/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

December 2007
914587ITT we write more realistic game session transcripts.Boring thread is hijacked with epic copypasta.copypasta, hijack, D&D, game transcripts2007-12-19Editor's Choice
September 2008
2646978Emprah WorshipSome fa/tg/uy worships The Emperor. Other fa/tg/uys confide in their nerdish semi-religious acts.40k, emperor, emprah, EMPRAH, fanatical, possible copypasta2008-09-23 25 
May 2009
4483250Masterwork +3/tg/ takes everyday objects and makes them awesome.masterwork, ignore copypasta, duct tape2009-05-07 1 
November 2009
6873167Berserker Retelling: Mindfuck EditionWe get a request for an already archived thread, followed by some mild speculation on the identity of the author, followed by the realization that all of /tg/ is actually the same entity. Makes as much sense as anything else around here.copypasta, mindfuck, 40k, writefaggotry2009-11-26 5 
April 2010
93060004chan Helps Cancer Research/tg/ responds to a thread copied over from /sci/, then a bunch more boards get involved. Vote as much as you can, as long as you can. http://www.refresheverything.com/kanziuscancerresearchgood cause, cancer, copypasta, crosspost2010-04-20 12 
June 2010
10578551So, our DM is XFa/tg/uy asks for advice about his gay DM. Some serious responses, and then new copypasta is made.DM advice, copypasta, gay2010-06-18 13 
January 2011
13647345WoD ThreadA bunch of dudes discuss the comparative merits of WoD and nWoD. Then, Anon posts copypasta from Ascension, showing the best, most beautiful, and insane things from oWoD.WoD, nWoD, oWoD, copypasta, epic, Ascension2011-01-25 0 
May 2011
14996544Character ArchtypesOP asks for Character archtypes, and perhaps gets more than he was bargaining forcopypasta, characters, humour, humor2011-05-21 2 
December 2011
17384620Spiders are SuperiorThis thread is spiders.spiders, spider, funny, copypasta, never change /tg/2011-12-31 11 
April 2014
31230485On the divinity of the God EmperorSome guy asks for in-universe arguments for proof of the Emperor's divinity. He gets what he asked for, along with pasta, slight storytime, and DMing advice40k, Emperor, Emps, Emprah, funny, story, storytime, stories, pasta, copypasta, fuck witches, DM, GM, DH, that guy, argument, arguing, theology2014-04-03 5 
31407055What does your princess look like, /tg/?"There is no princess. Only a fleeting sense of accomplishment followed by feelings of worthlessness."copypasta, white knight, spoilers, waifu2014-04-12 7 
October 2016
49742120Taufag riptide rant & resulting copypastaTaufag vehemently defends Riptides. Copypasta ensues.40k, Tau, Taufag, copypasta2016-10-12 5 
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