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Archived Threads

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May 2012
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
June 2012
19311537Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ GameCulture emerges in the eastern continent, and the stories of nine tribes unfold.Collective Game, Quest, Evolution, Tribal, East Continent, Gwiliak, Crucea, Kharum, Kaze, Silith, Friggan, Ca'rethill, Zal'zaz'siel, Mohu'awane2012-06-03 1 
19387947Tribal East Continent Evo/Civ Game pt 3The dangers of the world begin to become more active, and a new tribe emerges.Collective Game, Quest, Evolution, Tribal, East Continent, Gwiliak, Crucea, Kharum, Kaze, Silith, Friggan, Ca'rethill, Zal'zaz'siel, Mohu'awane, Sama'Guchy2012-06-13 1 
July 2012
19675380Fortune: Evolution Game 6-3 (Arctic)The evolution game continues, as players now take the reins of animals residing in the frostbitten Arctic of the Beta Continent.Collective Game, Fortune Evolution, evolution, Arctic, Beta Continent2012-07-02 5 
19774741Primordial Evo, Southern Continent IIIContinued development of the Southern Continent. Floating forests of tree-like jellyfish, coral reefs on land, and the final push towards sentience.Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Southern Continent2012-07-11 2 
19887569Primordial Evo: Southern Continent IV (Pre Tribal)A wrap-up of evolution of that lovely little island in the south. Geist, Puruu, Elen, Punchaz, and Bladeshwirm. Who shall prevail?Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Southern Continent2012-07-19 4 
August 2012
20458555Tribal South Contenint Evo/Cive Game part 6Sixth thread for south continent tribal.Collective Game, Evolution, Primordial, Tribal, South Continent2012-08-31 1 
December 2012
21945938Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadWrapping up some loose ends from West, and planning the return to Central.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South, Continent2012-12-13 1 
22022838Primordial Evolution Game: South Central pt 2Colossal mud-grubs, fungus trees, and psychedelic cats. Also Yu'Mel.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Central Continent, South2012-12-16 2 
22225267Primordial Evolution Game: North CentralThe northern taiga of Central Continent is developed.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, Central Continent, North, Taiga2012-12-27 1 
May 2013
25007683Primordial Evo: Return to South Discussion ThreadCompiling needed fluff for returning to South Continent.Collective Game, Discussion, Primordial, Evolution, South Continent2013-05-29 0 
July 2013
26181853Primordial Evo - West Third CycleWest Continent industrial era.Collective Game, Primordial, Evolution, West Continent, Civilization2013-07-26 1 
April 2015
39653747Lost Continent Quest 1You are Rugerio, an initiate in the Verducci Family Guild, and cursed with a metal arm. Your memory is shot, but you're working on it. You will take to the skies again.Collective Game, Lost Continent Quest, Steampunk, Airship, Aeroship, 2015-04-30 6 
May 2015
39731487Lost Continent Quest 2Rugerio sets out to explore the world a bit, and we get into some business with the Longshoresman's Guild. Collective Game, Lost Continent Quest, Steampunk, Airship, Aeroship, 2015-05-04 5 
39901216Lost Continent Quest 3 pt 1Rugerio and Andrio meet for the first time in a year, get in a firefight, and get Rugerio kicked out of his Guild, to the relief of all involved. Now assigned to the Acronauts, he is about to embark on a mission aboard the Good Hope.Collective Game, Lost Continent Quest, Steampunk, Airship, Aeroship, 2015-05-12 5 
May 2019
3517120Continental Rebellion IElijah Crawford leads Bravuria into rebellion and aids in the siege of ArdadikeCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps 2019-05-23 8 
June 2019
3536994Continental Rebellion IIElijah takes the reformed Bravurian army north and wins the first battle of the Nascent-Territory-campaign single-handedlyCiv, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-04 5 
3557689Continental Rebellion IIThe campaign in the Nascent Territories goes very well until it doesn't. Civ, Revolution, War, Continental Rebellion, Ostrich, Bravuria, New Colonies, Battle maps2019-06-12 2 
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