorite Idol-chan and try to talk some sense into harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-13 20 39976807 Modern Monster Quest 12 Short thread. After a quick bath in the woods, Amelia and Co reach the town they were traveling to, not a very exciting session, to be honest Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Monster 2015-05-16 6 39997519 Assassin School quest 42 Layla takes a job, and drags along Thomas to, to kill some Vampires running a club and draining some kids dry. A member of a another guild, the society of distinguished gentlemen, joins in on the fun as well. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2015-05-17 8 40023556 Kant-O-Celle Quest #20 Debriefing after the air raid, then we get trolled by Goto. Again. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-18 20 40018616 Kant-O-Celle Quest #19 The Abyssals doing a Pearl Harbor? Not on our watch. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-18 18 40039768 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 27: Ra ra rasputin In this Episode, Elizabeth and Charlotte attend a seance held by Ms weaver and the supernatural club. short thread Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Cripple 2015-05-19 10 40077773 Kant-O-Celle Quest #21 Going out to dinner with Shoukaku, totally not a date... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-21 18 40081556 Kant-O-Celle Quest #22 Settling on the Gundam Cafe leads to a bombshell. Who's bright idea was this, anyway? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-21 18 40136816 Kant-O-Celle Quest #23 In which we make Shoukaku cry. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-24 18 40136463 Unexplored World Quest 1 We set off on an adventure as a swordmage named Tiberius Collective Game , Unexplored World Quest , Swordmage , Tiberius 2015-05-24 1 40143472 Kant-O-Celle Quest #24 “Oh,” Hate says, his voice husky with lust. “Oh, god yes." Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Hate 2015-05-24 22 40147870 Kant-O-Celle Quest #25 In which Shoukaku and Settle make their escape. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-24 18 40159596 Modern Monster Quest 13 Amelia goes swimming with some friends, Helga and Kiki to be exact, and then gets attacked by some kind of abomination Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Monster 2015-05-25 9 40223338 Assassin School quest 43 Layla and Maria go one a date to brausrburge, and Layla asks Maria an important question. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Marriage Proposal 2015-05-28 11 40246634 Kant-O-Celle Quest #26 In which we converse with Goto Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-29 18 40251867 Kant-O-Celle Quest #27 We talk with DesDiv6 and head out to the firing range Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-05-29 18 40263497 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 28: Supernatural Seance Celebration The seance ends, and Elizabeth decides to free an old king of chaos to beat the shit
out of with the help of her friends, the sparkwitz contractees, and Min the witch of mazes
and makes a rather selfless wish
also theres an alternate universe story at the end Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , BOSS FIGHT 2015-05-30 11 40285474 DMC Quest 1 Devil May Cry Quest, featuring Duncan. Kill Demons. Be cool. Quest , /tg/ , DMC , Devil May Cry 2015-05-31 11 June 2015 40374667 Kant-O-Celle Quest #28 Range time with Arizona, Willie, and DesDiv 6. Willie just can't catch a break. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-04 18 40380387 Kant-O-Celle Quest #29 Head problems and shouting matches in the library Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-04 18 40330797 DMC Quest 2 Devil May Cry Quest 2. Figure out your powers. DMC , Devil May Cry , Quest , /tg/ 2015-06-04 5 40392903 Modern Monster Quest 14 Amelia, Marcus, Na'kal, and Kiki go to save some kids from a couple of burning maw bandits. Lots of twenties are rolled, and I mean a absolute fuck ton of twenties, what the fuck. And Amelia gets a second tail Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Monster 2015-06-05 8 40393217 Devil May Cry Quest 2.5 Duncan successfully completes his first mission. DMC , Collective Game , Devil May Cry 2015-06-05 8 40392795 Story Thread Stories from the table game, wizards, great succeses, no luck from the dice gods, those guys or that DM. epic , funny , gaming , PCs , that guy , that DM , original content , story , storytime , wizard 2015-06-06 6 40434574 Kant-O-Celle Quest #30 Talking with Naka and dealing with Sammy. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-07 18 40458477 DMC quest 3 Early archive, I DUNNO WHAT WERE DOING IN THIS THREAD BUT IT BETTER BE STYLISH Collective game , quest , DMC , Dante , Nero Demons , Stylish , CUHRAZEE 2015-06-08 5 40500270 Assassin School quest 44 A War is on the horizon, But who cares about that? Enter Marla Miller, one of Layla and Elizabeth's older sisters, who's life is about take an interesting turn. The miller sisters are reunited at last Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl, 2015-06-10 11 40523459 DMC Quest 4 O, Canada... DMC , Devil May Cry , Collective Game 2015-06-11 5 40605592 Assassin School quest 45 We see the world through Jasmine Miller's eyes as she makes her sisters and Maria Breakfast, and worries about Layla. And Layla tells a few stories at the end Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-06-15 10 40605569 Devil May Cry Quest 5 Problems at home as Duncan tries to deal with women. DMC , Devil May Cry , Collective Game , Devil May Cry Quest 2015-06-15 3 40612557 Devil May Cry Quest 5.5 Friendly reminder: this game is set to Duncan Must Die. DMC , Devil May Cry , Collective Game , Devil May Cry Quest 2015-06-15 3 40588807 Most Fun You've Had With A Character Story time thread, great succeses and other pc's achievements. fun , funny , gaming , PCs , that guy , that DM , original content , story , storytime 2015-06-15 3 40646677 Modern Monster Quest 15 Amelia decides to spend some free time helping others, and manages to drag Kiki along with her, And then freaks out about how long her lifespan now is, and after calming down, they go on a picnic Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Monster 2015-06-17 7 40686375 Devil May Cry Quest 6 Duncan goes cruising to beat up some bad dudes. DMC , Devil May Cry , Collective Game , Devil May Cry Quest 2015-06-20 6 40721507 Kant-O-Celle Quest #31 In which we visit the Mikasa with Willie D and Arizona. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-21 20 40727081 Kant-O-Celle Quest #32 In which we look at some new equipment for Kongou and Arizona. Also donuts. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-21 24 40804352 Kant-O-Celle Quest #33 The girls find out what modern AA looks like, Hornet gets a history lesson, and Settle has the mother of all migraines. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-25 29 40809479 Kant-O-Celle Quest #34 The Battle of Los Angeles. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-25 47 40721684 DMC Quest 7 Babes, Bikers, and Lightning Fags DMC , Devil May Cry , Quest 2015-06-26 3 40843021 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 31: Order? This episode, We see the "Average" Day of Elizabeth's Mom, what will happen, who knows?! Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-06-27 8 40865351 Kant-O-Celle Quest #35 In which we wake up with Arizona doing her best impression of a limpet mine on us. We also talk to Naka and Shoukaku Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-28 26 40871673 Kant-O-Celle Quest #36 We talk to REDACTED Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-06-28 23 40823383 Devil May Cry Quest 8 Even a Devil May Cry when it loses a loved one DMC , Devil May Cry , Quest , Collective Game 2015-06-30 4 40910782 Modern Monster Quest 16 On a strangely cold day, Amelia realizes it's best to be happy and tries to figure out what's making the cold. Really short thread Collective Game , Modern Monster Quest , The Headmaster , Noble , Monster 2015-06-30 5 July 2015 40953581 Kant-O-Celle Quest #37 In which Hornet is cute, Shoukaku is cute, and we report for duty while stoned on Vicodin. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-02 24 40959991 Kant-O-Celle Quest #38 In which we decide who to send into harm's way. Also, Harder can't even girl, or something. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-02 20 41035653 Kant-O-Celle Quest #39 Settle gives some advice to Harder concerning women and confirmations are made to the battle plan Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-06 24 41041258 Kant-O-Celle Quest #40 You are on a plane made entirely of the warmed leavings of a male cow, and on the horizon a fan looms. The hunt for the Abyssal carrier continues. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-06 33 41081186 Assassin School quest 46 Layla decides to have some fun and spend some quality time with her older sister Marla. And what better way to spend time with your sister than to go kill something in the backwoods of Louisiana that's been stealing children? Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , 2015-07-08 12 41162212 Kant-O-Celle Quest #41 We thought "Chichi-jima is under attack" was as bad as the Battle of the Bonin Islands could get. WE WERE WRONG. Oh, God, how wrong could we be? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-12 22 41166835 Kant-O-Celle Quest #42 “How can you not understand?” you ask wearily. “How can you, of all *things*, not understand what they *are* to us?” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-07-12 25 41229071 Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Anon regales us with a tale of a DM so terrible and a setting so horrid that it beggars belief That Guy , That DM , Homebrew setting , Mary Sue , Storytime , DMPC 2015-07-16 53 41254969 Hood Quest 2 A life born in darkness begins its first journey into the sun. ??? quest , hood quest , drawquest , collective game , Hoodmeister 2015-07-17 2 41286355 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 32: FOOLISH FRIDAY This episode, it's a normal and Lazy friday day, maybe. Also, there's a new magical girl? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-07-18 9 41329342 Assassin School quest 47 Desmond Miller, Layla's father whom she poisoned and killed, wakes up in a familiar yet strange place. But what kept him alive, or brought him back? Meanwhile, Marla wakes up from a nap, and tosses away her humanity, to become a werewolf. sisterly shenanigans ensue Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl , Werewolf , transformation 2015-07-20 7 41279526 Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Part 2 We thought it couldn't get any worse. Holy mother of Cthulthu were we wrong. That Guy , That GM , Homebrew Setting , Mary Sue , DMPC 2015-07-20 27 41353334 Reality Abuser Quest 1: Origin story Emily Smiles' life of staying shut indoors changes when she's unwillingly given reality-warping powers. Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain 2015-07-21 7 41355121 Raising Awareness/Writefag Training: The SUE Files Part 2 SAN checks are made, insanity reigns, but finally, finally, it ends. That Guy , That DM , Homebrew setting , Mary Sue , Storytime , DMPC 2015-07-21 26 41396768 Reality Abuser Quest 2: Modifier Issue 1 Emily and Moriarty encounter The Ragtags, a group of low rung super villains living in an old train yard. Early Archive Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-07-22 6 41298468 DMPCs do and don'ts /tg/ discusses and regales instances in which DMs used a DMPC or a NPC, in a beneficial and/or engaging way, or as an excuse to play their special snowflake character. BBEG , DMPC , mary sue , NPC , roleplay , storytime , THAT DM 2015-07-25 -2 41483957 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 33: FIRST OF THE GENERALS, RASPUTIN This episode, The first of the generals of chaos, Rasputin, makes his attack. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-07-27 12 41548523 Assassin School quest 48 Marla gets a strange letter, something about joining the double faced coin, and becoming supernatural agent. What? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Werewolf 2015-07-30 11 August 2015 41609050 Reality Abuser Quest 3: Modifier Issue 2 Emily gets to know her new friend, Amazonia (Marcia Esteban-Wallace) and continues making reality her bitch. Early archive Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-08-02 7 41693132 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 34: DREAM REBORN This episode, Elizabeth gets used to being able to walk again as the forces of chaos reel back from the loss of Rasputin. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-08-06 11 41755686 Kant-O-Celle Quest #43 We're Harder, better, faster, stronger, now....Well, mostly Harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-09 21 41759263 Kant-O-Celle Quest #44 We're still and playing a game of cat and mouse with a destroyer. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-09 22 41774543 Assassin School quest 49 Happy days with Layla and Maria! early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-10 11 41832677 Reality Abuser Quest 4: Modifier Issue 3 Something strange is out at sea. Early archive Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-08-13 6 41833819 Kant-O-Celle Quest #45 The attack is set in motion Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-13 20 41840161 Kant-O-Celle Quest #46 We run silent and deep. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-13 20 41875841 Kant-O-Celle Quest #47 The battle continues to unfold Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41879715 Kant-O-Celle Quest #48 The battle for Chichi Jima reaches a climax Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41883382 Kant-O-Celle Quest #49 We fight under the waves and above them. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-15 18 41894612 Assassin School quest 50 Naturis tries to assassinate Layla in revenge. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-16 11 41895094 Kant-O-Celle Quest #50 The battle is rejoined, this time above the waves with Bat Flight! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-16 18 41899843 Kant-O-Celle Quest #51 We go back under the water to the USS Oregon! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-16 18 41916645 Kant-O-Celle Quest #52 The battle for the Bonin islands begins anew. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 18 41923391 Kant-O-Celle Quest #53 The battle for the Bonin islands continues! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 18 41927292 Kant-O-Celle Quest #54 The battle for the Bonin Islands concludes. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-17 25 41958961 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 35: Crimson Dreams 1: alternative universes Elizabeth Dreams some strange dreams. early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction , Alternative universe 2015-08-19 10 42034670 Reality Abuser Quest 5: Wonderland issue 1 The beginnings of a wonderland? Maybe, but it's certainly the beginning of something? early archive Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-08-23 6 42112606 Assassin School quest 51 Layla continues fighting off Naturis' assassins, who continue trying to end her wonderful unlife. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-08-27 11 42112899 Kant-O-Celle Quest #55 The aftermath of the Battle for the Bonin Islands. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-27 18 42118218 Kant-O-Celle Quest #56 We talk to Goto over drinks. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-27 18 42173857 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 36: School days This episode, Elizabeth faces her greatest challenge yet, going back to school. How will she explain her now working legs, and what danger could hide in the shadows? Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-08-30 9 42175120 Kant-O-Celle Quest #57 We talk to Goto for a bit, then follow Arizona Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-30 18 42181049 Kant-O-Celle Quest #58 Arizona and doughnuts, an adorable combination. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-08-30 18 September 2015 42255939 Reality Abuser Quest 6: Wonderland issue 2 After a disastrous reunion with her mother, and the trouncing of a freshly started villain, Emily tries to take a day to enjoy herself. But what will fate have in mind for our godling, dear reader? Buy this issue and find out the shocking truth. Early archive Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-09-02 6 42292420 Assassin School quest 52. AU 1 While Layla recuperates from being stabbed in the chest, we explore an alternate reality, a could've been what if maybe if you would. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-04 6 42314991 Kant-O-Celle Quest #59 Interlude. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-06 17 42319398 Kant-O-Celle Quest #60 Interlude Pt2. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-06 18 42383659 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 37: CRIMSON DREAM...MAGICAL GIRL TRAINER!? This episode, Elizabeth is dragged into acting as the personal trainer for a few other magical girls. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-09-08 11 42441007 Reality Abuser Quest 7: Wonderland issue 3 The newest and shiniest member of the team moves into the bunker, and Emily gets an invitation of sorts. Early archive Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-09-11 6 42480056 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 38: Elliotte?! Elliotte. A Randy, inappropriate, dangerous fusion of the calm and often Lazy Elizabeth, and the Energy filled, wild and often battle hungry Charlotte.
The combination of young lovers love given life.
But, can she stand on her own as a person, outside of the din and chaos of fighting monsters.
Or is she just basically a monster herself.
early Archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-09-13 9 42521625 Assassin School quest 53 Layla spends some quality time with Maria, and the last surviving Naturis assassin probably has a really bad day. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-15 8 42563454 Monster Girl Academy Quest 1 Lucy Gates, An "ordinary" teenage girl, catches a mysterious disease that turns her into a monster girl! She's then forcibly enrolled in a special academy for other victims of the disease. How will she deal with her new life and body? Early Archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy 2015-09-17 18 42607182 Kant-O-Celle Quest #61 In which we attempt to daughteru the Shigure, and Northampton buys enough donuts and coffee to sink a battleship or three. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-20 17 42612180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #62 Tea Party...? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-20 18 42630206 Monster Girl Academy Quest 2 Lucy's first day at Tartarus Academy. What adventures will she have? will she make friends? Enemies? Or even get used to being made out of slime?!. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-09-20 11 42669908 Reality Abuser Quest 8: Wonderland issue 3 This issue, Wonderland and friends begin to run out of cash. Luckily however, Moriarty has a plan to fix this little problem right up, but will anyone else like his idea. Early archive. Collective Game , Reality Abuser Quest , The Headmaster , Reality Warper , Supervillain , Super Villain, 2015-09-22 6 42689268 Kant-O-Celle Quest #63 Press Conference! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-24 16 42693414 Kant-O-Celle Quest #64 A treed destroyer, what can possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-24 18 42722882 Assassin School quest 54: Belated Anniversary Edition So much can change in just one year, as Layla and Maria become second year, Thraddrick brausr steps back into the stop light. What will be lost? find out now, Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-09-25 11 42743162 Kant-O-Celle Quest #65 A discussion with Hate. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-27 16 42747615 Kant-O-Celle Quest #66 An agreement is reached. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-09-27 17 42762743 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 39: THE LOVELY BLUE...DEMON!? This episode, Lovely Blue returns with a vengeance, determined to destroy Crimson Dream for interfering with her last villainous plot. Early Archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-09-27 9 42800847 Monster Girl Academy Quest 3 Another Day at Tartarus Academy. What sort of a day will it be for Lucy? Good or Bad? Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-09-29 11 October 2015 42821582 Kant-O-Celle Quest #67 We chase the Corgis and planefag flubs it! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-01 17 42871933 Modern Monster Quest 40: A FATEFUL BATTLE This Episode, Lovely Blue Reveals her trump card. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-10-03 7 42874535 Kant-O-Celle Quest #68 Continuation/restart of the last thread, we're chasing rogue Corgis. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-04 17 42878743 Kant-O-Celle Quest #69 We finally corral the slippery little bastards. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-04 18 42910161 Assassin School quest 55 Layla has a strange dream, and gets sick? somehow. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-05 7 42944358 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 1 Katie Warner, a bored and somewhat sad girl, is gifted the popular VRMMO Da'ta, as well as the immersion kit, by friends.Having nothing better to do, she enters the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.But something's...wrong? Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-10-07 20 42947410 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 1 part 2 Katie Warner, a bored and somewhat sad girl, is gifted the popular VRMMO Da'ta, as well as the immersion kit, by friends.Having nothing better to do, she enters the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.But something's...wrong? Early archive, Part 2 Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-10-08 11 42980731 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 2 Katie/Krovachi wakes up, confused and sore from the previous day's battles...and wait, why is she still in Da'ta!! What's going on here!? Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-10-09 11 43007180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #71 A plan is hatched. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-11 17 43002909 Kant-O-Celle Quest #70 A meeting to discuss the Abyssal Issue. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-11 17 43039398 Monster Girl Academy Quest 4 The spirit of Halloween starts to seep into Tartarus Academy for Monster girls, and with it comes many strange happenings... if this is the lead up, I can't wait for the holiday itself. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-12 10 43109124 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 41: Recovery, Drago This episode, The girls have a calm day of recovery and first, but who knows what waits around the corner. Early archive. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-10-16 9 43147387 Assassin School quest 56 Layla and Maria move out of the first year dorms, and into the second year ones. Of course trouble and blood shed probably awaits them. early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-18 14 43183483 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 3 After the mirror turned out to be useless
Krovachi and "Miss" Lucy, try to figure out how they and everyone else got trapped in Da'ta...or at least understand this new world, and get used to their new bodies.
What fortune await them? Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-10-20 9 43190081 Trapped in Da'ta quest 3 part 2 Krovachi finishes up dealing with some annoying goblins. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-10-21 9 43203074 Kant-O-Celle Quest #72 The meeting concludes and we have a...discussion with Goto. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43208043 Kant-O-Celle Quest #73 We still don't understand the rules. Not even close. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43211561 Kant-O-Celle Quest #74 A short thread to round out the night. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-22 17 43221263 Monster Girl Academy Quest 5 Another day at Tartarus academy, That starts off with an annoying PSA. Meanwhile the spirit of halloween gets closer and closer, and some students get a little wild. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-22 9 43259853 Kant-O-Celle Quest #75 Never bring a baton or a tanto to a sword cane fight. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-25 17 43265521 Kant-O-Celle Quest #76 Aftermath of the second Yakuza incident and our drunken rampage. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-25 17 43301178 Assassin School quest 57 Layla tries to help Maria get used to being a vampire. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-10-26 8 43318425 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 42:Destructive training This Episode, The destructive Saviors decide they need to get back into monster hunting shape, and make Elizabeth/Crimson Dream help them with it. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-10-27 7 43337113 Kant-O-Celle Quest #77 Breakfast with Willy Dee. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-29 17 43342478 Kant-O-Celle Quest #78 “TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATIME TEEEEEIIIIIITOOOOOKUUUUUUUU!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-10-29 17 43375809 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 4 Krovachi continues to try to ease out a living in the world of Da'ta with her friends, but it seems trouble is afoot. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-10-30 7 43394465 Monster Girl Academy Quest 6: HALLOWEEN SPECIAL Ghouls, ghosts and spooks roam the halls, it's that magical time of year, Oh what fun a slime can have today. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-10-31 8 November 2015 43432045 Assassin School quest 58 Layla and Maria's first job after the latter Vampirizations continues, and Layla needs to find a way out of the rebels base. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-02 8 43450179 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 43: Crimson Nightmare...awakens? This episode, A clone of Crimson Dream? What's going on here? Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-11-03 11 43470194 Kant-O-Celle Quest #79 We have a conversation with Kongou and offer her some advice. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-05 17 43476029 Kant-O-Celle Quest #80 Harua is (not) alright? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-05 20 43488531 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 5 Player killers are on the rise, but will Krovachi do anything to help stop their vile trade? Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-11-05 6 43507590 Monster Girl Academy Quest 7 A witch? Wait witches aren't real, what's going on here?! and why is she so interested in Lucy? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-06 9 43526472 Kant-O-Celle Quest #81 We have a chat with Haruna in which we make a resolution. Then we act on that resolution Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43531474 Kant-O-Celle Quest #82 It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43534300 Kant-O-Celle Quest #83: Bonus Theater Edition A few writeups that weren't posted in the last thread for some reason. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-08 18 43545590 Unfortunate Magic Girl Quest 44: A walking nightmare. This Episode, Crimson Nightmare enters the human world, and starts her royally given quest, is this the end of the destructive saviors? early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-11-08 9 43565048 Assassin School quest 59 It's a peaceful, and cold autumn day. And like usual, it probably won't last. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-09 7 43596658 Kant-O-Celle Quest #84 We deliver an AAR of the Yak beatdown to our superiors. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-12 18 43601149 Kant-O-Celle Quest #85 We talk with Naka and find out that Arizona took matters into her own hands, as it were. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-12 18 43661682 Playing Chicken with the DM Seeing how far one can drag a character concept in terms of silliness until it is finally shot down by common sense. Also, illiterate wizards who cast using picture books. DM , GM , rage , wizard 2015-11-16 3 43675980 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 6 Krovachi and friends suffer the hardships of traveling on the road, and the lack of modern comforts...but why is sam acting all weird?Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-11-16 7 43693798 Monster Girl Academy Quest 8 Lucy Gate tries to handle the knowledge that she's the reincarnation of legion, and why hasn't Baba Yaga gotten her own room yet?! early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-17 7 43711584 Kant-O-Celle Quest #86 We watch the destroyers practice. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-19 18 43743409 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 45: CRIMSON DREAM VS NIGHTMARE, BATTLE OF FATE This Episode, A BATTLE OF FATES SPARKS. DREAM'S FURY PEAKS AND NIGHTMARES RESOLVE TO PROTECT HER QUEEN HARDENS. WHICH DREAM WILL COME OUT ON TOP!?! Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-11-20 10 43776777 Assassin School Quest 60 An Assassin from the Lord's dagger appears in Layla's and Maria's room and...wait? She doesn't want to fight!? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-11-22 8 43858083 Trapped in Da'ta 6.5 Continued from last thread, Krovachi and friends get a move on and...find something terrible. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-11-27 6 43875586 Monster Girl Academy Quest 9 A new legend arises and decides that Tartarus Academy would make a wonderful nest. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-11-28 8 43877304 Kant-O-Celle Quest #87 Destroyer practice continues! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-29 18 43883304 Kant-O-Celle Quest #87.5 Continuation of the last thread, ended early before anything could really happen...Hornet's got a crush! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-11-29 18 December 2015 43951202 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 46: RISE AGAIN, CRIMSON DREAM THIS EPISODE, After her defeat, Crimson dream wakes up back home, with the fires of determination burning bright in her heart, and new threats on the horizon. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-02 8 43954376 Kant-O-Celle Quest #88 We take a dive and the thread ends early. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-03 18 43969910 Assassin School Quest 61 Another day at the academy of the guild of the lucky coin, what excitements await today? early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-03 6 44045718 Trapped in Da'ta 7 Flee, or fight? as Johnny twosteps and his undead army threaten to over run the town of Mapleburrow, there seems to be only two options left for Krovachi and friends, Flee or fight. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-12-07 9 44063401 Monster Girl Academy Quest 10 Legends are a real pain sometimes, Maybe it's just better to ignore them. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-08 9 44095840 Assassin School Quest 62 Sometimes the price for knowledge is itself, And Layla knowing where the location of the Lord's dagger itself could be a hefty price, for both parties. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-10 7 44134815 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 47: TRAPPED IN A GAME!?!? This Episode, A fun trip to The Arcade turns into a nightmare for the destructive saviors! Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-12 8 44195470 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 8 It's time to say goodbye to Mapleburrow and get back on the road, but not before a chance meeting occurs once again. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-12-15 7 44231542 Monster Girl Academy Quest 11 Wait, why does a slime have to take a physical fitness test?! it makes no sense! Early archive
Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-17 7 44269098 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 48: THE MASTER OF GAMES, ALVEXI This episode, The battle between the Destructive saviors and the Game master continue in the digital space! early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-19 8 44288201 Kant-O-Celle Quest #89 Settle flees the abomination and the quest claims its first life. RIP SCIENCE Anon Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , Caffeine Poisoning , 2015-12-21 17 44293921 Kant-O-Celle Quest #90: Bonus Theater Electric Boogaloo Writeups to round off the previous thread Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-21 18 44306962 Assassin School Quest 63 What is it with people and breaking into Layla's room? early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-21 7 44346167 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 9 Krovachi and her friends continue of their journey, Plus one. But things don't seem to be all right, not at all. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2015-12-23 6 44348584 Kant-O-Celle Quest #91 Shoukaku vs a Coffee Maker! Fight! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-24 18 44352614 Kant-O-Celle Quest #92 We watch the news and hear of a ghost. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-24 18 44395032 Monster Girl Academy Quest 12 Twas the day after christmas, and very few monster girls were stirring, since a great cold fell over the school, ah well, staying inside is fun to? right? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2015-12-26 8 44412267 Kant-O-Celle Quest #93 The attack on Iwo Jima, with special guest [REDACTED. READ THE THREAD] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-28 19 44417884 Kant-O-Celle Quest #93.5 Bonus theater! end of the thread plus writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-28 18 44431212 Assassin School Quest 64 The ancient first generation, Sitári vs Layla Miller, which Vampire will prove stronger, the Lady of the waking dead or the Lady of tainted blood? Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2015-12-28 6 44449004 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 49: Chess Finally, we're leaving the digital world. Hopefully. How long will the enraged first of Checkerboard last? early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2015-12-29 8 44471196 Kant-O-Celle Quest #94 Continuation of the battle for Iwo Jima Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-31 18 44475150 Kant-O-Celle Quest #95 We prepare to introduce some of the girls to modern warfighting technology. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2015-12-31 18 January 2016 44506095 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 10 Tol'Rathar, also known by its more common name, the living marsh. A place where fledgling monsters and dabblers of darker arts are born and nursed. However, Bailey is apparently living inside it somewhere, and a friend can't be left behind, now can they? Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-01-01 6 44549040 Monster Girl Academy Quest 13 After having a pretty bad week, Lucy has to take Sex education again, fuming all the way. What kind of bad luck can find her today? Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-03 6 44588581 Assassin School Quest 65 The battle between the two first generations continues, but now Layla fights alone. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-01-05 8 44612947 Kant-O-Celle Quest #96 The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-07 18 44651857 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 50: Elliotte, Schoolgirl This episode, Elizabeth has a lot more to worry about in school than just classes. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-09 8 44673013 Kant-O-Celle Quest #97 We speak to Arizona Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-10 18 44679008 Kant-O-Celle Quest #98 We talk with everyone's favorite Fleet Idol: Naka-chan~! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-10 18 44735526 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 11 The Living Marsh, a breeding ground for monsters and foul things, and our "heroes" have to go in it to get their friend back. early archiv Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-01-12 7 44756818 Monster Girl Academy Quest 14 Fenris Howls. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-14 20 44757221 Kant-O-Celle Quest #99 We talk to Hamp about Hornet Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-14 18 44762456 Kant-O-Celle Quest #100 YAKUZA INTERRUPT Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-14 18 44797175 Assassin School Quest 66 Like clockwork, the calm follows the storm. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-01-15 6 44819675 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 51: Rainbow spin This Episode, Spin spin spin the wheel of chance and luck. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-16 9 44822118 Kant-O-Celle Quest #101 We are Admiral Ryan Settle, and, for once, we don't know what to do. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-17 18 44828463 Kant-O-Celle Quest #102 MOTHERFUCKING TELEMARKETERS ALWAYS CALLING AT THE WORST TIME HOLY SHIT Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-17 18 44882178 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 12 Lantern's Light, a town seeped in shadows and the smell of things rotten. At least for the former npcs. What will our heroes find inside it Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-01-19 8 44905410 Kant-O-Celle Quest #103 Drums, drums in the deep... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-21 18 44911256 Kant-O-Celle Quest #104 Writeups from the previous thread! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-21 17 44944657 Monster Girl Academy Quest 15 Life in Tartarus academy continues as usual, despite the four legendary monsters living inside of it. What will today bring? early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-22 7 44965739 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 52: Choice Choices reflect who you are, they define you. And sometimes they lead to horrible places. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-23 7 44969641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #105 Wherein Settle’s ideas about shipgirl tactics get even *more* insane. (If that’s even humanly possible.) Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44973468 Kant-O-Celle Quest #106 “Please tell my ship that we haven't forgotten her and have no intention of giving up on her.” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44979374 Kant-O-Celle Quest #107 We're in a closet with Naka! Also writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-24 17 44992746 Assassin School Quest 67 And Boredom follows the calm, as Layla tries to find something to do to spice up her unlife. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-01-24 7 45056066 Kant-O-Celle Quest #108 Anon figures out that we can delegate tasks. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-28 17 45061156 Kant-O-Celle Quest #109 End of the thread and writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-28 17 45074798 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 13 Threatening shop keepers is rarely a good idea. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-01-28 9 45096059 Monster Girl Academy Quest 16 A bored Slime? Oh how horrible! Well you can always find something to do!. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-01-30 7 45116900 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 53: Trouble in the manor THIS EPISODE, Trouble falls upon Min's Manor, and it's up to the destructive Saviors to end it before things get to nasty! Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-01-31 8 45117538 Kant-O-Celle Quest #110 We deal with the PT Corgi menace by giving them actual work to do! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 17 45124003 Kant-O-Celle Quest #111 In which planefag posts one story update and the entire rest of the thread is just anon talking Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 16 45126979 Kant-O-Celle Quest #112 Two bombs wasn't enough, apparently Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-01-31 16 February 2016 45141979 Assassin School Quest 68 Oooh, Dirty deeds will sour any luck, but what if you control fortune itself. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-01 6 45181540 One Piece Adventure Quest 1 From the Small island of Tumbling Weed in the west blue, a lass by the name of Adela De'terrar begins her adventure on the sea Early archiv Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-02-02 21 45187063 One Piece Adventure Quest 1 part 2 Adela De'terrar, continues her new life as a marine, which is kind of annoying if pirate's keep interruptin your coffee breaks
Early ar Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-02-03 20 45218841 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 14 Every action has a reaction. Katie's mercy and golden heart has made her a new friend, and other things. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-02-04 11 45237489 One Piece Adventure Quest 2 Adela gets a rude awakening and has to train with her fellow marines...or is the captain using her to train them? Which is it? Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-02-05 20 45239485 Kant-O-Celle Quest #112 To sleep, perchance to dream... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-06 16 45245099 Kant-O-Celle Quest #113 The battle for the Sunda Strait commences. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-06 16 45261510 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 54: Tick tock, goes the clock This episode, the meister of time, the great general of clocks, Mr.Tick tock takes the center stage, finally. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-02-07 9 45262288 Kant-O-Celle Quest #114 The battle for the Sunda Strait continues Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-07 16 45268334 Kant-O-Celle Quest #115 YASEN, MOTHERFUCKERS! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-07 16 45286295 Assassin School Quest 69 Time to take a job, and cull the supernatural.
Which is a problem,when others are out hunting,and you are yourself unnatural. Early archi Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-08 8 45325411 One Piece Adventure Quest 3 Adela goes out to sea, being taken on a patrol to search for pirates and other sorts trouble. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-02-09 14 45346032 Kant-O-Celle Quest #116 THANK YOU BASED KTKM-SAMA Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-11 17 45349948 Kant-O-Celle Quest #117 The battle for the Sunda Strait continues to evolve as new elements are brought onto the stage Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-11 16 45362930 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 15 Krovachi/ Katie, following a last request, has squandered what little was left of her humanity, Becoming a Hiver Queen. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-02-11 20 45401352 Monster Girl Academy Quest 17 Miranda wants to talk to Lucy about something? But seems urgent. Early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-02-13 8 45403412 Kant-O-Celle Quest #118 The battle of the Sunda Strait continues...You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-14 16 45409767 Kant-O-Celle Quest #119 End of the previous thread and writeups because planefag crashed. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-02-14 16 45425571 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 55:Dream meister, Crimson Dream This episode, Crimson dream is going berserk!Obsessed with bring the shroud of sleep to everyone she meets,a hard battle awaits Earlyarchive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-02-14 10 45463357 One Piece Adventure Quest 4 With the ship in desperate need of repairs, Captain Ginegin decides to stop at dancing waves island. But something isn't right here. EA Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-02-16 13 45500606 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 16 From the ashes of a selfless sacrifice, Katie rises again as a Castussimex, a kind of weird moth angel thing.But now things get dangerous.EA Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-02-18 12 45509472 Ludicrous Plothooks /tg/ brainstorms fun encounter and plot ideas gold , ideas , dm material 2016-02-20 8 45539187 Monster Girl Academy Quest 18 Two slimes in love, well this can only go well! Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-02-20 7 45563499 Assassin School Quest 70 Layla, Maria, Elizabeth, Marla, And Jasmine get to experience the high life in brasurburge Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-22 7 45601928 One Piece Adventure Quest 5 Dancing Waves Island is in trouble! Pirates have taken it over and its up to Adela and the other marines to put a stop to it. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-02-23 17 45641109 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 17 Being an angel is hard, or at least annoying, but you can't stay at church for ever, so onwards, to Light's edge! Hopefully. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-02-25 12 45683343 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 56: Lovely days This episode, Lovely's back to normal...but her life isn't. A cruel twist of fate, through her own eyes. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-02-28 8 45707897 Assassin School Quest 71 Of course, after a vacation, you always have to go back to work, and in this case, that work is killing. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-02-29 8 March 2016 45591520 GM/DM help thread Organization of campaigns and the like DM , GM , 2016-03-01 2 45744995 One Piece Adventure Quest 6 The marines under Ginegin's command have been alerted of Adela's hard won victory, but the battle for dancing waves island is far from ov Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-03-01 11 45783166 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 18 Light's end, the biggest city in Tol'rathar, it is often said to hold as many secrets as the swamp around it.Sounds pretty scary, EA Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-03-03 11 45824194 Kant-O-Celle Quest #120 Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war - Shakespeare's Julius Caesar Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-06 16 45829229 Kant-O-Celle Quest #121 “SIC'EM, BOYS!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-06 16 45885883 One Piece Adventure Quest 7 Time to finish up cleaning this mess. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-03-08 12 45906898 Kant-O-Celle Quest #122 Forward Chuuniboats! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-10 16 45910836 Kant-O-Celle Quest #123 The battle for the Sunda Strait reaches a fever pitch Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-10 16 45925525 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 19 After a long and dangerous Journey, the group finally meets up with Bailey, and isn't it just lovely to get a friend back? Earlyarchive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-03-10 8 45967651 Monster Girl Academy Quest 19 Demon and Slime, Sisters reunited! early archive Collective Game , Monster Girl Academy Quest , The Headmaster , Monster Girl , Monster Girls , Academy , Slime Girl 2016-03-13 6 45968564 Kant-O-Celle Quest #124 'This is not the beginning of the end, but, perhaps, the end of the beginning' Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-13 16 45976031 Kant-O-Celle Quest #125 --but when you speak again, your voice is steadier, harder... hotter. “I don't hear BB-3 laughing much, though.” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-13 17 45993485 Unfortunate Magical Girl Quest 57:Dreams of Dreams Lovely blue is finally freed, and now, Crimson Dream can finally relax after weeks of work. Early archive Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical girl quest , Magical girl , Quest , The Headmaster , highschool , Destruction, 2016-03-14 8 46038282 One Piece Adventure Quest 8 Two devil fruit users on one ship? and ones a former pirate captain?! well can only lead to fun times can't it? early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-03-15 14 46078781 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 20 Darkness creeps at the edge of joy. Even after being finally reunited with her friend, Danger still creeps close to Katie/Krovachi. EA Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-03-17 11 46142673 Assassin School Quest 72 Two weeks, and no sign of the thing killing agents. And Layla is starting to getting a little tired of all the waiting. Early archive. Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-20 9 46186526 One Piece Adventure Quest 9 FRUTA ISLAND, an absolutely beautiful island that's perfect for a relaxing holiday...but there's something hiding in its jungles. EA Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-03-22 11 46207838 Kant-O-Celle Quest #126 After the battle for Sunda Strait, we visit a hospital. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-24 16 46213120 Kant-O-Celle Quest #127 We speak briefly to Tatsuta and Willy Dee tells us that Kongou has a [SPOILER REDACTED] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-24 16 46228441 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 21 No matter how far or fast you run, you can't escape trouble when it's hot on your tail, as Katie/Krovachi and co will soon find out. EA Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-03-24 11 46251542 Kant-O-Celle Quest #128 Kongo Bongos. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-26 16 46256787 Kant-O-Celle Quest #129 Kongou runs a stream, and we get roped into playing Q&A along with Goto and Arizona! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-26 16 46271490 Assassin School Quest 73 A dreadful plan clicks into motion, and the gears of fate begin to turn, as Layla enjoys being pampered like a fat little cat. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-26 11 46273254 Kant-O-Celle Quest #130 Q&A With Kongou, Settle, Goto and Arizona! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-27 15 46277895 Kant-O-Celle Quest #131 We speak with Arizona. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-27 13 46335205 Assassin School Quest 74 The first of a new breed of monster has risen, and her name is Layla Miller. May god have mercy on anything that gets in her way. E A Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-03-29 8 46358832 Kant-O-Celle Quest #132 We prepare to speak to God. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-31 11 46364656 Kant-O-Celle Quest #133 End of tonight's threads and some writeups! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-03-31 12 46378097 One Piece Adventure Quest 10 Adela heads into the jungles of Fruta Island, to try and figure out just what's going on in its shadowy depths. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-03-31 11 April 2016 46401146 Kant-O-Celle Quest #134: SWQ Edition! Just a little April fooling around... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 8 46401180 Kant-O-Celle Quest #134 I don't even know anymore... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 6 46406917 Kant-O-Celle Quest #135(?) Hell if I know anymore, more April fools hijinks? Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-02 6 46419411 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 22 Mapleburrow burns. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-04-02 9 46484420 Assassin School Quest 75 Layla heads out on a job that would be suicide for anyone but her, to secure her and Maria's happy ending. Early archive Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-04-05 10 46507628 Kant-O-Celle Quest #136 'When the landslide has started, it's far too late for the pebbles to vote. There's no deflecting or dodging this, and you both know it.. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-07 12 46511616 Kant-O-Celle Quest #137 We receive orders from God (spelled CNO). Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-07 15 46527516 One Piece Adventure Quest 11 Chaka, the witch doctor who's been preaching to the people of fruta about a goddess of fear is about to meet the real one. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-04-07 12 46550570 Kant-O-Celle Quest #138 We speak with Naka and Harder. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-09 9 46554343 Kant-O-Celle Quest #139 Wrap up for the night and maybe writeups Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-09 7 46569908 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 23 Mapleburrow lives on, crippled but breathing. After easily beating the knight of hunger, Krovachi has some time to think. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-04-09 9 46573094 Kant-O-Celle Quest #140 We pursue Willy Dee! Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-10 9 46578379 Kant-O-Celle Quest #141 Baking with Arizona and Willy Dee. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-10 9 46636307 Assassin School Quest 76 Layla's story ends with one final slaughter before she retires to peace. The shadow war ends in blood. Thank you so very much for playing.E Collective Game , Assassin School quest , The Headmaster , Quest , School , Assassin , Vampire , Catgirl 2016-04-12 14 46655687 Kant-O-Celle Quest #142 We finish up a phone call and talk with Arizona some more. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-14 9 46660337 Kant-O-Celle Quest #143 Wee Willy Dee wakes up. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-14 9 46674791 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 24 The building of the hall continues. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-04-14 9 46714957 One Piece Adventure Quest 12 A seemingly average day is interrupted by a seemingly abandoned Marine ship on the horizon, Scarred and wounded by battle. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-04-16 11 46733329 Kant-O-Celle Quest #144 More dreams, and a dogfish interrupt. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-18 9 46739108 Kant-O-Celle Quest #145 Continuation of last thread plus Q&A because planefag craps out. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-18 9 46776663 Young Demon Familar Quest 1 A Demon is created, and bound into the service of a monstrous youth. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar , 2016-04-19 22 46781960 Young Demon Familar Quest 1 part 2 A very shocked girl finds herself turned into a demon,called Malizeral, and forced into the service of Iris Miller. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-04-20 18 46799516 Kant-O-Celle Quest #146 We talk to Shoukaku some over tea. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-21 9 46804480 Kant-O-Celle Quest #147 “... I know all about the faeries,” you say sternly. “And if it's where your planes come from, I don't-” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-21 9 46819094 One Piece Adventure Quest 13 misfortune on the seas. early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-04-21 11 46862526 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 25 Other players arrive at mapleburrow, and with them, trouble and drama. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-04-23 11 46840826 The Headmaster Tale: Part 1 Anon asks /tg/ help for defending aganist Elven siege lead by the Dm's GF, awesomeness happens, nice list of siege tips The Headmaster , Storytime , Siege , That Dm , That Girl 2016-04-26 23 46858409 The Headmaster's Tale Part 2 Headmaster prepares for his last stand aganist the Death Knight The Headmaster , Storytime , Siege , That Dm , That Girl 2016-04-26 21 46872600 Worldbuilding General General worldbuilding thread, some handy ideas to steal Worldbuilding , Creation , DM Resource 2016-04-26 2 46876988 The Headmaster's Tale: Part 3 The Aftermatch, Bit of lore on Sin Dragons and the gods, New Characters The Headmaster , Storytime 2016-04-26 18 46927289 Young Demon Familar Quest 2 Malizeral's still getting used to being a demon and the familiar of a young vampire, as well as adapting to her Master's...unique family.E Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-04-26 16 Collection Feedback thread Where a mod forces a new archive to be created at mad man speeds Feedback , Madman , First 2016-04-27 26 46949845 Kant-O-Celle Quest #148 After the events of last night, we wake up with Shoukaku on our lap... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-28 13 46955101 Kant-O-Celle Quest #149 Experiments in ballistic trajectories. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-04-28 9 May 2016 21205 Kant-O-Celle Quest #150 Kant-O-Celle Quest on the new board Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-01 15 47065619 Young Demon Familar Quest 3 Demons need power if they're to survive, even if they're familiars and not at all demony. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-03 12 47102734 One Piece Adventure Quest 14 A floating fortress!? who the hell would build something like that! Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-05-05 13 47137431 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 26 A drunken kiss, but was it regretted? At least Krovachi can't get hungover, because a certain bastard is coming to town, to make trouble.E Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-05-07 9 47188062 Young Demon Familar Quest 4 A familiar having a day off? However, unfortunately for Malizeral, demons attract trouble. EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-10 15 47220525 One Piece Adventure Quest 15 The assault on Bellary's patch work fortress continues! What dangers await our heroes on board? early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-05-12 11 130392 Kant-O-Celle Quest #151 We re-enact Down Periscope, Chinese-style. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-15 16 47271063 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 27 Thunder and lighting, blood and death. The dead rise again, as something worse than before. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-15 10 47305921 Young Demon Familar Quest 5 Another blissful day just begging to be ruined by Malizeral's horrible, horrible luck. But will it? Early archive. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-17 14 150592 Kant-O-Celle Quest #152 The continued operations of the 305 in the Sunda Strait. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-19 11 47339331 One Piece Adventure Quest 16 The Island with no name,a secluded resort alone in the sea,Now with three crews of pirates on it.It falls to Adela to bring them to justice. Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-05-19 11 47373387 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 28 The demon of smoke and burning moves against the Angelic Castussimex, and he's playing for keeps.The specter of death grins, but for whom?E Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-05-21 8 163980 Kant-O-Celle Quest #153 We speak to Parker. No, not Peter. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-22 13 47427589 Young Demon Familar Quest 6 Demonic Hunger gnaws away at that oh so human idea of sense that Malizeral clings oh so tightly to. Take what you desire,ahaha Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-24 14 182485 Kant-O-Celle Quest #154 We talk to Goto about the [SPOILERS BECAUSE I ARCHIVED IT EARLY] Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-26 14 47458885 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 29 The battle between angel and Demon continues. Smoke and ash vs Flame and fluff. Of course, one side doesn't play fair at all. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-05-26 8 47492087 One Piece Adventure Quest 17 Friendly pirates? an entire crew ripping a resort apart for nothing more than a den den mushi?!What's going on this island with no name?!EA Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-05-28 11 200524 Kant-O-Celle Quest #155 We converse with Goto on what to do about the Yakuza. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-05-30 14 47544385 Young Demon Familar Quest 7 The Millers, Iris' family, Malizeral's master and only friend. Maybe she'll be able to relax and enjoy some time with them today, Maybe. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-05-31 13 June 2016 47547348 Despairity: That GM's homebrew Anon tries to survive a single session in a terribly homebrewed Pathfinder campaign. That GM , Homebrew , Pathfinder , Magical Realm , DMPC 2016-06-01 29 47595241 One Piece Adventure Quest 18 It's a three way battle as Adela faces off against a pirate captain with a devil fruit, and a mysterious woman. With some help of course. E Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-06-03 11 226262 Kant-O-Celle Quest #156 “A bald eagle,” you hiss, “named Colbert. Obama might've made pork fly, but I'll be thrice fucked before I let you fly that shit past ME!” Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2016-06-05 20 47631043 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 30 Krovachi's adventure's in her and Katie's shared body.They'll probably be bloody and horrible, if she doesn't behave at least. Early ar Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-06-05 11 47666600 Young Demon Familar Quest 8 Malizeral's looking for some fun after the sun. Too blacken souls, and risk her life before her master wakes up and gives her her work.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-07 16 47728685 One Piece Adventure Quest 19 Adela will learn that no good deed goes unpunished. And her Grandfather continues to watch and judge her abilities. Early archive. Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-06-11 11 47775831 Young Demon Familar Quest 9 Malizeral is an imp no longer,and has...much to show for it. However, more than just her body changed.And Iris is curious about her aunts.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-14 15 47807598 One Piece Adventure Quest 20 The fight between the lass twins continues on the beach. Will justice win out in the end of the day!? Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-06-16 13 238811 Mage Academy 001 Please archive your stuff here as well! // A normie with high magic potential ends up in a mage academy. He has no idea what he's in for. Collective Game , Mage Academy , Hardmode , Handshaking 2016-06-17 1 47841823 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 31 An invitation to the capital city of Toladar? Well isn't that quite an honor. But it seems not everyone loves our angel. Early archive Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-06-18 8 47896475 Young Demon Familar Quest 10 Iris plans on leaving the safety of her home to track down her aunt. But with a very protective mother, she'll need to be pretty convincing Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-21 16 47930164 One Piece Adventure Quest 21 Returning to Popa island to celebrate their victories at sea, the marines get some off time, But Adela has a stack of transfer requests.. EA Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-06-23 11 47960045 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 32 The road to Toladar is long...and very boring. Of course that's if all goes well, who knows when a monster can come searching for a fight.E Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-06-25 9 48012815 Young Demon Familar Quest 11 All Journeys begin with a single step. Iris and Malizeral begin theirs to find Jasmine and bring her home, leaving the safe walls behind. EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-06-28 20 July 2016 48063228 One Piece Adventure Quest 22 The trip to the Grand line begins, as Adela and friends get reassigned to a new Branch of the marines. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-07-01 12 48130447 Young Demon Familar Quest 11 The road is lonely place, which is why you never travel on it alone. It is also a dangerous place, even for a demon and her master.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-05 15 48165885 One Piece Adventure Quest 23 The waters be calm as our heroes near their new assignment in the grand line. But will they remain as such? Early archive. Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-07-07 11 48196126 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 33 The whispering canyons, cut off the eastern forests and plains of Toladar from the rest kingdom. And it's a haven for bandits and beasts. E Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-07-09 8 48247016 Young Demon Familar Quest 13 Malizeral and her master reach the town of Sotetwood, and come across a fanatic who doesn't take kindly to their sudden appearance, at all. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-12 16 48279620 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 34 After finally reaching the capital, Krovachi discovers a new danger in the world, Politics. This is going to be a long day. Early archive. Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-07-14 8 48359366 Young Demon Familar Quest 14 DEMON vs ANGEL, this is a fateful battle between Heaven and Hell for Iris' soul. SO LETS ROCK AND FUCKING ROLL!!! Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-19 14 48407595 One Piece Adventure Quest 24 Adela and co Arrive at Beartrap town and their new assignment in the grandline. But things here are nothing like Ginegin's command was! EA. Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-07-22 12 48473559 Young Demon Familar Quest 15 Demons, they corrupt and ruin everything the touch.Which is a real pain when you're one of them, and your soul and heart are still human. E Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-07-26 14 48539204 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 35 Life in big cities is different than life on the road, but no less dangerous, when its a city of fanatics. Early Archive. Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-07-30 7 August 2016 48590485 Young Demon Familar Quest 16 Love has bloomed between Master and Familiar. Iris and Malizeral try to get used to their new relationship, as demonic hunger creeps closer. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-02 14 48658992 One Piece Adventure Quest 25 Adela has gained some infamy on beartrap island, as well as the friendship of Keli fal.But rebellious and crooked spirits come a rising. EA Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-08-06 11 48711189 Young Demon Familar Quest 17 Over the Black sea and to the sunless wastes we a go. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-09 17 48831797 Young Demon Familar Quest 18 Malizeral and Iris arrive in the sunless wastes to search for Iris' aunt, Jasmine miller.But the land with no sun is not a pleasant place.E Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-16 14 48904396 One Piece Adventure Quest 26 Adela has a rare day off, and Keli fal is fixin to join her on it. But both of these lasses are magnets for trouble on their own.EA Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-08-20 11 48958117 Young Demon Familar Quest 19 The Sunless wastes, a terrible place where monsters and beasts rule, and unlike in Brausrburge, they don't much like humans or eachother.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-23 14 49026403 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 36 An Angel locked up in a cage away from her friends.Krovachi is going a bit stir crazy from being kept in the grand chapel alone for weeks.EA Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-08-27 10 49082573 Young Demon Familar Quest 20 Bandits and Dragons, Oh my~. Mali and co come across a village in flames. Early Archive. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-08-30 13 September 2016 49153628 One Piece Adventure Quest 27 Adela faces off against revolutionaries. Its Order vs Chaos on bear trap island as it falls into anarchy. Early archive Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-09-03 11 49190183 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 1: Rebirth Kimi Kemuri, a girl with white hair, wakes up in the Rukongai with only tattered memories of her old life and a grand destiny. Early archive Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-05 20 49209389 Young Demon Familar Quest 21 One aunt has been found, Elizabeth now known as the burning scourge. However the other, Jasmine, is in serious trouble!! Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-06 13 49262605 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: Study Kimi starts to study and train to become a proper soul reaper, along with her cheerful little friend Aya. Early archive. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-09 18 49269207 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 2: Study part 2 Kimi draws attention to herself after she beat the Shin'ō academy's zanjutsu instructor in a drawn out duel.But is it good or bad att Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-10 14 551593 Trapped in Da'ta Quest 37 A member of the party has died. The old warrior thunder has passed on. And Krovachi and friends have to deal with his passing.Early archive. Collective Game , Trapped in Da'ta Quest , The headmaster , trapped in a video game , trapped in a MMO , fresh start 2016-09-10 7 566049 Young Demon Familar Quest 22 The Golden king approaches to take his "Bride", and Mali and co need to figure out how to take out a dragon without being burnt to a crisp Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-13 14 580324 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 3: Hollow Kimi has learned the name of her Zanpakutō, and has become the talk of the Seireitei, much to her dismay. Early archive. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-16 15 602814 Young Demon Familar Quest 23 A dragon falls. A few pieces of a shattered family fall back into place. And demon and master get some time to relax together. Early archive Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-20 16 614659 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 4: Bloodless Peace A week after Killing her first hollow, Kimi returns to her studies. But will she find any peace in them? Early archive Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-23 13 619935 One Piece Adventure Quest 28 The revolutionaries begin their siege of bear trap island.Now Adela and co need to last until help arrives or go out and kick some rebel ass Collective Game , One Piece Adventure Quest , The Headmaster , One Piece , Devil fruit , Devil fruit user , Adventure, 2016-09-24 10 632154 Young Demon Familar Quest 24 Mali and Iris return home,bringing back two of the latter's missing aunts, several new "friends, and a "secret" love that might turn dea Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-09-27 13 638657 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 5: Choices Kimi continues tutoring her student,Byakuya Kuchiki.But,She also has to make some choices that will forge her destiny,or at least her future Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-09-29 17 October 2016 653401 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 1: Origin A hero (or Villain) Emerges to make their mark of the world! Which path will you take?! Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-10-02 21 662123 Young Demon Familar Quest 25 Mali is bored. Which can only lead to good/bad things. And the Angel wakes back up. Today is going to be rather exciting, it seems.EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-10-04 13 673230 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 6:Friends Friends,life isn't worth living without a few. Kimi grows accustomed to the soul society,and looks for some excitement to ease the mundanit Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-07 15 682308 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 2:Family Eve Sparks is reunited with two of her 777 lost siblings, and is shoved into the real world with them. How will they adapt to Reality? EA Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-10-09 18 690867 Young Demon Familar Quest 26 Mali has become the "Mother" of a scared little imp. And the millers seem to be planing a trip, and want to bring Mali along with them! EA Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-10-11 13 700774 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 7: Smoked Hare Smoke and Rabbit meet. Kimi goes on another hollow hunt, this time to show the splintered Kenpachi Asagi that she isn't plotting to kill he Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-14 18 721599 Young Demon Familar Quest 27 Warned By Layla to be on her "best" behavior, Mali heads to Centil with the Millers for a Lovely Vacation.Unaware of the dangers that lurk Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-10-18 11 733253 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 8:The Kuchiki's Hound Five years have past, and Kimi's Adventure continues from her tutoring, studying and training.Maybe now, she'll become a full soul reaper. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-21 20 743399 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 3:Hero? What is a hero? Eve's adventures continue, with a new friend. Will her curiosity lead her to a second act of heroism? or simply more danger Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-10-23 14 760682 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 9: Sixth Division Kimi Joins the Sixth Division, Becoming a proper soul reaper. But with that title, comes duties. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-10-28 14 765507 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 4: Sawblade Disguising herself as her genetic mother, Eve "sneaks" into Smiles Inc to try and gather info on Sawblade, an agent of the blackguard! Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-10-29 20 November 2016 778953 Young Demon Familar Quest 28 Mali and the millers arrive at Centil, giving the locals quite a fright with their grand, and royal entrance. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-01 12 788258 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 10: Sister Aya's been hurt and insulted by a comrade, and Kimi is filled with the rage of an older sister. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-11-04 15 793771 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 5: Friend/Work Eve gets dragged out of her house by her friend Cyra, who wants to show her Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-11-05 16 792421 Haven Academy Quest #1 Part 1 Grau participates in Dust class and Jasmine accidentally starts a fire. Ended early due to QM needing to leave RWBY , Haven Academy Quest , Collective Game , Grau Himmel , Headmaster Fallow 2016-11-05 1 797942 Haven Academy Quest #1 Part 2 Early archive. Grau spars with Brennan and comes out on top. RWBY , Haven Academy Quest , Grau Himmel , Collective Game , Headmaster Fallow 2016-11-06 1 807137 Young Demon Familar Quest 29 While demons prowl, an angel hunts. a "mother" must protect her children, and herself Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-08 13 819883 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 6:Costume Chase People are looking/hunting for Eve. Meanwhile she needs to make Cyra her costume and figure out what to do with that Mecha Engine she found. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-11-12 15 831864 Young Demon Familar Quest 30 Mali adds another member to her family. But danger creeps ever closer to her and the millers Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-15 12 842832 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 11: Lost Soul Kimi is given the task of guiding a stubborn spirit into the afterlife. And her friend Tora is sent along with her, into the mortal world. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-11-18 11 847651 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 7: Hunters Hunters are on the prowl for Chimera. And Mimi Meets an Old, Rough Mercenary called Moriarty who has a question or two for her. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-11-19 14 858661 Young Demon Familar Quest 31 Demons rarely get along, and naturally compete for souls. What's a little rebellion among mortals? if you get the souls you want after all? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-22 11 50350758 Touhoufag asks for help with NPC behavior Detailed discussion on generating NPC behavior which feels realistic and satisfying, especially with regards to irrationality end emotion advice , GMing , DMing , NPCs , roleplay , roleplaying 2016-11-24 7 867160 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 12:Day off A day off away from a soul reaper's usual duties?What will Kimi do with this free time? Will She even accept it?Since being lazy is a bit.. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-11-25 14 883695 Young Demon Familar Quest 32 it's Demon vs Demon....and her girlfriend's mother!. Mali and Layla face down an utter bastard, and his hordes of charmed mortals! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-11-29 12 December 2016 893344 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 13: Unlucky? While Kimi's hunting Hollows, Someone's hunting Shinigami. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-02 12 897922 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 8: GIANT ROBOT Eve has built a giant robot, and how fucking cool is that?! OH and she's gonna use it to fight black guard to. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-12-03 15 909267 Young Demon Familar Quest 33 The "Vacation" to Centil is almost over, but that doesn't mean Mali still can't have a little fun! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-07 12 889601 Paper Mario Quest #1 A humble Boo becomes a chef, meets a princess, gets a destiny map Collective Game , Paper Mario , GRANDMASTER 2016-12-07 7 924784 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 14: Todesjager Shinigami vs Quincy. Blade vs Gun. A fight to the death. Kimi and Tosen face a mad woman. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-10 16 936845 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 9:Mother? Eve's genetic mother is looking for her, and she's bringing quite a bit of mayhem. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-12-13 13 909512 Paper Mario Quest #2 Boobert prepares for his journey, goes to Flower Fields, and gets mugged by a stoner Collective Game , Paper Mario , GRANDMASTER , Boobert 2016-12-15 6 944969 Young Demon Familar Quest 34 Its Mali's and the Miller's last day in Centil. It's going to be a wild night, no doubt. But there's enough room for a revelation or two Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-16 11 948634 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 15:Promotion Kimi's getting promoted! About damn time right? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-17 12 962693 Young Demon Familar Quest 35 Christmas cheer is thick in the air as that wonderful holiday nears. Mali gets caught up in the festivities, for better or worse. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-21 10 969599 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 16: 10th seat Kimi has been promoted, to the 10th seat of the 6th division. A position she shares with a few others. What could possibly go wrong? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2016-12-23 12 974049 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 10: MOTHER ?! Part 2 Miss sparks is still chasing after Eve and...wait! she wants to take her home to?! RUN EVE RUN!! Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-12-25 13 979788 Monstergirl Legend Quest 1: REBIRTH A Legend is a Monster girl? Will they accept or deny their old destiny? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2016-12-27 25 991561 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 17:Twins Revenge is a nasty thing, but to those who chase it, it is oh so sweet. Kimi is once again being hunted Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2016-12-30 16 995439 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 11:Eve Eve attracts alot of unwanted attention, for her at least, after her nigh impossible feat of controlling supernova. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2016-12-31 12 January 2017 1005544 Monstergirl Legend Quest 2:Dragon May Mcnarren, Now a dragon, begins her life as a monster girl in Tartarus city. Maybe the countryside's fresh air will calm her down a bit. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-03 21 1005656 Kant-O-Celle Quest- Hate Gaiden Hate brings the German shipgirls back to base Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest , GhostDivision 2017-01-04 13 1015141 Young Demon Familiar Quest 36 Iris once more plans to leave Brausrburge, this time without her mother's approval, to bring her Aunt Marla back home. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-01-06 11 1019677 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 12:Dark Sky Initiative It's the first day of Active duty for the dark sky initiative.Eve and friends' new super group is ready for business! Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-01-07 14 1029584 Monstergirl Legend Quest 3:Legend May adjusts to living with a roommate, Yvette the dryad.But a story for a legend is begging to be told.Will it be a peaceful tale?Not likely Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-10 20 50965957 Ship quirk thread A thread about space ship quirks gives birth to a tiny race called the "Borrowers" Borrowers , space borrowers , space , tiny , aliens , grandma , quirks , pirates , traveller , ai , Cessna 2017-01-11 15 1039905 Young Demon Familiar Quest 37 Its time to head out to bring Iris' last aunt home...but Mali and co need to leave without being noticed, or the whole trip is off!. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-01-13 10 1045174 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 18: Aizen Sosuke Aizen, a somewhat strange and lonely man.He seems nice enough but what is going on in his head? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-01-14 12 51201161 Kunto/Houyo the Taru-Taru spergerlord That guy argues with That DM about how his name is spelled/pronounced That Guy , That DM , Kunto 2017-01-15 -4 1057919 Monstergirl Legend Quest 4:Bones What can a cat do to a dragon? What can a whole gang of cats do to one? The fishbone gang steps up its efforts to make May show some respect Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-17 16 1068145 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 19:Recovery Its been a week since kimi fought Sosuke Aizen in a friendly duel, but she's still sore from it. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-01-20 12 1068336 Kant-O-Celle Quest #157 In which a certain Greek gets back into the groove after a long time of paying debts. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-21 10 1070641 Kant-O-Celle Quest #158 In which our intrepid Argie A-4 Skyhawk pilot continues his deadly dance in the sky. Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-21 10 1073499 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 13:Ill Omen An Ill omen blows on the wind, Trouble is coming for Eve Sparks. Big trouble. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-01-21 12 1088921 Monstergirl Legend Quest 5: Brawl 1 Dragon and 1 minotauress vs a whole lot of cat girls and 1 Griffin. I like those odds, lets get this party started. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-01-25 17 1099892 Young Demon Familiar Quest 38 Layla tries to bring her daughter back home....Mali's bad luck resurfaces. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-01-28 10 1100688 Kant-O-Celle Quest #159 We follow Settle into the depths... Collective Game , Planefag , ships , admiral , WWII , Kantai Collection , Kant-O-Celle Quest 2017-01-29 10 1106542 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 14:CHAOS Eve faces down a Reality Abuser. And a few other problems Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-01-29 11 February 2017 1116893 Monstergirl Legend Quest 6: Reputation Word spreads about May trashing the Fishbone gang. And she gets a lot of unwanted attention. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-01 16 1124072 Young Demon Familiar Quest 39 Mali spends sometime with her daughters, while Iris tries to figure out where they have to go. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-02-03 10 1137231 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 20:Stolen Bird AYA'S IN DANGER! Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-02-06 14 1143279 Monstergirl Legend Quest 7: Lion's den The Truth is revealed, and May Goes clubbing. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-08 16 1152442 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 21:Confrontation between black and white A Showdown between mad Quincy and a scarred Soul reaper, and probably a few friends.Kimi heads to rescue Aya Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-02-11 13 1156494 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 15: Reality Abuse! Reality abuse, and superpowered thugs. And Poor Eve is stuck right in the middle of it all! Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-02-12 11 1164471 Monstergirl Legend Quest 8: Magic Do you believe in magic and fairytales? A witch seeks out May...or is it the otherway around? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-15 16 1174411 Young Demon Familiar Quest 40 Lust and Wrath Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-02-18 10 1193087 Monstergirl Legend Quest 9: Nidhoggr The past is finally revealed and May's world is turned upside down. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-02-22 17 1203844 Young Demon Familiar Quest 41 An unexpected/unfortunate stop, in a town that shouldn't exist. Mali stumbles upon something she shouldn't have. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-02-25 10 1184090 Admor - Turn 5 Year 1.5 (Summer) Page two of our civquest Admor , Civquest 2017-02-27 1 1212928 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 22: Masks Kimi faces her deadliest foe yet, an aged quincy with a vendetta against her, wearing a dead hollow's mask. But will he be the only one to? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-02-27 12 March 2017 1219352 Monstergirl Legend Quest 10:Confusion May starts to try to adjust to her new world of legends and her new relationship with Yvette Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-01 17 1230328 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 23: Reapercussions Every actions has repercussions, Even the smallest choice can change everything. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-03-04 11 1233553 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 16: Alien Oh Dear, A Rek'a'dari has come to town! everyone run! Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-03-05 10 1247690 Monstergirl Legend Quest 11: Day out May has a day out. Wonder if its going to be nice or bloody. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-09 13 1251593 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 17: Rek'a'dari Is it possible to stop a Rek'a'dari without a fight?Eve and friends are about to find out, as they confront a rather rowdy and violent ali Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-03-10 11 1260245 Young Demon Familiar Quest 42 Mali infiltrates a relic of the past future, to steal a very special corpse for the hat man. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-03-12 10 1271186 Monstergirl Legend Quest 12:Attack Who would attack a dragon? May is about to find out Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-15 15 1279274 Young Demon Familiar Quest 43 it's a mother and daughter adventure in the depth's of the twisted rose's compound. Isn't it exciting? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-03-18 10 1288062 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 24:Future But what does the future hold? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-03-20 13 1315085 Monstergirl Legend Quest 13: Tyrant Changes aren't just skin deep Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-03-29 13 1320645 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 25:Nearly Hollow Kimi and Aizen deal with the Revelation of what she is. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-03-31 11 April 2017 1342663 Monstergirl Legend Quest 14: Bad Puck Bad Luck rides on the wings of Puck Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-04-06 12 1348734 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 18: Blackout Blackguard makes their move Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-04-08 11 1352915 Young Demon Familiar Quest 44 Killer Cyborgs and Mad science vs Demons, fallen angels and monsters! Who will win! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-04-09 10 1363269 Monstergirl Legend Quest 15: Territory May discovers just how bad territorial disputes between dragons can be Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-04-13 12 1365809 Young Demon Familiar Quest 45 Relaxation on the way to the black forest Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-04-14 10 1378438 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 26: Study Kimi and Aizen work to understand her strange ability Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-04-18 11 1371192 Lost in the Seventies: School Special We Mary now. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Mary Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-04-23 10 1393963 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 27: Against the self The hardest battle, is one against the self. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-04-23 10 1404562 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 19: War Blackguard goes all out. War in the streets. it seems Eve and co have a fight on their hands. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-04-26 10 May 2017 1389349 Lost in the Seventies: Earth Day Terry is the Orkin Man Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Terry Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-02 11 1428143 Monstergirl Legend Quest 16: Kid Being a little kid can feel like a curse. Especially when it is one! Can May break it? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-04 10 1437146 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 20: Dark Skies When the skies go dark, hope burns like a candle's flame. Former heroes face our heroes. Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-05-07 10 1440186 Young Demon Familiar Quest 46 Four Blood Specters come to disturb Mali's and Iris' "Peaceful" roadtrip. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-05-08 10 1451724 Monstergirl Legend Quest 17: Two Dragons May finally confronts Faith, who cursed her into being a little brat again. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-12 8 1423117 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 14 Terry goes on his first operation. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Terry Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-15 11 1465815 Young Demon Familiar Quest 47 Spirits of the past invade Mali's Candy castle! that sounds silly doesn't it. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-05-15 10 1470951 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 28: Conquer Kimi has defeated many enemies in both of her lives. But can she overcome one that is part of her? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-05-17 10 1482743 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 29: Tommorow Holds So must has changed for Kimi so quickly. But what does tomorrow hold for her in the soul society? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-05-21 10 1486817 ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST 21: Sparks Fly Two sparks in one body. What could possibly go wrong Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-05-22 10 1440635 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 15 Mary and the Scooby Gang have shit get real. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Mary Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-05-24 8 1500700 Monstergirl Legend Quest 18:Hammer Time May's made a hammer worthy of legend, but is she worthy of it? Who cares its fucking awesome! Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-26 8 1508656 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 1:A world of Monsters Magic has returned,to a world that already has its own and plenty of monsters.To protect against the intruders, new Magical Girls are needed Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-05-28 11 1517429 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 2:Atomic Legionnaire, The Tireless and Radioactive Protector Carol Hiral, or rather Atomic Legionnaire continues taking her first lessons in being a magical girl in a world of monsters. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-05-30 11 1521345 Monstergirl Legend Quest 19: Old Problems Old problems come under new faces. May's day might end up going bad. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-05-31 10 June 2017 1537086 Young Demon Familiar Quest 48 Wolves stalk the night. Mali finds a little town being hunted like sheep. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-06-04 9 1552539 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 3: The Monsterous Trio Three monsters at once? and Carol has to protect a girl who can't see them?! This is going to be a long day! Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-06-08 8 1539908 The Great War Quest Ferdinand Von Brant, Son of Fredreich Von Brant, Joined the Clankers Navy boot-camp and makes friends. GreatWarQuest , WW1 , Collective Game , Leviathan Series , HerrAdmiral 2017-06-09 4 1572795 Young Demon Familiar Quest 49 Werewolves Causing trouble? Sounds like a job for a demon!...WAIT WHAT!? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-06-14 5 1578517 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 4: Back up Two Magical girls VS two monsters and a fallen magical girl!. Carol receives some much needed back up. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-06-16 7 1566834 The Great War Quest # 2 A Celebration for graduation. Ferdinand Von Brandt get invited to a party and decide to woo some nobles GreatWarQuest , WW1 , Collective Game , Leviathan Series , HerrAdmiral 2017-06-17 1 1532103 Lost in the Seventies: Chapter 17 We find out more about Mary. Changeling , World of Darkness , Lost in the Seventies , Mary Freedman , Teller-of-Tales 2017-06-18 2 1593945 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 30: Continue on Despite the pains and memories of the past, we must continue on down the road of life. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-06-20 8 1612855 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 5: New Life Lyra finds herself in a strange, scary new world. And its up to Carol (and maybe Juniper) to help her out! Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-06-25 6 July 2017 1620251 Stormtrooper Madman Quest REBEL SCUM ARE EVERYWHERE, WE HAVE TO GET THE EMPEROR AND VADER TO SAFETY, WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO STOP US Stormtrooper , Stormtrooper Madman Quest , insane , rebels , soldier , Star Wars 2017-07-03 1 1646825 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 31: Panic 10 years have passed. Secrets have been stolen, changes have come, and new threats rise up. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-07-07 6 1630619 Great War Quest #3 The end of the party. Von Brandt got caught in the machination of the higher noble and he finally decide to be in the Black Fleet GreatWarQuest , WW1 , Collective Game , Leviathan Series , HerrAdmiral 2017-07-13 1 1683272 Monstergirl Legend Quest 20: All father May Meets the all father... or all daughter rather. Will the grudges of the old world finally die? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-07-19 6 1693869 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 6:Night terrors This epidermis, something is going bump in the nights of Brausrburge. Will the girls be able to bump it back? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-07-22 6 1709041 Young Demon Familiar Quest 50 An old monster hunter with holy metal. A pack of werewolves on the hunt. Iris and Mali use the former to find the later.What could go wrong? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-07-26 8 1719882 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 32:Paranoia Someone is trying to kill Kimi,or worse in the land of the living, as she leads a few soul reapers in training on a field trip. Oh dear. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-07-29 11 August 2017 1737868 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 7:Framed Bat The girls face a crafty foe. Something unknown is leaving people drained of blood, but alive and influenced by chaos. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-08-03 9 1740455 Young Demon Familiar Quest 51 A man of god, Werewolves, a vampire, a demon and a whole lot of explosions. Seems like quite the brawl! Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-08-04 11 1751566 Monstergirl Legend Quest 21:Knight night Modern day "knights". Or angry people who want to prove that normal humans are better than any kind of monster girl, by fighting them. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-08-08 7 1757108 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 33: Grudge Grudges do an awful things to the soul. Kimi and Tosen once again face a quincy. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-08-09 8 1778514 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 8:Wicked Things Even a nice day, can hide the most wicked of things. Carol and her friends have a day to "relax", hopefully Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-08-16 9 1804229 Monstergirl Legend Quest 22: Beach fight May's Beach party is interrupted by a glory seeking knight Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-08-24 7 1814461 Young Demon Familiar Quest 52 The battle between Malizeral and the Holy man comes to an explosive head. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-08-27 12 1790279 A Hunters Quest Our young hunter takes on his first mark and readoes himself for initiation into the hunters guild Hunter , Guildmaster , Monster Hunter , quest 2017-08-28 2 1820701 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 34: Deaths vs the dead A horde of the dead against two deaths. Kimi and Tosen once again find themselves outnumbered. But are they out matched? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-08-29 10 September 2017 1830282 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 9:Among wolves This episode, a crimson cat sows chaos among wolves. Carol and co meet a dangerous and wily foe. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-09-01 8 1845393 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 9.5: Among wolves 2 This episode, a crimson cat sows chaos among wolves. Carol and co meet a dangerous and wily foe and his remaining pets. continued from part1 Collective Game , ULTRA SUPERNOVA QUEST , The headmaster , Super Heroes , Super Villains , Ultra , Supernova , Ultra Supernova , Future 2017-09-06 8 1849694 Lost in Da'ta Quest 1 Da'ta, a popular VRMMO set in the world of Da'ta, a place of fantastical horror and terrifying beauty.Sounds fun besides what could go wro Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-09-08 20 1855293 Monstergirl Legend Quest 23: Dragonslayer May has an "interesting" Day, as a few old grudges come a calling. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-09-10 10 1863000 Lost in Da'ta Quest 2 Sadie, a fun loving griefer, gets trapped in the world of da'ta and ends up leading a mob as Belua Pangolynn. But is she in over her head? Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-09-13 12 1878417 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 35: Hollowed The battle against the quincy reaches its head. Kimi faces a massive horde of hollows as Tosen takes on the quincy's "puppets" Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-09-18 8 1884184 Young Demon Familiar Quest 53 Iris finally meets her missing aunt, Marla. Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-09-20 12 1889574 Lost in Da'ta Quest 3 Sadie/Belua tries to adapt/accept her new reality and sees the consequence of her actions. While dealing with the crap of the other players. Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-09-22 10 October 2017 1949021 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 10: Bloody Boss! This episode, Carol and co fight the furious Crimson Count, who's gone completely rabid with rage!Can they overcome their first Boss battle Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-10-09 8 1958872 Monstergirl Legend Quest 24:Melee a trois May's "Honorable" Duel with the "modern day" knight is interrupted by a legendary Thot Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-10-12 8 1966342 Lost in Da'ta Quest 4 Sadie/Belua tries to make the best of/ have some fun in her new world, but trouble/danger won't let her! Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-10-14 10 2010477 Young Demon Familiar Quest 54 Iris faces her most terrifying challenge yet yet, a family reunion with her long lost aunt. But is it a reunion from hell? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-10-25 10 November 2017 2067226 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 36: Menos-ing Return Kimi and Tosen destroy the last of the quincy puppets, and back up is on the way. But can they survive a battle against 2 menos? Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-11-13 7 2073685 Lost in Da'ta Quest 5 Sadie/Belua faces both the living and the dead with her wonderful tainted sidekick, Erret Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-11-15 10 2077743 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 11:Deserved Rest Carol and the girls get some much deserved rest for their hardwork. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-11-17 7 2092198 Young Demon Familiar Quest 55 Iris, Mali and Marla come home. Time for one hell of a sisterly reunion...from hell most likely. Hope no one dies Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-11-22 8 2099432 Lost in Da'ta Quest 6 Belua leads a raid of players against a bandit fort. People are probably going to die! Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-11-25 7 December 2017 2121658 Monster Girl Legend Quest 25: Fate Fate makes itself known in nasty ways for May. But is it fate? or just bad dreams? Either ways its pissing her off Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2017-12-04 8 2163018 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 12: Royal trouble There's a city wide party today,b something that is like candy to chaos. So the girls don't get to join in on the fun sadly or ... do they Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2017-12-20 7 2171831 Lost in Da'ta Quest 7 Belua and her motley raid group deal with a "little" Bandit Problem. Lets hope seven is their lucky number Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2017-12-23 8 2178438 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 37: Salvation Aid Reinforcements and salvation have arrived, and the long battle draws to a close. But something much more concerning still remains Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2017-12-26 7 2187352 Young Demon Familiar Quest 56 A party! A party to celebrate the reunion of the miller of family! but before Mali can have her fun...Layla needs to give her a talk. Oh no Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2017-12-30 9 January 2018 2192138 Lost in Da'ta Quest 8 Belua gets a day of well deserved rest, to check out her new cursed house. and is given an offer she can refuse, to be a "noble" knight Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-01-01 7 2206422 Monster Girl Legend Quest 26: Sisters May spends some quality time with her older sister. Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-01-06 6 2218818 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 13: Joy & Sorrow Like Chaos and Order, Joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin, Carol and Co find out today. Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2018-01-10 6 2260075 Young Demon Familiar Quest 57 Brighter days ahead! Mali's baby girl leaves impdom behind. And mali herself has made "peace" with herself. Nows time for some family fun Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2018-01-26 8 2268377 Fresh Soul Reaper Quest 38 After a seemingly endless battle, Kimi spends some quality time with her little sister. But not all is as serene as it seems. Collective Game , Fresh Sould Reaper Quest , The headmaster , Bleach , Soul Reaper , Shinigami 2018-01-29 9 February 2018 2279142 Lost in Da'ta Quest 9 Belua/Sadie finishes looking through her new, slightly cursed home. What darkness still lurks inside it? Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-02-03 7 2310591 Monster Girl Legend Quest 27:Deny Puck is once again a thorn in may's side, but with an actual purpose this time? What's her problem anyways? Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-02-14 10 2323021 Lost in Da'ta Quest 10 Belua's new home still has evil lurking.but there are more pressing matters. Like her first knightly duties,and how she's going to clean i Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-02-18 7 2335093 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 14:Sister Sister Carol's search for her lost little sister brings her a world of trouble and chaos beyond her imagining, this episode Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2018-02-23 10 2344568 Young Demon Familiar Quest 58 Mali's happy day is ruined, when a face from her past makes an unexpected appearance. Alice meets her big sister again, but is that bad? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2018-02-26 11 March 2018 2368648 Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest 15:Devilish Delight This episode, Carol has to deal with her sister's sadistic/silly side, as well as the confusion of her friends, and more! fun isn't it? Collective Game , Unfortunate Magical Girl Rebirth Quest , Magical Girl , Quest , The Headmaster , Monsters , Fantasy 2018-03-08 8 2374644 Lost in Da'ta Quest 11 Belua is bored. Carolton is safe, her new home is mostly safe and she isn't in mortal danger anymore (for now, at least).so what to do now? Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-03-10 6 2386817 Monster Girl Legend Quest 28:KAIJU MAY May may want to keep her head out of other people's bullshit about fate. But they just won't leave her alone! AND NOW SHE'S THE BIG PROBL Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-03-14 9 2396391 Young Demon Familiar Quest 59 It's a family outing today! Mali decides to spend some time with her precious daughters. What could possibly go wrong now? Collective Game , Young Demon Familar Quest , The Headmaster , Demon , Familar, 2018-03-17 7 2402636 Lost in Da'ta Quest 12 Its time to go tomb raiding. Our hero decides to spend some time with her best friend/favorite servant, looting the dead. Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-03-19 8 July 2018 2751344 Monster Girl Legend Quest 29: KAIJU problems So turns out being big and living her dream isn't as easy as May thought it'd be. Ah well! no time to worry! time to be a STAR Collective Game , Monstergirl Legend Quest , The headmaster , Monster girl , Monster girls , Modern fantasy , Legends , Myths 2018-07-22 7 2756228 Lost in Da'ta Quest 13 In search of treasure, what sorts of terrors will Belua stumble onto under the earth, in this long forgotten tomb. Collective Game , Lost in Da'ta Quest , The Headmaster , Isekai , Fantasy , Dark Fantasy , Trapped in a fantasy world , Trapped in a video game, 2018-07-25 6 September 2018 61898804 Forge World Creation Thread Roll thread dedicated to fluffing out Hua Yuan's forge world and Skitarii Hua Yuan , Homebrew , 40k , Warhammer , Imperium , AdMech , Skitarii , Titan 2018-09-16 1 61992459 Forge World Creation Thread II The second thread for Hua Yuan's forge world Hua Yuan , Homebrew , 40k , Warhammer , Imperium , AdMech , Skitarii , Titan 2018-09-25 0 October 2018 2985440 One piece of Freedom Quest 1 A story told on the blue blue seas begins again. But who is the hero of this tale? Collective Game , One Piece of Freedom Quest , The Headmaster , One piece , Adventure , Devil Fruit , Devil fruit users , Pirates , Marines , Sailing 2018-10-20 5 November 2018 3043519 The Tainted Horde - 1 OP puts us as the leader of the Darkspawn in an alternate world where all the old gods are dead. Also we get a brood mother. And crap WIFI. Key , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-19 3 3057371 The Tainted Horde - 1.5 We continue where we left off. Meet some demons, and gather a raiding party. Yay! Key , KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-11-25 1 December 2018 3076055 The Tainted Horde - 2 We raid a Wilder village. Make a human Broodmother, and find out we're about to be attacked by Dwarves. KeyQM , Collective Game , Darkspawn , Dragon Age , Broodmother , The Tainted Horde. 2018-12-03 1 February 2019 3243078 Reborn A Dragon Quest 1: new beginnings A dragon cannot be born without death, they say.
Welcome to your second childhood, as a newly reborn dragon. Try not to disappoint mother Reborn a Dragon Quest , Collective Game , The Headmaster , Dragon , Dragons , Rebirth , Fantasy , Original setting 2019-02-08 4 3273645 Reborn A Dragon Quest 2:Lessons Baslin and his new siblings are given their first lessons by their mother's mad servant. Lessons in what it means to be a dragon Reborn a Dragon Quest , Collective Game , The Headmaster , Dragon , Dragons , Rebirth , Fantasy , Original setting 2019-02-18 3 March 2019 65062546 skeleton showdown People create Their Guy on heroforge and do battle. Skeletons, Lizardmen, bad dudes and horrible monstrosities ensue. Shortage of shirts showdown , lizardmen , skeleons , skellies , heroforge 2019-03-11 2 65267679 Tales of That Guy/That DM Depression Quest anon returns and finally dispenses justice, in just one out of the many new stories of Guys and GMs that nobody likes! that guy , that dm , storytiem , justice , rage 2019-03-24 5 May 2019 3475311 F.E.E.D: Interdimensional Horror Management Quest You are the new Admin, welcome to hell <3 F.E.ED , Collective Game , Administrator , Horror Management , 2019-05-11 12 3500336 F.E.E.D: Interdimensional Horror Management Quest 2 New meanies for admin, yay! F.E.ED , Collective Game , Administrator , Horror Management , 2019-05-27 8 July 2019 67239785 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 2 Giant mud drenched, raining stalemate between Chaos and Imperium Forces. Then a 50 meter lance shows up. Things escalate dramatically. 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Krieg , Chaos , Necrons , Orks , Space Marines , Imperial Navy , Admech 2019-07-17 6 August 2019 67603168 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 3 The Saga continues, Imperials have finally claimed Groxbridge, but then Tau invade, and other old foes haven't given up yet, also maps 40k , writefaggotry , IG , Tau , Chaos , Necrons , Orks , Space Marines , Navy , Admech , Sisters of Battle 2019-08-07 8 September 2019 68113304 The battle of Damnatum Lutum, part 4 With winter rolling in and the Tau having settled down, the anons of the thread worldbuild with some giant battles on the side 40k , writefaggotry , world building , IG , Eldar , Tau , Rogue Trader , Chaos , Orks , Imperial Fists , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2019-09-10 6 October 2019 68704690 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 5 In the thick of winter, the Imperials try to advance into Tau territory but old and new enemies appear to complicate their plans. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition , Grot 2019-10-12 6 January 2020 70300545 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Part 7.6 Part 4 of the final thread. The story comes to an end with an epic titan fight. Epilogue in another thread. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition , Tyranids 2020-01-22 4 70585421 The Battle of Damnatum Lutum, Epilogue Posters discuss the fates of their characters, their favorite parts of the seven month saga, and next steps. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Sisters of Battle , Inquisition 2020-01-27 6 April 2020 71693957 Jungle Rumble Bunch of characters from different factions get send to a jungle deathworld. What could possibly go wrong? 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Eldar , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Necrons , Tyranids , Kroot 2020-04-07 1 May 2020 72290573 Iceball Worldbuilding In which we get to work building a setting based around The Great Ice Ball theory. worldbuilding , lizardmen , table , generation , city , volcano , rolling , dice 2020-05-01 4 July 2020 73737103 The Sister and the Commissar Anons come up with some silly interactions between Sisters of Battle and other characters and OP sketches up some of them 40k , writefaggotry , Sisters of Battle , Commissar , Admech , Tau , Chaos , Space Marines , Orks 2020-07-16 11 73774964 Silly Thread (Silly Sisters of Battle Thread Part 2) Continuation of the previous thread, a group of Sisters continue to post snarky comments at each other on an anonymous image board. 40k , writefaggotry , Sisters of Battle , Admech , Chaos , Space Marines , Blood Ravens , IG , Krieg 2020-07-16 2 August 2020 74150379 lizardmen in 40k with fanart /tg/ pines for lizardmen in 40k, writes great lore, drawfag obliges lizardmen , slann , sloads , 40k , warhammer 2020-08-07 3 74410233 o/nWoDg gets crashed by The Omnissiah The God-Emperor's waifu/Sasha Vykos's childer invades WoDg with SASS and VULGAR MAGIC ADVICE FOR /tg/ CUCKS! oWoD , nWoD , AdMech , Sasha Vykos , MtG , deeplore , 40k , Warhammer 40k , Vampire , Vampire 2020 , cyberpunk , CCGs , lolcows 2020-08-19 -4 January 2021 4590497 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 1 A new quest in the world of the infamous game of the same name. Otome QM , Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Space , Clown , Lizard , Weed , Trip , Cyborg , Anime Girl , Douglas MacArthur , Goblin 2021-01-18 8 February 2021 4611224 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 2 A new station, a new adventure for our new cyborg MC. Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Space , Clown , Lizard , Cyborg , Mechanicus , Weed Monster , Changelin 2021-02-02 5 4631602 Space Station 13 Quest: Space Station 13 Quest: Station 3 - Booze Station Third time's the charm or so they say. Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Space , Clown , Cyborg , Mechanicus , Weed Monster , Slime , Tesla Ball , Russians , Vodka 2021-02-18 3 March 2021 4664076 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4, High Security Nuking. McSnickers Dickerson attempts to advance the field of science and his faith. But can he survive the Syndicates deadliest ops team? Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , nuke , space , Mechanicus , Tesla engine , McSnickers Dickerson 2021-03-20 0 4686103 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 4.5, Rust In Peace. . . McSnickers McSnickers spreads disease like a dog, discharge his payload, a mile high rotten egg, air of death, wrestles syndi nostrils. Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , nuke , space , Mechanicus , Tesla engine , maintenance , Nuclear Holocaust , MacArthur did nothing wrong , Revenge 2021-03-26 0 April 2021 4705736 Space Station 13 Quest: Station 5, Mining Station Inquisition. McSnickers gets a feel for his new warmachine body and joins the Inquisitorial Emergency Response Team. Badmin QM , Space Station 13 , Mechanicus , McSnickers Dickerson , Cult , monster slaying , Inquisition , Russians , lavaland , one month hiatus 2021-04-11 0 May 2021 79097963 Your GM's fetishes Anons share their GM's fetishes. Turns out even good GMs can have "recurring themes." DM , GM , campaign , storytime , tomboy , musclegirl , slave 2021-05-10 -3 June 2021 79479764 Chocolate and Corruption in 40k #2 - Wonka Land An Eccentric mix of characters explore the perils of Wonka Land. Some continue to slide into corruption. 40k , writefaggotry , worldbuilding , IG , Tau , Chaos , Dark Eldar , Space Marines , Admech , Tyranids , Inquisition , Orks 2021-06-04 8 August 2021 80949796 How to make fantasy genre more interesting Discussion on merits of high fantasy and low fantasy, how to make them better, and how to better DM. Worldbuilding , Fantasy , DMing 2021-08-25 1 4919200 Borderlands Civ Quest: Pre-Quest Admiral Mikey awakes with the smarts and heads to Pandora to slap General Noxx. QM's job interferes with updates and thread dies early Admiral Mikey , ATLAS , Borderlands , Collective Game 2021-08-28 1 September 2021 4957209 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest You're an amnesiac administrator tasked with running one of P-Company's latest facilities. Only coffee is keeping you sane. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Please don't sue me HeartQM , Coffee Addiction 2021-09-21 25 November 2021 5023776 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #2.1 Crossover with a better quest, autistic amounts of catalogs, and some new horrible anomalies. what more could you ask for? Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , guess who the lesbians are , Coffee Addiction 2021-11-28 14 January 2022 82890060 Forgeworld Hanzien /tg/ plays with creation tables and makes an Imperial Chinese-themed Forgeworld menaced by Orks and a particularly dickish Rogue Trader. creation tables , adeptus mechanicus , admech , forgeworld , techpriest , china , chinese , imperial , terracotta skitarii, 2022-01-10 1 5077149 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #3 Another floor to manage, some dicking about, and a perspective shift to a certain charming EFT agent. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , QM gets the coof and nearly dies , Coffee Addiction , the wild ride begins 2022-01-16 10 March 2022 5130116 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #4 After spending a moment in the shoes of Gamma, your next shift was spent dealing with one anomaly and beating the shit outta another. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , the QM will try to update faster please trust him 2022-03-05 10 83616992 Fae as Old Ones OP requests help fleshing out his fae folk themed campaign with ideas for weird, eldritch horror. /tg/ obliges. Fae , Fairy , fantasy , horror , folk , weird , worldbuilding , DMing , ideas , Aberrations , roleplaying , rpg , RPG , Fair Folk 2022-03-18 11 April 2022 5196847 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #5 An American soldier is finally put to rest, cowboys prepare to invade, and C-0RA finally took her meds. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , Emily is a good robot 2022-04-26 7 May 2022 84649014 Valhallans on a Jungle World Valhallans deal with ministorum incompetence and orks, admech deals with necrons IG , 40k , Orks , admech , felinid , imperial knight , writefaggotry 2022-05-27 11 December 2022 5433671 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #6 After almost half a year of silence, you go back to being the Administrator to put down some fucking cowboys. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , no more long hiatuses without due notice 2022-12-02 6 January 2023 5493112 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #7 A jobbed fight, a bizarre dream, two temporary anomalies to wrangle, and the Eye staring down at you. You're shocked you haven't gone mad. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , I actually fear my players when they shitpost 2023-01-15 5 February 2023 5533728 HELP WANTED! Yet Another Facility Management Quest #8 A child finally leaves the nest, time itself crashes down upon the facility, and an AI has to wrangle the facility after the fact. Administrator , Collective Game , Lobotomy Corporation , Fan Quest , Coffee Addiction , people kinda forget Spamton isn't a funny haha man 2023-02-21 6 March 2023 5575081 Helluva Employee #1 Archimedes the demon vulture meets the Immediate Murder Professionals. Then the qm goes missing again. Helluva Boss , Hazbin Hotel , Seraph DM 2023-03-27 6 September 2023 5720288 Europe 1000 A.D. The nations of Medieval Europe contest each other between long wait times and rolls.
Alliances are forged and two power blocs emerge. Collective Game , Skirmish , Nations , Europe , Medieval , Middle Ages , 1000ADMapGameHost , Christianity , Paganism , Multiplayer , Crusade 2023-09-05 0 December 2023 5846486 Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 3 Transformed forever by his lover's selfish act, a half-elven mage apprentice returns to his roots in search of answers ReptoidQM , Reptilian Infiltrator Quest , Seeker of the Esoteric , transhumanism , humanitaranism , fairies , lizardmen , parental estrangement 2023-12-18 8 June 2024 93031789 DT-10: /tg/ rolls up a forge world, thread 1 A thread where /tg/ used the forge world creation tables to make a forge world, specialized in paint. WH40K , 40k , Creation Tables , Adeptus Mechanicus , Admech , Homebrew 2024-06-18 7