/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

October 2008
2782503Epic Failure/tg/ discusses the times their party has screwed up badly.horrible failure, stupidity, awakened pineapple2008-10-12 10 
November 2009
6844197Death to Druids: The AftermathDeath to Druids thread after the fated encounter. The noble monk failed massively in his attempt to hold back the PCs and NPC Druids.Monk, villagers, level 1, failure2009-11-24 3 
January 2010
7468480Guard QuestKyle is the worst guard in the whole freaking world.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread2010-01-07 5 
7470201Guard Quest Part 2Kyle still sucks at being a guard...so he's trying to become a wizard! Now with more gay sex!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-07 3 
7480046Guard Quest Part 3Kyle becomes more evil, more gay, and more powerful!Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 2 
7485175Guard Quest Part 4Kyle's wizardly prowess grows. He plans to travel by ship to the East, to study magic. Until the ship sets sail, he spends his time blowing cocks up and practicing telekinesis.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay 2010-01-08 1 
7487084Guard Quest Part 5Kyle sets sail on the might ship the K.S. Oroblarm, and makes it to the eastern lands of Sha'azar, to further his magical studies. More magic and dickings, of course.Dude punching out a gay dude, terrible failure, broken dreams, quest thread, magic, illegal, gay, blowjob, really gay2010-01-08 2 
January 2013
22788717The Legions of Earth/tg/ helps allay the fears of a concerned brother. Then it proceeds to prove just how ridiculously far they can derail a threadPolandball, Abbadon, failure, derail, daemonette, discussion, First Founding, 40k, wut2013-01-26 10 
June 2014
32731285Raving Detective Quest: Case 1 The Lotus in the Tower, part 6The stars are back and cold, and the night is closing in, as I stare into the void, into the whirlpool of my sinRavnica Detective Quest, Collective Game, P.I.s, CaptainCarthage, Failure2014-06-13 0 
33087664The Overlord Who Could Not Be EvilStorytime of a wannabe Dark Lord whose attempts at "evil" all backfire making him beloved by the people as a great hero, much to his displeasure. Wipes out a religion? Later everyone finds out it was into human sacrifice. Imports evil creatures such as liches? Necro-industry! Kicks a puppy? The damned thing was a plague carrier!Overlord, Evil, Heroic, Failure, Story, Writefag, Heartwarming,2014-06-30 20 
September 2014
35110233Dysfunctional PartiesSelf-sabotage, anon gets killed for starting gear, Sabbat JusticeThat Guy, That GM, That Group, failure, awesome, awesomefailure2014-09-26 5 
May 2015
39764572Magical Realm Quest: Part 1Character Generation and Drow sex hoorah!Collective game, Magical Realm Quest, Smut, Failure, Urban Fantasy, Drow2015-05-05 5 
May 2016
160280Sin Princess Quest 6A well-earned rest! A hunt for resourcess or allies in the Wyld! An abrupt end and a critical success as well as failure!Sin Princess Quest, Critical Success, Critical Failure, Magical Girl, Collective Game2016-05-21 1 
169688Black Company Quest #8The Black Company is good at what they do, and what they do is not good. We spend ALL our double pay, and fail at both boxing and flirting.Black Company Quest, Collective Game, Dark Fantasy, Double Pay, Fist of the North Longhorn, Smoking Kills, Flattery Failures2016-05-23 24 
December 2016
924571The Crusades Games Thread 1Half of Act I, where crusaders prepare for crusade with various degrees of successcrusades game, crusades, pope, quest, collective game, failure2016-12-15 2 
940510The Crusades Games Thread 2The second half of Act I, where our heroes finish their preparations for crusade.crusades game, crusades, pope, quest, collective game, failure2016-12-18 1 
May 2017
53150680/tg/ decides to create an AIAn anon vastly overestimates "/tg/ gets shit done" and tries to convince /tg/ to create a sentient AI. This goes predictably ineffectively/tg/ gets shit done, /tg/ doesn't get shit done, failure, AI, artifical intelligence, futile,2017-05-20 8 
April 2018
2464873Failure Useless fags suck cocks Collective Game, Failure, Shame2018-04-16 10 
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