/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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February 2012
17837890The Lost Future-9 With More Guns and BigotryA revival of 17560757 with more fluff, and now art. robots, engine heart, original content, post-apocalyptic, post-apoc, guns, futuristic2012-02-08 9 
April 2013
24091998Tavern QuestTallius Urist, disgraced noble and wanted man, makes his first forays into the wonderful world of Tavern ownership. He buys a property, scouts out the nearby area, and sets out to renovate the abandoned crossroads outpost into a place worth getting hammered in.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-04-07 37 
24225064Tavern Quest: Chapter 2Tallius Urist, disgraced noble seeking to start a new life as a Tavern owner, recruits Martellus the barman, Sif the barmaid, and Miaya the elven huntress/chef into his employ. He then proceeds to be scammed by a cart salesman. Damned cart salesmen. The night is to be spent in Gearwatch, Tallius and friends taking his extremely overpriced cart to the outpost on the morrow.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-04-14 26 
24361326Tavern Quest: Chapter 3Tallius gathers his employees and associates and leaves Gearwatch for the outpost. Along the way he runs afoul of a patrol of Paladins, and stares death in the face. Tavern Quest, Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Clockwork Empire2013-04-21 24 
24494453Tavern Quest: Chapter 4Tallius deals with Santher's impropriety, counts his profits, and has one hell of a dream. Sif kicks elven ass, and an Orc is stabbed in the balls. Good times at The Clock Tower Tavern.Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Clockwork Empire2013-04-28 23 
May 2013
24626800Tavern Quest: Chapter 5Tallius meets Reginald Brittanius, leader of the mercenary group known as the Rose Brotherhood. He then attempts to learn hunting, but really just ends up having a tumble in the mud with Miaya. And a boar. The boar is significant there.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-05 20 
24768489Tavern Quest: Chapter 6CQC basics not remembered. Sexy dreams had. An Alliance is formed. War comes to the Tavern. War,as it is, has casualties.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-12 20 
24904629Tavern Quest: Chapter 7Tallius takes drastic action to aid an employee. A corner is turned. The night of fire and death comes to an end, as a deep connection is forged.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-19 20 
25030626Blacksmith Quest IThe first installment of Blacksmith Quest. We roll a nat 100 on beard quality and end up with the king of all beards. We travel to the main city and set up shop with a Dwarven smith called Urist.Collective Quest, Blacksmith, Shop, Urist, Beard2013-05-25 20 
25036680Tavern Quest: Chapter 8Tallius ends some blackmail, mends things with Martellus, and has doubts about just what he's doing with his life. Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-05-26 20 
June 2013
25180133Tavern Quest: Chapter 9Tallius and Miaya begin a journey to Patch, and run into some old friends on the way. You would like to know more.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-06-02 16 
25455146Tavern Quest: Chapter 10Tallius and Miaya deal with Reginald, arrive in Patch, and engage in the festivities while headhunting for an entertainer for the Tavern. Beware stampeding musicians.Collective Game, Tallius Urist, Tavern Quest, Barkeep, Clockwork Empire,2013-06-16 15 
May 2015
39936935To Protect And Serve QuestWe're a beat cop in the year 2153 that's doing his job and doing it well.To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer2015-05-15 39 
June 2015
40495952To Protect And Serve Quest 2More cop shenanigans in the future To Protect And Serve Quest, Quest, Collective Game, police, sci fi, futuristic, cops, criminal, Uncle Streucker, shooting, officer, Badge2015-06-10 22 
March 2017
1264941PHASE Superhero Quest with Tyler FortuneTyler Fortune learns he may fail his major and be forced to do another year of school, one he can't afford.Super Powers, Superhero, worldbuilding, character, modern, futuristic2017-03-14 1 
1268567PHASE Superhero Quest #2Tyler gets in over his head. There's no going back from this.PHASE Quest, PHASE, Quest, Superhero, Super powers, character, modern, futuristic, worldbuilding2017-03-18 1 
1296967PHASE Superhero Quest #3Tyler uncovers the plot of the Razors gang.PHASE Quest, PHASE, Quest, Superhero, Super powers, character, modern, futuristic, worldbuilding2017-03-27 1 
April 2017
1342897PHASE Superhero Quest #4Tyler decides to get some answers - only to gain more questions.PHASE Quest, PHASE, Quest, Superhero, Super powers, character, modern, futuristic, worldbuilding2017-04-12 1 
June 2017
53832984Stories from a Dead MegacityIn this short thread, ideas are shared for things a group of explorers might find while searching for a way to leave a dead megacity.post-apocalyptic, futuristic, sci-fi, megacity, urban unease, brainstorming2017-06-17 13 
December 2017
56592246Adventure in the SPECTACULAR FUTURE OF THE YEAR 2000Discussion and worldbuilding to create a setting based off vintage scifi.retrofuturistic, zeerust, pulp scifi, setting, worldbuilding2017-12-06 3 
56830888Machine Cultist WorldbuildingA discussion of various machine-worshiping cults from throughout fiction and ideas for worldbuilding an original one.adeptus mechanicus, chruch of the broken god, mechanists, hammerites, italian futurists,2017-12-21 3 
October 2019
3845755Flesh and Metal #1A Ganger Hitman embarks on a mission to silence a snitch in a cyberpunk futureSci-fi, Assassin, Hitman, Cybernetic, Collective Game, Cyborg, Futuristic2019-10-05 0 
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