/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

June 2008
2008745ITT Your first character/tg/ Talks about the characters they first rolled. Featuring RAGEMAGE!Characters, Tabletop Games2008-06-17 4 
November 2008
3074010Online Tabletop Horror Stories/tg/ starts off with some decent ones, then out of nowhere gets hit with the epic tale of Uzgob the orc barbarian vs the annoying dick fighter PC. More Uzgob is demanded, and delivered.horror stories, online tabletop, Uzgob, orc barbarian2008-11-28 11 
August 2009
5330406Pokemon TabletopA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome.pokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-08-04 16 
5364072Pokemon Tabletop: PokedexA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time asking for help with the Pokedex.pokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-08-07 12 
October 2009
6096491Pokemon TabletopA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time, He talks about Trainer Classespokemon, art, game, tabletop2009-10-02 16 
November 2009
6801575Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Discusion and Campaign IdeasWhat starts out as an anon asking for info on Starks Pokemon Tabletop quickly turns into discussion about Mystery Dungeon, The Movies, Legendary's, and Glitch pokemon. An Anon promises to deliver a splatbook for glitches and Aura users (among other things) once Stark releases the game.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark2009-11-21 14 
6858482Pokemon: Tabletop AdventuresA returning anon promises to deliver a Pokemon Tabletop. It ends up being genuinely awesome. This time, he talks more about Trainer Classes and gives several examples.Pokemon, tabletop, art2009-11-25 11 
January 2010
7379393Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers Whos that? Bearing a gift of the new year? Why it is Dr. Mr. Stark and he does not disappoint.Pokemon, Tabletop, Aura, Mystery Dungeon, Glitches, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-02 24 
7640190MechaponA tabletop game with vending machine-dispensed tiny mecha. Gashapon mecha. MECHAPON.rules, mecha, tabletop game2010-01-18 3 
7829896Pokemon Tabletop AdventuresStark comes to celebrate 5th gen's announcement and releases features for every class. What a king.Pokemon, Tabletop, Splatbook, Dr. Mr. Stark, Epic, Zip, Adventuers, Pokemon Tabletop Adventuers 2010-01-30 18 
February 2010
8004564Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Game MechanicsDr. Mr. Stark returns to talk about how Pokemon Tabletop Adventures works. Took him long enough.Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark, Adventures, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures2010-02-10 14 
March 2010
8538436Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: CapabilityStark talks about a new part of the game. People ask questions. Stark answers.Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark2010-03-12 9 
8602020Free D'awwwwOP asks for free tabletop game rules, /tg/ provides, along with adorableness.D'awwwww, tabletop, table top, rules2010-03-16 2 
April 2010
8982714Pokemon Tabletop Adventures with StarkWhat starts out as an anon asking if pokemon is /tg/ turns into a Pokemon Tabletop Adventures discussion... and then Dr. Mr. Stark shows up!Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures2010-04-05 9 
9215116Pokemon Tabletop Adventures discussion threadAnother disscusion thread about P:TA. Axiom and Halfwing show up to talk about their progress, A kamen rider build is posted, and team rocket is revealed to have been the good guys all along.Pokemon, Tabletop, Homebrew, Team Rocket, Kamen Rider2010-04-16 7 
9302049Pokemon Tabletop Adventures general with Stark and Axiom and some original playtesters!Some alpha campaigns are being run when suddenly Axiom and Stark show up. It's a fucking party. People hook up for some online gaming and everyone has fun. Rules and character sheets are posted as well. Good times.Pokemon, Tabletop, Dr. Mr. Stark, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures2010-04-20 11 
May 2010
9586540Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Stories of fansFans are playing it! A couple stories are bandied about, some campaign ideas, a drive-by appearance by Stark, and the fan-made Paladin class is posted.Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Dr. Mr. Stark, PTA, P:TTA, Homebrew2010-05-04 10 
9875163Pokemon Tabletop Discussion: How to GM this game.Topic is created... and then Dr. Mr. Stark suddenly appears! Stark talks about how he's GM'd his playtesting campaigns and answers question that players need for alpha playtesting.Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Dr. Mr. Stark, PTA, P:TTA, Homebrew2010-05-17 7 
10126104Pokemon Tabletop Adventures In the Wild WestA discussion of having a Pokemon campaign set in the Wild West.Pokemon Tabletop Adventures,pokemon, wild west2010-05-29 5 
10137456Monster Hunter Tabletop It began as a simple discussion of the vidya, but soon people were volunteering tabletop conversion ideas and information, as well as complaining about 'not getting it'. Monst Hunter, FantasyCraft, TableTop, Get Shit Done2010-05-29 2 
October 2010
12580929Command and Conquer: TabletopSome dumbass archived a Homestuck thread and gave it THIS thread's proper title.Tabletop, Command and Conquer, shit getting done, fuck yeah2010-10-27 4 
November 2010
12724034"Caliburn" Creation Drive!A game designer comes to /tg/ to beg our wisdom. The best and brightest of this noble board help craft new factions and fluff for what is said to be an upcoming tabletop game. Will it succeed? Only time will tell. What is known is that it's got space elves playing Stalingrad, sahuagin with lasers, and the Brotherhood of Nod meets Alpha Centauri. Who could resist?Tabletop Game, Creation, Caliburn, Design, World Building2010-11-08 1 
12726031Pokemon Tabletop AdventuresOP inquires about a fun and light hearted game only to learn that Pokemon is deadly and grimdarkPokemon Tabletop Adventures, Pokemon, Grimdark2010-11-08 2 
April 2011
14650603What has your character written in their journal lately?Thread with journal entries for their tableto characters.Tabletop, character development2011-04-20 1 
May 2011
15043904Homeworld Tabletop StrategyWherein ThatAnimaGuy describes rules for Homeworld table top game.Tabletop homeworld game2011-05-25 1 
15044208A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop EditionFictitious variant of Warhammer/other tabletop games, based on A Song of Ice and Fire.Game of Thrones, tabletop game2011-05-25 9 
August 2011
15998909Tips for D&DRecovering Powergamer enlightens us with good tips for players and DMstips, tricks, D&D, dungeons & dragons, tabletop, RPG, 3.52011-08-20 5 
September 2011
16453010Drakar och DemonerAnon translating Swedish D&D clone, Drakar och Demoner.RPG, Tabletop, project, fluff, fantasy, Drakar_och_Demoner2011-09-29 3 
October 2011
16762476Gridiron: Urban Mech CombatWIP tabletop wargame focusing on mech customization, electronic warfare, and urban combat.Urban, Mech, Combat, Wargame, Gridiron, Electronic Warfare, WIP, Tabletop, Game, Design2011-10-30 5 
December 2011
17245560Imperium of Cat/tg/ discusses their 40kat army buildscat, cats, 40k, tabletop, army, warhammer, funny2011-12-17 10 
April 2012
18541552ChromeStrike RPGOP reveals his rules-light mech-based PnP game, seeking feedback.ChromeStrike, Mech, Mecha, Armored Core, Chromehounds, Mechanized, RPG, Tabletop, Original Content2012-04-02 5 
July 2012
19918297Sad Feels from CampaignsA thread in which the saddest tales from /tg/'s tabletop games are told, including Solaria and Carna of the Inquisitionsad, feels, rpg, tabletop, tales, stories2012-07-18 14 
20045674The Eye of TeegeeAhriman's Aide intrigues /tg/ with the possibility of our own Eye of Terror campaign.Eye of Terror, 40K, Failbaddon, Eye of Teegee, tabletop, warhammer 40k2012-07-28 13 
20086945Pokimin Tibbletip AdventurrOP tells the story of a Pokemon Tabletop Adventures game that quickly turns into complete and glorious insanity.Pokemon, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, story, madness, awesome2012-07-30 12 
February 2013
22913451Pokimin Tibbletip Adventurr Lazy Fuck EditionMore Pokemon Tabletop Adventures from OPPokemon, Pokemon Tabletop Adventures, story, madness2013-02-01 5 
22932165Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Australia Edition/tg/ helps an anon prepare for a campaign by stating and fluffing out the continent. Mad Maxesque gangsters, towns and gyms, and plot ideas are brain-stormed. Poison types out the ass.Pokemon_Tabletop_Adventures, Australia, 2013-02-03 5 
April 2013
24002069Potential Macross Tabletop RPG ThreadAn anon begins plans for a new Macross RPG.Macross, Tabletop2013-04-02 3 
September 2013
27344793Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 3.Continuing to work out Borgas 4 into a coherent setting. Focus on player interaction timelines.Primordial, Evolution, Game, Setting, Tabletop, Basic, Role, Playing, BRP2013-09-25 3 
October 2013
27598974Primordial Evolution. Setting building, thread 4.Fixing timelines, design updates, and a tiny bit more crunch.Primordial, Evolution, Game, Setting, Tabletop, Basic, Role, Playing, BRP2013-10-16 1 
January 2014
29252276Guild Wars Tabletop creationFirst thread where a bunch of neckbeards assemble to create a GW1/GW2 TTGuild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Tabletop, New Game2014-01-03 7 
29600447Guild Wars TableTop thread 3In which we delve deeper into professions and balancing, including races and weaponsGuild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Tabletop, Game Creation, Balancing2014-01-18 2 
February 2014
30026800On Hell./tg/ has a discussion on various visions and versions of hell they use in tabletop RPGs.hell, campaign, original content, discourse, setting, development, game ideas, tabletop2014-02-05 5 
June 2014
32620360Old man Wizard feels trip.GM accidentally makes a feels induced plot hook for his players with a senile Wizard NPC. Cue people writing fluff and telling the GM he did good.feels, rpg, tabletop, fluff2014-06-07 139 
July 2014
3353643040K homebrew stuff that needs fleshing out.We take unfinished 40K homebrew stuff that /tg/ did in various time periods and try to finish it. So far the Knights Repentant were pushed further.40K, Homebrew, Tabletop2014-07-21 0 
February 2015
38332832Librarian Jack -- Samurai Jack Stat for Wh40kOP asks for help stating Samurai Jack in Wh40k, and the fa/tg/uys take note, he wounds on 4s with ANYTHING.Wh40k, tabletop, 40k, samurai jack, stat thread2015-02-26 2 
May 2015
40064853Mad Max: Furious Homebrew/tg/ decides to homebrew a Mad Max tabletop after watching Fury Road. So far, so good.homebrew, rpg, tabletop, mad max, post-apoc, not a quest,2015-05-20 12 
August 2016
469289 DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN A tabletop quest with a group of small sized adventurers! The group is trying to relax after the last adventure, but danger is afoot!tabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor2016-08-23 3 
500815DIMINUTIVE DUNGEON DELVERS (Beta) - WoNN part 2Continuation of WoNN. The group fights its way through more undeads and face off against the cause of the invasiontabletop, diminutive dungeon delvers, adventurers, undead, skeletons, rpg, mage, rogue, paladin, demons, minibosses, humor, succubus 2016-08-31 2 
July 2023
89540592Making the D20 workElegan/tg/entlemen discuss the virtues and sins of the D20 and dice in general.Gaming, Dice, D20, DX, Tabletop2023-07-13 0 
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