/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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September 2009
5756362Opening a FLGS #2 (4 or 5?)Tech Priest Naile showing off other game stores and some more discussion.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia2009-09-07 0 
5770742Opening a FLGS #3Webstore shenanigans.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Webstore2009-09-08 2 
5867345Opening a FLGS #4Tech Priest Naile discussing his shop's ideal location.FLGS, Business, Advice, Nostalgia, Lease2009-09-15 0 
January 2010
7809299Reincarnation Would SuckWhat if modern-day scientists figured out how to cheat death, via a process that replaces the mind of a 9-year-old with your own? /tg/ discusses ethics & tries to predict what'd happen to society.Dagda, World Building, Cyberpunk, Ethics, Serious Business2010-01-28 2 
May 2011
14800654OP wants to open a FLGSFLGS advice requested, arrives in spades. Plenty of useful business advice. Includes tales of awesome local gaming stores and hives of scum villainy. But mostly scum.FLGS, original content, business, store, advice, game, gaming, advice2011-05-04 8 
November 2012
21445029The Tale of an Industrious RogueGM tells a story about the business exploits of his players, and the crazy plans they made.Industrious Rogue, Pathfinder, Storytime, DM Kroft, Salt, Business, Dreams2012-11-05 230 
August 2019
3776105Cascadia Railroads Quest 1As our corner of Oregon gets back on its feet, it's our job to get stuff from A to B and make sure the trains run on time.Cascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2019-08-25 3 
3739999Cascadia Railroads Quest #0In a post-post-apocalyptic Oregon, the railroad is coming to town and we need to make sure it's successful. #0 thanks to archiving idiocy.Cascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2019-08-25 2 
January 2020
4051672Cascadia Railroads Quest #3Figuring out who is who and what they want can be handy.Cascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-01-28 0 
July 2020
4365402Cascadia Railroads Quest #4Collins' big mission to Upper Valley and HalseyCascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-07-23 0 
September 2020
4400446Cascadia Railroads Quest #5After securing support for new depo in the Upper Willamette Valley, Collins tries to convince board members to improve train safetyCascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-09-01 1 
October 2020
4431881Cascadia Railroads Quest #6aA new set of board negotiations beginsCascadia Railroads Quest, Railroad, Trains, Business, Post-post-apocalyptic2020-10-02 0 
February 2023
5514202Trust a Goblin part 14Punch thugs, Steal drugs, Friends make, Cocktail shake.goblin,dating sim,turn based combat,potion business2023-02-02 14 
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