/tg/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2008
2658627Drizzt and Elminster writefaggotryA challenge is accepted by a writefaggot, and the results are amusing. Now with less Elminster sex change!Writefaggotry, Elminster, Forgotten Realms, Drizzt2008-09-25 8 
December 2008
3096938Old School Game Extravaganza Lots of links to old school games... Champions of Krynn, Death Knights of Krynn, Dark Queen of Krynn, Pool of Radiance, Secret of the Silver Blades, Curse of the Azure Bonds, Pools of Darkness, Gateway to the Savage Frontier, Treasures of the Savage Frontier, Hillsfar, Eye of the Beholder I-III, Blood and Magic, Dungeon Hack, Menzoberranzan, Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed with manual reference card and logbook, Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday with manual and reference card, Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures, etc.epic, dnd, gold box, old school, frpg, forgotten realms2008-12-02 5 
October 2009
6383429Forgotten Realms Campaign SettingAn obvious troll turns into a discussion on excellent campaign settings.D&D, Forgotten Realms, Wilderlands, Known World, Mystara, Newhon, Judges Guild, Campaign2009-10-22 -2 
November 2010
12716581Paladin wat do?Thread starts with a Paladin fucking a god he DIDN'T worship. /tg/ thinks about the ramifications. It is decided that Eilistraee was one of the better gods for a horizontal tango. Then FR gods turn out to be playing some sort of reverse fantasy football with their followers. Eilistraee, gods, Forgotten Realms, Fantasy Football2010-11-10 13 
February 2011
13958009Underdark TradersSpeculation about trade goods between the surface and the drow, plus a tale of the badassery of Underdark merchants, and more.writefaggotry, D&D, forgotten realms, drow, fluff, storytiem2011-02-21 5 
April 2011
14754532Ur-Priests - Why so Evil?Discussion about Ur-Priests goes on to debate about whether the gods in Forgotten realms are moral, necessary, whether the world could work without them, and a few campaign stories.Forgotten Realms, Gods,2011-04-30 5 
December 2016
960848Personas & Dragons 1In a modern Forgotten Realms, we make our character.Persona, D&D, Forgotten Realms2016-12-21 1 
October 2020
4470530Serpent KingsForgotten Realms, Yuan-Ti civ/quest.forgotten realms, yuan-ti, civ, quest2020-10-25 1 
June 2022
5258206Forgotten Realms AdventuresIn which our drow protagonist is driven from her hime intk a world of adventure and friendshipGreenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-06-16 20 
July 2022
5308951Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IIJezyrene impresses the locals and prepares for her next quest.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-07-14 12 
August 2022
5338309Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IIIJezyrene enjoys a pleasant camping trip and continues to reevaluate her worldview.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-08-19 12 
October 2022
5381816Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IVJezyrene tries recreational drinking and prays to the moon for guidance.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-10-06 10 
December 2022
5426249Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VJezyrene praises the sun and goes to a mountain retreat.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2022-12-01 10 
January 2023
5481424Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIJezyrene goes for a hike and interacts with the local wildlife.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-01-03 10 
February 2023
5519244Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIIJezyrene meets new friends and tells tall tales.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-02-11 10 
March 2023
5570860Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. VIIIJezyrene learns a new language and meets an eccentric person.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-03-16 10 
April 2023
5603889Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. IXJezyrene learns how to teleport and meets her first crush.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-04-27 10 
June 2023
5653209Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XJezyrene tries on makeup and takes a nap in a rose garden.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-06-13 10 
August 2023
5688657Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIJezyrene interacts with the one percent and plays Among Us.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-08-03 10 
September 2023
90100963WOTC/TSR vs. Ed GreenwoodThe differences between the Forgotten Realms when portrayed by WOTC/TSR and Ed GreenwoodEd Greenwood, Magical Realm, TSR, WOTC, Forgotten Realms2023-09-07 4 
5731191Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XII Jezyrene goes to a rave and trespasses on private property.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-09-20 10 
October 2023
5774070Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIIIJezyrene politely settles a disagreement and goes blind.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-10-23 10 
December 2023
5807148Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIVJezyrene gives hugs and goes to a restaurant.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2023-12-06 10 
January 2024
5865859Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVJezyrene gets a beating and the QM curse hits harder than expected.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-01-28 10 
March 2024
5905776Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVIJezyrene gets touchy-feely and does some shopping.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-03-13 10 
May 2024
5959038 Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVII Jezyrene dyes her hair and encounters a woodland creature.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-05-06 8 
June 2024
5996380Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XVIIIJezyrene plays matchmaker and anons finally figure it out.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-06-10 7 
August 2024
6031468Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XIXWe are SO back.Greenwood, Forgotten Realms, fantasy, adventure, D&D, friendship, drow2024-08-01 6 
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About the Archive

This is my very simple attempt to come up with an archival program. Enter the thread number (/tg/ only) and a brief title and one-sentence description and hit Go!; it'll archive a copy of the page for future lulz. Archived threads are checked every two hours for updates until the thread 404s. (I never thought threads would last over two days but 1614919 proved me very wrong.) To refresh an existing archived thread, simply attempt to add it again, and it will be immediately refreshed.

Please do not navigate away from this page once you hit Go!; depending on the number of images, it may take a minute or more to complete. If you do navigate away, the update script should catch anything you miss, but the thread may display incorrectly or with 4chan.org hotlinking images until it is repaired.

Mods, if this script seems too spammy, I can up the checking interval, lower the time limit, or remove this altogether. Ideally, it should mean a simple 12 pageloads for a day per new thread, and it does not re-download images, so the load should be negligible.


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