/qst/ Thread Archive

Welcome to the /qst/ archive! If you encounter any issues, please contact Lord Licorice on IRC/Discord or email 4chan [at] thisisnotatrueending.com.

Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

September 2008
2629697How LCB should have ended.The continuing mystery of what happened in the end of LCB has commentary given by Miko on how she wanted it to end. Panels are provided. Anon bravely comments, jokes, and trolls.LCB, Miko, jocularity2008-09-22 12 
December 2008
3230197Michael de JongWhen a totally weeaboo anon asks for advice on his Tau army, a kind man gives him a nice Tau spreadsheet. Using this, a clever anon finds out his name, and Michael de Jong is turned into a new m-candlejack, michael de jong, wat2008-12-24 9 
January 2009
3432282the adventures of JoanSir Double-Faggot brings us the tale of a girl in a tunnel, with mysterious robot ass cheeksJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-17 38 
3434449The Somewhat Disturbing Adventures of Joan part 2Joan was born. Then her life sucked a lot.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 38 
3435824The Adventures of Joan Part 3 As per popular demand, the further continuations of this shit.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 25 
3443426The Adventures of Joan IVJoan's Sucky life continues.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-18 26 
3446129Joan: The Not Entirely Ideal Life, Episode VJoan's sucky life continues, She gains a friend!Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-19 26 
3447566Joan's Joyless Journey, Part SexMore fun/disturbing adventures with Joan. Will she and her friend defeat the asscheek robot?Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-19 27 
3474091The Adventures of Joan Part 7Joan continues her terrible life.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-21 24 
3476329The Adventures of Joan, Part VII, ReduxSir Double-Nigger proudly declares that he is 'NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP'Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-21 26 
3477973The Adventure of Joan VIII "D'Aawenture"Joan and John are in an elevator, what could go wrong?Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-22 28 
3515941Joan's Adventurous Adventure, Part 9Joan continues down the hallway.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-25 25 
3518820Joan's Happy Adventures, Part 10Joan's desire for hats has unwanted effects.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-26 24 
3554280Joan's 11th Suffering11th instalment ofJoanJoan, Joan d'Aww, collective game, fanservice2009-01-29 25 
3555298Joan's 12th Instance of Torturous ExistenceM-MOM?Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-29 24 
3556794Joan the 13thCrazy stuff happens. A daughter and mother share an interesting momentJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-01-30 26 
3558522Joan's 14th HorrorShit goes downCollective Game, Joan, Adventure2009-01-30 25 
February 2009
3612272Joan, Episode 15: The New DespairMore JoanJoan, Collective Game2009-02-04 24 
3615167Joan, Episode 16: Mommy Strikes BackNow, the drawfag having been loaded with a combination of alcohol, sugar, caffeine, ice and ammonium chloride, the quest may contI FEEL THE WARP OVERTAKING ME, IT IS A GOOD PAIN!Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-05 25 
3690863The Adventures of Joan The SeventeenthA bath happens and doom approaches.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-12 24 
3693051Joandventure 18, The Granparents MenaceJoan explores her room, Grandparents arrive, shit goes down.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-13 25 
3696456Joan's 19th AdventuredayJoan's messed-up life continuesJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-13 25 
374944720th Joandventure Scribbles presents: Yet Another Thread To Ruin Your /tg/Joan's 20th thread full of adventure and John being a bitch.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-18 22 
3751871Joan's 21st Part/tg/ continues to make Joan enrage John. Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-19 21 
3753207(untitled episode. Joan # 22, probably)/tg/ demonstrates it's love for destructive relationships, sending Joan back into the angry jaws of John. Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-19 32 
3759671JoanQuest Part 48 (23)RV20TG is dead, Tom is on a rampage, our Wii-zapper is ineffective, and Sir Double-Faggot is either losing it or needs to share that shit he's got.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-02-19 28 
3801572Life and Death of John Fuklaw/tg/ BAAAAAAWWWWWWsJohn Fuklaw, Angry Marines2009-02-25 22 
3832402/tg/ - Easy Rider editionA discussion intended to be about /tg/ stuff that spills over to real world games quickly decends into madness and various pieces of art involving sergals on motorcycles.Sergal, Joan, Adventure2009-02-28 20 
March 2009
394230523rd Joandventure presents: The Return Of The QuestThe return of the sergalJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-03-11 28 
4004491Joandventure, Episode Too-ForeJoan gets a calcutor and dorfen daggerJoan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-03-17 28 
4005817Joan-2-5 and the Mexican Taco DeityJoan is now even more confused about her sexual orientation with the introduction of Naga. There is also a rain dance and suspicions of SDF trolling his own topics.Joan, Adventure, Collective Game2009-03-17 28 
April 2009
4165655Joandventure, Part Deuce-SexJoan Quest maybe finally moves alongJoan, Collective Game2009-04-02 32 
4165655Joandventure, Part Deuce-SexJoan Quest maybe finally moves alongJoan, Collective Game2009-04-02 32 
4166825Joandventure, Chapter 27bJoan Quest tries to continue, but gets trolled.Joan, Collective Game2009-04-02 21 
May 2009
4657047ITT: Useless or nearly useless magic itemsAwesome Magic ItemsItems, Magic Items, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-25 8 
4680279Quirky magic items thread (Mostly UselessMore quirky, useless, or nearly useless magic items.Items, Magic Items, Quirky, Useless, Joke, Creativity, Ideas2009-05-27 13 
July 2009
5243140Cripplegirls and RiskThrough Shizune's love for Risk, /tg/ and 4chan's homebrew visual novel "Katawa Shoujo" were forever entwined. The Classic Game of World Domination is imrpoved tenfold - somehow, you don't mind a girl camping Australia when she's a disarmingly adorable deaf-mute.Risk, Katawa Shoujo, jp, v, text adventure, visual novel2009-07-24 9 
August 2009
5595046Stargate: 1939Indiana Jones x Einstein x Stargate writefaggery. Writefag, epic, awesome, stargate, indiana jones,2009-08-26 2 
September 2009
5731244Tau story, main body and a new memeJohn gives us his new rough draft for the main story. And a new meme is born: Slicktau and Fattautau john writefag scribe story damiris inquisition slicktau fattau2009-09-05 6 
6059325Moar Interlude from RightfagYet more sequential writefaggotry from 'Why the Imperium will win, despite GRIMDARK'. Sergeant-Major Briggs is alive, ready for duty and packing heat.40k, Stormtroopers, Imperial Guard, Sergeant-Major Briggs, Writefaggotry2009-09-29 1 
October 2009
6271771Jaques Lailang and others tales of MANLYOR Why Cannons Are Unsporting, Unless You're Using Hand-loaded 275kg Shells.Jaques Lailang, manly tears, John Talbot, Emperor Constantine, Hasan, cannons, stab in the face, historical badassery2009-10-15 7 
January 2010
7413923Shoujo RPGAnother game of PRETEND where neckbeards act like they're playing a game about shoujo anime cliches.Shoujo, anime, fake game, Morningtong Cresent2010-01-04 1 
7470201Guard Quest Part 2Kyle still sucks at being a guard...so he's trying to become a wizard! Now with more gay sex!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-07 3 
7480046Guard Quest Part 3Kyle becomes more evil, more gay, and more powerful!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 2 
7485175Guard Quest Part 4Kyle's wizardly prowess grows. He plans to travel by ship to the East, to study magic. Until the ship sets sail, he spends his time blowing cocks up and practicing telekinesis.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 1 
7487084Guard Quest Part 5Kyle sets sail on the might ship the K.S. Oroblarm, and makes it to the eastern lands of Sha'azar, to further his magical studies. More magic and dickings, of course.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-08 2 
7803853Because fuck you gravityStarts out as a basic "Break reality with rules" Turns into hero worship of Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales.Don Jorge Antino Martin Velasco-Cabrales Deadlands Win Awesome2010-01-28 31 
February 2010
8182750Jobskaddle FotthorlorYou are a gnome who found some kind of magical door.Collective Game, Jobskaddle2010-02-20 2 
8248910D&D public job boardRequest is made for ideas postable on a public messageboard for jobs, wanted posters, etc. The fa/tg/uys deliver in epic amounts.public job board, messages, D&D2010-02-24 20 
March 2010
8791615Deadlands Fiction ThreadJohn Galt(not that one) reminds us just how scary Stone is. Also, infoz about the new edition coming out. All round good times.Deadlands, John Galt, Fiction, Stone.2010-03-26 1 
April 2010
9395826Jopall Indentured Regiment/tg/ discusses a long-neglected Imperial Guard regiment of under-handed, money-obsessed scoundrels. Writefaggotry is done. 40k, Warhammer 40k, Imperial Guard, writefaggotry, Jopall, Jopall Indentured Squadrons2010-04-24 7 
May 2010
9878921BRIKWARS, Cont.More Brikwars is discussed. Lego pictures and battle reports continue. The epic tale of HARPOON JONES and his battle against the maniacal Spongebob concludes in epic fashion.lego, brikwars, battle reports, HARPOON JONES2010-05-18 12 
June 2010
10417479Doppleganger Damacy XVII Doppleganger Damacy continues. We find some clues to who we are. Also, food. :)Doppleganger Damacy, OM NOM NOM, Doppleganger, Quest, Growth, No stealth any more good job with the lizards guys2010-06-11 43 
10518740Little book of comedy platinumA thread full of in-character jokes for any self-respecting bard.Joke, D&D, Funny2010-06-16 7 
July 2010
10982473The Deathstar Was an Inside JobWake up, sheeple!inside job, deathstar, starwars2010-07-07 14 
September 2010
12127531The final moments of Pavonis StarportAn epic end to an epic writefaggotryImperial Guard, Writefaggotry, Epic, Dawn of War, Jon Falker, Vietnam 40k2010-09-18 30 
12233118Dragon Quest IIIYoung red dragon out to explore the world, gain a hoard, power, and all that. Now with Kobold Manservant and Succubus/Erinyes Consort! [We're still a bit unsure on that.] Finish robbing a Wizard's tower, get laid with aforementioned hell-chick, and get a job that may or may not have a nod to Cthulhu Mythos. fantasy, D&D, dragons, dragon, dragon quest, adventure, RPG, dungeons, wizard, heist, job,2010-09-27 30 
October 2010
12373973Just another Joke character threadJoke character thread begins with a golden oldie, Ball of Arms Man. Then come the puns. Then comes Mecha Moussolini, a gay orc, and a very dainty Shadowrun troll.Joke character, D&D, Shadowrun, 2010-10-09 7 
12571656Zombie Quest XIIA bond is formed between two unlikely heroines, hope is rekindled for one, and one last job for the other.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-10-26 15 
12605238Zombie Quest XIIIOur forces engage the zombie hordes in the Stadium. After fighting through hundreds of zombies, we face the UWF.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-10-29 15 
November 2010
12661681Zombie Quest XIVThings get hairy in the gym, and a boss zombie is confronted. Se7en does her stuff.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-11-04 15 
12824097Zombie Quest XV EndgameOperation High Noon commences as the first book comes to a close.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-11-17 15 
December 2010
13313223Zombie Quest XVI EndgameBeatrix is in a life-or-undeath struggle as Dom and Rainy DYNAMIC ENTRY into a bossfight.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2010-12-31 11 
January 2011
13433572Con-Quest 3.5; The Tongue-en-ingYou rescue Jezebel. You think.Tongue, Jezebel, Con-Quest, Henry Spigglesworth, John, Ankles2011-01-08 1 
13696742The Bloody Magpies and BjornThe Blood Ravens are 'gifted' with Bjorn the Dreadnought. Bjorn is not pleased.Bjorn, OC, Bloody, Magpies, Blood Ravens2011-01-29 44 
February 2011
13825581Outcasts Journey... IIQuest where we follow adventures of an Eldar following the path of the ourcast on a medieval world. Helping out in a battle between Dark Eldar and Death Watch. Being much too nice to mon-keigh in general.Outcasts Journey, quest, collective game2011-02-08 3 
13826969Time Loop Game?OP asks how one would go about running a Groundhog's Day style game, which of course leads to Majora's Mask discussion and how to run creepy horror scenario with a time loop mechanic.Groundhog Day, Time Loop, Majora's Mask, Legend of Zelda, RPG, Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green2011-02-09 12 
13836896Johnny Bravo joins the Imperial GuardSome funny discussion and glorious latenight writefaggotry concerning that groovy motherfucker, Johnny Bravo.Johnny Bravo, Imperial Guard, Writefaggotry2011-02-10 35 
March 2011
14134349Lineage Quest A quest full of pseudovikings coming to conquer the Savagelands full of savagethings.Lineage Quest, vikings, ship, Kjorstav2011-03-05 9 
14137513ITT:We talk about a game that doesn't existSomeone steals a joke from /sp/, and /tg/ just rolls with it.fake game, joke, science, MORNINGTON CRESCENT2011-03-06 9 
14188616STORYTIEM: The Final ChapterSTORYTIEM makes his emmy award-winning return to /tg/ and unveils the climactic conclusion to his mind-shatteringly epic campaign.storytiem, saburo, joseph knock, al'sham wyles, evennia, spelljammer, the fist, frank the fiendish centipede, crazy hassan, epic, campaign2011-03-10 53 
14298932Lineage Quest IIIn which Randevi Kjorstav and his squad of badasses plan and carry out an assault on a Savage village. Eye-loss ensues.Lineage Quest, vikings, Kjorstav, assault2011-03-20 3 
14310642Become DMegucaThe OP and his friend are interested in getting into D&D, but a fateful demonstration of a session makes the OP think twice about becoming a D&D player. Will he give in and take his first steps as a roleplayer, or will he resist and hesitate?D&D, DnD, puella magi madoka magica, mahou shoujo madoka magica, madoka, magical girls, roleplay, parody2011-03-21 7 
14374990Magical BurstOP said... "So, the guy that translated Maid RPG watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, liked it, and used it as inspiration for an RPG, Magical Burst." And as it was written, it was done.puella magi madoka magica, loli, magical girl, mahou shoujo, despair, horror, magic, wishes, dark, maid rpg, anime, manga, weeaboo2011-03-29 1 
April 2011
14428415Fish in the Fjord/tg/ discuss about the game Fish in the Fjord and the upcoming supplementFish in the Fjord, discussion, 2011-04-01 1 
14435926Magical Girl StorytimeA GM recounts his group's military magical girls fighting a mysterious alien enemy in a magitech setting resembling that of the Nanoha series.magical girl, mahou shoujo, military, gm story, setting, storytime, magical girl lyrical nanoha, nanoha, magitech2011-04-02 8 
14668953Portal-Adeva crossoverCave Johnson here. Here at Nerv we're making giant abominations wrapped in four feet of metal armor to defend the Earth from alien attack. Now the lab boys say we should be using well-trained men to pilot these, but the last budget came up a bit short, and so I said to them, "Hey, my boy loves these things! He can pilot one!"Adeva, Adeptus Evangelion, Evangelion, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Portal, Portal 2, Aperture Science, Cave Johnson2011-04-21 36 
May 2011
14827865Portal-inspired-D&DA brainstorming thread to bring some of the Portal games to a D&D game/setting. Special guest appearances by Wheatley and Cave Johnson.D&D, game, game ideas, awesome, funny, ideas, brainstorming, Portal, Portal 2, Cave Johnson2011-05-06 15 
14922675Tears of VengeanceGentlemen seeks story and plot advice from /tg/. The elegan/tg/entlemen respond.Tears of Vengeance, Steampunk Saga, comic, supernatural, steampunk, vengeance, Steam John, writing, plot, story2011-05-14 1 
June 2011
15187045The Epic of John CockburnDrawfag unites with /tg/ to craft a battle scene between two random shmucks. Hilarity ensuesJohn Cockburn, Oswald Jones IV, Fish, Mop2011-06-07 20 
July 2011
15663594IRONHEARTS Ch.5: BATTLE ON DANDELION Hellghast goes to rescue our trapped allies the elementalists.SkirmisSkirmish Quest, Iron Hearts, Monday, Journal2011-07-22 4 
15694706Zombie Quest XVII: ????Dom wakes up in the Burbs with little to no knowledge of what happened recently.zombie quest, quest, journal, quest thread2011-07-25 12 
August 2011
15983050Pike To The DickAnon requests help converting his group to Riddle of Steel, and asks for info on the combat. Helpful namefag runs a tournament for hm. And so it begins.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-19 21 
15998803Riddle of Steel: Friends, Romans, countrymenJohn Galt brings us more fights.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-20 12 
16012328Croat v. Finn FightJohn Galt, Scion of the Steel God, master of the Riddle, mangler of genitalia, brings us more bloodRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-22 12 
16052556Riddle of Steel: Jap vs. Aztec Riddle of Steel general until John Galt takes the reins.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-25 11 
16062108Enjou Kosai AdventureIn the wein of being weaboo, this thread is dedicated to enjou kosai(componsated/paid dates). General faggotry started, and somebody is trying to make a RPG for it.rpg,enjou kosai, enjou kosai adventure, prositution, magic girl, mahou shoujo, monster girl, RPG making2011-08-25 12 
16059808Riddle of Steel: Gizka vs guardsJohn Galt continues Gizka's fights.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-26 10 
16109227Riddle of Steel: Gizka's ConclusionJohn Galt concludes the tale of Sarah Gizka.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-08-30 11 
September 2011
16173878Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper RomansThe time has come for Legionary Sulla Vs. The WorldRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-09-04 12 
16176593Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans IISulla continues fight against well-dressed Bulgarian, then WTF BEAR vs CAMELRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2011-09-04 9 
16214961Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans IIINorman Knight vs. Irishman followed by Legionary Sulla vs. Genoese MercenaryRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat, Legionary Sulla2011-09-08 8 
16232617Riddle of Steel: Proper Gaming, for Proper Romans V The saga of Legionary Sulla concludes. Or does it?Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat, Legionary Sulla2011-09-09 11 
October 2011
16523963Zombie BugsOp tells an ongoing horror storyhorror,D&D,Kythons,campaign journal,storytiem2011-10-05 24 
16533524Zombie Bugs 2OP continues and finishes the storyKythons, Vestiges, Story Time, Campaign journal2011-10-06 16 
16772808Assholetep the InsufferableAssholetep jokes everywhereAssholetep, necron, jokes2011-10-29 23 
16776761Moronic player storiesStupid players, IRL rape, John Cloud RavenJohn Cloud Raven, That Guy, Rape2011-10-30 8 
November 2011
16903100Mayor JokerM&M Whatif wherein Joker becomes Mayor of GothamM&M, Joker, Batman, Gotham City2011-11-10 11 
December 2011
17244623Riddle of Steel 2.0Some fech/tg/uys get some shit done.Riddle of Steel, John Galt2011-12-19 0 
January 2012
17499716Riddle of SteelReturn of John Galt, Sidesword vs. Pallaschriddle of steel, John Galt2012-01-12 3 
17516250Riddle of SteelWhat begins as a discussion of maneuvers in tRoS develops into a playtest of By God's Blood.riddle of steel, john galt2012-01-14 1 
17536465Riddle of Steel: BlossfechtenA heartbreaking Bastard Sword vs Longsword match, then a brutal demonstration of mounted combatRiddle of Steel, John Galt, Combat2012-01-14 8 
March 2012
18208330The Tale of Barry BanjoOP recites the amazing tale of his current Engine Hearts campaign, including an animatronic banjo bear.Engine Heart, story time, banjo bear, funny2012-03-05 13 
18340884Viking QuestWe are Urist McHammerfist, last of the vikings! And we begin our journey to find a wife.collective game, viking quest, viking, dragon, jotun, iceland, barbarian, punch, fist, badass, awesome, boobs2012-03-16 12 
18445565Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 23) Exodus Edition Part 1The continuing bloodthirsty antics of insane crippled girls. Now hosted on /tg/ because /a/ sucks.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-03-25 39 
18457468 Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 24) Exodus Edition Part 2Is Lilly Satou gonna have to slap a bitch? It sure sounds like she does.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-03-26 28 
18518956Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 25) Exodus Edition Part 3The legend of the Drill Knight and Lilly's stratagem.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-03-31 20 
April 2012
18531180Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 26) Exodus Edition Part 4The calm before the storm, just regrettably without the pre-final-confrontation Hollywood sex.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-04-01 20 
18542169Katawa Yandere - Lilly Route (Part 27) Exodus Edition Part 5The Final Yandere Battle.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly2012-04-02 36 
18630154Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 1)The route which reminds you 'Yandere' refers to someone who's earnestly mentally ill.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-09 29 
18633042Rainbow Quest 1We take up the mantle of Goose Hunters, as he summons old comrades to fight in an unsung war.Rainbow Quest, Quest, Collective Game, Monday, Journal2012-04-09 9 
18715542Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 2)Like the Station of Awakening, but without the narcissistic collage of yourself on the floor.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-15 21 
18722451Aperture Cartel's Many InventionsInvestors! Here we have a collection of Aperture Cartel's useful and inexpensive Inventions for your perusal. Now we're between banks right now so we're accepting cash in hand. get your people to meet our people. Don't mind the smell. Cave Johnston, we're done here.Aperture Cartel, Cave Johnston, Science, Tests, Portal, We're Done Here2012-04-15 21 
18730567Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 3)Sleeping is actually kind of dangerous in this yandereverse.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-16 22 
18808656Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 4)If you were going crazy, how would you know?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-22 16 
18821478Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 5)The horror of Yamaku is canon. I just accentuate it.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-04-23 16 
18837867Magical Girl DystopiaMagical Girls take over and stunt human emotions by making everything into happy land. Rebels use gene therapy to become monsters and fight them. Fluuuuuuuuufffffluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-04-24 21 
18848099Shadowrun Storytime 11The Summer episode! The Team tries their hand at a bank heist.Shadowrun, Storytime, Shadowrun Storytime, Storytiem, 2D, Twodee, Geppetto, Wildcard, Bend, Dervish, Bank Heist, Bank Job2012-04-25 56 
May 2012
18993195Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 6)Psychotic breaks, needless violence, and love stories. What's not to like?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-06 11 
19005462Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 7)The tamer of two festivals.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-07 14 
19038563Ancient Reef Evo GameReturning to the oceans for this game, life evolves in three coral reefs around the globe.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Reef, Roo, Kafka, Nuro, Slizer, Ojo, Phou, Roha2012-05-11 5 
19064012Ancient Reef Evo Game IILife continue to evolve in the reefs and mutations go galore. And what are those Rohas up to?Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Reef, Roo, Kafka, Nuro, Slizer, Ojo, Phou, Roha2012-05-13 5 
19090195R&D Perpetual Treason InitiativeVulture Troopers, Intsec Troopers, Troubleshooters--you're here because we want the best, and you were the only people available. So: Who is ready to make some explosions?friend computer, paranoia, treason, multiverse, portal, cave johnson, troubleshooters2012-05-13 12 
19085077Magical Girl Dystopia IIIMore fleshing out about the girls and the resistancefluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-14 5 
19112522Kindheitstrauma Playing Children Homebrew/tg/ collects point buy drawbacks for a childhood horror game, remembers own childhood, is being awesome.Mommy is sick, Daddy gets mad, My brother is dead, Mommy's Icky Friend, Divorced, Little Princess, Beaten, My Little Robot, Bad Touch, Jog Dad, Little Sunshine, In the System, Our Pride, Evil?, On Ritalin, Home Alone, Moving Again, I'm a Mistake2012-05-16 22 
19084937Ancient Reef Evo Game part 3Evolution continues in the reefs and beyond.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Reef, Roo, Kafka, Nuro, Slizer, Ojo, Phou, Roha2012-05-17 5 
19119894Magical Girl Dystopia IVThe setting is solidified, ideas are developed, and issues from the last thread are snipped in the bud.fluff, magical girls, setting, game ideas, writefag, getting shit done, dystopia, world building, discussion, magicpunk, 1984, mahou shoujo, gene therapy2012-05-18 2 
19165697Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 8)Conclusion of the festival and the rise of the 'Yan'Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-20 12 
19180219Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 9)The hell in her eyes...Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-21 6 
19180374Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 9.01)Can CYOAs survive the summer barbarian invasion? Find out!Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-21 6 
19172753Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 2Picks up where thread one leaves off. Eastern continent: The savage land of swamps and mountains.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Higitain, Boomer, Joord, Azrach, Tapascu, Vindra, Ngung, Dahon, Ribboner, Ramel2012-05-22 1 
19195465Joker QuestWe are the Red Joker. We fight a difficult battle with Baphomet. Then we come back to the real world.Joker Quest, Collective Game, 2012-05-22 33 
19246696Joker Quest 2We visit the library, go to a concert and discover that our fights have consequences.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-05-26 27 
19218964Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 3Things get wrapped up, and the LemUy stiol prove to be a driving force in this world.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Higitain, Boomer, Joord, Azrach, Tapascu, Vindra, Ngung, Dahon, Ribboner, Ramel, Skulk, LemUy2012-05-27 1 
19266530Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 10)See, hear, and speak however much evil you want.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-28 6 
19296758Joker Quest IIIWe battle a GIANT ENEMY SPIDER, and stop an out-of-control train.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-05-30 25 
19306515Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 11)Welcome to Yamaku. If you're not crippled yet, you soon will be.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-05-31 12 
June 2012
19333550Joker Quest 4The protagonist battles a powerful sniper, armed with a weapon full of hatred.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-06-02 22 
19341417Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 12)For a school that rejects mental cases, Yamaku students have an alarmingly high rate of psychological disorders.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-03 12 
19424815Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 13)[Insert clever pun about the inauspicious number]Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-10 11 
19438068Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 14)Any successful relationship needs a healthy amount of breaking and entering.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-11 7 
19509020Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 15)Be sure to teach your kids the relationship lessons you learn in these threads.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-17 9 
19599429Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 16)Do the things you can'tCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-06-24 13 
July 2012
19689100Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 17)Are you at your youest yet?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-07-01 11 
19741278Zerg Quest XCIIFollowing the crossover and a major battle, the Swarm discusses its future. Also, Zerg World.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Major surgery, Daddy issues, Zerg World, Amusement park IN SPACE2012-07-05 7 
19783056Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 18)Do ahoges get HD radio?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-07-08 9 
19882842Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 19)Insanity. Death. Painting.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-07-15 9 
19903741Joker Quest VIn which we suffer the Black Joker's curse, and receive help from an unexpected corner.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-07-16 25 
19962717Joker Quest VIWhere we visit a maid cafe and touch a fluffy tail. Then we meet Hecate for the first time, and uncover a killbot army.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-07-20 23 
19975844Joker Quest VIIIn which we go toe-to-toe with the Armory Guardian, receive a massive upgrade, and get to know Hecate better. Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-07-21 23 
20014884Joker Quest VIIIIn which our date is interrupted, and all hell breaks loose.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-07-24 22 
20031398Magical Girl Noir Quest 20A heavily buzzed magical girl has girl trouble with a past friend, current roommate, and new coworker.Magical Girl Noir Quest, Collective Game, Deculture, drawfag, Magical Girl, noir, whiskey, midori, soul gem, Cripple Jousting2012-07-25 38 
20068677Joker Quest IXWhere we fight a minor war (With Chrome Cypher's help) and fire our BLACK HOLE CANNON. Also: The bro-est speech ever. Joker2012-07-29 12 
August 2012
20143325Joker Quest XIn which we visit our predecessor, and have a run-in with the Black Joker. Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-02 21 
20184218Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 20)Will Ghostbusters work against a tulpa?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-08-05 9 
20188123Joker Quest XIIn which we make a tough decision, deal with a stalker, and meet the Thief...Just like in the song. Also, we watch a tennis match.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-05 21 
20245269Joker Quest XIIWhere we share a tender moment with Mio, guess at the Thief's identity, and come to all the wrong conclusions. Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-09 21 
20275528Maid Quest: The Life of Master part 26Now Hito must continue his journey to defeat other three challengerMaid Quest: The Life of Master, Quest, Collective Game, CYOA, Maid, Journey2012-08-11 1 
20281028Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 21)Don't worry Hisao... We'll protect you...Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-08-12 9 
20284996Joker Quest XIIIIn which we take on Alecto, in an unexpected tag-team match. Also, the Thief proves himself to be a dick-ass Thief, and one of our best friends ends up in traction.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-12 20 
20341471Joker Quest XIVWhile visiting Akira in the hospital, Anon is sidetracked by a long conversation with Hecate. Many things are discussed, though the session was cut short.Collective Game, Joker Quest2012-08-16 20 
20378995Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 22)Just once I'd like to see an oenophile who isn't evil.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-08-19 6 
20382499Joker Quest XVWe introduce Hecate to our friends, and awkwardness ensues. Also, we get a lead on Chrome Cypher's identity, and...OH SHIT, SHARKS.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-19 17 
20435532Joker Quest XVIWe deal with Abyss in a spectacularly brutal way, meet up with Argent Prominence for the very first time...Oh, and we start going out with Hecate. D'aaawww.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-23 20 
20525996Joker Quest XVIIWe go to an amusement park, and meet a ghost from the past. Turns out that the Old Joker is still faster on the draw. Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-08-30 17 
September 2012
20559713Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 23)If learning the ways of the Samurai didn't interest you, try learning the ways of the Yandere from me instead.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-09-02 6 
20576665Joker Quest XVIIIIn which our trip to Nara Dreamland comes to a sudden and violent end. Also, we come face-to-face with the Black Cardinal's successor, at last. Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-03 17 
20652158Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 24)Connectivity issues in the begining. I wonder if God ever has this problem.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-09-09 6 
20665005Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 24 ¨þ)Continuing our battle after Angra M00tyu stopped us.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Rin2012-09-10 6 
20668243Joker Quest XIXWe continue the battle against Pazuzu. For a moment it seems like we've got him, but then bad things happen.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-11 17 
20729255Joker Quest XXTwo days after the events at the amusement park we go looking for signs of Hecate at the usual meeting place. Instead we find the player who killed her.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-15 17 
20782223Joker Quest XXIWe arrange a lunch meeting with Argent Prominence and search the armory again before it sinks.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-19 16 
20829140Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 25)"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - HamletCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-09-23 6 
20833302Joker Quest XXIIWe go for lunch with Argent Prominence and get a Relic that gives us melee capabilities. Then there's a real life attempt on Argent Prominence's life.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-23 16 
20872976Joker Quest XXII-2We chase after the goon responsible for ruining our lunch and wind up in an ambush, so we kill most of the ambushers.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-26 16 
20923227Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 26)All your knowledge is leading up to revelations. Pay attention and avoid the knives.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-09-30 5 
20926047Joker Quest XXIIIWe deliver some photos to Asuna and find out she's been dreaming of events in the Red world. Then we venture into the Corrector hive in an attempt to find the location of those mysterious coordinates we found in the armory.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-09-30 16 
October 2012
20942896Joke trap ideas./tg/ designs MISTER SNAPPY'S FUNGEON, where are the traps are jokes. Excapt the ones that kill you.traps, D&D, funny, dungeon, joke2012-10-01 35 
21019693Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (part 27)ph'nglui mglw'nafh Rin Yamaku wgah'nagl fhtagnCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-07 4 
21050398Joker Quest XXIVWe fight and kill the worm with Chrome Cyphers help and run into Natsumi where we never thought we'd find her.Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-10-09 24 
21113587Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 28)Thirty Yandere Pileup.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-14 3 
21174505Joker Quest XXIVWe leave behind and emotionally distraught Natsumi to hunt down Bardiel, who pulls a rather neat trick with a fragment of what appears to be a Nihl Sphere.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-10-18 16 
21210710Pokemon Johto Civ: 1When the small city grows with the additions of small fluff balls and a small rolling elephant after the attack of a great Tyranitar they must thrive...Pokemon, Collective game, Civ, Johto2012-10-21 1 
21214815Friend-kun and Shy-chan's Outlandish Journey: PreludeThe prelude to the crazy adventure. Scheduling, grenades, and rescue.Shy-chan, Friend-kun, Shy-Chan's Outlandish Journey, Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dragonline2012-10-21 6 
21217422Joker Quest XXVWe feed Bardiel to the Nihl Sphere and then wake up in a hospital.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-10-21 14 
21275979 Friend-kun and Shy-chan's Outlandish Journey: Chapter 1Geomancy and being awkward go together like...oh wait. "The Chain" makes his appearance and Jim is dumb.Shy-chan, Friend-kun, Shy-Chan's Outlandish Journey, Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Dragonline2012-10-25 5 
21295980A Grand and Glorious Hippopotamus"The only thing we have to fear is hippos"-FDRQuotes, funny, hippos, joke2012-10-26 14 
21302711Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 29)Akira's Carnival.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-27 6 
21316243Katawa Yandere - Rin Route (Part 30) FinaleThe Yandere Finale in the Chronicles of Rin.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-28 13 
21332781Katawa Yandere - Rin Route GaidenRin Route's alternate realities and debriefing, plus questions on KY in general.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-10-29 5 
21330739Origins 1In which a college-age girl discovers her power as an "Original", while readers discuss how best to reconstruct humanity.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2012-10-29 14 
21335957Joker Quest XXVIWe find out we've been in a coma for 4 days and we get our Relics back.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-10-29 14 
21343783Origins 2In which protagonist Camille tests her limitations, does some detective work, and discovers she isn't alone.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2012-10-30 11 
21364241Origins 3In which Camille encounters and faces off with another Original.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2012-10-31 10 
November 2012
21421091Joker Quest XXVIIWe make up with Natsumi and then team up with the Thief to go after Pazuzu. Things don't go according to plan.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-11-04 15 
21522687Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 1]Do you wanna know how I got these scars?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-11-11 17 
21628909Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 2]What 'was' the festival about, anyways?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2012-11-18 9 
21755107Joker Quest XXVIIIOur single minded need to end Rust Kaiser nearly gets us killed. Also, we have an interesting and possibly informative chat with Kotone.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-11-26 14 
21816379Joker Quest XXIXWe're at Seisin High for Asuna's play. Too bad we won't know how it end thanks to some player deciding to take a shot at us. OP leaves us with a cliffhanger due to an emergency.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-11-30 14 
December 2012
21846291Joker Quest XXIX.5For better or worse, we decide to spare Inox Fang. We then pay a visit to Akira's house and receive a nasty surprise.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-12-02 13 
21896544Joker Quest XXXWe confront Akira, but the quest is cut short due to OP getting temporarily banned.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-12-05 13 
21962000Not even reporting this one.Nope. Sleep in it.Enjoy your shit thread.2012-12-09 11 
22034378Joker Quest XXX.5In which Anon says goodbye to a friend.Collective Game, Joker Quest2012-12-14 15 
22110711Joker Quest XXXIA player attempts to recruit us for a dungeon raid of sorts. OP has to cut it short do to connection issues.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-12-19 15 
22162131Joker Quest XXXI.VWe ask Mio to go out for dinner with us in a couple days and then head to the Smiler arcade. joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-12-22 21 
22274091Joker Quest XXXIIWe take on Amaglam, first in the Red World then in the real one, trashing the Sheol Star arcade in the process.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2012-12-29 15 
January 2013
22368625Cyberpunk Magical Girl QuestMission Starts. Joanna Constantine, agent 029 of the Bureau, is given a mission on her day off. She isn't pleased one bit.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-03 12 
22442420Joker Quest XXXIIIWe make plans for Mio's upcoming birthday and run into Megumi while shopping for a present. Things get a bit strange when we're drawn into the Red world and find ourself in the middle of a battle that started without us.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-01-07 18 
22478164Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 02Homeland security proves to be a minor nuisance as we attempt to gather the team together.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-09 10 
22554414MtG: Dick Edition Fa/tg/uys take the flavor text of various MtG cards and replace a single word with "dick" in each one.Magic: The Gathering, MtG, Dicks, Dick Jokes2013-01-13 17 
22588239Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 03You retrieve Gertrude from the cell, discover that the Lonesome Rose protocol is in effect, and abandon Victor Charlie Alpha on the chance that its been compromised.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-15 10 
22647545/tg/'s Nemesis/tg/ finds the ultimate BBEG. And is utterly horrifed by it. Horror, Self-Loathing, Joshua, Madness, Evil, Classic Blunder2013-01-18 13 
22688397Joker Quest XXXIVWe kill the hybrid Megara, though we never do find out what that leash was connected to nor do we find out if Bell Zephyr was really Megumi.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-01-20 16 
22723262Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest 04You invade the Department of Homeland Security's dairy farm, unlock a new power, and search for your kidnapped comrades.Collective Game, Cyberpunk Magical Girl Quest, Cyberpunk, Magical Girl, Platonic Forms, Joanna Constantine2013-01-22 12 
22800158You Are JohnIn which everyone plays John.you are john, chairman, collective game2013-01-26 8 
February 2013
22914902JourneyQuest Adventure: The Traveling of Endeavors p2Freyda Flatchest Future Bone Lord/Lady/whatever makes a friend(maybe we haven't decided yet) and chooses to be a shady merchant. Then raises her brother from the dead.Collective game, skeletons, Journeyquest Adventure, Freyda Flatchest, boners2013-02-01 1 
22923648You Are (Still) JohnIn which some people play John and he hits on Amelia.You are John, collective game, chairman2013-02-02 4 
22985164Grand Ocean Quest IIIOphelia Reers explores the use of her powers, talks to her guns in creepy ways, and acts a hero. Sail on the winds of Profit!Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-05 12 
22985870Joker Quest XXXIV.VShorter session due to a later start. We finish talking with Megumi and then head to see Bishamon about that rift.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-02-05 14 
23037379Grand Ocean Quest IVOphelia Reers "acquires" the spoils from defeating the pirates, and calms down angry villagers. Voyaging to Loguetown...Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo2013-02-08 10 
23153686Joker Quest XXXVWe raid the mysterious Hollow Sun, and manage to skip around 3/4s of it by nearly plummeting to our death due to unexpected gravity shenanigans.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-02-14 15 
23193462Grand Ocean Quest VIIOphelia Reers continues her tromp around in Loguetown! She visits the merchant Guild and takes on a deal that directs her to the Grand Line's Alabasta to investigate illegal trade! Also, Jojo gets some real clothes.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-16 7 
23209880Grand Ocean Quest VIIIOphelia Reers acquires gun upgrades and buys new gear for her employes/crew.Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-17 9 
23273170Grand Ocean Quest IXOphelia Reers gains a new crew member and bails Bartleby out of jail. Collective Game, Merchant, Grand Line, One Piece, Grand Ocean Quest, Ophelia Reers, Jojo, Gol D. Roger2013-02-20 11 
23347383Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 3]Rumors of my death were somewhat exaggerated. Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-02-24 23 
23351638Joker Quest XXXVIBoss Battle Time as we face HAURVATAT before finding the truth of the Hollow Sun. joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-02-24 14 
March 2013
23474711Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 4]Just 'facing' your fears is only the first step.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-03 11 
23601650Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 5]Reminder that you should always support cross-dressing and underage drinking.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-10 11 
23690446Joker Quest: Episode XXXVIIWe take over the Hollow Sun. Promotions for everybody! Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-03-15 17 
23737682New setting, FaechanOP whines about how his waifu is a new lesbo, but he says she was turned by vamp. /tg/ makes a setting where all monsters have rights.Faechan, pallitard, bum, setting, Boxcar joe, monstergirls2013-03-18 2 
23829027Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 6]Le Sacre du PrintempsCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-23 13 
23846069Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 7]Hey, Shirou? What's it like to actually get rescued from fires?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-24 14 
23863785Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 8]Why are firework confessions so popular? You think it'd be hard to hear each other talk.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-25 9 
23878366tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 7We escape the subway and slow down the angry mob with explosives. As the mishmash team escapes on GI Joe land vehicles, they finally find the library, defended at the front by a certain Sayaka...Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka2013-03-26 1 
23913055/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 8The Editors declare Martial Law. It's a fight for the last trove of free knowledge. While multiple sides fight each other without end, more Joes pour in and the Editors deploy killer robots to quell resistance. We also learn the secret behind the Sue-pocalypse.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-28 0 
23918933Joker Quest: Episode XXXVIIIWe encounter Kraken, a Corrector-controlling Player. Also, Asuna treats us to a homemade lunch, and we meet Bishamon in the flesh...All the while preparing for Mio's birthday party.Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-03-28 14 
23930866/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 9We get pushed back under the Editor onslaught. The Library begins to collapse. We try to hold out until we can.Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot2013-03-29 1 
23935995Joker Quest XXXIXA date with Mio. It goes well for the most part.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-03-29 14 
23966472Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 9]Katawa Yandere: We do the same action and get different results.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-03-31 12 
23951129/tg/ Meta Quest: The Last Library 10The end. The battle. The aftermath. Things turn around for us, or not. And yet there is a silver lining waiting for us. Collective Game, Last Library, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, SUEpocalypse, mary sue, SUEs, Meta, Quest, post-apocalyptic. post apocalypse, Chuck Norris, Space Ghost, GI JOE, Starcraft, Magical Girl Noir Quest, Magical Girl, Sayaka, Martial Law, Editors, Riot, Equilibrium, Grammaton Clerics2013-03-31 4 
April 2013
24111246The Riddle of Steel's Prophet ReturnsJimmy Roman, Prophet of Galt, comes to tell us of the imminent return of Dickstabbing. Fectc/tg/uys everwhere rejoice. Also, they possibly rename the whole game.Riddle of Steel, John Galt, Jimmy Roman, Sword2013-04-08 17 
24134915Yellowman Quest 2The Race has begun! Yellowman finds himself in the world of the original GI Joe cartoon, and the dreaded TG Dice are in full trolling effect much to everyone's chagrin.Collective Game, Meta Quest, Meta, Quest, Yellowman Quest, GI Joe2013-04-09 7 
24195585Shadow Quest 4The shadow, Sir Flint, and Joey investigate the keep. Battle commences.Collective Game,shadow,quest,4,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-12 29 
24213045Shadow Quest 5With the Sun Key secure, Flint, Joey, and the Shadow continue to explore the keep...Collective Game,shadow,quest,5,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-13 26 
24244313Shadow Quest 6The adventure through the Old Forest Keep comes to a conclusion...Collective Game,shadow,quest,6,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-15 26 
24254030Shadow Quest 6 Part IIA brief continuation of thread 6.Collective Game,shadow,quest,6,part,2,Flint,Joey,master2013-04-15 25 
24249484John Galt Returns, Runs Fecht ThreadJohn Galt himself returns and runs a Riddle of Steel/Song of Swords fecht thread! In it, we fight the Hef, a race of rapetastic minotaurs. Can the sea elf pirate Rade best these foul creatures?Riddle of Steel,John Galt,Jimmy Roman,Song of Swords,Sword,Hef,Rade,Rhade2013-04-15 22 
24273918Joker Quest Episode XLDrama at the rehearsal, Anon gets a starring role! Relationship drama is discussed.Quest, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-04-16 13 
24265864The end of Barry BanjoEngine Heart general becomes storytime. Barry the animatronic banjo bear meets his final destiny. barry banjo, banjo, storytime, engine, heart, engine heart2013-04-17 11 
24363738Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part X]Like rain on the mountains. Like wind in the meadow.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-04-21 13 
24501118Joker Quest XLIWe discuss our past with Natsumi (with flashbacks!), and are rudely interrupted by the arrival of jerk-Bomberman Enfer.Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-04-28 15 
24518903JoJoCalypse QuestWe create our hero and survive our first battle in the post apocalyptic world. Our character harness the power of the ripple, and uses rubber bands to attack his enemies.Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Collective Game, Joe Joestar2013-04-29 12 
24530346JoJoCalypse Quest 2In which little progress is made and the GM leaves early.Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Collective Game, Joe Joestar, JoJoCalypse2013-04-30 5 
24538967To Kill a SkinwalkerOP asks how /tg/ would go about killing a skinwalker. Creepypasta follows and /tg/ loses its collective shit.Skinwalker, Horror, Navajo, roleplay, Storytime, Australia, Legend2013-04-30 25 
May 2013
24598986Song of Swords: The Swords Sing AgainExcellently informative discussion on Team Galt's Song of Swords, with extra info on everything from Finnish knives to Japanese swords.Song of Swords, John Galt, Jimmy Rome, Shinto Onna, Japan, Finland, History2013-05-04 9 
24838056Joker Quest XLIIWe decide to stall for time with expository banter but, as it turns out, Enfer has similar plans. Red World Trains are scary.Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-05-15 14 
24914599Joker Quest XLIIIWe planned on giving the Hollow Sun a more in depth examination with the assistance of Bishamon but wind up spending time with Mio instead. Also, we're almost crushed by a car.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-05-19 15 
June 2013
25168557Joker Quest XLIVWe find out strange things are happening in the Red, both at the site of our battle with Enfer and in the Red world alternate to Nara Dreamland.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-06-01 15 
25276125Joker Quest XLVIn which we chase a phantom Hecate, fight ghosts from our past and take a trip down someone else's memory lane.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-06-06 16 
25410243Joker Quest XLVIWhere we break up with the Black Tri-Stars, and visit an Art Museum...Where we meet The Thief again. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-06-13 16 
25574911Meta Game Quest : Code Geass 3 Because the only thing better than bad anime is bad anime and That GuysCollective Game, Meta Game Quest, Insert just as planned joke here, metagaming is for faggots, I recognize that bulge2013-06-22 10 
25685591Yet Another Magical Little Girl Quest This time we are evil! SO ORIGINAL.Collective Game, Evil Precure Quest, Preure, Pretty Cure, Magical Girl, I wish I could think of a joke tag but this shit is already a joke2013-06-28 24 
25728273Joker Quest 47In which we hand over Bishamon's shard of the Fatal Abyss to the Thief and get ambushed.Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-06-30 16 
July 2013
25807039Joker Quest XLVIIIOur dick-thinking finally bites us in the ass. Also, murder in the nightclub.Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-07-04 18 
25922226Bleach Quest 19.5In which Ichigo Kurosaki talks a lot, then talks too much, then reaches a... Taiga Dojo?Collective Game, Bleach Quest, Bleach, Full Kubo, Taiga Dojo?2013-07-10 27 
25924190Joker Quest XLIXIn which we kill Helix Gygas very easily and then go one on one with Kraken.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-07-10 16 
26010101Monsterrape Quest 8Don't worry, its just IRONICALLY shitty!Collective Game, Rape, Gangbangs, ERP, Twilight, You have killed the joke and dragged this gag out longer than a Family Guy sketch2013-07-15 2 
26021821Joker Quest LBack at the Jokercave. Lots and lots of loot!joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-07-15 18 
26088022Joker Quest XLIIn which we go see Argent Prominence about a shield and OP is banned due to 4chan seeing referral links where none exist. joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-07-18 15 
26122431Jerkoff Thread 52Some more bitches die unnecessarily grimderp deaths.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Waifus, Slice of Life, Grimderp, Edgy, Mecha, Not mechas, Waifus, Dead Waifus, Waifu Wars, Waifus are really the main draw of the quest you know, Its written by a girl so you know its good!2013-07-20 16 
26308859Samus Aran vs a Space MarineA discussion as to who would win in a fight goes to weird and wonderful places.Metroid, 40K, Space Marine, Samus Aran, Unknown Primarch, Blood Ravens, Bjorn2013-07-29 10 
26321402Joker Quest LIIIOur search for Argent's agents in the Flooded District has brought us face to face with Alura Une, a massive plantgirl monstrosity.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-07-30 13 
August 2013
26403033Joker Quest LIVRecovering from our foray into the Flooded District, we have another chat with Natsumi.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-08-03 14 
26472980Soul Eater: The Grim Times Part 1In which anons create Dirk, a Soul-powered mercenary not-a-Jojo character and punch a punk's block off.collective game, Soul Eater, Soul Eater Quest, Jojo2013-08-07 7 
26575208Joker Quest 55In which we learn things from our obsessive fan and take a course of action that's probably going to cause us plenty of grief down the line.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-08-12 15 
26586554Origins 4In which Camille parties hard, and has a short encounter with another Original.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-13 11 
26625870Origins VIn which Camille and her newfound allies find a hideout, show off, and hone their Origins.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-15 6 
26671493Joker Quest LVIWe make Bishamon paranoid and then turn paranoid ourselves.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-08-17 14 
26681769Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 11]So class, what have we learned?Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-08-18 7 
26685207Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 11.3233 repeating, of course]Been a while since a thread boiled over like this. Alright, that's a good thing.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-08-18 6 
26666679JJBA Stand Creation/tg/ has a little fun making stands for JJBA. A little drama, but it gets patched up all fast.JJBA, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stand2013-08-18 5 
26701251Origins 6 (Part 1)In which Camille and friends receive a beating, and the author is preoccupied.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-19 5 
26747441Joker Quest LVIIOur daily life gets interrupted by yet another attack.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-08-21 16 
26753417Origins 6 (Part 2)In which Camille notes her increasing power, plans for the future, and encounters a new Original.Origin Quest, Collective Game, Origin, Origins, Johnny, Camille2013-08-22 5 
26793637Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 12].seinohp eht lliKCollective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-08-24 9 
26834577Joker Quest LVIIIWe try out the Helix Gauntlet and punch Enfer through the ground.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-08-26 15 
26852323Joker Quest LVIII.VWe accidentally tear a temporary rift in reality allowing millions of Real world people to get a brief glimpse of the Red.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-08-27 14 
September 2013
26975148Joker Quest LIXWe find Kotone's embarrasing secret.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-09-02 15 
26986427 ITT: the fugg is going on in Holy Terra?Questions about Terra lead to the greatest poop joke of all timeHoly Terra, Funny, Poop Joke, Just as Planned, 2013-09-03 13 
27023320Time Warriors Thread 2The Time Warriors become more fleshed out. We get a few new characters and a better sense of the direction the setting could take.time, warriors, johnny quick, anti, star, 80's2013-09-05 5 
27112510Space Marine Humour Thread/tg/ cracks wise in the guise of Space Marines, Statler and Waldorf comment40k, humour, humor, Space Marine humour, Space Marine humor, 40k humour, 40k humor, 40k jokes, Space Marine jokes, Statler and Waldorf2013-09-09 24 
27255882Joker Quest LXWe uncover Mikogami's backstory, at the Church of the Last Hour. Then we're pulled into a match against Panzer Galient, on Pythia's side.Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-09-16 14 
27299626Space Marine Jokes thread"YOUR PRIMARCH IS SUCH A PUSSY, IT'S NO WONDER THEY CALL HIM THE LION."Fucking rekt, rekt, zing, funny, camoflage, reasonable, joke 2013-09-18 25 
27359770Joker Quest LXIAfter the battle with Panzer Galient, we get the surprising news that someone actually wants to thank us!joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-09-22 14 
27428925Joker Quest 61.5We find Hecate but at the same time we don't find Hecate.joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-09-26 14 
27496154Joker Quest 62We make a pact with Cybele, and we're assigned our first target.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-09-30 16 
October 2013
27535107Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 0/tg/ gets a JoJo set up.Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo, JoJo Guardsman Quest, warhammer40k2013-10-03 25 
27575910 Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 01: "A Guardsman Named 「JoJo」The beginning of the tale of Joachim Joestar begins in the grimdarkness of 40k. Much posing ensures. We befriend a pysker and meet a childhood friendA Guardsman's Bizzare adventure JoJo's Quest, Posing,Collective game, warhammer 40k2013-10-05 25 
27590961Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 13]'I' am the one who cripples.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-10-06 14 
27589382Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 01: "A Guardsman Named 「JoJo」 Part 2In which we Awaken a Stand, chill with the Emprah, and have a commissar go bugfuck insane and kill most of our friens, and meet a foul xeno witch....with a standA Guardsman's Bizzare adventure JoJo's Quest, Posing,Collective game, warhammer 40k, 2013-10-06 23 
27636408Mask Quest 1In which Howard Phillips, son of a gravedigger, finds a horrible mask and tries to decide what to do with it. Also, flowers for Marcy.Mask Quest, Collective Game, Majora's Mask, Majora, Terrible Fate2013-10-08 22 
27637596Joker Quest 63On our mission of murder, we encounter Armaros...But things aren't what they seem, and we end up battling a horde of monsters.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-10-08 14 
27651580Mask Quest 2Howard Phillips kills some ghosts, gains a fairy minion, cuts up some corpses and roughs up the mayor, and more!Mask Quest, Collective Game, Majora's Mask, Majora, Terrible Fate, Zelda2013-10-09 20 
27633815Space Marines Jokes threadSO, THE BLOOD RAVEN WALKS INTO... ... > GO ON I CAN'T. THE BAR IS STOLEN NOW.joke, funny, original, awesome, 40k2013-10-10 14 
27709659Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route [Part 14]I wear no mask.Collective Game, CYOA, Katawa Yandere, Katawa Shoujo, Lilly, Hanako, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2013-10-13 12 
27710544Mask Quest 3Howard Phillips really donks up talking to the mayor, and things go downhill from there.Mask Quest, Collective Game, Majora's Mask, Majora, Terrible Fate2013-10-13 10 
27711165Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure 02-3 Finding a disguise (shirt included), getting everyone ready and the dice seem to be hinting at something. I wonder what that could be? Collective Game, Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, Warhammer 40k, 40k, Jojo2013-10-13 13 
27715544Joker Quest 64We take on Mirage Sylpheed and the Manifold Guardian in a tag-team match. Amaros reveals the secrets of the Manifold Towers, and we awaken to discover MORE MURDER. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-10-13 15 
27739960Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 03The players come across a horrifying truth: the QM for this Quest is M. Night Shyamalan in disguise.Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, 40k, Warhammer 40, JoJo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Collective Game2013-10-15 12 
27802896Joker Quest 65In this marathon session, we find ourselves an understudy to the Hero in Asuna's play, and movie night with Bishamon turns deadly when we run into Rust Kaiser.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-10-18 14 
27818423Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure 03-2FABULOUS RESCUES, Tequila Bottles, and a Stinger.Collective Game, Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, 40k, Warhammer 40k, JoJo's Quest, JoJo2013-10-20 10 
27891264Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 04In which we finally have Stand-to-Stand combat. Also more TWEESTS.Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, 40k, Warhammer 40, JoJo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Collective Game, Warhammer 40k2013-10-24 11 
27999312Joker Quest 66We fight a running gun battle through the Holophusikon. Cornered in the armoury, we discover a weapon that turns the tables on our pursuers.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-10-29 15 
28011713Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure 05The gang find themselves in a reproduction of Morioh. WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS ensue. Collective Game, Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, 40k, Warhammer 40k, JoJo's Quest, JoJo2013-10-31 11 
November 2013
28077988Joker Quest 67We pilot our new Mobile Armour into battle, against a massive horde of Correctors...But then Kraken shows up, and things go very, very badly.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-11-03 14 
28204936Joker Quest 68We meet Palladium Rook and Distortion Haze. Strategy is discussed, and we have a surprise visit from Mio. Then things get bad. Really bad.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-11-10 14 
28290654Washed up Villain quest 11Dick dastardly faces his greatest challange yet...a family reunion. He also ruins the story line of fable, by beating jack of blades and goes to a rather bizarre world.Mustache Twirler, Collective game, Washed up villain quest, albion, Jojo's bizzare adventure2013-11-15 4 
28398048Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 05 PART 2In which we talk to Mikitaka in detail, and shit happens to the QM.Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, 40k, Warhammer 40, JoJo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Collective Game, Warhammer 40k2013-11-21 5 
28457912Guardsman's Bizzare Adventure ~JoJo's Quest~ 05-3You see something you're not supposed to. It soon loses its appeal.Collective Game, Guardsman's Bizarre Adventure, 40k, Warhammer 40k, JoJo's Quest, JoJo2013-11-24 3 
28463281Joker Quest 69We defeat Megaera, and things get...Weird. Afterward, we encounter the Thief for what might be the final time. Joker Quest, Collective Game2013-11-24 15 
28502302Joker Quest 70We visit the exceedingly grim Memorial, and battle the time-warping Ixion in Cocytus. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-11-26 14 
December 2013
28707727Joker Quest 71We narrowly defeat Ixion, and bear witness to the awakening of the Fatal Abyss.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-12-07 17 
28874286Joker Quest 72We say the wrong time at the wrong time, and find ourselves cut off from the Red World. And then comes murder in the dark. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-12-15 15 
29124729Joker Quest 73We return to the Hollow Sun and discover the secret of the ultimate armour, as we learn that time is running out. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2013-12-28 16 
January 2014
29360441Joker Quest Episode 74Red Joker claims more improvements from the Hollow Sun and goes to the Bastion.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-01-09 16 
29384533Joker Quest Episode 74.5Red Joker talks to Armaros & Argent Prominence.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, 2014-01-09 16 
29451686Joker Quest 75In which we prepare for war. Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-01-12 16 
29621681Joker Quest 76In which the Red Joker channels the spirit of Crazy Hassan's Russian cousin before 'befriending' a new ally.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-01-19 22 
29716750Princess Guard Quest 113Reinhold discusses swords with Agnes.Collective Game, Princess Guard Quest, great job you assholes2014-01-23 28 
29793961Joker Quest 77We make our final preparations for the raid, and...Wait, there's a White Joker? AWWW SHIT.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-01-26 16 
February 2014
29963678Joker Quest 78We trade secrets with Vertigo Trisagion, who turns out to be one creepy motherfucker.Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-02-02 15 
29987287Joker Quest 78.5An unexpected meeting with an old friend. And an even more unexpected reconciliation.Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-02-03 13 
30056796Joker Quest 79We descend into the Original Hive, and find ourself in over our head. Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-02-06 13 
30217280Nanoha FORCE Quest 5Where Tohma is killed, and meets a pair of Kaisers. Collective Game, Nanoha Force, Nanoha, BelkanSniper, Nanoha FORCE Quest, Cute Devil, White Devil, Dead End, Kaisah Dojo, Magical Guy,2014-02-14 3 
30229288Joker Quest 80We venture deeper into the Original Hive, escape a Corrector nest, and confront...The Thief?Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-02-14 12 
30269628Joker Quest Episode 80.5The raid continues despite losses. Red Joker finds the place where Amaglams are made, and Phantom Edge appears.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-02-16 12 
30363333Joker Quest - Episode 81The carnage begins in earnest as we begin our assault on the Smiler base proper. Maximum Joker engaged. Let them come.Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-02-20 15 
30427495Joker Quest Episode 82Maximum Joker only lasts so long before it's back to normal. After penetrating the center of the refinery, betrayal leaves Red Joker in dire straights and facing Kraken.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-02-23 14 
30494103Joker Quest 83The fight with Kraken begins, and /tg/ *loses it's shit*.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-02-26 11 
March 2014
30580512Joker Quest Episode 84Mio's at the orphanage, and the Emulator Module is nothing like what we thought--it's better. Restraint brings success in relationships.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-03-02 16 
30727103Joker Quest 85We visit the Salvation Children's Home, and Mio reveals her yandere side. At the Cross Corner, we meet Palladium Rook again...And he's not doing so well. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-03-09 16 
30908551Joker Quest 86Palladium Rook falls prey to the cancer in his system, and we attempt to cure him. Violently.Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-03-18 13 
30968104Joker Quest 87We discover the true depths of Aoba's douchery, and have a bro moment with Kazuya. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-03-21 13 
31054639Joker Quest 88We do battle with Cygnus for a lady's favour, and meet our fans. A heart-to-heart talk with Bishamon doesn't go nearly as well. Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-03-25 13 
31068742Sojourner Quest #1The one where we face social anxiety by jumping trough windows.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-03-26 5 
31092496Sojourner Quest #1.5: OP can't into captchas editionThe one were we get to know our party a bitSojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-03-27 1 
31107456Sojourner Quest #2: The First HuntThe one where we almost get in a fight with literally all the lumberjacks in town.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-03-28 1 
31145403Sojourner Quest #3: All Tied UpThe one where we prevent skinny dipping.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-03-30 1 
31154103Joker Quest 89We reach critical levels of SUFFERING, and learn that the play may be taking on a life of it's own.Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-03-30 13 
April 2014
31187840Sojourner Quest #4: OP isn't actually sure how much of the notes he's going to get to editionThe one where we fight a snowmanSojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-01 1 
31207724Sojourner Quest #5The one where we call it a night.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-02 1 
31236570Major Tom to Ground Control: SO MANY FUCKING STARSAnonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-03 67 
31247851Sojourner Quest #6: A Different PerspectiveThe one were we uncover sabotage.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-04 1 
31246243Major Tom part 2Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. Of course, /tg/ is delighted and brainstorming ensues. Continued from the first thread.SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-04 32 
31266171Sojourner Quest #8: Still, a Different PerspectiveThe one were we are actually Mica, and the QM skips #7.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-05 1 
31282599Major Tom Part 3Anonymous' DM has given him permission to play a skeleton in a spacesuit who, after spending centuries adrift in the void with only bad radio broadcasts and the voices in his skull for company, crash lands in the middle of a fantasy campaign. OP returns to tell us what transpired during the first session. More brainstorming is being had.Major Tom ,SPACE, skeleton, astronaut, cosmonaut, funny, joke character, fantasy, character creation, brainstorming, fantasy, music, 2014-04-06 33 
31308722Sojourner Quest #9The one where we pay Mica a visit at her home.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-07 1 
31351729Sojourner Quest #10The one where we meet a tiny bit more of Nolan's family.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-09 1 
31413920Sojourner Quest #11The one where we get our birthday present early. Also Mica creeps us out again.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-12 1 
31479494Sojourner Quest #12The one where we find out about Antonia's condition.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-15 1 
31525369Sojourner Quest #13The one where we finally confront Rory about shenanigans.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-17 1 
31531323Designing a Dungeon with Comedic TrapsOP's going to raid a dungeon organised by newbie kobolds who are pretty naive on dungeon building. He requests ideas for poorly-designed traps. Hilarity ensures as do kobold skeletons with hard hats and Indiana Jones shoutouts. Kobold traps dungeon worldbuilding Indiana Jones2014-04-18 5 
31554279Joker Quest 90We battle the Ultimate Armour at the Hollow Sun, and get a cool new gauntlet.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-04-18 12 
31630048Sojourner Quest #14The one where we gut punch Iori in the gut.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-22 1 
31651758Sojourner Quest #15The one where we rile up the rats' nest.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-23 1 
31661713Joker Quest Episode 91Red Joker finds out what to do with the Joker's memory, but stops to keep an appointment. Naoya has a confession, and asks Anon to stand down.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-04-24 12 
31669557Sojourner Quest #16The one where we help Antonia with her d̶r̶u̶g̶ salve problem.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-04-24 1 
31702129Joker Quest 91.5After an ultimatum from Naoya, Anon meets Megumi, who proves distraught. Some (un)familiar faces interrupt, but then shit gets real.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest2014-04-25 12 
May 2014
31830838Sojourner Quest #17The one where we lay down the law.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-05-01 1 
31854127Sojourner Quest #18The one where we say goodbye to Lukewater.Sojourner Quest, Collective Game2014-05-02 1 
32032325Joker Quest 92Red Joker almost manages to keep everyone alive. Then it's off to make plans, after which opening the Joker's Memory almost unleashes the horror from six years ago.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest2014-05-10 13 
32216177Joker Quest 92We get new options in the Hallow Sun and watch Mr Spaghetti brutally murder a woman.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-05-19 12 
32308550Paladin Quest: The ChivalringYou are a paladin of the Moon, sister of the Sun and daughter of the Sky. There is evil afoot, and it is your duty and privilege to smite it.Paladin Quest, Collective Game, Knights, Chivalry, Not!Asia, Lunar Paladin, Vampires, Jojo, Smiting Evil2014-05-24 29 
32322991Joker Quest 94We have a heart-to-heart with Bishamon, and encounter our first tournament fight: Legion Armiger. And he's a bastard. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-05-24 13 
32389670Joker Quest 95In which we battle Legion Armiger...And an entire city.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-05-27 11 
June 2014
32522541Joker Quest 96We meet Utopia Ruler, who is very mantabulous indeed. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-06-02 12 
32607278Makai Knight Quest The conclusion of https://archive.foolz.us/tg/thread/32584876. We are a Makai Knight, a warrior who hunts evil creatures known as Horrors. Sometimes with magical girls.Makai Knight Quest, Collective Game, GARO, Magical Girls, Joker2014-06-06 5 
33015734Joker Quest 97We plan our invasion of the Diadem with Utopia RulerJoker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-06-26 12 
33077694Paladin of Joy Quest 2The goblins are saved, and our hero recruits and adventuring partyPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-06-29 31 
33087402Kouga: Saint of Mars 8When you manage to turn victory into defeat and die, who are you going to call? The Black and White Devil. Collective Game, Saint Seiya, Saint Seiya Omega, BelkanSniper, Kouga: Saint of Mars, Devil Dojo, White Devil, 2014-06-30 2 
July 2014
33141056Paladin of Joy Quest 3In which our party pimps their gear, fights bandits, and redeems a very bad manCollective Game, Paladin of Joy Quest, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-02 31 
33147453Paladin of Joy Quest 3, part 2In which we have a little bit of backstory, and maybe some future story, it's unclearCollective Game, Paladin of Joy Quest, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-02 28 
33201183Joker Quest 97.5In which we put Distortion Haze through the school of hard knocks, and a hero is born. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-07-05 11 
33204060Paladin of Joy Quest 4Our heroine finds out about her mother, and where she must go next.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-05 27 
33222305Paladin of Joy Quest 5 part 1A sea voyage, shark people, and tearsPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-06 27 
33227219Paladin of Joy Quest 5 part 2Main character arrives in a city, and plots the downfall of its government, not very paladin-like.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-06 25 
33353761Paladin of Joy Quest 6Sireyi wanders into a zone that is one of danger.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-12 25 
33357915Paladin of Joy Quest 6, part 2A battle through the palace grounds, and a familiar place revisited.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-12 24 
33374852Paladin of Joy Quest 7You found the Horn, now you must find your way back home.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-13 24 
33379018Paladin of Joy Quest 7, part 2You find out about this new world you're in, and pick up a giant little brother. Also hugsPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-13 25 
33420115Paladin of Joy Quest 8Fighting ogres and making deals with a crazy old dragonPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-15 24 
33426177Paladin of Joy Quest 8, part 2A young girl decides if she wants a beautiful black baby...dragonPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-15 24 
33443749Paladin of Joy Quest 9You enter a castle with an unspeakable evil inside. No foolish samurai in sightPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-16 27 
33450219Paladin of Joy Quest 9, Part 2Our heroine struggles with morality and law, and plots.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-16 23 
33487742Paladin of Joy Quest 10An angel is bound in chains and has to wear a slave collar. Not a BDSM thread, Probably.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-18 23 
33491789Paladin of Joy Quest 10, Part 2Is it just yourself that needs rescuing, or are there one or two troubled souls you can help as well?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-18 24 
33510752Paladin of Joy Quest 11Old friends reunited, and two paths beckon. Also, someone needs to get that cockney elf some subtitles. And a swear jar.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-19 24 
33516307Paladin of Joy Quest 11, Part 2Time to fight pirates in the sky. Lightning-powered pirates, in a stormPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-19 25 
33599793Joker Quest 98.5We have a heart-to-heart with Natsumi, and meet Mio in the Maiden's Labyrinth.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-07-23 11 
33643691Joker Quest 99Our long-awaited midnight rendezvous with Mio. It...doesn't go the way you'd expect.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-07-25 11 
33694081Paladin of Joy Quest 12Another plane, another government to bring down. You also meet your other-plane self, and....uh, wow.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-27 24 
33698618Paladin of Joy Quest 12, Part 2You are given a long list of tasks to performPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-27 24 
33694488Joker Quest 100We hit a milestone, and venture into the Diadem at last. Shit gets dark, man.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-07-27 11 
33719011Joke DungeonDM asks /tg/ what do when party wants dungeon and DM doesn't. Anon heroically describes best joke dungeon in the form of fake game log.Joke dungeon, funny, fake log, troll dungeon2014-07-28 38 
33789994Paladin of Joy Quest 13Tough decisions are made, and a direction is chosen.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-31 25 
33795916Paladin of Joy Quest 13, Part 2A rebellion to build, and evil to confront.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-07-31 23 
August 2014
33804601Suddenly Ahriman and BjornDiscussion of new SW codex, then suddenly some OC interaction between Ahriman and Bjorn. 40k, Writefaggotry, space marines, Bjorn, Space Wolves, Ahzek Ahriman, Ahriman2014-08-01 1 
33839206Joker Quest 101Shorter session than usual, due to JQOP's illness. We speak with the Thief, and enter the Pantopticon. Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker2014-08-02 10 
33882636Joker Quest 101.5Reaching the center of the center of the Diadem, Red Joker meets Hellebore and receives a knife to kill love.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest2014-08-04 12 
33893132Oversized Weapon Quest 50And there appeared another wonder in Manderlay; and behold a great black dragon, having seven owls and ten horns, and a crown upon her head.Collective Game, Oversized Weapon Quest, goblins, big swords, shax could join a knight order now2014-08-05 12 
33980049Paladin of Joy Quest 14with an assassin dealt with , our heroine must get a billed passed, and cure her sister.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-08 26 
34004995Paladin of Joy Quest 15Arena fights and nights on the townPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-09 24 
34013758Paladin of Joy Quest 15, part 2Will Sireyi's sister be cured, and what will become of the MP's wife?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-09 23 
34031254Paladin of Joy Quest 16With your sister cured, you can kick back and relax, or you can get into trouble, which totally isn't your fault.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-10 24 
34028344Joker Quest 102Red Joker gets into trouble somewhere he shouldn't be, then tells Utopia Ruler to get fucked.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest2014-08-10 11 
34039455Paladin of Joy Quest 16, part 2You fly to an island to save it from invasion. Also, you have 2 babies on the way.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-10 23 
34056395Paladin of Joy Quest 17It's time to storm the Island of Storms, with your storm powers, whilst a storm guards the way. Storms.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-11 24 
34062161Paladin of Joy Quest 17, part 2You must defend the Island, as a vast army approachesPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-11 24 
34178317Makai Knight Quest 02We are KELL, a Makai Knight. Tonight we hit the club.Makai Knight Quest, Collective Game, GARO, Magical Girls, Joker2014-08-16 12 
34201915Joker Quest 103Anon confesses the truth to his friends, Frost Cestus fights a monster, and Red Joker dispells the illusions surrounding the Hyades Inia.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, End Utopia2014-08-17 12 
34338624Paladin of Joy Quest 18Battle for the Island of StormsPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-23 20 
34343326Paladin of Joy Quest 18, part 2Your quest is complete, time to go home!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-23 23 
34361535Paladin of Joy Quest 19Our young paladin must save a friend, build her own realm, and maybe save a demons lifePaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-24 24 
34386848Paladin of Joy Quest 20You must rescue your companion Jianxi from a fate worse than death: FamilyPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-25 24 
34393550Paladin of Joy Quest 20, part 2Overlord of a small realm, so much to do, so little time!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-25 24 
34409572Paladin of Joy Quest 21Dragons to confront and a dark and scary forest to explore.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-26 25 
34414119Paladin of Joy Quest 21, part 2We investigate a spooky forest!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-08-26 24 
September 2014
34572070Joker Quest 104We say goodbye to Kotone, and make up for our last meeting with Mio. Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-09-02 12 
34626247Double Cross: Star of New Zanzibar QuestFallen Angel is scouted and insults Chief and Claire. Captain becomes P-kun. It's a long way to the top if you want to be an idol.Collective Game, Double Cross, Double Cross Quest, Japanese RPG, I swear if one person makes a boat joke2014-09-05 20 
34635716Return of Grimdark HumorA thread about what Space Marines do for fun turns into the return of the Comedy Marinescomedy marines, 40k, humor, jokes2014-09-05 5 
34670439Paladin of Joy Quest 22Is peace impossible? Will the werespiders survive? will the fae mess with your head again? Has Jal redecorated your room in the castle whilst you are away?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-06 24 
34694351Paladin of Joy Quest 23You battle a warlord and his huge long thick pillar of iron skulls. Ewww, you might need a shower after this.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-07 22 
34700168Paladin of Joy Quest 23, part 2Having defeated an army, you tick a few more items off your list. Like found out where your priceless artifacts arePaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-07 22 
34743243Paladin of Joy Quest 24It's bare bones situation at the local cemetery and you might not have a ghost of a chance if everything stays so crypt-ic.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-09 23 
34750488Paladin of Joy Quest 24, part 2Romance: dancing, clothes-shopping, and spending XPPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-09 23 
34766856Paladin of Joy Quest 25You deal with Isla's problems, and prepare for a journey to the Drowned Lands.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-10 23 
34773256Paladin of Joy Quest 25, part 2Time to join the voyage of the doomed, er..I mean the voyage to the Drowned Lands.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-10 22 
34784675Joker Quest 105It's time for the School Festival and we're here with Mio. Maybe something nice will happen!Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Why Would Anything Nice EVER HAPPEN?2014-09-11 16 
34833294Paladin of Joy Quest 26Sireyi Valyenya and The Drowned Lands. I hope you bought your hat and whip. Undead...why did it have to be undead...? *music plays*Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-13 24 
34880963Joker Quest 106Anon and Mio spend pleasant time together at the festival, despite the shadow of the end creeping ever closer.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, something nice happened2014-09-15 12 
34948250Paladin of Joy Quest 27Jungle adventures and cat people!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-18 24 
35000101Paladin of Joy Quest 28Sireyi Valyenya: Tomb Raider. I'm not sure she's got the guns to pull that off.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-20 23 
35038805Joker Quest 107The second day ends, and we meet Naoya Shiga again. And his best friend, a talking box.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-09-22 11 
35082806Paladin of Joy Quest 29Further adventures in the land under water.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-24 22 
35102909Joker Quest 108We finally tell Mio the truth the Red World and her role in the game. And the suffering continues as we face our next opponent in the Hyades Tournament - Iron Ogre.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Suffering2014-09-25 12 
35153236Paladin of Joy Quest 30You are a Paladin of a Paladin of Joy. Also you're missing someone important, perhaps you should go find her?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-27 22 
35168085Joker Quest 109We have a chat with Cybele and Bishamon, then meet Best Girl.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-09-28 11 
35172087Paladin of Joy Quest 31You've found Sireyi, now you just need to leave the place alive.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-09-28 22 
October 2014
35263604Origins Quest: Continued 1A reboot/continuation of Origins, in which Camille and company have a final showdown with the Original of Chance.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-03 1 
35281783Paladin of Joy Quest 32Someone took your children.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-03 22 
35298301Paladin of Joy Quest 33Search for the missing elemental nodes!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-04 23 
35318672Paladin of Joy Quest 34Politics and family troubles - two great tastes that never seem to work together.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-05 22 
35324492Origins Quest: Continued 2After defeating the Original of Chance, Camille and company attempt to evade the fallout of their actions.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-06 1 
35429570Paladin of Joy Quest 35You should always make time for your friends, as you look towards the future.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-10 22 
35449321Paladin of Joy Quest 36End of the year, and helping your friends with all of their problems.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-11 22 
35473486Paladin of Joy Quest 37A brand new year full of brand new possibilities and people to meet!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-12 21 
35478893Origins Quest: Continued 3Camille investigates the aftermath of her actions and begins planning long-term goals.Collective Game, Quest, Origins, Origin Quest, Camille, Johnny, Modern, Superhuman2014-10-13 1 
35538832Joker Quest 109.5Red Joker rides a motorcycle to a place of horror, invited by the man who created Rust Kaiser. He offers Geist back in exchange for killing Kaiser.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest2014-10-15 11 
35581538Paladin of Joy Quest 38Angels and orcs and beastmen and demons and dragons. How is one half-angel girl supposed to cope?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-17 20 
35609251Paladin of Joy Quest 39So a half-angel, a black dragon, a silver dragon and a hellfire wyrm are trying to share out a pile of gold. The half-angel says...Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-18 20 
35643272Joker Quest Episode 110Red Joker descends into the underground to find a Corrector even Kraken wouldn't dare control.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Caliban2014-10-20 12 
35703690A tired GM's taleSleep-deprived GM recounts his less than logical ploy to make his players move the plot via magical realm. Things do not go as planned.Storytime, magical realm, loli, john cleese, rhyming, history, psychology, derail2014-10-23 12 
35750590Paladin of Joy Quest 40If you ask me, this whole dragon thing is dragon on a bit, but when the world balances on the scales sometimes you've got to lay down the claw.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-25 20 
35768149Paladin of Joy Quest 41Thieves and Phylacteries, and a topless elf.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-26 20 
35874568Paladin of Joy Quest 42Surely there must be an easier way to mass produce magic items, and Bokins test of adulthood awaits.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-10-31 21 
November 2014
35890250Paladin of Joy Quest 43Your darker half takes over an orc tribe, and Ebonsong gets a lair, at least, that's the plan.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-01 20 
35912731Paladin of Joy Quest 44A time for family and friends, and planning a trip - to Hell!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-02 20 
36018591Paladin of Joy Quest 45That is one giant head.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-07 20 
36199687Paladin of Joy Quest 46An important letter arrives and an Angel makes an important choice.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-16 20 
36221234Paladin of Joy Quest 47From cold days to HellPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-17 20 
36262541Paladin of Joy Quest 48Adventures in Hell, Part 1Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-19 20 
36259814Joker Quest Episode 111Red Joker gets a new set of arms, decides against blowing up an evil fuck, and breaks bad news to Volt Regios.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-11-19 11 
36282208Paladin of Joy Quest 49Adventures in Hell, Part 2Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-20 20 
36322756Joker Quest 111.5We smooth things over with Mio, then encounter the Thief again. Dark things be afoot.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game2014-11-22 11 
36328628Paladin of Joy Quest 50Adventures in Hell Part 3: The BattlePaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-22 20 
36346914Paladin of Joy Quest 51Adventures in Hell 4: AftermathPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-23 20 
36353393Epic Quest 4Zach meets with a recruiter, then is sent to school. He then plays capture the flag.Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game 2014-11-18 1 36330052 Epic Quest 3 Zach picks up a small child to join him on his extremely dangerous quest and fight the KKK. Then they eat ice cream Epic Quest, Calamity, Superpowers, Collective Game2014-11-24 6 
36405813Joker Quest Episode 112Totenaz frees Rook to reach whatever end awaits him, prophetic dreams drive Asuna away, Armaros still has no idea what's going on, and Cybele announces the last battle.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Dawn of the Final Day2014-11-26 11 
36466246Paladin of Joy Quest 52Despite being a good girl, she ends up in chains a lot - perhaps she likes it?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-29 20 
36482049Paladin of Joy Quest 53Stripped of title and rank, baroness no more.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-11-30 20 
36485004The Alliteration ArmadaWhat starts as an Oglaf thread quickly turns into /tg/ assembling the greatest armada of sexual ships and salty seamen the world has ever seen.funny, ships, innuendo, dirty jokes, seamen, alliteration, puns, boats2014-11-30 23 
December 2014
36603950Paladin of Joy Quest SummaryA Summary of threads to date.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Summary2014-12-06 20 
36600747Joker Quest Episode 113Red Joker battles Bishamon on a stage of Uzume's creation. Despite an early setback, he is unwilling to hand over the win.Collective game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-12-06 11 
36619257Paladin of Joy Quest 54A night out on the town, followed by a wedding.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-12-07 20 
36618854Joker Quest 113.5The duel against Bishamon continues and the five elements are invoked.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-12-07 11 
36664038Paladin of Joy Quest 55The morning after the night before.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-12-09 20 
36678023Paladin of Joy Quest 56Fae BetrayalPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2014-12-10 20 
36755958Joker Quest 114The fight to crown the Chalice Queen ends the only way it could.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-12-14 11 
36871376Joker Quest 115Of partings, some more permanent than others. And an unexpected chance for a queen to take the stage.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-12-20 11 
36998453Joker Quest 116The curtain rises on a play more than slightly relevant to current events.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-12-27 10 
37038591Joker Quest 116.5A dramatic finale to the play, and the secret history of the Red World.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2014-12-29 11 
January 2015
37280554Joker Quest 117Hellebore's armor is freed and a tainting rain descends on Seisin. The Shroud is torn. Endgame starts now.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-01-10 10 
37303845Joker Quest 118Red Joker survives White Joker's attacks at a cost.collective game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-01-11 10 
37457227Joker Quest 119Plots crash into each other, the truth does not set Mio free, and dead Players take Cybele hostage.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest2015-01-18 11 
37584364Joker Quest Episode 120Red Joker is tortured, not for what he knows, but for what he is.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-01-24 10 
February 2015
37744637Joker Quest 121In which the Leukocyte is finally fired, and Red Joker parts with Cybele.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Best Girl Never Wins2015-02-01 10 
37885105Journal of the Occult Quest 1Our protagonist Sophia explains a bit about being an occultist, chats with a traveling merchant, and journeys into another realm.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-07 14 
37921728Joker Quest 122Red Joker stabs himself with the Athame, undergoes a physical transformation and observes the aftermath of the Shroud's collapse.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, It just keeps TUMBLING DOWN2015-02-08 11 
37934009Journal of the Occult Quest 2Sophia pays a visit to the Occultist guild, gives a debriefing on her first delve, and then takes home a new pupil.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-09 10 
38002127Journal of the Occult Quest 3A day spent primarily messing with our new apprentice. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-12 10 
38024205Journal of the Occult Quest 4A buyer is secured for the blood and a new apprentice is shown the ropes. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-13 7 
38089937Journal of the Occult Quest 5A day spent setting up for a delve, an accidental turn of events, and answering questions from a large slug.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-16 6 
38157664Journal of the Occult Quest 6Sophia and Marissa pay a visit to the guild, meet the mysterious woman again, and return home to train Ellie.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-19 6 
38200786Journal of the Occult Quest 7Sophia receives a gift and some advice from Ali, "trains" Marissa, and then sets up for her first necromantic ritual.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-21 6 
38211479Joker Quest 123Joker gives birth. Kazuya shows his true color. Wannabe Utopia Ruler rambles in paranoia.Collective Game, Joker, Joker Quest, There are still heroes left in men, bros for life, bros before hoes, bitches and whores, beaches and shores, total bromance, papa is proud2015-02-21 13 
38250008Journal of the Occult Quest 8The second attempt at Necromancy goes much better and Sophia delves to an unknown realm.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-23 6 
38358142Journal of the Occult Quest 9Sophia receives a gift, has an encounter with a hostile vagabond, and finds Matthais with some help. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-02-28 6 
38370000Joker Quest 124Red Joker shatters the squad sent after him, and gets a flying save from a transformed friend. Then he makes it rain.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-02-28 11 
March 2015
38405380Journal of the Occult Quest 10A deal is struck with Matthias and a new guardian joins Sophia.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-02 6 
38498447Journal of the Occult Quest 11Matthias holds up his end of the deal, a tense encounter with other Occultists occurs, and Sophia gains more control over her mind.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-06 6 
38555266Joker Quest Episode 125Red Joker survives an attack.Collective game, Joker, Joker Quest, filler2015-03-08 12 
38658983Journal of the Occult Quest 12Sophia has a nighttime encounter, has an extensive talk with Ali, gives Matthias some advice, and ends the day by starting a delve.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-13 6 
38693966Joker Quest Episode 126Daegal threatens a girl, while Joker trucks his way to the battlefieldective game, Joker, Joker Quest2015-03-14 10 
38703569Journal of the Occult Quest 13Sophia has an intense adventure while delving, returns home safely with a new item, and deals with some nighttime intruders.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-15 7 
38813691Journal of the Occult Quest 14A day spent recovering from last night's attack, practicing our pyromancy, and heading out to pay a visit to Manolo.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-20 6 
38845580Joker Quest 127Red Joker meets up with what's left of Armaros' and Crome Cypher's squadron, then leaves to save the rest of his allies.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Waifu Purge2015-03-21 10 
38853528Journal of the Occult Quest 15Manolo is dealt with, some down time, and an unexpected visitor.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-22 7 
38956160Journal of the Occult Quest 16Sophia starts a delve with Marissa and Ellie, strikes a deal with merchant, and hides from some rather large beings.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-27 6 
39004206Joker Quest 128Joker makes his presence known. Haze is increasingly confused. The timestream gets slightly fucked.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, fucking tachyons how do the work2015-03-29 11 
39013878Journal of the Occult Quest 17Sophia returns home from a delve and deals with a few visitors.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-03-30 6 
April 2015
39054250Malal/Malice WorldbuildingAnon starts a thread asking where the pictures of Malal's daemons were from. /tg/ starts brainstorming ideas for how Malal cults would work.Worldbuilding, cult, Chaos, Malal, Malice, Chaotic, Gods, troll, metaphysics, Joker, /tg/ is incapable of staying on topic,2015-04-02 5 
39095483Journal of the Occult Quest 18Sophia practices her pyromancy, has a chat with Carmina, and then has a rude awakening from her nap.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-03 6 
39128767Paladin of Joy Quest 57A ruler has so many diplomats and problems to deal with. Also a small surprise at the end.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-04 20 
39127727Joker Quest 129Joker, Haze and Regios enter the shelter. Another bro takes the field, stops Joker's speech and shows his bro-ness.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, broforce2015-04-04 11 
39235060XioXio's Bizzare Quest 5XioXio beats up someone, makes a friend and hides a bodyXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-04-09 5 
39244961Journal of the Occult Quest 19Rain continues to comes down as Sophia heads out to rescue Aya, tells the truth to Carmina, and fights a summoned creature.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-10 6 
39261025Paladin of Joy Quest 58Still so much to do and little time to do it in, also you hear worrying rumours.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-10 20 
39285798Journal of the Occult Quest 20Sophia returns home with her pet, discovers something new about Marissa, and finally delves to one of the inner realms.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-12 6 
39298146Joker Quest 130Red Joker hatches a plan to assault the Diadem and take down the Shield with the remaining players.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-04-12 10 
39388285Journal of the Occult Quest 21Sophia almost takes part of a trial, manages to transform not during a delve, and finally begins the dissection of the creature she brought back home.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-17 6 
39423438Paladin of Joy Quest 59We meet Delax, and find out about his plans.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-18 20 
39428069Journal of the Occult Quest 22A quiet day spent finishing the dissection, debriefing with Marissa, and visiting Matthias and Aya ends quite loudly.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-19 6 
39487713Dheljos Quest 1Protagonist robs a dude, gets powers, hangs with her otouto, kills some dude that breaks into her apartment.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-04-22 2 
39528052Dheljos Quest 2Our heroine evades the cops, her boss discovers she's host to a dheljos, and she shows off her dress to her otouto.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-04-24 1 
39533116Journal of the Occult Quest 23Sophia receives words of warning from Grivermillion, debriefs with her housemates, and helps with a creation ritual while delving. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-24 6 
39564996Paladin of Joy Quest 60After talking to an evil God, Sireyi needs to decide what to do next.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-25 20 
39568722Journal of the Occult Quest 24Sophia takes her creation back home with her, has some trouble come up while shopping, and finds out that Ali has finally returned to town.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-04-26 5 
39582645Paladin of Joy Quest 61With so much to do, mages and diplomats to deal with, can you afford a few days off?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-26 20 
39580894Joker Quest 131.5Red Joker's assembled squad sets out to recover a portal to the Diadem and get some answers.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-04-26 10 
39631157Dheljos Quest 3Our heroine robs a party, gets chased by High Inquisitor, escapes, gets massage from bro, finds out she's still being investigated.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-04-29 2 
39646819Paladin of Joy Quest 62You've caught some weird extra-planar thing. But what to do with him?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-29 20 
39665620Paladin of Joy Quest 63Having brought harmony to the elements, can you now bring harmony to the world?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-04-30 20 
May 2015
39669902Dheljos Quest 4Noc gets kidnapped, Noc gets saved, Dhena blows up a Flatliner thing.Collective Game, 72oOCCJ1, Dheljos Quest2015-05-01 2 
39675351Journal of the Occult Quest 25A deal is made with Ali, Sophia accepts another apprentice, and Izu is brought along for a visit to Matthias and Aya.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-01 5 
39706769Paladin of Joy Quest 64With a godswar looming, our hero has some tough choices to makePaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-02 20 
39714283Journal of the Occult Quest 26Sophia has a pyromancy demonstration with Aya, gains a very valuable tome, practices some new techniques, and begins a delve to the inner realm known as "Paradise."Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-03 5 
39725758Paladin of Joy Quest 65Three weapons to fetch, and a whole lot of things that can go wrong along the way.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-03 20 
39724159Joker Quest 132Red Joker has a glimpse into the mad life of a Smiler, then makes it to the teleporter.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-05-03 10 
39815407Journal of the Occult Quest 27Sophia continues through "Paradise" encountering many of its inhabitants, and heads for the realm's core.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-08 5 
39846920Paladin of Joy Quest 66: Tales of the Belt Notchers 1Six succubi accept a mission from a Goddess: Are they bad enough girls to steal an artifact from a crazy lich?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2015-05-09 17 
39853157Journal of the Occult Quest 28Sophia speaks with The Broodmother, unseals her true form, and debriefs with her apprentices.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-10 5 
39866960Joker Quest 133Red Joker arrives at the Diadem, meets up with the Thief and is greeted by Pazuzu.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-05-10 10 
39869861XioXio's Bizzare Quest 6Xioxio cleans up evidence, gets to know her friends and investigates some Neo NazisXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-05-11 5 
39960866Journal of the Occult Quest 29Sophia has a chat with Matthias, sits in on a city council meeting with Ali, and returns home to have a serious talk with Laurent.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-15 5 
39987773Paladin of Joy Quest 67: Tales of the Belt Notchers 2Still stuck in the puzzle dungeon, which of our girls will win the battle for the heart? Oh and also there's a Lich to defeat.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2015-05-16 17 
39997378Journal of the Occult Quest 30Sophia takes a brief visit to the market, snoops in on a conversation, practices breaking a seal, and delves toward Impel.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-17 5 
40011844Paladin of Joy Quest 68Quest for the Heart of AzulkirePaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-17 15 
40098470Journal of the Occult Quest 31Sophia has a chat with the palace guard captain, looks through some reports, and breaks into an office.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-22 5 
40125856Paladin of Joy Quest 69Sireyi sets off into the land of the undead to find the weapon of a long-dead god.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-23 14 
40135143Journal of the Occult Quest 32Sophia returns from her delve, Aya finally has the seals removed from her, and a discussion is had with our apprentices.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-24 5 
40150982Paladin of Joy Quest 70Retrieving the Reapers Blade, part 2Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-24 13 
40174103Paladin of Joy Quest 71Another tyrant, and another rebellion. Is anyone else seeing a pattern here?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-25 14 
40180511Paladin of Joy Quest 71, part 2: Mini Paladin ContinuationIs Mili a demon now?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-25 16 
40226688Magical Girl Thor QuestIn which you play Gretchen, daughter of Johan the Smith, as she fights off Frankish invaders with the power of Thor.Collective Game, Magical Girl Thor Quest, Lolithor, Saxons, Pagans, Marvel?, Franks, Mjolnir2015-05-28 10 
40246826Journal of the Occult Quest 33An extensive discussion is had with Ali over lunch, we catch up quite a bit with Matthias, and let him know that Aya is pregnant.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-29 5 
40278406Paladin of Joy Quest 72Dark elves, an evil dragon, and rebels. And Mili talks to a demon.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-30 13 
40285003Paladin of Joy Quest 72, part 2Sireyi decides to x, and Mili has her own adventuresPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-05-31 13 
40284620Journal of the Occult Quest 34Sophia delves to Impel on a rescue mission to prevent Grievermillion from being executed.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-05-31 5 
June 2015
40318206Joker Quest 134Destroying machinery causes unexpected explosions. A classical elevator encounter ends in lachryma overdose.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-06-01 10 
40394211Journal of the Occult Quest 35Sophia returns home from the rescue mission, has an early morning discussion with Carmina, and practices pyromancy with Izu.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-05 5 
40422991Paladin of Joy Quest 73One year on, much has changed in Oreia, and the world, and much has not.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-06-06 13 
40446574Paladin of Joy Quest 74: Mini Paladin InterludeMili's Winter holiday adventures with her friends.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-06-07 13 
40535836Joker Quest 135The fight against Lachryma-corrupted RookJoker Quest, Collective Game2015-06-11 10 
40544815Journal of the Occult Quest 36Sophia attends the long-awaited festival.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-12 3 
40548119Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade Continues>Our... adept Guardsmen prepare for an attack on a Chaos bakery >The Vostroyan Liaison Officer wants to find the man who stole his sweetheart's picture >The Commissar just gave up >There's some Tallarns around here somewhere doing Emperor knows what A demonic dough monster rises and a lone guardsman makes a brave sacrificeGuardsman Sergeant Joe, Guardsman Lieutenant Joe, Bakers Legion, WarChef Boyzrdees, Guardswoman Kal Teest, Vostroyan Regiment Liaison Alexandr, Tallarn Roughrider Lieutenant Aaliyah, Chimera Sacrifice, Valhalla all shiny and crome, Warhammer 40000, Guardsmen quest, Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/2015-06-12 12 
40533884 Penal Regiment Designation: /tg/ - The Crusade BeginsCommissar Gaurun has the unfortunate task of presiding over the Penal Legion /tg/, and what begins as an innocuous day of alcoholism and heresy soon devolves into a frightful day of pants thieving genestealers, insanity and a full fledged crusade against a chaos bakery.Commissar Gaurun, Weapon Specialist Lyn, Private Lemming, Vostroyan Regiment Liason Alexandr, Jeanstealer, Aaliyah, Ruh, Stephan Meltaman, Guardsman Sergant Joe, Kal Teest2015-06-12 9 
40573535Paladin of Joy Quest 75Battle against the many Islas. Jal will be sorry she missed this.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-06-13 12 
40595515Paladin of Joy Quest 76A fresh assault by the Killing Frost, and a spy goes missing. Last thread before hiatusPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2015-06-14 12 
40595018Joker Quest 135.5Joker gets over a lachryma-induced hangover, then gets drowned in enough lachryma to trigger Armaros. We don't get to insult Alura.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Cryptozoology, Creepy affection for Cryptids2015-06-14 10 
40722198Journal of the Occult Quest 37Sayuline and Carmina's plan comes to light, and The Usurper is unsealed.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-21 3 
40735209XioXio's Bizzare Quest 7Xioxio snoops around then gets brainwashed with some sick tunes, Rai steps up and saves the day.XioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-06-22 4 
40777588XioXio's Bizzare Quest 8Another day, investigating murders, and it's Angie's time to shine in a chilling encounter with a crime lordXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-06-24 5 
40878661Joker Quest 136The team kills a flood of undead correctors while Totenaz succeeds at his hacking minigame. Daegal and Hazes start enjoying the fight and Joker doesn't fail the diplomacy roll for once.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, SQUAD MORALE RESTORED2015-06-28 10 
40888940Journal of the Occult Quest 38A month later and Sophia is in the midst of serving The Empress as part of her Intelligence Council.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-06-29 2 
July 2015
40994015Journal of the Occult Quest 39Sophia communicates with Izu and attends to her second mission.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-04 3 
41025960Joker Quest 137Joker boosts team morale without fail, then marches on to the endgame.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-07-05 10 
41121096Journal of the Occult Quest 40Sophia comes home from her mission, takes a tour of the palace garden, and then sets out in her free time.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-10 3 
41173334Joker Quest 138The Endgame begins. All out combat, 6 vs 6. Joker casts EXEC_CASTIGATE. Daegal finally fights competently. And Alura and Inox Fang are batshit insane.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-07-12 10 
41267350Journal of the Occult Quest 41Sophia heads out from the palace, finds Izu and Marissa, and has a very stern conversation with her second apprentice. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-17 3 
41347770JOHN CENA QUEST 1You are John Cena. We hit the gym and get in a match. And go through 3 QMs.Collective Game, BRRRRR APPLEDOUGH, CENAWINSLOL, John Cena, Cena2015-07-23 7 
41418317Journal of the Occult Quest 42Sophia leaves the snow cabin, meets up with Ali for a mission briefing, and then ambushes a supply group.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-24 3 
41461495Journal of the Occult Quest 43Sophia finishes her work, investigates the hairpin, and heads back to the palace.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-26 6 
41470462JOHN CENA QUEST 2You are John Cena. You hit the ring and defeat CHAOS INFUSED demonic basketball players while Donald Trump is ignored by almost everyone. Collective game, John Cena, Cena, Wrestling, Demons, CENAWINSLOL, BRRRRRAPPLEDOUGH, Basketball, wtf 2015-07-26 3 
41571166Journal of the Occult Quest 44Sophia has a secret discussion with Vicki and then attends a war briefing with both councils.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-07-31 2 
August 2015
41609742Journal of the Occult Quest 45Sophia goes through a few preparations and the War on Impel begins.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-02 3 
41744300Joker Quest 139Joker and Enfer settle their score, after blasting Inox Fang apart and seeing things with Auspex. Totenaz goes to support Daegal. We get two more relics damaged. Rook decides to burn everything, with Haze's help.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-08-08 10 
41785274Joker Quest 140Enfer is a tenacious bastard, Inox Fang is endless and Armaros draws his last breath.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-08-10 10 
41856969Journal of the Occult Quest 46Sophia discusses the current status of the siege, talks with The Empress about plans for the future, and deals with a sudden ambush.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-14 2 
41873664JOHN CENA Quest #3Cena trains to beat Cena at WWE SUPER SLAM, but no one takes over as QMJohn Cena, Cena, John, Cenawinslol, BRRRRAPPLEDOUGH2015-08-16 3 
41895481Journal of the Occult Quest 47The war rages on as Sophia and Izu work to clear out the southern half of Impel from the Pyromancer invaders and capture the enemy commander before he escapes.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-16 2 
41998290Journal of the Occult Quest 48Sophia learns much from the new prisoner and spends the rest of the day with Izu.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-21 2 
42034539Journal of the Occult Quest 49Izu meets The Empress for the first time, Sophia learns more about the secrets of delving, and lays plans for the final part of the siege.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-23 2 
42129465JJBAQuestA truly bizarre quest, made even more bizarre by an incompetent qm and a few shitposters.collective game, jjba quest, italian, jojo's bizarre2015-08-28 2 
42134736Journal of the Occult Quest 50The final mission in the siege of Impel begins as Sophia, Izu, Disgur, and The Empress infiltrate the palace walls.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-28 2 
42174681Journal of the Occult Quest 51Sophia proceeds through the palace and brings an end to the siege of Impel.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-08-30 2 
42189266Joker Quest 141Bell Zephyr whines. Enfer whines. Explosions engulf the battlefield and let Joker be reborn.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Only a flesh wound2015-08-30 10 
September 2015
42242182Journey Quest #1We begin our journey on time, despite minor hiccups.Collective Game, Journey Quest, JQ2015-09-02 13 
42274759Journey Quest #2We reach the first destination in our Journey, but a big shock awaits us there.Collective Game, Journey Quest, JQ, Dice2015-09-04 10 
42276949Journal of the Occult Quest 52Sophia moves into her new quarters in the palace, has a discussion with Ali, and goads her newly imprisoned creature for more information.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-04 2 
42312023Journey Quest #3Around gnomes never relaxJourney Quest, Collective Game2015-09-06 3 
42423847Journal of the Occult Quest 53Many seeds bear fruit as Sophia learns more about The Empress's plans, briefs with Vicki, has a Necromancy lesson with Justina, and secretly meets with Grievermillion.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-11 2 
42463424Journal of the Occult Quest 54Sophia discusses plans on raising an army, tries to sniff out an enemy, and heads beneath the palace with The Empress to bind the being that lies there. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-13 3 
42512575Midnight in Gotham Issue #2Bombs for Babies Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham 2015-09-15 13 
42565583Journal of the Occult Quest 55Sophia goes through the ordeal of binding the being that dwells beneath the palace. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-18 2 
42564010Midnight In Gotham Issue #4Showtime at Arkham Midnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-18 9 
42585607Midnight In Gotham Issue #5An accountant is found, mooks are tortured and anti-questfags go REEEEEEEMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-19 20 
42654109Journal of the Occult Quest 56Sophia marches with the Impel army, discovers Caelumnites while journeying, and deals with a sudden attack.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-22 2 
42687780Midnight In Gotham Issue #8SpellboundMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-24 4 
42740613Midnight in Gotham Issue #9MasqueradeMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-09-26 4 
42743197Journal of the Occult Quest 57Sophia deals with Philomena for good, a briefing with The Empress, and finishes off the night talking with Izu.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-09-27 2 
42783853Ojou-Sama Quest 1You are an ojou-sama. There is an obnoxious baka tomboy who doesn't know her place.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Ojou-Sama Quest2015-09-29 3 
42801857Ojou-Sama Quest 2Chiyoko deals with the aftermath of the battle and learns a bit about being a magical girl.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Ojou-Sama Quest2015-09-30 5 
October 2015
42839632Journal of the Occult Quest 58Questions about Philomena are dealt with, and Sophia moves in to clear the Sluice Gate of potential threats.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-02 1 
42828741Everyone is John StorytimeJohn the TSA Agent has to foil the dastardly terrorists.Everyone is John, EiJ, John, TSA, Terrorists, Storytime2015-10-02 36 
42854150Ojou-Sama Quest 3Our hero makes a heartfelt apology and the session ends because the QM is sick.72oOCCJ1, Collective Game, Ojou-Sama Quest2015-10-03 3 
42873961Journal of the Occult Quest 59Sophia deals with the trap beneath the Sluice Gate, helps Izu, and marches into The Maw.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-04 2 
42884525Joker Quest 142Kura is a bitch. Bell Zephyr can't dodge lightning. Rust Kaiser hates Imago. And Kazuya has a Neutronium blade.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-10-04 10 
42979865Midnight in Gotham Issue #11All Saint's DayMidnight In Gotham, Collective Game, Gotham, Joker, DC Comics, GothamQM2015-10-09 2 
43002327Journal of the Occult Quest 60After a tense conversation with Justina, Sophia wields the army's new weapon and uses it to advance further into The Maw.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-11 1 
43074672Midnight in Gotham Issue #12Punch & JudYCollective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-15 0 
43094494Journal of the Occult Quest 61Sophia speaks with Carmina for one final time, deals with an unexpected attack, and finally gets some time to rest.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-16 2 
43129356Midnight in Gotham Issue #13Smoke & MirrorsCollective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-18 0 
43129997Journal of the Occult Quest 62Sophia and the army push further into The Maw as Sivaht is dealt with and an unexpected visitor appears as they near the core.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-18 1 
43219606Midnight in Gotham Issue #14Jokerz WildCollective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-22 2 
43235697Journal of the Occult Quest 63The march is halted, and Sophia receives a report from Vicki, makes another deal with Justina, and learns something from The Empress.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-24 1 
43259762Midnight in Gotham Issue #15 The Man Who Wasn't There (Final Issue)Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-25 1 
43259976Journal of the Occult Quest 64Sophia binds Ip'Suran into The Empress's mind with the help of Izu, descends into the true core of The Maw, and deals with The Dreamer.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-25 1 
43273352Joker Quest 143Rust Kaiser is a fucking nuisance and Calcite Arrow continues being a jobber. OP leaves us and plans are frantically thrown around.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-10-25 10 
43277898Midnight in Gotham Issue #15 (Part 2)The Man Who Wasn't There (Part 2)Collective game, Quest, DC Comics, GothamQM, Joker, Midnight in Gotham2015-10-25 0 
43358457Journal of the Occult Quest 65After The Broodmother is dealt with once and for all, Sophia is forced back to Impel Palace, where she plots for the future, and then seeks out Marissa.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-10-30 1 
November 2015
43396082Journal of the Occult Quest 66One final conversation is had with Marissa, some other tasks are seen to, and Sophia deals with an unexpected trespasser. Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-01 1 
43491134Journal of the Occult Quest 67Sophia celebrates her birthday, attends to business around the palace, and finally ventures into Kyraen'Asils.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-06 1 
43573522Joker Quest 144The stalemate finally ends, Joker's first act with a new power is to use it in a creatively cruel fashion. Turns out Rust Kaiser's sanity held his powers back. Good luck surviving the next session.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, FUCKFUCKFUCK, oh god what have we done2015-11-10 13 
43613768Journal of the Occult Quest 68Sophia finishes her chat with her former caretaker, finally reunites with Matthias, and then has a Pyromancy duel with Aya over control of the throne.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-13 1 
43644686Journal of the Occult Quest 69After settling business in Kyraen'Asils, Sophia returns to the palace, bids farewell to Justina, briefs with Ali, and proceeds to the human camp to find Ellie.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-15 1 
43730739Journal of the Occult Quest 70Sophia brings Ellie back to the palace, practices her pyromancy, goes over the details of the binding ritual, and receives a troubling note.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-20 1 
43760018Journal of the Occult Quest 71Sophia finishes the binding ritual for The Dreamer and then proceeds into the final realm.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-22 1 
43876228Journal of the Occult Quest 72The conclusion.Collective Game, Journal of the Occult Quest, Auri2015-11-29 9 
December 2015
44035926Joker Quest 145Joker activates Terrorsight, gaining insight into Alura's past. Calcite jobs one last time, and then everything gets worse.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2015-12-07 10 
44073340XioXio's Bizzare Quest 9Xioxio faces off against a bull and a cowboy, gets nearly wrecked, discovers her true foe's name and moves out of homeXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2015-12-10 4 
January 2016
44813369Paladin of Joy Quest 77After the winter solstice it's time for Sireyi to get back to work, as all sorts of problems are on the horizon.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-01-16 10 
44925739DCComics Struggling Student QuestOur young "hero" may partially be responsible for the destruction of Metropolis, so he decides to GTFO quick to Gotham.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-22 27 
44965020DCComics Struggling Student Quest #2Charlie almost gets mugged, meets a girl, controls some sharks, then meets Superboy.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-24 21 
44983409Joker Quest 146Goodbye, Rust Kaiser. Joker Quest, Collective Game2016-01-25 12 
44995154DCComics Struggling Student Quest #3Charlie has a bad dream, fucks up astral projection and then gets questioned by his roommates.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-25 21 
45037561DCComics Struggling Student Quest #4ShazamQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-27 22 
45050847Paladin of Joy Quest 78Love can bloom?Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-01-27 7 
45079127DCComics Struggling Student Quest #5Shazam 2: Billy Batson BoogalooQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-01-29 21 
February 2016
45185683DCComics Struggling Student Quest #6A Haunting in GothamQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-03 26 
45288629DCComics Struggling Student Quest #7Charlie bests a hellhound.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-08 22 
45366357DCComics Struggling Student Quest #8I Ain't No ThuleQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-12 23 
45403143Katawa Yandere - Resurrection Hanako Route (Part 1)No one cared who I was until I put on the suit.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira2016-02-14 34 
45419446Paladin of Joy 79It's time to end the Killing FrostPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-02-14 7 
45466564DCComics Struggling Student Quest #9Man, that cop is a dick.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-17 24 
45513275XioXio's Bizzare Quest 10Xioxio infiltrates some people who punch with the sun, before finding out about her SEEEECRET heritageXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2016-02-20 4 
45541220Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 2)The air was filled with smoke. And blood. And tea.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Emi, Rin, reboot2016-02-21 26 
45566500DCComics Struggling Student Quest #10It's just one email.Quest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-02-22 24 
45684134Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 3)Crippled insane Japanese schoolgirls - still more credible villains than Kylo Ren.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha2016-02-28 25 
March 2016
45748779DCComics Struggling Student Quest #11DCCT fell alseepQuest, Collective Game, Struggling Student Quest, DC, DC Comics, DCComics Struggling Student Quest, student, magic, John Constantine2016-03-02 20 
45823952Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 4)We were doing yandere-simulators before it was cool.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-06 24 
45860476Paladin of Joy Quest 80Planning the attack on the Killing Frost. Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-03-07 7 
45871816XioXio's Bizzare Quest 11Rai gets old and Xioxio prepares to meet her familyXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2016-03-08 4 
45919812Paladin of Joy Quest 81: Tales of the Belt NotchersYou need to steal this thing from this rocky guy and I forgot the rest but Slaad are involved.Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2016-03-10 7 
45968406Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 5)When AN ANCIENT EVIL oversleeps...Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-13 22 
46034594Paladin of Joy Quest 82: Tales of the Belt NotchersAre you ready to rock?!Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin, Succubi, Belt Notchers2016-03-15 7 
46094836Paladin of Joy Quest 83Death of the Killing Frost, Part 1Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-03-18 7 
46121538Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 6)Like the notebook. Except instead of sonorizing placidly, you're stabbing bitches in the face. I prefer this.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-03-20 25 
46183961Paladin of Joy Quest 84Battle Against the Killing FrostPaladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-03-22 7 
46307977Paladin of Joy Quest 85Sireyi enjoys some quiet time with her family. Paladin of Joy Quest, Collective Game, Female Protagonist, Paladin2016-03-28 8 
April 2016
46421000Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 7)It's just like Jesus says - stabbing is a form of love.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-03 23 
46431497Joker Quest 147Alura shows her true mettle, and the dice hate Joker with a passion.Joker Quest, Collective Game2016-04-03 10 
46511470Fantasy Jokes ThreadCollection of Fantasy Jokes. Dwarves, Elves and Humans beware, for your sides may leave this plane.jokes, humor, collection2016-04-10 3 
46572374Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 8)Katawa Yandere: According to TvTropes, we don't exist!Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-10 39 
46716962Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 9)Some kids wanted to be the little girl. Some wanted to be Darth Vader. I say: Is it too much to ask for both?Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-17 39 
46864093Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 10)Don't you wish your girlfriend was psycho. Like. Me?Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-04-24 31 
46906965XioXio's Bizzare Quest 12Xioxio battles with Celine in brutal fashion, before rediscovering the knife that stabbed herXioXio's Bizzare Quest, Chuckles, Collective Game, Jojo2016-04-26 5 
May 2016
47008898Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 11)It just wouldn't be an RPG without save-scumming.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-01 35 
47037964Joker Quest 148Even Pazuzu laughs at Calcite Arrow's expenses and knows which girl is best.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, MORTAL KOMBAT2016-05-02 14 
25265Jojo's Bizarre Quest ThreadAvery Agejo has a very bizarre adventure.Collective Game, jojo, jjba, avery agejo, stands, 2016-05-03 7 
51273Fate/Broken Destinies As Frederick Ainsworth, join the Holy Grail War and bring fame to your familyFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-07 6 
74785Fate/Broken Destinies (2)We explore Yamaku and have our first fights. More main characters are introduced and we quarrel a bit with Saber.Fate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-13 2 
47256263Katawa Yandere - Hanako Route (Part 12)I summon the Red-Eyes Blonde Dragon. In attack mode.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-15 29 
106207Fate/Broken Destinies (3)We join an alliance of magi to fight against the Masters at the school, and we learn more about the settingFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo 2016-05-16 1 
133150WhateverYou are John Johnson and you make many friends along your fantastic adventure.Vince McMahon, Whatever, John Johnson2016-05-21 1 
47375019Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 13)You wonder if aliens learn dances like the earthwalk instead of the moonwalk? And it's just stumbling in normal gravity? At KY,we do.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-05-22 39 
123377Fate/Broken Destinies 4Fight with Berserker, Assassin and the theft of our precious music boxFate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-22 3 
47399544Joker Quest - Episode 149We get to grips with Alura, and she turns out to be exactly as malicious and spiteful as expected. Early archive for continuation.Joker Quest, Joker, Collective Game2016-05-23 10 
141390Fate/Broken Destinies 5This is it, guys! The narrative's arc finale!Fate/Broken Destinies, Collective Game, Fate/Stay Night, Nasuverse, Katawa Shoujo2016-05-24 1 
47537759Joker Quest 149.5We prepare to confront Pazuzu, and...Well, shit.Joker Quest, Joker, Collective Game2016-05-31 14 
June 2016
47613680Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 14)Akira was supposed to be an optional boss in the new DOOM but the fight was pulled for being too violent.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-05 39 
47842975Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 15)E3 refuses to show the KY video game due to 'nightmarishly excessive violence'. So for the time being, we're doing it here.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-19 9 
291773Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: High VoltageIn which we fight some Japs, and discover our [STANDO POWAH]JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JJBA, Jojo, WW2, Guadalcanal, Collective Game, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: High Voltage2016-06-23 2 
47961141Katawa Yandere - Hanako Quest (Part 16)Nothing is what it seems.Katawa Yandere, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Yandere, Hanako, Akira, Lilly, Rin, Emi, Shizune, Misha, Miki, Suzu2016-06-26 30 
July 2016
365295Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: High Voltage 2Angus' Bizarre Adventure, Part 1JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JJBA, Jojo, WW2, Guadalcanal, Collective Game, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: High Voltage2016-07-15 0 
416726Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: High Voltage 3Angus' Bizarre Adventure, Part 2 + '97 Part 1JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JJBA, Jojo, WW2, Guadalcanal, Collective Game, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: High Voltage2016-07-29 2 
August 2016
48826928Spanish Civil War Jojo questWe make a character and flee from THE LAW. Early archive.Collective Game, JoJo, Spanish Civil War, SCWJ, Quest,2016-08-16 2 
48845717Spanish Civil War Jojo quest #2Enter: The Pillar Men.Collective Game, JoJo, Spanish Civil War, SCWJ, Quest, DungeonQM2016-08-17 2 
September 2016
506638The Garden of CripplesAfter a mysterious accident, Hisao Nakai wakes up with a strange power: he can see the 'death' of things, and a strange creature haunting The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-09 13 
515623The Garden of Cripples-2With the help of Professor Mutou, we discover more about the nature of our powers and about the organization known as the Demon HuntersThe Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-10 8 
525533The Garden of Cripples-3Hisao starts looking for Kenji, his former classmate, who is also suspected of being a Vampire. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-16 8 
555354The Garden of Cripples-4Kenji is dead, and for the first time you have to face your nature. At the same time, school accidents are multiplying. The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-22 6 
600413Spanish Civil War Jojo quest #3We find a Hamon master, and forget where we left the mask...Collective Game, JoJo, Spanish Civil War, SCWJ, Quest, DungeonQM2016-09-28 2 
589584The Garden of Cripples-5It's time. We will rescue our friend and kill the Dead Apostle, no matter what!The Garden of Cripples, Collective Game, Katawa Shoujo, Nasuverse, Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood2016-09-28 5 
December 2016
955844World War II JoJo Quest #1The Blue Division soldier Julian de la Torre and his Stand [EUROBEAT] hit the GASQuest, JoJo, JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure, World War 2, Nazi, Communist, Vampire, Stand, ROAD ROLLER, Eurobeat2016-12-19 20 
979075Joker Quest 150In a holiday miracle, OP returns to us for the final confrontation. Only Pazuz and Phantom Edge remain. Can the Red Joker win? Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, No More Waifus, Only Blood and Tears2016-12-31 11 
January 2017
968879World War II JoJo Quest #2The missing archive. We narrowly avoid crashing into a Nazi outpost, and do driving shenanigansJoJo, Cars, World War 2, WW2, DungeonQM, Eurobeat, Nazis, 2017-01-02 16 
1001500World War II JoJo Quest #3We wake up tied to a table, crack jokes with the Nazis, agree to fight mysterious Vampires in Italy and...JoJo, Eurobeat, DungeonQm, WW2JoJo, Bizarre, Nazis, WW2, DRIFTING, Vampire, Stand, Tags, 2017-01-04 7 
February 2017
1098283Joker Quest 151Joker once again finds himself trapped in the Hell that forged him. At least this time he has company.Joker, Joker Quest, Collective Game, Daegal, Team Bro Wins, Shits Fucked2017-02-03 10 
1194321JoJo's Bizarre Quest #1Jordan Jonway survives a train crash, gets a Stand, and joins a mysterious organization.Jojo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Collaborative game2017-02-25 3 
March 2017
1280876JoJo's Bizarre Quest #2Jordan, Bruce and Adeline are sent to Britain to prevent an assassination and face down a pair of Stand usersJojo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Collaborative game2017-03-22 1 
1304508Joker Quest 152In which we tell Daegal everything and make him hate us.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2017-03-29 10 
July 2017
1617171Jojo's Bizarre QuestJoanna Jolie's BAD REPUTATION stands off against a violent stranger's ANIMAL COLLECTIVE.jojo quest2017-07-07 1 
1637564Yet another jojo's bizarre adventure questFrench narrator finally starts another jojo quest that doesn't end in disaster instantly jojo's bizarre adventure. Jojo. 2017-07-10 2 
1650943Yet another jojo's bizarre adventure quest. mk 2. Des monies is decent editionjosh befriends Andrew and his maid Rebecca and starts to learn Hamon however evil is a foot in the des monies police departmentjojo's bizarre adventure2017-07-16 2 
1670606yet another jojo's bizarre adventure quest. mk 3. France is late editionJosh's battle with Oswald comes to a head when a terrible secret is revealedJojo, jojo's bizarre adventure, yet another2017-07-24 2 
August 2017
1706685Yet another jojo's bizarre adventure questPillar of Hell Editionjojo's bizarre adventure, yet another2017-08-04 2 
1793960 Yet another jojo's bizarre adventure quest 7#. The wonder's of family editionJosh discovers the wonders of his family, and his great grandpa discovered the ultimate anti aging creamyet another, jojo's bizarre adventure2017-08-31 1 
September 2017
1824138Naruto Jounin Quest #1We meet our grizzled protagonist, Kirai, as he is forced to take on a squad of genin by the Third Hokage.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-02 35 
1833100Naruto Jounin Quest #2Kirai continues to train his genin and is invited to a meeting of Konoha's clan heads.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-05 32 
1848782Naruto Jounin Quest #3Team 8's first C-rank mission nearly starts an international war. In the aftermath, Kirai begins training his team for the Chunin Exams.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-11 27 
1857727Naruto Jounin Quest #4As the Chunin Exams begin, Kirai is enlisted for a top-secret mission.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-14 22 
1866040Naruto Jounin Quest #5Kirai watches the Chunin Exam Preliminaries.Collective Game, Naruto, Naruto Jounin Quest2017-09-17 23 
1883128A Rogue's Quest - Prologue pt. 1Josaiah Valmont, duelist and gambler, meets a pair of mage siblings who upturn his relatively peaceful life.A Rogue's Quest, Collective Game, Josaiah Valmont2017-09-27 3 
55616194Journey to the West as a settingExpanding thread 51665650, now defining races chinese, races, journey to the west2017-09-29 3 
October 2017
1944149Stardust Crusaders Quest 1You are 17 year-old Hitomi Furuya. In the 17th of August, 1988, you encounter the vampire Dio accosting your classmate, Kakyoin Noriaki.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-10-12 24 
1938867Emily Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Emily's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy, elves2017-10-19 5 
1956530Emily Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Emily's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Collective Game, Lego, fantasy, elves2017-10-19 5 
1978687Magical Invasion #1You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Comedy, Collective Game2017-10-26 1 
2001800Magical Invasion #2You are a hard-boiled Japanese schoolboy detective fighting alongside other resistance fighters against invading magical girls. Lettuce, Magical Invasion, Magical Girls, Mahou Shoujo, Humor, Comedy, Collective Game 2017-10-26 2 
1970273Stardust Crusaders Quest #2Hitomi awakens Jotaro's stand as they both try to fix Kakyoin's conditionJJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-10-27 10 
November 2017
2021121Stardust Crusaders Quest #3After getting on a plane and starting their jorney back to Egypt, the group encounters their first enemy stand.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-11 10 
2061508Stardust Crusaders Quest #4Hitomi engages in a duel with Silver Chariot and learns an useful ability with Joseph.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-18 10 
2080186Stardust Crusaders Quest #5Hitomi and co. embark on a ship to Singapore while having a few problems along the way.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-23 10 
2093814Stardust Crusaders Quest #6Hitomi fights a monkey and upsets Polnareff. Minor shitposting ensuesJJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-24 10 
2095239Stardust Crusaders Quest #7After arriving in Singapore, Hitomi makes things up with Polnareff and is informed of terrible news.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-11-29 10 
December 2017
2115957Stardust Crusaders Quest #8Hitomi learns about her Hamon origins, but doesnt really have an overall good time in India.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-07 11 
2130625Stardust Crusaders Quest #9Hol Horse route gets BTFO and Jotaro's world is prematurely awakened.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-13 20 
2143996Stardust Crusaders Quest #10The Joestar Group enjoys some downtime before meeting Iggy.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-18 10 
2162417Stardust Crusaders Quest #11On the road to Pakistan, the Crusaders have some trouble dealing with the nearby trafficJJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2017-12-24 11 
January 2018
2164874Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 1As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic.Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1 2018-01-03 4 
2191364Stardust Crusaders Quest #12Hitomi fights an old hag and a complete sadist. She also bonds some more with the group too.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-04 11 
2180869Youjo Senki: In War, Peace 2As Elise Korsch, we find ourselves on the Rhine Front, fighting against the Francois Republic.Youjo Senki Quest, Saga Of Tanya The Evil, Collective Game, World War 1, Blitzweeb 2018-01-07 2 
2209339Stardust Crusaders Quest #13In which Hitomi saves the Crusaders from a plane crash and discovers that camels are the worst thing to ever exist.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-10 11 
2226012Stardust Crusaders Quest #14Our girl finally arrives in Egypt and confesses her feelings to Jotaro.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-16 11 
2247774Joker Quest 153OP makes a miraculous recovery. Joker almost dies to a rock, then a dog.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2018-01-21 10 
2248444Stardust Crusaders Quest #15All you had to do was follow the damn train, Hitomi!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-01-24 10 
2249025Starborn Quest 42: Dorm DaysSettling in at the Academy, Purps continues to meet those around her. And some VIPs would like a word.Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Jo, Stella, Lancel, Quan2018-01-28 2 
February 2018
2271834Starborn Quest 43: School of Hard KnocksPurps is in the Academy right and she meets her dormates right? Then she dreamwalks, right?Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Jo, Stella, Lancel, Quan2018-02-09 2 
2307332Starborn Quest 44: First ClassPurps attends her first Martial class, apparently it's some kinda placement exam. And she's fighting a friend!Starborn, Wagon, Star, Drama , Purps, Hona, Honamurei, Lisbeth, Vernon, Lexington, Doc Lexington, Academy, Tornin, Jo, Stella, Lancel, Quan2018-02-18 2 
2312070Stardust Crusaders Quest #16The crew deals with a few more stand users and talk shit about Pepsi.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-02-19 11 
2327941Starborn Quest 45: Honamurei Quest?We play as Hona, since Purps decided to check out some fights. Things go wrong, as is tradition.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Purps, School Arc, Honamurei, Jo, Drama, Fight, Lexington, Chiron, Sparring, Briar, Academy Arc2018-02-24 2 
March 2018
2348999Starborn Quest 46: Day of the Living PurpsWe die (again), but then we get better. Sorta. Kinda. Ish. But not like that's the end of it.Collective Game, Star, Starborn, Purps, School Arc, Honamurei, Jo, Drama, Fight, Lexington, Chiron, Honamurei , Briar, Academy Arc2018-03-03 2 
2353112Stardust Crusaders Quest #17The Crusaders try to rest for a day before reaching their final destination with varying degrees of success.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-03-05 21 
2374870The Fate of that Blood #1In the Stormlands of Westeros, an old and distinguished, if small, family stands proud.BrotherQM, Fate of that Blood, Collective Game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones2018-03-16 5 
2391647Stardust Crusaders Quest #18Hitomi plays a mean game of chess and finds the way to Dio's mansion.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-03-19 14 
April 2018
2430655Stardust Crusaders Quest #19Sono Chi No Sadame! JOOOOJO!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-04-02 23 
2410749Oekaki Quest CHA0.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. NOTE: This is NOT the 1st threadDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-03 12 
2473450Joker Quest 154The stay in hell continues, now with missile launchers on hell horses.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2018-04-15 10 
2451526Oekaki Quest CHA0.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combatDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-16 7 
2473547Stardust Crusaders Quest #20Hitomi says goodbye to her friends and fails to watch a movie with Jotaro.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-04-16 16 
2486875Oekaki Quest CHA0.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread we figure out combat. You awaken in a strange place...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-04-21 5 
May 2018
2529079Oekaki Quest CHA 1Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. Jackson And Kae travel to the next town...Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-05 3 
2527844Stardust Crusaders Quest #21The Crusaders start their search for the magic stand arrows.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-05-07 11 
2531177Joker Quest 155Joker and Daegal build an IED and learn more about their bodies.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2018-05-11 10 
2527416ONE PIECE ISEKAI #1Joe Johnson is transported to the world of One Piece! Where he can't understand what the hell is going on!One Piece, OnePiece, One, Piece, Isekai, JoJo2018-05-12 11 
2552699Stardust Crusaders Quest #22Polnareff leads his friends into Italy and almost ruins everything.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-05-14 15 
2544190Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach ThreadThis is a non canon beach thread. It contains dragons, swimsuits, fanservice and more!collective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-05-16 1 
2580040ONE PIECE ISEKAI #2We finish our fight with the pirate Bellamy and learn more about the world we have found ourselves in!One Piece, Iseaki, Jolly Red2018-05-26 5 
2593325Oekaki Quest CH.1.2Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is drunkDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-05-26 2 
2591040Stardust Crusaders Quest #23New town,new Jojo and something about Italian food.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-05-28 11 
June 2018
2594294ONE PIECE ISEKAI #3Joseph travels to a new island and undergoes the test to become a bounty hunter!One Piece, Iseaki, Jolly Red 2018-06-01 3 
2593938Starborn Quest Intermission; Beach Thread 2Life's still hell, have more filler arccollective Game, Starborn, Wagon, Purps, Fox, Hona, Minerva, Beach, Thread, Non Canon, Jo, Dragon, Ynthal, RTM, Meridas, Octavius2018-06-07 1 
2613202Joker Quest 156Joker and Daegal slowly progress through the city.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Pacifism2018-06-09 11 
2631072Stardust Crusaders Quest #24Josuke discovers his innate talent for gardening.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-06-12 10 
2653567Oekaki Quest CH.1.3Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Hangs out with a new friendDark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-16 2 
2608381Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Sophie's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-17 1 
2627611Sophie Jones and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Sophie's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Sophie Jones, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-06-22 1 
2688188Oekaki Quest CH.1.4Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae runs away from Jackson.Dark, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-06-29 1 
July 2018
2688776Stardust Crusaders Quest #25Another day, another arrow.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-07-04 10 
2703206Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Rosalyn's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-19 1 
2764681Oekaki Quest CH.1.5Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae Figures out what to do with her life.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-07-28 2 
2722361Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Rosalyn's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-07-29 1 
August 2018
2781768Joker Quest 157Where we defeat the Armory Guardian and descend deeper into hell.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2018-08-08 10 
2759681Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part ThreeIn which Rosalyn's quest continues, again.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-11 1 
2816835Oekaki Quest CH.1.6Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae is held captive by Jeraldo.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-08-19 1 
2803616Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FourIn which Rosalyn's quest approaches its conclusion.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-08-27 1 
September 2018
61552704what happens to the supernatural world in event of AI apocalypseWhat happens to an urban fantasy in event of killer robots derails into worldbuilding Skynet as Ravenloft's newest Darklord.worldbuilding, robots, apocalypse, terminator, urban fantasy, ravenloft, setting, infinitely respawning John Conner is Skynet's Curse2018-09-02 0 
2838579Rosalyn Nightshade and the Quest for Playability: Part FiveIn which Rosalyn's quest concludes.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Rosalyn Nightshade, Lego, fantasy, elves2018-09-08 1 
October 2018
2984548Stardust Crusaders Quest #26Jolyne gets trained (sort of) and her parents meet a new friend.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-10-22 11 
2967661Joker Quest 158Joker meets Joker, who used parts of Joker to make his hand able to create a joker, then chose Joker to become Joker to use that Joker.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker, Yo dawg, Keikaku Doori2018-10-23 10 
November 2018
3006762Stardust Crusaders Quest #27Not-Halloween arrives with 2 new Stand users!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-11-01 10 
2999812Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Sleeping Giants Volume 1John Joestar returns from the great war to find his wife dead, his daughter missing, and a man named Father Brando at the center of it all.JJBA, Jojo, Lovecraft, Lovecraftian, H.P. Araki 2018-11-02 3 
3038358Stardust Crusaders Quest #28Kakyoin jobs to Rohan, who almost stole the spotlight for this thread.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-11-13 10 
3030229Pokemon Journey Quest #1Ace Trainer Terry sets on his journey with a strong start, and aims for a Roseview Gym badge.Quest, Pokemon Journey Quest, Collective Game, Pokemon, SleepyQM, Terry, Chikorita2018-11-16 5 
3028110Joker Quest 159One last duel at the bottom of the world. Your gonna carry that weight.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Joker, See you cowboy2018-11-17 10 
3052528Stardust Crusaders Quest #29The third arrow is secured, only three more to go!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-11-21 10 
3037760Dark Elf QuestYou are a dark elf! campy, fantasy, DrawQuest, Mild Lewdness, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-11-24 2 
December 2018
3078342Stardust Crusaders Quest #30Hunting sharks, killing rats and playing wingman, all in a day's work for Hitomi.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2018-12-05 10 
3090013DREAMER Quest 1A young man awakens to partial amnesia, and learns his dreams can impact reality.Collective Game, DREAMER Quest, Joker?2018-12-12 4 
3096948Oekaki Quest ReCapIn This Thread we recap everything before starting up again!Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-14 1 
3117969Oekaki Quest CH.1.7Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae returns after a hiatus Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2018-12-18 2 
January 2019
3153988Oekaki Quest CH.1.8Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread Kae meets up with JacksonDark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-05 2 
3153081Stardust Crusaders Quest #31The serial killer Yoshikage Kira appears and sets himself up for failure.JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2019-01-07 10 
3142988Joker Quest 160The shock of the real, and the battle for the Gate. The headsman's work is never done.Collective Game, Joker Quest, SIEG HEIL2019-01-10 10 
3172544Stardust Crusaders Quest #32Payback time!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2019-01-18 8 
3187508Oekaki Quest CH.1.9Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, its the day of the harvest festival. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-01-19 1 
3199516Konoha Jonin QuestOur protagonist Hikogiri meets his team.Naruto, Jonin, Konoha2019-01-26 3 
February 2019
3223244Oekaki Quest CH.1.10Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae sneaks back into the fortress.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-01 3 
3226132Stardust Crusaders Quest #33Hitomi dies, gets sent back in time and kills Kira with the help of Josuke. The perfect send off to end the quest!JJBA, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders Quest, Karma Chameleon, DusterMan2019-02-04 20 
3225396Dream Catchers: Blackout (Sixth Dive) [Skirmish]The party takes to a realm of secrets stored deep within a hidden warehouse, discovering strange experiments with mysterious intentions.fenster, dream catchers, skirmish, collective game, collaboration, dream, dreams, haze runners, area 51, warehouse, karz, jojo reference2019-02-15 2 
3266003Oekaki Quest CH.1.11Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we reach the climax of the chapter. Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-02-16 3 
3270159Shaggy and Scooby's Bizarre Adventure 1Another Fucking QM's second quest begins. Where it will go, nobody knows. Scooby DooBites Za Dusto!jojo, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Scooby Doo, Shaggy, Jojo's2019-02-23 2 
3276365Shaggy and Scooby's Bizarre Adventure 2This much more uneventful thread.. continues the story. Not much else, honestly.jojo, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Scooby Doo, Shaggy, Jojo's2019-02-26 2 
3274611Starborn Quest 58: Wood You Be NeighbourPurps continues trying to get through the barrier to the FaeWood to rescue Cellahad and Xanadaar. Collective Game, Wagon, Starborn, Starborn Quest, Purps, Honamurei, FaeWood, Jo, Academy, Lexington, Stella, Fae, Woods, Mission2019-02-27 1 
March 2019
3308211Oekaki Quest CH.1.12Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae fights her way through a blazing city.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-02 1 
3368627Oekaki Quest CH.1.13Dark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, we may actually finish this chapter.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-03-22 1 
3364276Joker Quest 161We find a way home, but uninvited guests show up to ruin our day.Collective Game, Joker Quest2019-03-31 10 
April 2019
3389517Governor QuestYou, Johnathan Wells, have been tasked with leading the city of Arkuland as governor. Northern Union,Eastern Wing Countries, or Independent?Jonathan Wells, Collective Game, Governor Quest, Birb2019-04-10 3 
3425290A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.EpilogueThe chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-11 1 
3407625Panzer Commander QuestAfter more than a month time skip, Richter is returned to; aiding a foreign army, riding in a tank, and being beaten up by a tomboy.Panzer Commander, Collective Game, War, Armor, suddenly tanks, major problems with milk, taking a bite out of crime and thighs2019-04-16 5 
3450717A Dark Fantasy Quest CH.1.Epilogue p2The chapter is over? But what will Kae do now?Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-04-21 1 
65759207Fractured Singularity Thread 1Work begins on the world of Fractured Singularity, home to the advancement obsessed ISA and the rather tech-conservative Jovian FederationFractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-21 11 
3423000Governor Quest 2We set our paycheck, deal with propositions for new policies and given an interview.Jonathan Wells, Collective Game, Governor Quest, Birb2019-04-22 2 
3465756Afterlife Frontier QuestFrontier QM's first questcollective game,loli,starwars,jojos bizzare adventure,gundam2019-04-29 1 
65850840Fractured Singularity Thread 2Work continues on the world of Fractured Singularity. Factions fleshed out, micro fiction written, sample locations proposed and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-04-29 2 
May 2019
65973574Fractured Singularity Thread 3Our collaborative creation expands, further filling the lore with micro-factions, defined technologies, and more.Fractured Singularity, Sci-Fi, Worldbuilding, Human-centric, Space, Transhumanism, Setting, ISA, Jovian Federation,2019-05-06 3 
3463372Joker Quest: Episode 162The fight nears it conclusionCollective Game, Joker Quest2019-05-10 10 
3495586Cinderella and the Quest for Playability: Part OneIn which Cinderella's quest begins.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Cinderella, Lego, fantasy, elves2019-05-24 1 
3531654A Dark Fantasy QuestDark fantasy quest. Currently, you're playing the rogue Kae. In this thread, Kae seems to be lost in the woods.Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, MySojourn2019-05-26 3 
June 2019
3527420Cinderella and the Quest for Playability: Part TwoIn which Cinderella's quest continues.Fun with Lego, Emily Jones, Cinderella, Lego, fantasy, elves2019-06-04 1 
3574302Isekai Forever #1: BeginningsA NEET loser finally finds himself going out of the house for once. He then gets drugged so hard he wakes up in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.Collective Game, Isekai, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, JJBA2019-06-29 5 
3597501PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 2Pokemon quest loosely based on gen 1 gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-06-30 15 
July 2019
3612440Joker Quest 164Joker's upgrade sperg reaches a never before seen level, no plot for you.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Too many options2019-07-05 10 
3612634PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 3Quest based on Gen 1 Pokemon gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-07 10 
3631808PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 4Quest based on Gen 1 Pokemon GamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-13 7 
3615702Isekai Forever #2: Exploring MoriohTomoya gets his leg fixed, wanders around Morioh, and has a run in with a certain elusive goddess. Then he joins Fight Club.Collective Game, Isekai, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, JJBA2019-07-14 2 
3629295The Rising of the Shield Hero quest #3The humble rise of the President King!Isekai, Rising of the Shield Hero, Collective Game, Jim Borris Jr, Sword, Crusade, Jolly Courpuration2019-07-15 6 
3652416PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 5Quest based on Gen 1 Pokemon GamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-16 6 
67231534COBRAAAAAAAA!/tg/ talks about G.I. Joe, Cobra, how to bring them to the tabletop, and a bit of Transformers.g.i. joe, cobra, transformers, cartoon action hour, don't even need other boards2019-07-17 5 
3661905PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 6Pokemon Quest based on gen 1 gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-22 7 
3674447PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol. 7Quest based on gen 1 pokemon gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, 2019-07-27 6 
3666884Isekai Forever #3: Standing On Your Own Two Feet Tomoya gets into his second fight and gets so pissed off by the champ that he picks another fight the moment the first one ends.Collective Game, Isekai, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, JJBA2019-07-31 2 
August 2019
3693375PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol.8Quest Still based on Gen 1 Pokemon gamesPokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, Missigno2019-08-03 5 
3701485Joker Quest: Episode 164 (B)We return to the Real, and make a Faustian pact for the return of Best Girl.Joker Quest, Collective Game, The Good Kind of Netorare2019-08-03 10 
3709072PKMN Quest (Red/Blue) Vol.9Quest based on gen 1 Pokemon games (The Finale!)Pokemon, PKMN, Red, Blue, Nurse Joy, MissingNo2019-08-05 7 
3737142Joker Quest: Episode 165Stripped of our powers, we're Frost Cestus again. But HECATE'S BACK!Joker Quest, Collective Game2019-08-23 10 
October 2019
3861157Dark Elf QuestYou are a creature of evil! A denizen of the under realm! A blight on all things good! You are... A DARK ELF!Antagonist, Dark, Fantasy, MySojourn, Elf, Comedy2019-10-13 1 
November 2019
3888436Hex Maniac Johto 1Its a reboot! With pirates! Mimikyu, Hex Maniac Quest, MyNameIsMimikyu, Collective Game, pokemon, Hex Maniac Johto2019-11-12 2 
3927928Hex Maniac Johto 2In which you visit Jasmine, the Battle frontier, and catch a chinchouMimikyu, Hex Maniac Quest, MyNameIsMimikyu, Collective Game, pokemon, Hex Maniac Johto2019-11-26 0 
December 2019
3981247Eternal Punishment (Mythic RPG) #1Chase introduces us to Tartarus, a mysterious underworld inspired by the Joker Quest, but he gives up after two days.Collective Game, Furry, Joker Quest, Mythic, RPG2019-12-26 4 
January 2020
3997796Joker Quest: Episode 166Frost Cestus has finally climaxed and Kazuya feels the weight of being a hero.Joker Quest, Collective Game, Bonding time with best girl2020-01-07 10 
3994696Hex Maniac Johto 3When the Gurie's away the Mimikyu will playMimikyu, Hex Maniac Quest, MyNameIsMimikyu, Collective Game, pokemon, Hex Maniac Johto2020-01-12 1 
4022311Hex Maniac Johto 4Because you are not popular lets go find Falinks!Mimikyu, Hex Maniac Quest, MyNameIsMimikyu, Collective Game, pokemon, Hex Maniac Johto2020-01-25 1 
February 2020
4044569The Journey: Dwarf Civ 1in which we establish a town, kill some bandits, and prepare to caveCollective Game, Journey Dwarf Civ2020-02-03 7 
March 2020
4075434The Journey: Dwarf Civ - Part 2Our dwarves continue to build up the village and delve deep within the fortress. Goblins are vassalised, monsters slain and humans welcomed.Collective Game, Dwarf Civ, Drawquest, The Journey2020-03-02 6 
April 2020
4187078Joker Quest: Episode 167In which we receive a new arm, and travel to the Hollow Sun. After FIVE REAL-LIFE YEARS.Collective Game, Joker Quest, Joker2020-04-25 11 
May 2020
4231500Tintin's Bizarre Adventure #1Tintin & Co. go to Finland and get StandsJojo's Bizarre Adventure, Tintin, Tintin's Bizarre Adventure2020-05-09 1 
4228670Persona: MoonlessIn a world of Elven supremacy, A human student starts a new life in Cairth...and in the Moonworld.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-05-13 8 
4254958Persona: Moonless IIIn Which you started your search of lustPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-05-22 2 
June 2020
4286474The Worst Written QST You Have Ever PlayedJohn Smith is an average man on an extraordinary island. Can he prove to himself and everyone else that he's something more?halp, terrible, quest, qst, John, Smith, drawfriend2020-06-03 0 
4283960Tintin's Bizarre Adventure #2Tintin and the gang fight the user of [Little World] and receive a call from a mysterious stranger!Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Tintin, Tintin's Bizarre Adventure2020-06-13 0 
4288675Persona: Moonless IIIIn which our treasure hunt goes terribly wrong.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-06-25 1 
September 2020
4397421Embedded: Space War Journo #1Intrigue abounds as Martin Cronkite finds himself assigned to covering increased tensions between two insterstellar powers on a border worldInnkeep, Space War Journo, I havent run in 8 years2020-09-01 0 
4404743A Bizarre Adventure #1In LA 3 college students find a Stand Arrow and fight their Stand thinking they're demons.anime, collective game, quest, JJBA, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure2020-09-08 2 
4431964Persona: Moonless IVLust hasn't been purged yet and we nailed in the cooking classPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-09-23 1 
October 2020
4439592CobraQuest - Tape 1 - Appetite for DestructionA crusade for global domination begins! We fill the shoes of Cobra Commander and lead Cobra from relative obscurityCobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM2020-10-04 8 
4463011Persona: Moonless VThe first floor of lust is almost over, onto the next one!Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-10-07 1 
4459226A Bizarre Journey Quest 1Anna Anderton, a girl with fire in her heart and not much in her head, invades the lives of Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando, distorting fateCollective Game, A Bizarre Journey Quest, JoJo, JJBA, Quest, Female MC2020-10-17 12 
4484978Persona: Moonless VIFirst floor is finished after a climatic battle. Time to find a boat!Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-10-21 1 
November 2020
4480550CobraQuest - Tape 2 - Venomous IdeologyWith new allies in high places, Cobra Commander enacts his plan to destroy EAGLE.CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM, Cobra2020-11-04 6 
4518334Persona: Moonless VIIRed had a nasty surprise for you underground. Never Ever.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-11-21 0 
4503564A Bizarre Journey Quest 27 years later. Anna gets engaged to her sweetheart Dio, almost gets frozen by her friend, learns about stands, follows the [Rules of Nature]Collective Game, A Bizarre Journey Quest, JoJo, JJBA, Quest, Female MC2020-11-23 10 
December 2020
4520808CobraQuest - Tape 3 - Bullets Bombs and Bigotry Freed of his previous predicament, Cobra Commander sets his sights on the final prize.CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM, Cobra2020-12-03 6 
4554156Persona Moonless: A Judge's day A really short spin off about Cairth's favorite Judge!Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2020-12-04 0 
4539304Deep JourneyOuter God shenanigans lead to a strange adventure through dimensions.Deep Journey, Collective Game, Deep Anon2020-12-07 4 
January 2021
4557642A Bizarre Journey Quest 3Anna learns that someone is poisoning Mr Joestar, travels to London with Jojo and Dio to find the source, and fights Jack the ripperCollective Game, A Bizarre Journey Quest, JoJo, JJBA, Quest, Female MC2021-01-02 8 
4563341CobraQuest - Tape 4 - Year of the SnakePreparation begins for Cobra's plan to destroy EAGLE and Duke once and for all.CobraQuest, GI Joe, World domination, terrorism, terrorist, TimeKillerQM2021-01-05 4 
4567719Persona: Moonless VIIIJohann is enjoying his infested immortality in the second floor of LustPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2021-01-10 0 
4603883Deep Journey 2Deep Journey's sequel.Deep Journey, Collective Game, Deep Anon2021-01-21 1 
February 2021
4626702A Herald's JourneyThe Herald takes up his cause of Conquest and begins his journey, meeting several noteworthy characters along the way.herald's journey, herald, drawquest, collective game2021-02-05 14 
4603076Persona: Moonless IXIn which you are trying to get in the love boat with Kaz and MaqPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol, 2021-02-13 0 
4622666Open Roads Quest #1; Setting OutWe arrive in Angelsfield and conduct our business. A route is set for Jironth, and we have a physical alteraction with a Capwell lackey.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-02-21 5 
4638166Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-02-22 8 
March 2021
4651916Persona: Moonless XMaq's sister is finally saved after one bizzare adventure.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2021-03-16 0 
4672874Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-03-20 5 
4668891A Herald's Journey Part 2The Super Conqueror Bros defeat the goblin behemoth, take on the Thieves' Guild, and prepare to defend against an invasionherald's journey, herald, drawquest, collective game2021-03-21 10 
4671772Open Roads Quest Quest #2: Leaving AngelsfieldWe uncover a gunpowder plot and OP is stricken with the Curse.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-03-23 2 
April 2021
4711258Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-04-10 5 
4735610You Awake in Westeros as Joffrey Baratheon - PrequelIn which the QM performs a post-birth abortion on the fetus of a quest idea just beginning to emerge from the narrative womb. Joffrey SI.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-11 29 
4706533Persona: Moonless XILust has been finally purged..but at what cost?Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2021-04-19 0 
4737100Joffrey QuestYou are going to be late for your first day as monarch!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-20 16 
4749924Joffrey Quest #2Choo choo.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-04-21 14 
4722504A Herald's Journey Part 3The Super Conqueror Bros stop an invasion, Herald saves his now ex-GF, becomes a Sapient Supremacist, and receives some divine interventionherald's journey, herald, drawquest, collective game2021-04-24 5 
4723763Open Roads Quest #3; Gunpowder Plots and Nasty ThoughtsWe navigate through some social encounters, discover a cheat, and prepare for the road to the city of IskanderOpen Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-04-27 3 
May 2021
4771347Joffrey Quest #3To Winterfell we go!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-03 9 
4786430Joffrey Quest #4A Lion feasts with direwolves at Winterfell.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-10 6 
4762987 Governor Quest: ReduxYou are the new governor of Arkuland, a colonial city born from the might of old world. Will you lead Arkuland to prosperity or ruin?Governor Quest Redux, Governor Jonathan Wells, 2021-05-18 6 
4771571Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-05-20 5 
4801100Joffrey Quest #5The Baratheon siblings get some cute pets!Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-21 1 
4799062Joffrey Quest #5.5Fuck you jannies.Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-21 2 
4808110Joffrey Quest #5.6Fuck you JanniesGame of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, ASOIAF, GoT, Joffrey SI2021-05-22 0 
4778408Open Roads Quest #4; Meander to IskanderTristan Stonyfield solves some disputes, has a heart to heart moment, and stiffens his resolve before visiting the Trunk Family.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Merchantile, Journey, Caravan2021-05-28 2 
4794250A Herald's Journey Part 4The Super Conqueror Bros rescue an explorer, accidentally free an evil old wizard, and set sail to Krosh'tarherald's journey, herald, drawquest, collective game2021-05-29 4 
June 2021
4820196Persona: Moonless XIIWhat kind of surprises will Satha's Lunar festivities hold for us?Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2021-06-13 0 
4846607Open Roads Quest #4; Big City DealingsTristan Stonyfield squares away a few minor matters before escorting cousin Hettie to a fancy party at Lady Tabitha Blackmoore's residence.Open Roads Quest, Collective Game, WeldyQM, Mercantile, Journey, Caravan2021-06-25 2 
4848178Royal RumbleRoyal Rumble is a small draw quest about the management of a fantasy kingdom.MySojourn2021-06-26 0 
4858543A Herald's Journey Part 5Herald repays his debt to Aemis by helping the Glug-Glug, fights a mimic and finds buried treasure on an island, and reaches Krosh'tarherald's journey, herald, drawquest, collective game2021-06-30 2 
July 2021
80247963Ball-of-Arms Man: RearmedA classic character from /tg/‘s past is resurrected! The titular amorphous blob of arms is given heaps of lore, side-characters, and enemiesroleplaying, Roleplaying, roleplay, Roleplay, characters, Characters, character, Character, puns, Puns, pun, Pun, Joke character, joke2021-07-11 12 
August 2021
4933950Persona: Moonless XIIIWe do a small delivery for the White Stag, come back to a shock, and continue our daily life.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol2021-08-23 0 
September 2021
4988162 Governor Quest: Redux 3In Which we die a sad death.Governor Quest Redux, Governor Jonathan Wells, 2021-09-17 2 
October 2021
4985192Persona: Moonless XIVThe festivies had ended just in time for Wrath to appear.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2021-10-18 0 
November 2021
4990214Western Quest(ern) 2We infiltrate horse racing track to expose the owners dastardly schemes. What is this stuff the feed to the horses?Western, wild west, quest, collective game, gunslinger, cowboy, bandit, horse, drawquest, western quest(ern), jockey2021-11-03 7 
5037908 Persona Moonless: OblivionEnd of line for Johann and everything he holds dearPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2021-11-15 0 
December 2021
5014911SCARY QUESTIn which the Dark Knight Odysseus tries to find his head before Halloween! Many shenanigans, hot babes, and an inconclusive ending.MySojourn, Dark-fantasy, Draw-Quest, Semi-lewd, Graphic Violence, Comedy, Halloween, Dark Knight, Headless Horseman, Odysseus, WickedQM2021-12-06 1 
5061424Persona: Moonless XVIn which we reach a mysterious black pondPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2021-12-11 0 
February 2022
5092574Persona: Moonless XVIIn which we get closer to shapeless baronessPersona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2022-02-02 0 
March 2022
5155734Persona: Moonless XVIIA very small thread where we finish our talk with the Baroness and go to school Johann Fol, Moonless2022-03-15 0 
July 2022
5290397Mahou Shoujo AcademiaA quest about an Academy that trains magical girls in a far future post-apocalyptic setting. Our MC is a holy maiden, diligent and pure.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo Academia, Demons, Magic, Artificial Gods, Shrine Maiden, Post-Apocalypse, School Setting, Nudism2022-07-03 25 
August 2022
5332516Mahou Shoujo Academia #2Parva and friends continue through the survival training they were thrown into as punishment for missing orientation.Collective Game, Magical Girl, Mahou Shoujo Academia, Demons, Magic, Artificial Gods, Shrine Maiden, Post-Apocalypse, School Setting, Nudism2022-08-11 21 
85836814Your medieval-era party does show proper deference to the nobility, right anon?/tg/ talks about divine right to rule in-game, evolves into a discussion about the divine right to rule and John Brown.Setting discussion, Divine right, John Brown, Unintentional slavery2022-08-30 1 
September 2022
5376207Persona : Moonless (Epilogue)That's all, folks.Persona, Moonless, Johann Fol,2022-09-21 1 
January 2023
5478018(You Are A) Craigslist Killer Quest 5It's devilish work, kidnapping hotties and dirt-napping bodies. But someone's gotta do it. Mayor Jack Kinov's daughter Joy joins the hareBob, Vagene, Velton, Fae Smelter, Craigslist, Killer, Joy, Kinov, Mandie, B, Reckin-Dwith, Black, Rose, Geraldina, Cooper, Camping, Forest2023-01-02 1 
February 2023
5513389Hazbin Henchman #2John Aenon goes against Valentino's gang, agrees with Alastor's plan but has a heart to heart with Angel and decides to help start a riot.Hazbin Hotel, Sinners, Imps, Birds, Hell, Abilities, Priest MC, John Aenon2023-02-06 4 
July 2023
5694772PorterquestYour name is MOSS BENJAMIN PORTER JR. You are a PRIVATE in the UNSC RED ARMY, currently stationed at VALHALLA OUTPOST 17-B. What will you do?Porter, Johnson, Porterquest, Drawquest, BANEQM2023-07-11 0 
5687015VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 1A CIA analyst gets thrusted into an operation gone awry in Ukraine. Her case officer then invites her to a special operations unit. Jormungand, CIA, military, thriller, adventure, glowie, action, Kate Marsh2023-07-15 13 
September 2023
5732591VENGEANCE BURNS RED - ARC 2: "INDUCTION" A CIA analyst meets up with a British man and her superior in an Irish pub before parting ways to leave the country. To be continued.Jormungand, CIA, military, thriller, adventure, glowie, action, Kate Marsh2023-09-05 6 
June 2024
6013758One Life #1Johan, an amnesiac and taxi driver, navigates a world that feels slightly off.Johan, Lucian, Taxi Driver, Noir Detectives, Sailors, Fugue Amnesia, Hotel, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-06-28 1 
July 2024
6028147Cleaner Quest #6 After killing an anomaly and some feds in your way, you sealed a P-Corp facility shut. You also threw a road roller at a bug. Life is good.Collective Game, Coffee Addiction, Cleaner, Anomaly, inspired by Project Moon, everything Nicole says is a joke and you should not trust her2024-07-18 13 
August 2024
6050129One Life #2Johan pulls himself into another day as the carnival comes to town.Johan, Mimi the Mime, Taxi Driver, Noir Detectives, Mimes, Fugue Amnesia, Hotel, Carnival, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-08-23 1 
October 2024
6085853SDC: Smack-Dab in Cairo 1JoJo fan gets transported into Stardust Crusaders right before DIO in Cairo. Tries to change fate for the better using her meta knowledge.SDC, JoJo, JJBA, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Siderite, Collective Game, Smack-Dab in Cairo, JENOVA2024-10-18 5 
6089875One Life #3Johan finds a dead body.Johan, Mimi the Mime, Noir Detectives, Mike, Criminals, Corpse, Fugue Amnesia, Carnival, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-10-20 2 
November 2024
6109639Isekai Cheat Harem #1After being hit by a truck you get a masochistic goddess and start a slave harem in another world. Machines are made and goblins are slain.IseQM, NotIseQM, John Doe, Isekai, Herta, Goddess of Artifice, Steampunk, Mecha, Savant, Slavery, Harem, Slave-Wives, Dungeon, Goblins2024-11-19 6 
December 2024
6124482SDC: Smack-Dab in Cairo (JJBA) #2Itsaso pays a visit to her local businessesSDC, JoJo, JJBA, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Siderite, Collective Game, Smack-Dab in Cairo, JENOVA, Stardust Crusaders, Itsaso Munteanu2024-12-14 2 
6130126One Life #4Johan goes to the gym and delivers a package.Johan, Mimi the Mime, Noir Detectives, Mike, Gymbro, Hospital, Fugue Amnesia, Etheric Color Dynamics, The QM Without A Name2024-12-28 2 
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