/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

July 2009
5266389Bad Guy Quest 2The mad scientist continues his evil schemeBad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-07-27 8 
August 2009
5477986Black Templar High SchoolWhat if Black Templar Neophyte training was more akin to an awkwardly gay high school?Space marines, gay, black templars, finland, sauna, scriptarius2009-08-17 3 
5542874Bad Guy Quest 13A bit of dicking around, thread derails, not much gets done... IN SPACE!!!Bad Gay Quest, Collective Game2009-08-22 0 
January 2010
7468480Guard QuestKyle is the worst guard in the whole freaking world.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread2010-01-07 5 
7470201Guard Quest Part 2Kyle still sucks at being a guard...so he's trying to become a wizard! Now with more gay sex!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-07 3 
7480046Guard Quest Part 3Kyle becomes more evil, more gay, and more powerful!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 2 
7485175Guard Quest Part 4Kyle's wizardly prowess grows. He plans to travel by ship to the East, to study magic. Until the ship sets sail, he spends his time blowing cocks up and practicing telekinesis.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 1 
7487084Guard Quest Part 5Kyle sets sail on the might ship the K.S. Oroblarm, and makes it to the eastern lands of Sha'azar, to further his magical studies. More magic and dickings, of course.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-08 2 
June 2010
10578551So, our DM is XFa/tg/uy asks for advice about his gay DM. Some serious responses, and then new copypasta is made.DM advice, copypasta, gay2010-06-18 13 
September 2010
12009517Zerg Quest XIAnon spends two hours deciding how to deal with the Disruptor, then shit gets real. A choice is made. A friend's life is endangered. A sexual preference is discoveredCerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, KIIIINGSTOOOOON!!!!, gay cerebrates, nuke the fuckers, brave warbrate, stalwart labbrate2010-09-09 12 
August 2011
1599967816m GETDoctor Dre's dead, and locked in my basement. Well, at least it isn't 40GAY40K, 40Gay,16000000, 16M Get, get, rap, Dr. Dre, best thread, not DH2011-08-20 15 
January 2012
17595297That Guy And The BearStorybro recounts the time a homophobic That Guy meets his match in the form of a big, burly gay rugby player.That Guy, gay, storytime, epic, lulz, bear, bears2012-01-19 22 
October 2012
21067280The Grand Shitstorm of Olenus Primaris 2Shit HarderShit, Warhammer, 40gay, Haas2012-10-11 5 
August 2013
26506066Coming Out In D&DMom, Dad, I have a confession to make...lulz, d&d, wizard, monk, ranger, /tg/, vampire, lgbt. gay, queer2013-08-08 8 
February 2014
30447299girl gamer looking for groupAnon post a flyer he found at his FLGS. Other anons join in to share stories both amusing and horrifying. There is also some discussion about just HOW and WHY people could sperg out this hard.FLGS, LGS, horror, neckbeard, autist, girl gamer, gurl gaymer, nerd, geek, nerd girl, nerdlings, pop culture, culture, 2014-02-24 16 
July 2015
41033810Sith Academy Quest #11Our sith apprentice becomes a master of taking it in the assCollective Game, Sith Academy Quest, Sith, Star Wars, Gay Pride Galaxy-Wide2015-07-06 22 
June 2018
60146809post-scarcity society theorization and worldbuildingA discussion on what how a post-scarcity civilization might work.setting, worldbuilding, post-scarcity, future, replicator, utopian, dystopian, fully automated luxury gay space communism,2018-06-10 1 
October 2018
2953993A Quest of Adventure and TruthCome along for a journey through a fantasy land with the three adventurers, assorted anons, and LORD GRIMDARK and his demonic GRIMGOBLINS!collective game, worldbuilding, dice, funny, fantasy, gay,2018-10-12 2 
January 2019
3188317Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies QuestA quest about the exploring what truly makes a man gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in submission to a huge black man.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-01-31 10 
February 2019
3220355Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest 2 - Tentacles EditionA quest about the exploring what truly makes a man gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in hentayesque escapdes with tentacles.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-02-10 9 
March 2019
3340660 Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest 3 - Floppy Dicks EditionA quest about the exploring what truly makes a man gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in being dominated by an older man.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-03-24 9 
65346307Meanwhile, on SchreckNet /tg/The world may change but the shitposting of the ancients continue onwards.Vampire the Masquerade, Saulot, Angry Toreadors, Spooked Tremere, Big Gay Brujah On Campus2019-03-28 0 
April 2019
3376522NRP 3 Unofficial Part 4 (Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest)A quest about the exploring what truly makes a pollack gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in submission to a huge german mann.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-04-07 9 
3414008NRP 3 Unofficial Part 5 (Final) (Dorf's Homoerotic Nigger-Domination Fantasies Quest)A quest about the exploring what truly makes a cuck gay and the deapths of homoerotic pleasure found in submission to a huge woman.gay, interracial, quest, propper description2019-04-13 4 
February 2023
5517206Gay Wizard Ethnostate QuestSurprisingly good worldbuilding depiste the name. The QM quit tho.Fantasy, Gay, Wizard, Ethnostate, dead quest2023-02-09 3 
June 2023
5693395Elf Maiden Quest IVLagneia the sacred prostitute makes her glorious returns as she attempts to extract her quarry from al-Fasek & his harem of deadly femboysElf Maiden Quest, Collective Game, Fantasy, Elves, World Building, Cleric, Divine Magic, Thirsty MC, Sacred Prostitute, Warned for Gay2023-06-24 28 
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