/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2012
19592149Primordial evo game. Southern caves.We plunge into the complex cave systems underneath the surface of the southern continent. Nightmare fuel ensues.Primordial, evo game, Collective Game, emils, raga, hoppa, geist, fus, inoglund, fren, cedya, wirm2012-06-25 1 
October 2012
21084480Lich's Employee Quest pt 10Daniel returns home for the harvest festivities.Skeleton quest, frenemies, drinking, seduction2012-10-12 11 
August 2013
26784302Gunpowder QuestWe are an eleven year-old boy upon our father's pirate ship, and we cheat death like a motherfucker.Gunpowder Quest, Collective Game, Gunpowder, Quest, revolution, french, cheating, death, son, father2013-08-23 21 
September 2013
27004334French naming conventionsOP asks how to properly name a French nobleman. Interesting thread ensues.French, Arabic, Hebrew, Portuguese, naming, Praise-God Barebone2013-09-04 15 
April 2019
3388152Kancolle: Frog QuestIn which we awaken as the good ship ProvenceCollective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-04-10 2 
3427569Kancolle: Frog Quest 2Provence reminisces with her sisters.Collective Game,Kantai Collection,Kancolle,Draw me like one of your french boats2019-04-28 2 
June 2019
3508255Kancolle: Frog Quest 3Provence tours Bretagne's kingdom. Lorraine wanders the barracks in a drunken stupor.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-06-05 2 
July 2019
3579598Kancolle Frog Quest 4Lorraine pays a social call.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-07-02 2 
August 2019
67616337What if Warhammer 40k was a french production ?OP asks /tg/ what 40k would look like if the french made it. A lot of old french /tg/ content & art are then brought up for discussion40k, Sci fi, Awesome, Metal Hurlant, French, Old School, discussion, Lore, knights, Tanks2019-08-11 14 
September 2019
3793996Kancolle Frog Quest 5 (Papa Petain's Immeasurable Disappointment Edition)Provence weighs her options for escape and Lorraine fights to break through and save her sister.Collective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-09-10 1 
October 2019
3839427Kancolle Frog Quest 6: (Family Therapy Edition)Provence makes her escape and sexually harasses the UNCollective Game, Kantai Collection, Kancolle, Draw me like one of your french boats2019-10-16 1 
March 2020
71372884Freaks races in RPGs, yes or no ?A discussion about freak races evolving into an amazing translation of an artists worldbuilding.Freaks, freak, races, art, rust world, uhia, utlh, translation, frog, french2020-03-12 4 
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