/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

February 2008
1138098Anon-fag's Critical Failure Chart:Critical Fail chart, for any game.Crit fail, epic fail, FAIL FAIL2008-02-08 11 
January 2011
13369842Ops and Tactics Alpha Build .1Sweet Soul Bro presents a modern tactical simulation game he's been working on for a year and a half. Discussion ensueshomebrew, development, criticism, modern, Ops and Tactics2011-01-02 0 
March 2011
14077407Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal LandStep 1) Post a large and pretty PDF with Touhou selling point. Step 2) Mathfags, rollfags, roleplayers, Touhoufags converge. Step 3) Critiques and RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEG. But you have to admit... It's a fairly well done PDF. Let this be a lesson for all those ambitious homebrew makers: Yo shit gonna be picked.touhou toho homebrew rpg critique roleplaying rollplaying pdf d6 rpg rage system testing balance shitstorm fantasy mary_sue magic rules 2011-03-01 16 
14096871Touhou RPG: Tale of Phantasmal Land - Part 2Continuation of previous thread. /tg/ continues to balancing efforts and fixing shit. Autistic samefag from previous sages again.touhou, toho, homebrew, rpg, critique, roleplaying, rollplaying, pdf, d6, rpg,, system, testing, balance, balancing, fix, fixing, fantasy, mary sue, magic, rules, getting shit done2011-03-02 8 
January 2012
17639463Disappointing FantasySeries of short tales starting with standard fantasy tropes ending in disappointment and mediocrity. Highly amusing.disappoint, story, story time, mediocrity, disappointment2012-01-23 14 
February 2012
18113066Zerg Quest LXXVIThe attack on Earth is underway, and we're on the humans' side? Heroic rolls abound!Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Dyles, Kerrigan, Anti-Criticals, Earth, Ridge Scratchers, Replacement Robot Butler2012-02-27 11 
March 2012
18254146PC's say the darndest thingsepic quotes from many different games involving the crazy shit PC's sayPC's quotes awesome epic funny duke nukem critical success call of cthulhu diablerie vampires2012-03-08 11 
October 2012
21090564 Crit Awesomeness >Roll to cheer up a child whose dad died >crit fail >"YOUR PARENTS ARE DEEEEEAD!"Funny, critical fail, YOUR PARENTS ARE DEAD2012-10-13 20 
21348321Zerg Quest CIXDamnit, moot! We could have had a climactic battle, but noooo. You just had to improve 4chan while I was trying to use it!Collective Game, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Xel'Naga, Double-Crit, /tg/ dice, Spiting Tassadar, Downtime, SO CLOSE2012-10-30 6 
December 2012
21825767Murdo McRitchie QuestDerailing /a/-quests into the adventures of Scottish Rance for fun and profit!McRitchie Quest, Scottish Rance, Hot Dickings2012-12-01 8 
April 2013
24430166CritonomiconSome guy finds a copy of the Critonomicon, /tg/ loses its shit.critonomicon, scan, fabled lost book, the hunt comsumes all2013-04-24 90 
June 2013
25535961Meta Game Quest : Code Geass 2Meta gaming our way through to world domination. Episodes 5, 6, and 7.Collective Game, Code Geass, Meta Game Quest, double crit2013-06-20 14 
August 2013
26827639/tg/ Text AdventureWe lose our beloved buisness to the alliance and leave the city to build up an rebellion. On that way we fuck arround with some Catgirls. And manage to get their leader in our ranksCollective Game, Necromancer, Text Adventure, Catgirls, Critfails2013-08-26 9 
26840327/tg/ text adventure quest Alliance invasion, bad decisions, prison riots, batshit Minotaurs, and unforseeable consequences.Collective Game, Necromancer, Text Adventure, Minotaurs, Critfails2013-08-27 8 
September 2013
27433908Angel Quest 1Jonathon, an undertaker from Detroit discovers that he is an angel. The first time he tries to fly, /tg/dice dump so many critfails on him that he accidentally causes a plane to crash into a skyscraper.Collective Game, Angel Quest, tgdice, critfails, Cherubim2013-09-26 11 
December 2013
28667094Fate/Stay Again, Fifty-Second VerseIn which we spar with Saber and investigate the camp in the woods. With mixed results.Nasuverse, AC-Guy, Grail-kun, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Again, Tactical Critfail Action2013-12-06 15 
March 2014
31058461This goddamn moment from a game you can't forgetMemorable moments that define tabletop gaming. Crit successes that shatter the plot, crit fails that cause TPKs on the first enemy encountered, everything's here.Story, storytime, stories, nat 20, natural 20, DnD, D&D, 3.5, 4, Crit, Crit fail, fail, awesome, epic2014-03-26 10 
December 2014
36764433Crit fail/ Crit success threadFeaturing: TPK via torch and kobold seducing.crit_fail crit_success2014-12-16 8 
December 2015
44036558Bullywug Civ questJ'amp Guud begins his quest to control the swamp. A collaborative civilization game.collective game, CritCM2015-12-07 3 
44094011Bullywug Civ ThreadJ'amp Guud leads the bullywugs in a quest to conquer the swampsCollective Game, CritCM2015-12-11 2 
44133019Tribal Bullywug CivJ'amp Guud prepares for war on his rivals, and its really hard to build housesCollective Game, CritCm2015-12-13 1 
44201654Tribal Bullywug CivJ'amp leads an assault on the Claudhappers and realizes his destiny. And also puts a frog sized hole in someone.Collective Game, CritCm2015-12-16 1 
January 2016
44691255ProxyQuestYou appear to be in a dark, enclosed space. And have never seen a horror movie.collective game, drawquest, proxyquest, LIS, scifi, amnesiac soldier, locked in a room, adventure game, horrifying monster, poor critical th2016-01-13 2 
44720826ProxyQuest Part TwoYou stop dragging a body around behind you, nearly make an even more lethally stupid mistake, and worst of all: you're out of smoothies.collective game, drawquest, proxyquest, LIS, scifi, amnesiac soldier, adventure game, even worse critical thinking, balancing the budget2016-01-13 2 
May 2016
119739SUDSVENTUREControl three quasi-mobsters attempting to escape a small prison. Crit roll shenanigans occur.SUDSVENTURE, Prison, Crits, Multiple characters, Short,2016-05-16 1 
160280Sin Princess Quest 6A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure!Sin Princess Quest, Critical Success, Critical Failure, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-05-21 1 
November 2016
770940Starborn Quest 19.5: Luc the Vault HunterLuc Quest ends. Purp Quest resumes. The dice gods giveth and they taketh too.Collective Game, Purps, Hona, Luc Fantasy, Starborn, Star, Darna, Minerva, Wagon, Rono Pass, Crits, Enigma, Temple, Feelings, Village2016-11-01 2 
March 2017
1251219What Came Next 4: Slumdog Fight ClubSukaretto vs Ishi to the death! Who will win? The dice gods decide!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-03-12 2 
April 2017
1349722Black Company Quest #25The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. A Traitor is revealed, foul misfortune dooms LT Prince.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Traitor, Crits2017-04-10 30 
May 2017
1420996What Came Next 6: The Magnificent 4Let's get down to business - to defeat, the huns did they send me heathens. When I asked, for nuns!Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-05-04 2 
July 2017
1650667What Came Next 7: Brother Who Art Thou?Just a day of teaching, nothing to see here. Why would anyone be concerned?Collective Game, Star, Wagon, Boss fight, Suka, Scarlet, Inpu, Hidoi, Ishi, Dice Gods, Trip Crit, Murder, Magic, Spells, Lucifer2017-07-11 3 
September 2017
1829728Starborn Quest 35: The Sunset at DawnPurps and Lexington have a minor disagreement. Then they arrive into a warzone. Starborn Dice.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-09-04 2 
1877899Quest Lyoko 3.5: DiscoveryXana has a bad day until he hangs out with Odd. He then decides to take it out on the AICollective Game, Star, Starborn, Code Lyoko, Lyoko, Cyber, Sci Fi, Odd, Ulrich, Xana, Jeremy, Yumi, Staff, Crits, Monsters,Riot, Factory2017-09-20 2 
October 2017
1917579Starborn Quest 36: Paint It RedThe aftermath of a tragedy sends Purps over the edge. Darna Must Die.Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-04 2 
1974284Starborn Quest 37: Enemy UnknownMido continues to prove War is Hell. Starborn, Wagon, Miniboss, Purps, Hona, Luc, Lexington, Lex, Honamurei, Rebels, Battle, Imperials, Crits, Starborn, Star, Minerva, Tragedy2017-10-20 3 
November 2017
2089447Quest Lyoko 6: RecoveryAfter Xana's fun day. We switch perspectives to Sissi and then Odd. Also, GIANT ENEMY KRAB?Collective Game,Star, Wagon,Quest Lyoko, Lyoko, Xana, Odd, Sissi, Boss Fight, Critical Instinct, Krab, Hornets, Kanklerats, Ravine, Kadic2017-11-25 2 
February 2018
2296157Black Company Quest #35The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. 7th Platoon cements their reputation as the Best at what they Do.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Cutie Paladin, SAINT IS FOR PURE NOT FOR LEWD, Mercenary, Highlander, Double Crits2018-02-19 11 
April 2018
2468068Starborn Quest 48: Purps Does A MopeIn the aftermath of her terrible relationship management Purps explores the town and discovers a pretty glaring crisis before it escalated.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins, Lucky, Double Crit2018-04-16 1 
May 2018
2505810Starborn Quest 49: SupernovaReal life stops QM from really getting into it.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins, Lucky, Double Crit2018-05-02 1 
July 2019
3648621Sworn to Valour Quest #11His Might Upholds the Weak. Sir Andrei forms rivalries and friendships alike at the tournament. Meanwhile, plots thicken on the sidelines.Sworn to Valour, Collective Game, Knight, Fantasy, Paladin, Crusader, Medieval, Noble Steed, Forgotten QM, Why did you have to Crit2019-07-23 23 
April 2020
4161182CorpRP - Thread#1is da CorpRPCorpRP , NRP , Propper Descritption2020-04-15 2 
4196574CorpRp - Thread#2Corporate Roleplay part 2CorpRP , NRP , Propper Descritption2020-04-28 2 
May 2020
4249454CorpRp - Thread#3Final CorpRP threadCorpRP , NRP , Propper Descritption2020-05-25 2 
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