/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

May 2011
14838352Blacksmithing Thread: Great Information for Newbies!The elegan/tg/entlemen once more prove they're the best of the boards, this time rising to the challenge of aiding aspiring dwarflings in the art of blacksmithing! Great information for any newby or experienced craftsman looking to get better at their most-metal art!armor,blacksmithing, how to be an rl dorf, smithing, 2011-05-07 16 
April 2012
18857254Tales of the CommonsIn which the writefags spin tales of commoners spurned, commoners triumphant.Storytime, Commoner, Story time, Blacksmith's Daughter, Baker's Daughter, Blacksmith2012-04-26 12 
December 2012
21868312The Incest BlacksmithAn incestuous blacksmith attempts to join a party. /tg/ berates him for fucking his daughter at the same time.incest blacksmith daughter2012-12-03 39 
May 2013
25030626Blacksmith Quest IThe first installment of Blacksmith Quest. We roll a nat 100 on beard quality and end up with the king of all beards. We travel to the main city and set up shop with a Dwarven smith called Urist.Collective Quest, Blacksmith, Shop, Urist, Beard2013-05-25 20 
25088321Blacksmith DiscussionA quick update on Blacksmith Quest turns into a blacksmith-advice threadBlacksmith, Discussion, Armour, Weapons2013-05-28 1 
June 2013
25172321Blacksmith Quest II - Part 1We get the day off work and explore the city, the quest abruptly ends when OP has to leave.Blacksmith, Collective Game, Beard, Dwarf2013-06-01 5 
25195195Blacksmith Quest 2.5Blacksmith Quest continues with a second thread to make up for the crap one the day before. We go on our date with Sarah and recruit a Warforged named Balthazar to our shop.Blacksmith Quest, Smith, Beard, Dwarf2013-06-02 3 
25315860Blacksmith Quest IIIUrist has to travel far away and we are left with control of the smithy. We get some fantastic weapons and armour made, we impress Anamman's niece and try to hit on Sarah again. Blueprints are found for a Warforged arm and we get drunk with some DwarvesBlacksmith Quest, Blacksmith, Alaric, Beard, Dwarf2013-06-08 2 
25449164Blacksmith Quest IVRumours of an Orc invasion pop up, we are swamped with orders from nearby villages and warriors asking for weapons and armour. We drink with Van Gan and talk to the other Smiths about the possibility of opening up a single Foundry.Blacksmith Quest, Blacksmith, Beard, Smith, Alaric2013-06-15 4 
25599207Blacksmith Quest VWe go out and recruit people for the upcoming Orc attacks at the request of the Captain of the Guard. We recruit Gladiators, pirates, Elves and more!Blacksmith Quest, Blacksmith, Beard, Alaric2013-06-23 2 
July 2013
25972856Blacksmith Quest VIVIth installment in which nothing goes our way except one amazing seduction roll.Blacksmith, Elf, Alaric Tyvin, Blacksmith Quest2013-07-12 4 
August 2014
34341779How to make steelOP demonstrates how to make steel.Blacksmith2014-08-23 31 
November 2014
36463953Magical Gems and worldbuilding/TG/ tries to get shit done with things involving magic gems.worldbuilding, magic, gem, mining, blacksmith, weapon2014-11-30 1 
October 2019
3859643Blacksmith Quest #1Wilhem throws a bunch of goblins around, makes a new friend and fights a bearBlacksmith Quest, GlassStarQM, blacksmith, Collective Game, Quest2019-10-15 3 
November 2019
3878505Blacksmith Quest #2Wilhem makes some armor, lays the foundation for a blacksmith shop and goes dungeon crawling.Blacksmith Quest, GlassStarQM, blacksmith, Collective Game, Quest2019-11-08 1 
3915088Blacksmith Quest #3Wilhem meets a music man and he's set on fireBlacksmith Quest, GlassStarQM, blacksmith, Collective Game, Quest2019-11-27 0 
December 2019
3947804Blacksmith Quest #4Wilhem and friends go underground for some cave exploringBlacksmith Quest, GlassStarQM, blacksmith, Collective Game, Quest2019-12-22 0 
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