/qst/ Thread Archive

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August 2015
41750352IshidaQuest: Drill OneYour name is Uryu Ishida, a young Quincy who decided to forge his own fate using nothing but his drill.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-09 17 
41828724IshidaQuest: Drill TwoIn this thread, Uryu learns the meaning of friendship, gets free candy from a strange man, and decides to embrace the path of the Spiral.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-13 15 
41891201IshidaQuest: Drill ThreeThis time, Uryu hugs it out with his new sibling, punches some meathead at a dojo, and tells Ichigo exactly who he needs to believe in!Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-16 11 
42029942IshidaQuest: Drill FourIn this episode, Uryu goes to a friend's house, only to find Quincies apparently make the best snack for wolves.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-23 11 
42195539IshidaQuest: Drill FiveIn this episode, Uryu has heartfelt conversations with his siblings-in-all-but-blood.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-08-31 10 
September 2015
42309768IshidaQuest: Drill SixUryu learns about his fellow spiral's humble beginnings, and officially begins his Quincy training!Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-09-06 6 
42458690IshidaQuest: Drill SevenUryu's second day of Quincy Training ends up in him entering the Land of the Hollows: Hueco Mundo.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-09-13 5 
42738719IshidaQuest: Drill EightUryu awakens the sleeping dragon of Hueco Mundo.Collective Game, Bleach, Uryu Ishida, Gurren Lagann, Drills, IshidaQuest2015-09-27 5 
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