/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2009
4983560WoD musings/tg/ on why WoD is too gimdark for it's own good.World of Darkness, Grimdark, WoD, oWoD, nWoD2009-06-24 5 
July 2009
5150582Mage: the Ascension AchievementsJust what the title says.Mage: The Ascension, oWoD, awesome2009-07-13 6 
March 2010
8491818Asari raised Turian PC OP asks for random facts about the Mass Effect universe for his character to use. What he gets is awesome. Mass Effect, oWoD, Backstory, Turian, Asari, conspiracy2010-03-10 8 
May 2010
9641686Cooperative /tg//tg/ helps guy from /b/ through Hunter: The Reckoning character creation. Surprisingly civil!helpful, /tg/, /b/, oWoD2010-05-06 5 
9878984oWOD vs. nWOD - and rednecks.Basically what it says on the label - a debate on the pros and cons of the two systems/settings, intermixed with snippets of "life" as seen through the eyes of an unfortunate group of rednecks who somehow got Embraced into Clan Toreador.vampire, nwod, owod, rednecks, writefaggotry2010-05-18 0 
9964602Several words about WoD..."/tg/, I'm interested in getting into World of Darkness, but I hear a lot about nWoD and oWoD. Is either of the versions better than the other? What's the difference in a few words?" The fa/tg/uys have more than just a -few- words...owod, nwod, debate, discussion2010-05-22 0 
January 2011
13647345WoD ThreadA bunch of dudes discuss the comparative merits of WoD and nWoD. Then, Anon posts copypasta from Ascension, showing the best, most beautiful, and insane things from oWoD.WoD, nWoD, oWoD, copypasta, epic, Ascension2011-01-25 0 
March 2011
14294047oWoD fluffOP asks a quick question about Caine. Thread soon turns into a massive lore dump.oWoD, Lore2011-03-19 2 
February 2012
17810362Old World of Darkness StorytimeAlice in Wonderland in a post apocalyptic America run by Technocrats post apocalyptic, Alice, World of Darkness, oWod, Changeling, Technocrat, Storytime2012-02-05 5 
August 2020
74410233o/nWoDg gets crashed by The OmnissiahThe God-Emperor's waifu/Sasha Vykos's childer invades WoDg with SASS and VULGAR MAGIC ADVICE FOR /tg/ CUCKS!oWoD, nWoD, AdMech, Sasha Vykos, MtG, deeplore, 40k, Warhammer 40k, Vampire, Vampire 2020, cyberpunk, CCGs, lolcows2020-08-19 4 
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