/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2012
17764918MAQuest 1A young Newtype pilot is rescued by the Federation, along with her experimental Mobile Armor.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-02 21 
17778417MAQuest 2Shannon gets another taste of combat and makes a new friend.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-03 20 
17791313MAQuest 3Shannon explores the ship and finds something entirely unexpected.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-04 15 
17804566MAQuest 4Another Mobile Armor shows up for a beating and is not disappointed. Now with 50% more Luna II.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-05 13 
17819391MAQuest 5Team Ex-Zeon gets a new member, and Shannon's luck remains incredible.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-06 13 
17833809MAQuest 6We investigate the ruins of Side 2, meet a Ball that has no pilot, and recover a necklace and a binder. Then we wake up back on the Trafalgar, and are told we were never anywhere near Side 2. MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-07 13 
17888142MAQuest Part 7We beat up a Zaku, and find the most expensive blueprint we're probably ever going to get.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-12 10 
18123969MAQuest 8After the ship faceplants, our Newtype has another encounter with the dead, and meets Garma, somewhat less pretty than expected.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-02-29 6 
March 2012
18163355MAQuest 9Despite technical difficulties, we get this session off the ground. We convince Garma to a prisoner exchange, and have him lead us to his men. David Lister gets the drop on us, however.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-03-03 11 
18266408MAQuest 10We get back to the Trafalgar, and as its crew performs repairs with the help of Garma's guerrillas, we take Lister back to the abandoned Zeon base for a second look. As we snoop around, the Blue Zaku that tore apart the Nachtmaren shows up, tears through our Gundam's armor, and is only barely stopped by words.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-03-12 8 
April 2012
18590061MAQuest 11We wake up well rested, and begin our mobile suit training with David and Zolomon. Technical difficulties make the going slow.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-04-07 5 
May 2012
18951007MAQuest 12We arrive at Jaburo, and try to make Zeon reconsider their attack by trying to scare them off with an entire MS team of Gundams. Then we unexpectedly meet with Char.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-05-09 1 
September 2012
20701207MAQuest 13Char had best start believing in ghost stories; he's in one.MAQuest, Mobile Armor, Collective Game, Gundam, Federation, Zeon, Newtype2012-09-15 1 
January 2013
22477288MAQuest: The ReturnWe're back, ladies and gentlemen.MAQuest, Newtype, Armor, Mobile, Gundam, Quest, Collective Game2013-01-09 3 
July 2014
33679043Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #13Dominic meets an old friend and takes turns with the Sisters to thoroughly trounce Monsha and Kou. Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-07-27 20 
August 2014
34493855Mobile Suit Gundam: Shadows of Zeon Quest #21We resume with a double date that ends in a Newtype threesome, and a mafia capo gives us hints of Principality remnants repairing something under Von Braun.Shadows of Zeon, Collective Game, Mecha, Gundam, AU, Naked Newtype Rainbow Dream Space2014-08-30 14 
April 2021
4722935Wings Over Atlesia5th Thread. Stanislaw continues his night defense of Baldir Base. Later, Chimera joins Werewolf Flight in a daring rescue mission...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron, 2021-04-25 4 
May 2021
4764605Wings Over AtlesiaThread #6. A vicious encounter with the Phantom ends in an ace going down. After, Stanislaw and buds head to town. And a new mission beckonsPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron,2021-05-14 6 
June 2021
4810271Wings over Atlesia#7Stanislaw deals with death. We learn our enemy moniker, and the clock ticks down. The attack on the enemy airbase begins! For Konerland!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-05 2 
4853581Wings over Atlesia#8Stanislaw comes inches within death. We fight a war of the past. A very fat man invites us on his ego trip, and we uncover a traitorous talkPilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-06-25 2 
July 2021
4890459Wings over Atlesia#9Chimera Flight takes matters into their own hands. Stanislaw and the others track down an alleged traitor, as tension builds...Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-07-16 1 
August 2021
4919985Wings over Atlesia #10The time has come. Stanislaw and Chimera engage Foudre Flight. Exams get in the way. Short thread. Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron2021-08-05 1 
4946638Wings over Atlesia#11The Bloody Red Angel vs the Black Lightning. A battle to the death. The end of Part 1. Forwards, pilot!Pilot Quest, WW1, Newtype, Esoteric Memes, Totally Not A Gundam/Ace Combat Ripoff, Red Baron.2021-08-26 1 
November 2022
5414507Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #1It is the year 0068 of the Universal Century, and the journey of Felix Zos Deikun begins.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, PTSD, BIG ZAM, DOZLE PILL2022-11-03 31 
January 2023
5492260Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #2It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun finds himself living among the Zabi family, biding time for revenge.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, DOZLE PILL, Kycilia's hai2023-01-11 21 
5533615Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #3It is the year 0075 the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun visits Von Braun to fulfill a promise to his childhood friend Elena.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, surprise gift, Elena2023-01-26 15 
March 2023
5575952Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #4It is the year 0075 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun attends the academy... and becomes a Zabi?!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, BIG ZAM, DADZLE PILL2023-03-21 18 
April 2023
5616811Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #5It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun slowly settles into life as a public figure and becomes a dad!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Waifus, unplanned pregnancy, oh no2023-04-30 13 
June 2023
5670248Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #6It is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Deikun hones his newtype powers, recruits a new ally, and gets engaged to Elena!Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit, Ensared by Earthnoid Bazookas2023-06-28 7 
September 2023
5733886Mobile Suit Gundam Quest #7t is the year 0076 of the Universal Century. Felix Zos Deikun spreads the good word and finds potential allies in Riah.Gundam, Sci-fi, UC, 0079, MSG, The Origin, Felix Zos Deikun, Mecha, Political Intrigue, Newtype bullshit2023-09-22 10 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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