/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2012
18237435Shadowrun Storytime 2The continued story of a Shadowrun That Guy, now with more berserk troll.Shadowrun, That Guy, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, DeadMan, Trout, Street Samurai, Hacker, Mage, Infiltrator2012-03-07 93 
18291189Shadowrun Storytime 4The Ares runs begin, Tank gets a SIN, and an interrogation gets...weird.Shadowrun, Storytime, 2D, Geppetto, Dervish, Tank, Teacup Ride, Cyberpunk, Knight Errant2012-03-12 73 
18400401Shadowrun Storytime 6Bend the Infiltrator joins the team, spirits get stoned, 2D jizzes himself, and the Vegas arc comes to a close.Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, TwoDee, Geppetto, Dervish, Bend, Vegas, Las Vegas2012-03-21 71 
18421888Shadowrun Storytime 72D and the crew head to Tokyo, Shenanigans ensueShadowrun, Storytime, TwoDee, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Tokyo2012-03-23 77 
April 2012
18532456Shadowrun Storytime 8The team goes to Lagos, and runner-on-runner violence happens! Geppetto kills a guy in a really fucked-up way. Also Nextwave!Shadowrun, Storytime, Storytiem, Shadowrun Storyime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Lagos, Nextwave2012-04-02 72 
18645891Shadowrun Storytime 92D and crew finally corner Two-Times in Bogota. The Sixth World is marred forever.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Geppetto, Bend, Bogota, Sensei, Pirates, Aztechnology2012-04-10 62 
18848099Shadowrun Storytime 11The Summer episode! The Team tries their hand at a bank heist.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Bank Heist, Bank Job2012-04-25 56 
May 2012
18990192Shadowrun Storytime 12The team goes back to college. It's not quite how they remember...Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, Geppetto, Bend, Dervish, Wildcard, College, University2012-05-06 36 
July 2012
19744246Shadowrun Storytime 14The Trout Run starts with a bang! Evil cultists and shit-covered capybaras abound.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras2012-07-05 43 
20080536Shadowrun Storytime 15The team gets a nwe target, Wildcard and Dervish harass a checkpoint guard.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, trout, twodee, capybara, capybaras2012-07-29 35 
20098708Shadowrun Storytime 15.5Adversary says hi.shadowrun, storytime, shadowrun storytime, bend, dervish, wildcard, geppetto, twodee2012-07-30 38 
August 2012
20366845Shadowrun Storytime 16: The Tale of Felix RamirezThe team initiates their newest member, ex-Aztechnology Eagle Warrior Felix Ramirez.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Felix Ramirez, Locke2012-08-18 70 
October 2012
20950596Shadowrun Storytime 17Happy birthday, 4chan! TwoDee returns with a very Dervish-heavy tale.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Felix, Locke, trolls, Fight Club2012-10-02 78 
July 2013
25826870Shadowrun Storytime 19: The Final Run Part 1Lo, the beginning of the end.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard2013-07-05 99 
January 2014
29217154Shadowrun Storytime 20: The Final Run Part 2The tension keeps up as the team struggles to hunt down their quarry.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Twodee, 2D, Dervish, Bend, Geppetto, Locke, Sensei, Wildcard2014-01-02 119 
December 2014
36995529Shadowrun Storytime 21Merry Christmas, chummers. Shadowrun Storytime comes to a long-awaited end.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend2014-12-27 92 
37016947Shadowrun Storytime 21.5Wrapping up loose ends.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, TwoDee, 2D, Dervish, Locke, Wildcard, Bend, Trout, Geppetto2014-12-28 107 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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