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Archived Threads

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March 2012
18447772Primordial Ocean Evo Gamean evolution game where three creatures branch into a multitude of other creatures under the sea. Time is near for a land-based existence, though...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem2012-03-25 8 
18469745Primordial Land Evo GameNow with plants! The creatures continue to spread and diversify, and a minor ice age happened. Rumors of new places to colonize abound!Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Evola, Yantar2012-03-27 5 
18484092Primordial Land Evo Game pt 2Continuation of life in the mainland. The walker-Flouz evolved into Hoppas, and the LemUy slowly light up their environment.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Glund, Stalck, Flouz, Pluup, Hoppa, Slizer, Evola, Yantar2012-03-28 3 
18482230Primordial Island Evo GameAn offshoot of the land evo game, where the Frowg evolve to the Rowgu, flyingStalck into Stelvac, and the Frilla's terrestial descendant became the world's first tree. But there are indigenous creatures that also evolve with them...Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frowg, Wesck, Stalck, Rowgu, Stelva, Frilla, Adoni, Kuckar, Hraas2012-03-28 3 
18507183Ancient Tundra Evo Gameoffshoot of the main thread. The creatures and flora fight and adapt to the cold winds of the tundra.Collective Game, Primordial, Fus, Sluck, Worem, Frilla, Frowmagnon, Lem, Bord, Rasig, Mevola2012-03-30 1 
April 2012
18521132Tundra evo game.The evolutions continue. Parasitic moving plants, tribal jelly golems and frog vikings develop.Collective Game, Primordial, Ragas, Bord, Lem, Fluz, Ramel2012-04-02 2 
18557635Ancient Abyss Evo GameEvolution happens yet again in an isolated underwater ecosystem turned tectonic trench.Collective Game, Primordial, Glub, Crub, Seekeed, Kwenom, Skrimp2012-04-06 1 
18595526Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ GameThe culmination of the previous evolutionary threads, the sentient creatures now enter the tribal age, where myths are first created, technology developed, and culture blossomed. Seven tribes made themselves known in the Eastern Continent!Collective Game, Primordial, K'Lahk, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera2012-04-07 6 
18636178Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2Continuation of previous thread. The tribes weave their own stories into the tapestry of the world.Collective Game, Primordial, K'Lahk, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera, Glud2012-04-09 5 
18692188Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3Picking up where part two left off. Two tribes begin to merge, the Onolkeshan construct a fortress, and a new tribe comes into play.Collective Game, Primordial, K'Lahk, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera, Burrahn Glud2012-04-15 5 
18750309Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 4The Enclave enters the iron age, the Glund reach the tribal stage, and the Adoni stir things up. Also, more Bladeworms.Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, K'Lahk, Lastér, Nad'Lun, Ta'mirel, Fo'wil, Jenter, Slanera, Burrahn, Glud, Adoni, Enclave2012-04-18 4 
18800565Ancient desert evo thread 1Evolution in a harsh desert environment. Monsters are made, bugs with jet engines, sand worms and other lovely things soon call this sand ocean their home.Collective Game, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-22 3 
18807264Ancient desert evo thread 2The desert is a hostile place... and its inhabitants even more dangerous. Yes, we got monstrosities.Collective Game, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-23 2 
18824863Ancient desert evo game thread 2SHOGUN GLUND demanded evolution. We gave him Hydralisks and more sentient species.Collective Game, Evolution, Primordial, Burrog, Sandoni, Usmal, Wespar, Cho, Kaskus2012-04-24 5 
18843536Primordial Evolution Game Info ThreadGaps in evolution are patched, information on some species is expanded, and an acid-spitting goatdog is made. Bord are still somewhat a mystery.Evolution, Primordial, Firdog, Bord, Fluff, Planning2012-04-26 3 
18865858Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ GameTen tribes make themselves known on the central continent in this chapter of the Primordial Evo Game.Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong2012-04-27 3 
18892469Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 2Trials and tribulations of the ten tribes continues. Ry'lai rise up, literally, guests from across the west strait wreck up VietKoBurrog's ambush, and other shenanigans involving new kinds of magickery happens.Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong, Simidan2012-04-29 5 
May 2012
18915855Tribal Central Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3The bug war approaches. TO ARMS!Collective Game, Tribal, Primordial, Hitagan, Zu-Nul, Ry'lai, Hu-raan, Zahrewi, Zorastria, M'wa, Zarethedir, Anee'imay, VietKorburrong, Simidan2012-05-02 6 
18960430Sandbar Island evo gameA casual take on the Primordial Evo Game takes a turn toward the weird. "Bordle bor bord!"Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Bord, Sluck, Frowg, Skrimp, Glub, Ykex're, Flurr, Whip Tree, Spine2012-05-04 5 
19038563Ancient Reef Evo GameReturning to the oceans for this game, life evolves in three coral reefs around the globe.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Reef, Roo, Kafka, Nuro, Slizer, Ojo, Phou, Roha2012-05-11 5 
19064012Ancient Reef Evo Game IILife continue to evolve in the reefs and mutations go galore. And what are those Rohas up to?Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Reef, Roo, Kafka, Nuro, Slizer, Ojo, Phou, Roha2012-05-13 5 
19084937Ancient Reef Evo Game part 3Evolution continues in the reefs and beyond.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Reef, Roo, Kafka, Nuro, Slizer, Ojo, Phou, Roha2012-05-17 5 
19172753Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 2Picks up where thread one leaves off. Eastern continent: The savage land of swamps and mountains.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Higitain, Boomer, Joord, Azrach, Tapascu, Vindra, Ngung, Dahon, Ribboner, Ramel2012-05-22 1 
19218964Eastern Continent Evo Game pt 3Things get wrapped up, and the LemUy stiol prove to be a driving force in this world.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Higitain, Boomer, Joord, Azrach, Tapascu, Vindra, Ngung, Dahon, Ribboner, Ramel, Skulk, LemUy2012-05-27 1 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
June 2012
19343530Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 2The continued development and adventures of Eastern Tribes. Nad makes a tsundere bug girl, and Fortune's Gantu slay monsters and make contact with the Kaze. The Ca'rethil develop both kung-fu and architechture and the Silith nearly burn the damn forest down in their attempts to discover the secrets of metalworking.Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Smokey the Bear is pissed2012-06-07 2 
19592149Primordial evo game. Southern caves.We plunge into the complex cave systems underneath the surface of the southern continent. Nightmare fuel ensues.Primordial, evo game, Collective Game, emils, raga, hoppa, geist, fus, inoglund, fren, cedya, wirm2012-06-25 1 
19513123Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 5Wrapping things up for the Mohu'awane, the Gwiliak, the Silith, the Ca'rethill et al. The Skulcrow Rattle marches to war, invading first the Gwiliak, who retaliate with their order of jedi-esque knights armed with flamethrowers, and later the Silith who take to the beasts with uranium blades. Some butthurt in the middle when the Enclave arrives, so we end up deciding to blow off some steam by evolving some cavern critters in another thread. Very much tl;dr, especially when the epilogues come into play, so hunker down for a read.primordial, evolution, borgas 4, tribal, final, epilogue, tl;dr, butthurt, flamethrowers, skulcrow invasion2012-06-25 3 
July 2012
19618306Primordial Evo Game Southern Caverns part 2Too much subterranean nightmare fuel for just one thread to handle. Here's the overflow.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, South, Cave, Caverns2012-07-01 1 
19684354Primordial Evo Game: Southern Continent pt. IThings start developing on the surface of the southern continent, from the adorable Puruus to the mighty hammer-headed Smashas. Also, RED GOES FASTA!Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, South, Surface, Orky Names2012-07-04 1 
19774741Primordial Evo, Southern Continent IIIContinued development of the Southern Continent. Floating forests of tree-like jellyfish, coral reefs on land, and the final push towards sentience.Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Southern Continent2012-07-11 2 
19887569Primordial Evo: Southern Continent IV (Pre Tribal)A wrap-up of evolution of that lovely little island in the south. Geist, Puruu, Elen, Punchaz, and Bladeshwirm. Who shall prevail?Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Southern Continent2012-07-19 4 
20030197Primordial Evo Game: Southern Continent Discussion Thread IILast few details are ironed out in the week before the real game begins again.Collective Game, Primordial, Evo, Evolution, Puruu, Geist, Elenii, Shwirm, Log'ead2012-07-28 2 
August 2012
20247080Primordial South Tribal Game part 3The south part of the primordial tribal game of the south continentprimordial, south, tribal, nongent, evolution game2012-08-13 2 
20369440Primordial South Tribal Game part 5The fifth part of the Primordial south tribal game. Thread count was confused by the co-co-GM.primordial, south, tribal, nongent, evolution game2012-08-20 2 
20458555Tribal South Contenint Evo/Cive Game part 6Sixth thread for south continent tribal.Collective Game, Evolution, Primordial, Tribal, South Continent2012-08-31 1 
September 2012
20540543Primordial South Tribal Game final?The last thread for tribal development before the epilogues. Primordial, South, nongent, Evolution, Tribal2012-09-10 1 
November 2012
21588994Primordial Evo: Western Civ. Part IIReturn to West Continent.Collective Game, Evolution, evo, Primordial, civilization, civ2012-11-25 2 
December 2012
21762566Primordial Evo: Western Civ. Part IIIK'nia has an adventure in space. The threat of the Vyrii are eliminated, or so it seems.Collective Game, Primordial, Evo, Evolution, Civilization, Pirates, War, Bord2012-12-04 1 
21960100Primordial Evolution Game: South CentralWhen we go to fill in the lands south of the desert, we get forest-backed worms, brain-jacking slugs, and toxic fungal octopodes.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution2012-12-13 1 
21945938Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadWrapping up some loose ends from West, and planning the return to Central.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South, Continent2012-12-13 1 
22022838Primordial Evolution Game: South Central pt 2Colossal mud-grubs, fungus trees, and psychedelic cats. Also Yu'Mel.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Central Continent, South2012-12-16 2 
22225267Primordial Evolution Game: North CentralThe northern taiga of Central Continent is developed.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Central Continent, North, Taiga2012-12-27 1 
22240457Primordial Evolution Game: North CentralMore development for north of the desert.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Evo2012-12-28 1 
January 2013
22486926Primordial Evo Game: Central CivReturning to the tribes of the central desert, along with some newcomers to the north and south.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Tribal2013-01-14 0 
22592601Primordial Evo Game: Central Civ part 2.5Trade deals, empire expansions, enclave tech, slavery, shipwrecked Aluns, and someone finally makes usable paper.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Tribal2013-01-24 1 
February 2013
22860167Primordial Evolution Game: Central Civ 4Wrapping up the end of Central and preparing for the return to East.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Central2013-02-13 1 
March 2013
23639467Primordial Evo: Return to East Civ DiscussionNotes for the return to East Continent.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Discussion2013-03-21 5 
April 2013
23870640Primordial Evolution Game: Eastern Civ 1Return to East Continent.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Evo, Civilization 2013-04-02 0 
May 2013
25007683Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadCompiling needed fluff for returning to South Continent.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South Continent2013-05-29 0 
June 2013
25421717Primordial Evolution Game: Southern Civ 3Return to south continent, part 3.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Tribal2013-06-22 1 
25578100Primordial Evolution Game: Southern Civ 4Return to south continent, part 4.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Civilization, Tribal2013-06-23 0 
July 2013
26044026Primordial Evolution Game setting discussionIroning out details on races, creatures, and civilizations. Mostly for cycling back to West Continent.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Discussion2013-07-21 1 
26181853Primordial Evo - West Third CycleWest Continent industrial era.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, West Continent, Civilization2013-07-26 1 
September 2013
26897383Primordial Evo Setting DiscussionDiscussing information on the creatures and cultures of Borgas IV, as well as giving 3.5 stats to some of the races.Setting, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, Collective Game, homebrew, races2013-09-10 1 
27344793Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 3.Continuing to work out Borgas 4 into a coherent setting. Focus on player interaction timelines.Primordial, Evolution, Game, Setting, Tabletop, Basic, Role, Playing, BRP2013-09-25 3 
October 2013
27598974Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 4.Fixing timelines, design updates, and a tiny bit more crunch.Primordial, Evolution, Game, Setting, Tabletop, Basic, Role, Playing, BRP2013-10-16 1 
December 2013
29100009Bord Quest - The Bord AwakenDeep in interstellar space, a massive ship trundles on. A pinnacle of engineering of its kind, its destination is an oasis in the middle of interstellar wasteland... Borgas IV. Will they reach paradise? Will they reach their doom? Only Engineer Hugo Packagebord knows!collective game, bord quest, primordial, colony ship, bord, shenanigans, drawquest2013-12-27 13 
January 2014
29402288Bord Quest - Two Bords, No WeaponHugo Packagebord finds something else as he searches for weapons or weapon-like things with Rando Bornum.collective game, bord quest, primordial, colony ship, bord, shenanigans, drawquest2014-01-10 6 
July 2014
33196649Vyrii Growth GameIn a strange cave-like world, mineral based beings evolve into strange and frightening forms. (Spinoff of the Primordial Evolution games)collective game, vyrii growth game, rocks, crystals, primordial evo, evolution game2014-07-07 1 
November 2015
43894252/tg/ designs a pantheon/tg/ designs a pantheon and an array of primordials, gods and demigods are created. And the Laughing god. He's there toopantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-11-30 11 
December 2015
43924087/tg/ designs a pantheon part twoThe concept is fleshed out. Bonds are made, Myths are written and the Laughing god keeps laughing. Oh god.pantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-12-01 5 
43931279/tg/ designs a pantheon part three This time, we focus less on gods and more on worldbuilding. Everything, from poems to maps, are made, and the Laughing God just laughspantheon, worldbuilding, the Laughing God, gods, demigods, primordials2015-12-02 5 
March 2016
46132238Primordial God Cult QuestThings start of well, and things start to look like a fairytale when we get our first follower Primordial God Cult Quest, Collective Game, Ymmos2016-03-20 1 
46237752Primordial Evolution Game: Tiny islandsPrimordial is revived for its 4 year anniversary with an evogame taking place on a small chain of volcanic islands.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution game, evogame, evo2016-03-26 5 
46275898Primordial Evolution Game: Tiny Islands 2The Lem'Uy meteor strikes the mainland, oxygen levels rise, and crabs rule heaven and hell.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution game, evogame, evo2016-03-31 1 
July 2023
5685485Primodial God Quest #3 Part 1In a reality where most universes are dead, one still stands with a single spark. It gives birth to the gods, and then Rheas, the World.gods, Primordial God Quest, Shi the QM, Collective Game, freeform, READ THE RULES, multiplayer, God, creation 2023-07-08 2 
May 2024
5959572Evo Quest EvoMan #1"I used to come on here years ago and there were always 2-3 evo quests and i loved them. don't see any anymore. lets change that"Collective Game, EVOgame, evo, Evolution, Primordial , EvoMan2024-05-06 1 
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