/tg/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /tg/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2009
7298957New SpeciesAnon asks for help fleshing out differently sexed species /tg/ delivers.Biology2009-12-27 2 
January 2010
7410817FogworldAnon attempts to design a world shrouded in fog, and speculates on the types of creatures and societies that might live there.world building, original content, biology, climate2010-01-04 5 
November 2010
12739376BrainwormsDiscussion of brainworms turns into a brainstorming of concept and ideas. Includes redneck brainworms monster truck racing and ancient greece.brainworm, fantasy, D&D, biopunk2010-11-10 0 
January 2011
1360334840k Mass Effect Styled GameA what if discussion, if Bioware made a 40k game similar to Mass Effect mass effect, 40k, inquisitor, video game, bioware2011-01-21 6 
March 2011
14083396Habitats, Biodomes, Guns, and Hard Sci-Fi in SpaceFrom elaborate sky cities in lower Earth orbit to rusty habitats drifting at the edge of nothing, from enormous biodomes across Valles Marineris to dive caves in the ice of Europa, what is it like to live in these habitats and biodomes. (Featuring extensive weapon discussion.)hard sci-fi, biodomes, space stations, miners, guns, laws, asteroids, low earth orbit, brainstorming, zero-g weaponry2011-03-02 2 
January 2012
17444374A Study of DwarvesOP opens up with a huge multipost dissertation about dwarven biology and physiology, adolescent development, and even some cultural details like courtship. /tg/ jumps on it, and soon things like death and burial rituals, farming, homelife, and even brewing and cooking get expanded upon. Also, apparently Giant Cave Worms are basically just big writhing sausages made of Spam.dwarves, study, information, biology, puberty, death, burial, farming, brewing, cooking, spam2012-01-07 8 
February 2012
17877454Unity, Duty, Destiny-Bionicle general.Op makes a thread about making a Bionicle RPG. What follows is a lengthy thread full of nostalgia, system building and general Bionicle fun. homebrew,bionicle,nostalgia,lego,2012-02-10 12 
17900321Riddles and Rahi - Bionicle RPG Part DeuxThe second Bionicle RPG thread, in which levels are adjusted, dice are rolled and shit possibly gets done.bionicle, 2, design, matoran, nostalgia2012-02-12 5 
March 2012
18511269Limits for modified humansOP asks how for help on how to balance modified humans when compared with normal ones. Some good cyberpunk brainstorming.cyberpunk, bionics, game balance2012-03-31 5 
April 2012
18734234A concept of Human Ingenuity and madnessDurendal shares his idea for a space setting where spaceships are all biological; grown from humans. /tg/ takes the concept and runs with it; yielding interesting results and both clean and slightly-fetishy variants of the setting.setting, development, space, ship, grimdark, transhuman, giant, giantess, war, freaky, biological, bioship, The Archivist2012-04-16 11 
18910050Mass Effect quest threadWe meet Vanguard James Rennick, alcohol is had, interspecies relations are discussed, shit hits the fan. TO BATTLESTATIONS!Mass effect, Vanguard, The Illusive Man, Ryncol, Biotics2012-04-30 10 
May 2012
18933377Mass Effect Quest Part 1Wendigo and Jackal Squads continue towards mission objective. Sgt. Briggs makes Bro-tier, Newton proves to not be a total Jenkins, and we learn the dice Gods love Vanguards.Mass Effect, Vanguard, Geronimo, Briggs, Biotic2012-05-01 12 
18982677Mass Effect Crunch Session 1I posted the info and then went to sleep. Gonna see what happened in the morningMass Effect, Illusive Man, Geronimo, Biotic, Tomahawk2012-05-05 3 
June 2012
19432606Mass Effect Quest Part 6Geronimo let's Karri in on what's happened with Briggs and Haskill. Preparation for the coming storm.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Illusive Man, Karrigan, Briggs, Haskill, Biotic2012-06-10 5 
19486735Mass Effect Quest Part 7Geronimo completes his training with Karri, it's a success though she feels like he's become more aggressive since the training. We meet Jack Harken and start unraveling who Volkov really is.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karri, Briggs, Haskill, Biotic, Harken2012-06-15 5 
July 2012
19751693Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 9Not all of the discussion threads for this game are worth archiving here, but some pretty nifty ideas are dropped here, enough that it was worth preserving here for posterity. Why bluegrass is blue is explained, and the idea of a microscopic episode of Fortune evolution is proffered. Slow moving but interesting read. Note: As it is not part of the game proper, the tag of Collective game is not applied to this thread. The exclusion of this tag will also serve as "advertisement" in a sense to those who browse suptg, as we welcome new players. Browse this thread, see if the game grabs you. No prior knowledge is necessary to play, so if you like it, come on in!Fortune Evolution, evolution, evo, game, discussion thread, microscopic, bluegrass, namefags, science, biology, technobabble2012-07-08 2 
19856647Mass Effect Quest Part 11We manage to defuse the situation with Regal and learn why he needed the gun.Mass Effect Quest, Collective Game, Geronimo, Karrigan, Briggs, Biotics2012-07-13 2 
20005554 Elven biomechanics - theorizing the elf as brachiating arboreal humanoidRe-designing the classical elf to biologically, culturally, and metally correspond to their tree-loving ways, a group of elegan/tg/entlemen reaches some unexpected and most startling conclusions.game ideas, elf, concept, world building, ape, biology, science2012-07-23 31 
December 2012
21981641Bionicle Nostalgia Thread/tg/ talks about Bioniclebionicle2012-12-12 7 
22184774Mass Effect Quest Part IIA Krogan Battlemaster, his Geth Infiltrator sidekick, and a rescued rookie Asari after the Battle for Earth get into violent hijinks. For creidts and Urah!Mass Effect, Mass Effect Quest, Krogan, Biotic God2012-12-23 11 
April 2013
24088642Bionicle thread 2/tg/ continue building the wargame and the rpgbionicle2013-04-06 6 
24130315BioShock multiverseWhat other universes in fiction have a man, a lighthouse and a city? The nature of the multiverse, vidya BioShock, and revolution.multiverse, vidya, BioShock, revolution2013-04-09 10 
24141911bionicle thread 3getting more shit donebionicle2013-04-09 5 
24258017Bionicle thread #4tg continue the discussionbionicle2013-04-15 5 
24334012bionicle thread 5the new edition of the rpg and the wargame are herebionicle2013-04-21 1 
24346225Bioshock: Nature's LadderFollowing the disaster of the Boer War and the resulting crisis in national confidence, the eminent scientist Sir Edward Dalton proscribed as the only possible solution to the moral degeneration of Britons the new science, in fact a genetic religion of hereditary genius, eugenics - the science of human advancement. He and his colleagues conspired in the construction of a haven from which to escape the Lloyd-George government, completing the underground city and going below during the "dark days" of the post-war Lloyd-George coalition ministry. The city was made possible by the sapling of the Tree of Life from the Himalayas, and the Soma flowers which bloomed from it - symbiotic organisms which made gross cellular mutation achievable; speeding up the construction and the subsequent breeding program immensely.Bioshock, Nature's Ladder, World Building, Setting2013-04-22 10 
May 2013
25023529Bioweapon QuestWe, a Shit Weasel, wake up on a cargo ship and being having lunch.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-05-25 21 
25037827The Real Bioweapon Quest IIWe get taken in by a pirate ship, we hide in rice and eat some bird people.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, bird, rice, stinger, giger, real quest2013-05-26 11 
25080933The Real Bioweapon Quest 3We sneak around the vents and stealthily eat more pirates before the ship heads to a populated asteroid.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt, legs, hopping, crab, real quest2013-05-28 11 
25146882Bioweapon Quest 4In which we bite various undelicious things, fry some seafood, but send it back and eat the raw one, and get spotted!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-05-31 10 
June 2013
25289656Bioweapon Quest 5We get messily ejected before catching a ride. Then we decide that showers are the best way to learn to sing.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-07 10 
25309035Bioweapon Quest 6We find that having an iron bar shoved into our mouth is not delicious. Not delicious at all! And then we discover what colour we are, in the worst possible way.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-08 10 
25386857Bioweapon Quest 7We snack on a bloated thing and a bouncy thing, and gain new combat evolutions! Also, our rival appears!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-12 10 
25427645Bioweapon Quest 8We talk to a bug, eat a tree, then make a mess of things!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-14 11 
25520490Bioweapon Quest 9We hide from, then bite an arachnoid. Something strange happens, and we decide to scram. After eating another fleshbag in the bathroom and destroying our rival, of course.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-19 10 
25688765Bioweapon Quest 10An attempt to escape goes horribly wrong, then horribly right.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-06-28 10 
July 2013
25824305Bioweapon Quest 11We escape the grasp of a cyborg, leap between cars and gnaw on a metal box of tastiness!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-05 7 
25981005Bioweapon Quest 12We tussle with a cyborg, eat a table, hide in a box, then make an entrance, and an exit.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-13 5 
26038482Bioweapon Quest 13We defeat the evil fan once more, get shot, go fishing and then bughunting. New powers arise.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-16 8 
26340635Bioweapon Quest 14We climb upwards, Interrupt a heated meeting, and make a friend!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-07-31 7 
August 2013
26479439Bioweapon Quest 15We reach the top of the tower, find a dam for our brood, and a fight breaks out. Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-08-07 6 
26665025Planet Home pt. 2Lt. Col. Space Helicopters returns to expand on the planet he's been creating. /tg/ hardly notices the poor guy, but faith remains strong and the setting is lovely. World Building, Exobiology, SPACE, HELICOPTERS2013-08-18 2 
26795395Bioweapon Quest 16We eat a man, squash a slug, carry our princess over our shoulder, and have a few strange encounters.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, worm, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-08-24 8 
September 2013
26946637Bioweapon Quest 17We balance our base desires, greet guests, and fell a tree!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-01 8 
26968144Bioweapon Quest 18We kick a fireball, go hunting, and eat the most Delicious thing ever. The game has changed. Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-02 11 
27050010Bioweapon Quest 19We escape the green tide, nap for a while, and fight the undying beast!Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-06 7 
27250486Bioweapon Quest 20We get sent on our next task: To eat Delicious things! Then we eat a pair of delicious things.Collective Game, Bioweapon Quest, Bioweapon, Quest, shit weasel, evolve, feast, eat, adapt2013-09-16 5 
October 2013
28008605Washed up Villain quest 7Gunther uses Jimmy's bone to give a bad wolf more than he can chew on, gets a tatoo, and learns THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAYMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, Knothole glade, balverines, random events, THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY2013-10-30 11 
November 2013
28041185Washed up Villain quest 8Guther meets Justice 2.0 and they have a lovers spatMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, Demon door, 2013-11-01 10 
28125732Washed up Villain quest 9Gunther goes Berserk, Removes a mans arm, destroys a forest, becomes a hero, kills some bandits, and encounters and beats the shit out of something not even in this setting Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, Albion, THE KNOTHOLE GLADE WAY, heroes, 2013-11-06 11 
28218341Washed up Villain quest 10 we make men fly and make crab people fly even higher. Trouble involving an irishman, a real bastard and a little demon girl...in space! also we get the voice out of our head and gain another one as a twig loses her eyesMustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Crab people, Space,2013-11-11 5 
28290654Washed up Villain quest 11Dick dastardly faces his greatest challange yet...a family reunion. He also ruins the story line of fable, by beating jack of blades and goes to a rather bizarre world.Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Jojo's bizzare adventure2013-11-15 4 
December 2013
28893399Sonar DwarfsDwarf physiology is reexamined and reinvented under the assumption that darkvision is actually a form of echolocation. dwarf, dorf, worldbuilding, biology, echologcation2013-12-17 8 
January 2014
29389458Bio Shock Quest: Chapter 1Jim Clarke, PI and undercover spook of Rapture, awakens on his floor with a sore head and a ransacked house. With his trusty hand canon he sets off after the looters for vengeance and to reclaim that which is his. Along the way he meets a foppish English teacher named James, who also has a stake in catching the looters. Together, they venture deeper into the city.Bio Shock Quest, Collective Game, Bio Shock2014-01-09 8 
29412421BioShock Quest: Chapter 2Upon moving further into the Bounty, Jim and James are invited to help bring down a big daddy by a few desperate splicers. Instead of helping them, the PI and his bumbling sidekick help their target, though Jim receives a harpoon to the shoulder for his troubles. They end up finding a place to rest for the night.BioShock Quest, Collective Game, BioShock2014-01-11 7 
May 2014
32042249Bionicle Quest 1A new Toa awakens on the shores of Mata Nui.Collective Game, Bionicle Quest, Toa, Toa Quest, Chronicler, Mata Nui2014-05-11 7 
32065753Bionicle Quest 2In which we find a mask, escape danger, and arrive at the Kini-Nui.Collective Game, Bionicle Quest, Toa, Toa Quest, Chronicler, Mata Nui2014-05-12 7 
32089179Bionicle Thread 3We learn about the mysterious mask we found before Gali gives us an offer.Collective Game, Bionicle Quest, Toa, Toa Quest, Chronicler, Mata Nui2014-05-13 7 
32179645Bionicle Quest 3We journey through Mata Nui to Ga-Koro, deal with Tarakava, and encounter a most peculiar puzzle. Collective Game, Bionicle Quest, Tarakava, Toa, Toa Quest, Chronicler, Mata Nui2014-05-18 6 
32307512Bionicle Quest 5Pyramid puzzle stuff and arrival at Po-Koro. Collective game, Bionicle Quest, Toa, Mata Nui, 2014-05-24 3 
32351146Bionicle Quest 6We deliver a package, check out the Kolhii field, and meet Turaga OnewaCollective Game, Bionicle Quest, Toa, Toa Quest, Chronicler, Mata Nui2014-05-26 2 
June 2014
32956437Bionicle Quest Thread 7BIonicle Quest returns. Onewa is a dick, and Tumahti needs grounds for fighting haha. Collective Game, Bionicle Quest, Toa, Tumahti, Chronicler, Mata Nui2014-06-24 2 
December 2014
36985884Symbiote Girl QuestAn office girl becomes host to an alien parasite and turns into a monster. Hijinks ensue.Symbiote Girl Quest, Collective Game, Symbiote, Horror2014-12-27 15 
37002440Symbiote Girl Quest 2Cattle mutilations, indecision & learning revenge is the human trait we enjoy most.Symbiote Girl Quest, Collective Game, Symbiote, Horror2014-12-27 13 
January 2015
37105387Capitalizing CthulhuOP proposes a CoC campaign based off Ayn Rand. /tg/ proves itself impossible to troll and Bioshock+Lovecraft, Galt as a Mi-Go trying to lure the "best" of humanity into a trap so he can extract their brains, railroads spelling out the Elder Sign and Yithians complaining about people stealing their technology.Objectivism, Bioshock, CoC, Cthulhu, Lovecraft,Cultists, Campaign Hooks, Better then it sounds,2015-01-01 12 
37123300Symbiote Girl Quest 3Mercy awakes cocooned and terrified. A suicide attempt backfires, and she relocates. Symbiote Girl Quest, Collective Game, Symbiote, Horror2015-01-02 12 
37511189/tg/ on mimics biologyDare you enter that mimical realm?(the realm is also a mimic)mimic, mimics, fluff, biology, magical realm2015-01-21 5 
October 2015
43081579Home brewed reworking of Bioshock RPGOP asks for input to work Tonics into spell systems. /tg/ runs off with it into the direction of it's own game system. Crunch ensues.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-20 6 
43219967Home brewed Bioshock RPG #2Continuing from the first thread.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-24 0 
43332824Home brewed Bioshock RPG #3More crunch added along with discussions about how real life tech on building on the bottom of the sea. Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-10-31 1 
November 2015
43453917Home brewed Bioshock RPG #4New Homebrew guy posts up parts of the Alpha phase RPG and anons start to dig in to get shit done.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-05 0 
43562585Bionicle Homebrew/tg/ has a long talk about Bionicle Lore and decides to start making a RPG system for it.Bionicle, Homebrew, Nostalgia2015-11-10 11 
43540626Home brewed Bioshock RPG #5Status effects, Melee weapons and conditions are worked on. 3D IRL table top figurines are made as well.Bioshock, Bioshock RPG, Home brewed, /tg/ gets shit done, Big Daddies, Little sisters, crunch, fluff, brain storming,2015-11-11 0 
43584194BIONICLE RPG Thread #2In this thread, we brainstorm ideas for the BIONICLE RPG and make puns out of Onua's name. (Just the one, really.)BIONICLE, RPG, WIP, /tg/ gets shit done2015-11-15 3 
January 2016
44864874Biopunk Quest #1We start off! We awaken after cyro-freezing in the middle of a fight between a massive machine-woman and a group of supersoldiers!Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-19 8 
44883068Biopunk Quest #2We learn more about the world, and make a deal with a WitchCollective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-20 3 
44993529Biopunk Quest #3We go with the Blue Witch to the tribe of the Titans.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-25 5 
45014707Biopunk Quest #4We fight Demons, meet Tina, and Pampi gets into deep trouble.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-26 3 
45035603Biopunk Quest #5We do some Ace Attorneying and rock at it. Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk, Objection!2016-01-27 5 
45055514Biopunk Quest #6We capture a Demon Heart, and discover a secret.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-28 5 
45074476Biopunk Quest #6We meet a metal giant, and get into a lot of trouble.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-29 1 
45095479Biopunk Quest #8We get mindraped, save the hybrid, but discover nasty secrets.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-30 5 
45116539Biopunk Quest #9Things come back together.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-01-31 3 
February 2016
45141195Biopunk Quest #10Some sweet Slice of LifeCollective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-02-01 5 
45182893Biopunk Quest #11Short run. We lewd Keiko and get upgrades!Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-02-03 2 
45261063Biopunk Quest #12Fat Tuesday puts the quest on pause.Collective Game, Quest, BioPunk2016-02-12 3 
May 2016
97955Biopunk Quest #13The return! We rescue the Black Witch and finally revive Jenny.Collective Game, Quest, Biopunk Quest, Biopunk2016-05-09 1 
July 2016
371255Biopunk Quest #14Short sessionCollective Game, Quest, Biopunk Quest, Biopunk2016-07-25 1 
August 2016
447985BioArmor Quest: 1st VHS80's cult classic Bio Armor Manu Beetalion presented in glorious low definition. Contains all of episode one and part of episode two.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-08-16 -9 
September 2016
49216454Bionicle Quest 1The Great Spirit descended like a burning star from the heavens. Arrival -> Kini-Nui -> Mount Ihu.Collective Game, Bionicle Reboot Quest, Tumahti2016-09-08 3 
513726BioArmor Quest: 2nd VHSIn which we continue our marathon of the early 90's OVA classic Bio Armor Manu: BeetalionCollective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-12 -10 
568527Bionicle Quest 2Mount Ihu looms before you like an upthrust sword. Ko-Wahi.Collective Game, Bionicle Reboot Quest, Tumahti2016-09-17 2 
606293BioArmor Quest: 3rd VHSIn which we finally become the BioArmor.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence2016-09-23 -13 
641388Biopunk Quest #15Glitter Island!Collective Game, Quest, Biopunk Quest, Biopunk2016-09-30 2 
October 2016
697511BioArmor Quest: 4th VHSIn which we take a quick jump into a possible future, a future of hunger and desperation.Collective Game, BioArmor Quest, Questguy, Science Fiction, 1980s, OVA, Henshin, Conspiracy, Ultraviolence, Post-Apocalypse, 2016-10-25 1 
November 2016
803046Bio Armor QuestAw shit, it's motherfucking BrundleflyCollective Game, BioArmor Quest, 80s Anime, Cute Girls Doing Cute Things2016-11-08 8 
March 2017
51980267Frontier Freaks Setting WorldbuildingA setting which can basically be described as "biopunk wild west" is invented.worldbuilding, western, wild west, bioengineering, biotech, biopunk, bioshock, transhumanism, Pasteur, 1800s pseudoscientific beliefs,2017-03-12 5 
June 2017
1604914Super Symbiote Quest #1We meet Vladimir Stepanos, new host to a newly formed Symbiote!Marvel, Symbiote, True Believer, Collective Game2017-06-24 5 
July 2017
1627180Super Symbiote Quest #2TB gets a drawfriend, and Vladimir makes his Uncle proud after taking out the Rhino! Marvel, Symbiote, Super Symbiote Quest, True Believer, Collective Game2017-07-02 5 
1680585Super Symbiote Quest #3! Internet's back Edition!True gets his internet back, and runs a short thread! We get into a fight with Eugene "Flash" Thompson!Collective Game, Marvel, True Believer, Symbiote, Super Symbiote Quest2017-07-22 1 
August 2017
1809362 Abhuman Quest: Issue #1In our first thread we meet our protag, and escape the facility that held him.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Mega Corps, Mercenaries2017-08-30 10 
September 2017
1836577 Abhuman Quest: Issue #2Our MC considers his options as a Super Villainess offers him help to get on his feet in the real world.Abhuman Quest, SleepyQM, Abhuman, Child Soldier, Bio-Powers, Lilith, Perfect Roll, Singing2017-09-12 7 
55522102speculative biology of the 41st millenniumA field guide to the wildlife of 40K.Magos biologis Attenborough, documentary, catachan, prospero,2017-09-23 -10 
October 2017
55920632The future of human evolution/tg/ theorizes about what evolution may hold next for humanity. speculative biology, evolution, human, posthuman, worldbuilding,2017-10-26 4 
November 2017
56144646Horrible Deep Sea Thread"I'll be posting factual information about horrible creatures from the deep sea..."deep, sea, deep sea, ocean, wildlife, fish, whales, mermaids, salt, sharks, eels, biology, horror2017-11-03 10 
February 2018
2266425A Man Chooses: A Bioshock QuestA horribly flakey QM takes us on a magical adventure, down where it's wetter. Take it from me.Bioshock, SilverQM, A Man Chooses, Delta2018-02-11 1 
March 2018
2396836Rapture Labyrinth Ghosts of an era past linger in this city...Collective game, rapture, bioshock2018-03-30 2 
April 2018
2403286Welcome to Rapture Quest 1We awaken to a doctor who saved our live before setting out on a quest to save our wife and daughter while killing splicers.Bioshock, Big Daddy, Splicers, plasmids, Adam, Eve, 2018-04-06 1 
June 2018
2643985Umbra City QuestQM has rocky start but tries his best to maintain. Thread died due to lack of interest before the action could pick up, sadly.cyberpunk, biopunk, action, henshin, henshin heroes, tranformation, original setting, original quest, 1/1, Taleteller, Bio-Armor2018-06-21 1 
August 2018
61149136fish people discussion and worldbuilding/tg/ brainstorms ideas for aquatic and amphibious sentient races.worldbuilding, ocean, aquatic, amphibious, species, races, deep ones, mermaids, underwater vore hell,2018-08-11 1 
September 2018
2868579Bioweapon Hunter Quest 1In the distant future, biotechnology advances by leaps and bounds, but so does the abuse of it, necessitating a special kind of hunter...Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-08 25 
2887630Bioweapon Hunter Quest 2Lewis takes HK out on her first mission.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-15 23 
2880397Living Factory #1Introducing Daedalus, the newborn(?) automaton in their first quest: to simply communicate with a researcher. Today, words, tomorrow, legs.Living Factory, Collective Game, bioengineering, robot, machine, AI, sci-fi, science, bio, Tutorial Assistance Program, TAP, immobile2018-09-16 2 
2907614Bioweapon Hunter Quest 3Lewis continues to test HK's mettle.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-22 23 
2927640Bioweapon Hunter Quest 4Lewis has to deal with a few family issues.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-09-29 22 
October 2018
2945533Bioweapon Hunter Quest 5Lewis is a cop for a day.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-06 21 
2962525Bioweapon Hunter Quest 6Lewis gets back to work with HK.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-13 22 
2982957Bioweapon Hunter Quest 7Lewis comes home to find slightly (un)expected visitors.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-20 21 
3002243Bioweapon Hunter Quest 8Lewis takes a trip to Antarctica for an important job. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-10-27 21 
November 2018
3020316Bioweapon Hunter Quest 9Lewis has another unexpected encounter with HUNK and SOPMOD.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-03 21 
3037120Bioweapon Hunter Quest 10Lewis learns to harness his new abilities. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-10 21 
3051478Bioweapon Hunter Quest 11Lewis returns to work, though things are less than normal now. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-17 22 
3064642Bioweapon Hunter Quest 12Lewis tries to figure out what's going on in Willamette.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-11-24 21 
December 2018
3079391Bioweapon Hunter Quest 13Lewis gets invited to a special party. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-01 22 
3094580Bioweapon Hunter Quest 14Lewis attends Umbrella's exclusive party. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-08 23 
3111359Bioweapon Hunter Quest 15The party for Oswell Spcncer continues with unexpected developments.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-15 21 
3125766Bioweapon Hunter Quest 16Lewis deals with the after effects of the party. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2018-12-22 22 
January 2019
3188119Bioweapon Hunter Quest 17Lewis returns to work, but is he ready for it?Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-01-19 22 
3204774Bioweapon Hunter Quest 18Lewis plays poker with some cops.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-01-26 22 
64088456Biotech/Biomechanics Worldbuilding/tg/ discusses organic technology.biotechnology, biomechanics, genetic modification, cloning, biomancy, fleshcrafting, posthuman, transhuman, bionicle, worldbuilding, setting2019-01-26 2 
February 2019
64346236Bioweapon GeneratorAnons make tables for creating Resident Evil style monsters and labs, create abominations.biotech, bioweapon, resident evil, generator2019-02-01 4 
3224595Bioweapon Hunter Quest 19Lewis observes some new T-Dolls being put through their paces.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-02 22 
3244741Bioweapon Hunter Quest 20Lewis is hunted by a rather overeager police T-Doll.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-09 21 
3265643Bioweapon Hunter Quest 21Lewis gets another odd job offer from Umbrella. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-16 22 
3253077Genesis Subsidiary - 1We become an off branch of an Umbrella child company.Key, KeyQM, Umbrella, Bioweapon.2019-02-19 2 
3287310Bioweapon Hunter Quest 22Lewis arrives on Rockfort Island.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-02-23 21 
March 2019
3308795Bioweapon Hunter Quest 23Lewis tries to fight off some dinosaur/human hybrids.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-02 20 
3330160Bioweapon Hunter Quest 24Lewis pursues a new mystery dinosaur.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-09 20 
3352074Bioweapon Hunter Quest 25Lewis gets a much needed, if not slightly hectic, family vacation.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-16 21 
3337683Bio Armored Titan 1: Heroes Rise AgainWe select our armor and get to know how to use it somewhat before finding out that Gilgamesh is a pacifistic pussy. Cut short by GM retard.Bio Armored Titan, Biotech, Alien Invasion, Not Earth, Mr.C, Collective Game, That Warrior is totally coming back, Titan Gilgamesh2019-03-17 2 
3370952Bioweapon Hunter Quest 26Lewis babysits both HK and SOPMOD.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-23 20 
3390429Bioweapon Hunter Quest 27Lewis returns from his brief island vacation.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-03-30 20 
April 2019
3410805Bioweapon Hunter Quest 28Lewis has a nice day off alone with Lucina.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-06 20 
3428739Bioweapon Hunter Quest 29Lewis tries to defend his home from intruders.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-13 20 
3448147Bioweapon Hunter Quest 30Lewis is give a helping hand by his aunt.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-20 20 
3463522Bioweapon Hunter Quest 31Lewis tries to come to terms with what Egan is planning.Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-04-27 21 
May 2019
3481342Bioweapon Hunter Quest 32Lewis considers how to investigate Ashford's dealings. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-05-04 20 
3498933Bioweapon Hunter Quest 33Lewis heads out to Ashford's estate. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-05-11 20 
3514340Bioweapon Hunter Quest 34Lewis unpacks the intel he managed to retrieve from Ashford. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-05-18 21 
June 2019
3545609Bioweapon Hunter Quest 35Lewis meets with Spencer to try and get his name cleared. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-06-01 20 
3561442Bioweapon Hunter Quest 36 ENDLewis stages a raid on Wesker's stronghold to clear his name. Bioweapon Hunter Quest, Bioweapons, Genetic Modification, Sci Fi, Collective Game2019-06-08 22 
January 2020
70438836Alien Planet Biomes/tg/ discusses various possible biomes that an alien planet could have, and then develops into speculating about worldshapes.worldbuilding, alien, planet, biome, ecosystem, brainstorming, 2020-01-18 4 
70534274Bionicle: Masks of Destiny RPGOP presents his attempt at a fully functional (if never playtested) Bionicle RPG. Dropbox pdf links at the bottom of the thread. Lego,Bionicle, homebrew RPG, Masks of Destiny, PDF, dropbox2020-01-23 14 
September 2021
81425934Giant Bee Society WorldbuildingAnons discuss how a society of giant bees might integrate with humans.Bees, Apiculture, Symbiosis2021-09-28 7 
December 2021
82409791Atmospheric Vore HellWhat if a perpetually airborne ecosystem similar to that of the deep sea existed?deep sea, monsters, speculative evolution, speculative biology, sky, gas giant, upper atmosphere, worldbuilding, The Horror of the Heights,2021-12-04 2 
June 2022
84908693/tg/ makes a Bioshock gameA discussion of steampunk vs dieselpunk aesthetics leads to worldbuilding a setting based around a Company Town.bioshock, alternate history, worldbuilding, setting,2022-06-17 -1 
March 2023
87775238Biology in fantasy and sci-fiFantasy creatures discussed from the scientific point of view.Biology, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Monsters, Worldbuilding2023-03-04 2 
October 2024
6085308Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Fatale AlbionAn orphan, a rich girl, and a girl with a crush find themselves with the misfortune of having been born in the UK. And magical girls?Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, wcae, Fatale Albion, spin-off2024-10-20 2 
January 2025
6130937Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Fatale Albion #2The strife in the Witch's forest continues, the britbong gucas must learn to work together.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, wcae, Fatale Albion, spin-off2025-01-16 1 
March 2025
6173714Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Fatale Albion #3One girl gets a mind-neighbor, another (almost) gets mugged, and the third starts learning a nearly unusable language.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, wcae, Fatale Albion, spin-off2025-03-02 1 
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