/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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April 2014
31370008Log Horizon Quest 1Our hero begins his life in the DATABASE WOW WOW, discovers the power of levers, and scares a poor merchant senseless.Log Horizon Quest, Quest, TinyShepherd, Collective Game, Levers2014-04-10 39 
31455476Log Horizon Quest 2Our hero discovers the true power of LEVERS and begins his journey to unlock their potential.Log Horizon Quest, Quest, TinyShepherd, Collective Game, Levers2014-04-14 26 
31525525Log Horizon Quest 3We venture into the desert and try out the combat systemLog Horizon Quest, Quest, TinyShepherd, Collective Game, Levers2014-04-17 10 
31606045Log Horizon Quest 3We try to accept "the best quest in the game"Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-04-21 11 
31762439Log Horizon Quest 5Murder mansion, fox sluts, and American justice. What more is there to say?Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-04-28 11 
May 2014
31829077Log Horizon Quest 6Welcome to Morning Star CountryLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-01 12 
31940101Log Horizon Quest 7MEANWHILE IN BIG APPLELog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-06 11 
31962129Log Horizon Quest 8The law and you...Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-07 10 
32108209Log Horizon Quest 9Wacky Races arc is GO!Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-14 10 
32127871Log Horizon Quest 10We recreate the steam engine and piss off our dwarf waifuLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-15 11 
32187052Log Horizon Quest 11Wacky Races has nothing on our plans for Fantasy Steam TankLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-18 11 
32246091Log Horizon Quest 12Drawing up plans, prototyping, apologizing to dwarfu, and MiraclesLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-21 12 
32400104Log Horizon Quest 13Finishing the Big Red One and the creation of 1st Panzer DivisionLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-05-28 12 
June 2014
32554593Log Horizon Quest 14The Race BeginsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-04 10 
32638863Log Horizon Quest 15We cross a river by summoning General Winter, and that fucking cat gets ahead of usLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-08 10 
32698178Log Horizon Quest 16The Race Ends (Disregard Previous 16) Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-11 10 
32845771Log Horizon Quest 17The Race's AftermathLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-18 10 
32984046Log Horizon Quest 18An all American speech.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-06-25 13 
July 2014
33131557Log Horizon Quest 19King Coo-coo and the BobsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-02 10 
33275972Log Horizon Quest 20Sex, Booze, and Tears. Preparing to meet King Aubron.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-09 10 
33432097Log Horizon Quest 21A Midsummer Night's FuckupLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-16 13 
33588156Log Horizon Quest 22A Midsummer's Night Fuckup Act 2Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-23 11 
33681872Log Horizon Quest 23A Midsummer Night's Fuckup Act 3Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-27 11 
33755569Log Horizon Quest 24The Wild Adventures of the Boy Wonder Vertigo Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-07-30 10 
August 2014
33918657Log Horizon Quest 25If we shadows have offended...Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-06 12 
34017411Log Horizon Quest 26Drink, Break, Yell, Talk. Waiting for the Manifest Destiny.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-10 11 
34190514Log Horizon Quest 27“It'll be okay.”Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-17 11 
34259107Log Horizon Quest 28ALL the bedsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-20 11 
34421877Log Horizon Quest 29Pizza PartyLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-27 10 
34515520Log Horizon Quest 30Grandma Spider and Klepto Kisses: The Road to PuebloLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-08-31 13 
September 2014
34756226Log Horizon Quest 31Blankets and Underpants: Meeting Grandma SpiderLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-09-10 10 
35173199Log Horizon Quest 32Naked MeasurementsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-09-29 10 
October 2014
35310314Log Horizon Quest 33Fade to BlackLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-05 10 
35372739Log Horizon Quest 34Cardiac ToxicityLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-08 8 
35460621Log Horizon Quest 35Dark Clouds on the HorizonLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-12 7 
35570484Log Horizon Quest 36Brotherly Consternation and AirshipsLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-10-17 7 
November 2014
35964720Log Horizon Quest 37Airship Design and The Race for Star WaterLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2014-11-06 8 
April 2015
39429548Log Horizon Quest 38Drinking Star-Water and YouLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-04-19 8 
39570888Log Horizon Quest 39A Time for ChangesLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-04-26 6 
May 2015
39714711Log Horizon Quest 40Fun with HydrogenLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-03 8 
39855221Log Horizon Quest 41Science before SexLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-10 8 
39998668Log Horizon Quest 42ButcheryLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-17 11 
40136567Log Horizon Quest 43King of the SkyLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-24 11 
40284829Log Horizon Quest 44Bleak SnowLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-05-31 10 
June 2015
40583899Log Horizon Quest 46He Bids you GoodbyeLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-06-14 12 
40744156Log Horizon Quest 47King's Bishop takes Queen's RookLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-06-22 11 
July 2015
41016601Log Horizon Quest 48Candy SteakLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-07-05 6 
41162961Log Horizon Quest 49Hello, King.Log Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-07-12 5 
41375696Log Horizon Quest 50Pour Booze on itLog Horizon, Quest, Collective Game, TinyShepherd, Levers2015-07-22 8 
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