/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2009
71608628-Bit Dystopia - Crunchy editionAn attempt to give the setting some dedicated rules descends into rampant fluff writing as usual. The history of the now forsaken Lylat system is mapped out, and Mobius is touched upon. Oh, and there may have been some talk about skills, classes and a D12 system. Setting, homebrew, /v/, vidya, Megaman, Sonic, Mario, Starfox, Samus, corporations, cyberpunk2009-12-17 8 
July 2012
19769356That guy thread, BBB EditionThe tale of Big Boy Blue is finally told. It involve a fox skull and attempted knifing.That Guy, Fox, Fox Skull, Furry, Sister, Necrophilia, BBB2012-07-07 77 
19778648That Guy Thread, BBB Edition No. 2More scary stories to tell in the fog.That Guy, Fox, Fox Realdoll, Furry, Testing, Fog, BBB, Ungulate, Possibly untrue but if it is holy crap2012-07-08 35 
February 2013
22982279Martial Arts QuestIn which our hero Zhou Qian uses his HUGE hands tor throw his first opponent around like a rag doll and wins his first bout in the tournament.Martial Arts Quest, Collective Game, Zhao Qian, Moon Fox2013-02-05 10 
May 2016
37722Fox Fire QuestThe fire is kindled.RizQM, FoxFire, Collective Game2016-05-02 26 
62719Fox Fire QuestThe flame grows.RizQM, FoxFire, Collective Game2016-05-05 23 
June 2016
213379Fox Fire Quest 3A shadow upon the wall.RizQM, FoxFire, Collective Game2016-06-03 15 
December 2016
939695Starborn Quest 24: Mind over MatterWe find ourselves in a dream. Where we seem locked into Zen. But in this symbolic and beautiful realm danger awaits both social and physicalCollective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Brutal, Foxboy, Dream, Tornin2016-12-17 2 
948261Starborn Quest 25: Stop Hitting YourselfPurps vs Violet, Some introspection, Then I drop a question we need to answer...Collective Game, Starborn Quest, Zen, Hona, Luc, Wagon, Star, Starborn, Violet, Boss Fight, Foxboy, Dream, Tornin2016-12-20 2 
April 2017
52535995Implementing shinto in D&Dthread full of ideas, mechanics, adventure hooks, and comfy all about everyone's favorite weeaboo animism religionD&D, fantasy, fluff, touhou, catgirls, foxgirls, cute, comfy, not-trash-I-Promise, gods, mythology,2017-04-08 5 
April 2018
2468068Starborn Quest 48: Purps Does A MopeIn the aftermath of her terrible relationship management Purps explores the town and discovers a pretty glaring crisis before it escalated.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins, Lucky, Double Crit2018-04-16 1 
May 2018
2505810Starborn Quest 49: SupernovaReal life stops QM from really getting into it.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins, Lucky, Double Crit2018-05-02 1 
2544190Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach ThreadThis is a non canon beach thread. It contains dragons, swimsuits, fanservice and more!collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-05-16 1 
June 2018
2593938Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach Thread 2Life's still hell, have more filler arccollective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-06-07 1 
July 2018
2682207Starborn Thread 50: The Fiftieth ThreadFor Thread 50 Purps deliberately doesn't take the spotlight and just gets some lore from the blacksmith.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins2018-07-05 1 
August 2018
2760577Starborn Thread 51: ResolutionStar's real life gets him sick and work keeps him away. So Fifty One is very start and stop.Collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, HawkFox, Honamurei, Lexington, Academy, Dealer, Goblins2018-08-06 1 
August 2022
85527925Zweihander ThreadFor the first time ever, /tg/ spend an entire thread agreeing with each other as they tell Daniel Fox exactly what they they think of him.zweihander, daniel fox, agreeing2022-08-06 2 
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