/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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October 2014
35693651Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #9Continuation of a /d/ quest (http://t.co/uysRX1lK44), Makoto Kiryoka, male, is a magical girl dealing with all kinds of dangerous, lewd, and bizzare situations. Today we meet an asshole, dress as a maid, and almost have sex.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-10-23 23 
35754377Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #10Truly, this is the height of quality /tg/ has to offercollective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest,Maiden White, NSFW2014-10-26 20 
November 2014
35897971Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #11We finally make it to swimming club, and encounter a new magical girl's trail.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-01 12 
35980495Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #12We deal with this aquatic magical girl.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-05 11 
36186474Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #123We learn about our paparazzi and continue to deal with our aquatic girl before she goes nuts.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-16 11 
36251501Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #14On the trail of a magical grill.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-19 12 
36335339Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #15We have some shenanigans after class and keep investigating.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-23 12 
36415665Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #16We reach the weekend and go on a date with Yui.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-11-27 12 
36469872Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #17We continue our date with Yui.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-11-30 18 
December 2014
36540698Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #18We continue the weekend, post-coitus.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-03 7 
36549859Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #18 [Redo]We continue the weekend, post-coitus. Previous thread attempted a different timeslot. This is the proper thread.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-04 11 
36685243Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #19We continue with the weekend. Momo found a dangerous source of great power. Good for her.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-11 10 
36744585Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #20We examine Robo's human creation, and get back to school.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-14 7 
36822958Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #21Back to school for realsies this time.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2014-12-18 10 
36880559Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest - A Kiryoka Christmas2014 Christmas Specialcollective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2014-12-21 7 
January 2015
37226511Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #22First thread of the year! *phweet* We investigate the magical girl, who is pretty obviously Hiroko at this point.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-07 7 
37290948Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #23The appearance of *two* magical auras in the city raises concerns.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-11 7 
37379170Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #24Having succeeded in beating up Glory, Shimada joins the crew! Everything's coming up Millhouse.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-15 7 
37445079Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #25Everything did not come up Millhouse last time. Let's try to make it up with some good times (with Shun).collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-01-18 11 
37533290Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #26We meet some new shrine maidens, screw with them, get accused of rumors at school, and ditch swimming club for the day because it's awkward.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-01-22 11 
37593336Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #27Makoto invites Yui for a sleepover, then Yuuki goes through a crisis of self-realisation and humanity. Then lewds.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-01-25 8 
February 2015
37755079Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #28Yui heads home and Saito comes back to school in a weird way.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-01 7 
37907613Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #29Saito seems fine, but you can detect magic on him. Yui suspects he may actually be a magical girl but Makoto has his doubts.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-08 7 
38000934Maiden White: Feudal Spirit - Valentines Special 2015In this special valentines day thread, we explore a alternate universe romantic pairing of the Kitsune Spirit Makoto and Shrine Maiden Umeki in Feudal Osataka.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-02-12 7 
38067023Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #30We tell Saito about our magical personas and watch him flail around in a maid outfit for a while.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-15 6 
38158161Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #31We arrive home and get Saito scanned. Bunch of dire implications, but she keeps her focus for now. Then Hana cock?-blocks everyone.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-19 10 
38315602Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #32We wake up and put on a play at the shrine, then go hunt a magical girl. It doesn't go that well.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White2015-02-26 10 
March 2015
38379606Maiden White: Mahou Shonen Quest #33Makoto arrives home and teaches Yuuki to grab life by the oppai. Then everything starts to go bad.collective game, MSQ, Mahou Shonen Quest, Maiden White, NSFW2015-03-01 7 
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