/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

July 2011
15650845Zerg Quest LAdun? Xel'Naga? Anon raging at inactivity? We've got it all!Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Railroading, Goddamn cliffhanger2011-07-21 10 
May 2012
19226500Metahuman Renaissance Quest 44Dan investigates the future heroes of Japan, then answers their questions before CLIFFHANGERMetahuman Renaissance Quest, collective game, wild talents, superhero, javelin, cliffhanger, he is here2012-05-25 12 
June 2012
19352504Zerg Quest LXXXIXTassadar doesn't even stop to take a breath. Three cerebrates in danger in two threads!Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Collective Game, Tassadar, Clever girl, Cliffhanger2012-06-04 7 
May 2014
32238823Brouzouf Quest 2The epic of greed and murder continues. Escapes have been secured. But of the night terrors, there is none such respite.Brouzouf Quest, Collective Game, Cliffhanger, No Waifus2014-05-21 6 
June 2014
32712602Brouzouf Quest 4You learn more about your dreamy self than you'd wish for. New eyes bring new optionsBrouzouf Quest, Collective Game, Cliffhanger, PLOT2014-06-12 5 
November 2018
3015589Reluctant Werewolf QuestA boy with weird canid abilities and an even stranger guardian meets with his best friends, share in jokes, and foil a dark plot.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Werewolves, cliffhangers, OPIsMiserable2018-11-16 -1 
March 2023
5537153Thronelands Quest #1Ashlad embarks on a journey to the old Samam tree at the edge of the world. He accepts patronage from the Sheish, makes friends, saves a catCollective Game, Storyteller, Thronelands Quest, Ashlad, Original Setting, Original System, Fantasy, Cliffhanger2023-03-02 3 
April 2023
5586735Thronelands Quest #2A life is spared, the consequences of such mercy follow, the quest dies, but for how long?Collective Game, Storyteller, Thronelands Quest, Ashlad, Original Setting, Original System, Fantasy, Cliffhanger, Dead Quest?2023-04-07 3 
October 2023
5765175Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires #4In which the story of Lucinda and her mammoth is explored from its beginning, climax, and end. The QM calls an official end to the Royale.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, Meguca Royale: Buenos Aires, Lumina Canima, Wooly Mammoth, the bird call cliffhanger hurts2023-10-18 8 
September 2024
6081536meguca royale: miniFive megucas enter a labyrinth. All seeking to kill a witch. The major issue is that they can only speak like cavemen, three word sentences.Puella Magi Madoka Magica, pmmm, obcm, meguca royale: mini, Lumina Canima, Circles, Autism, Cliffhanger, these tags are irrelevant I promise2024-09-19 3 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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