/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2012
19043505Fortune: Evolution Game - Discussion Thread 2While the first was not archived (nor is it worth archiving), this discussion thread proves to be full of brainstorming concerning the next stage of life on that wild, wild world. Previews of Part 5 as well as links to the new 1d4chan page are included. brainstorm, Deus vs Machina, discussion, ecologyfag, evo game, evolution game, evolution, Father, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, nongent, occasional silliness, preview, sneak-peek, Stooge, zeppelin sex,2012-05-14 10 
19283964Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent Tribal/Discussion Thread 2Thread starts weird and horrifying, then gets back on track with civil discussion, stellar art and worldbuilding.Bord Empire, discussion, drawfaggotry, Eastern Continent, evo, evo game, evolution, evolution game, FortuneHost, Gaghiel, Gantu, Govkar, Gwiliak, Indonesian Gentleman, Jungle Fever 3, Kaze, Nad, namefags, NO TRIP, nongent, Onolkeshan, Primordial Evo, SHOGUN GLUND, Silith, Skulks, Solomon, stupid sexy Skulks…, tribal, Zal'zaz'siel2012-05-30 6 
June 2012
19343530Primordial Evo, Eastern Continent - Tribal 2The continued development and adventures of Eastern Tribes. Nad makes a tsundere bug girl, and Fortune's Gantu slay monsters and make contact with the Kaze. The Ca'rethil develop both kung-fu and architechture and the Silith nearly burn the damn forest down in their attempts to discover the secrets of metalworking.Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Smokey the Bear is pissed2012-06-07 2 
19469528Fortune: Evolution Game - Part 6-1, "The Parting of the Ways"Now with a thread for each individual climate/region, starting with the forests of Delta continent. Thread kicks off with a long-necked variant of the Grey Wretch and continues on from there.Collective Game, evo game, evo, evolution game, evolution, Father, Fortune Evolution, FortuneHost, Gardenbacks, Grey Wretch, mammal snakes, nongent, part 6, Stooge, oh my word look all these tags2012-06-13 6 
July 2012
19774741Primordial Evo, Southern Continent IIIContinued development of the Southern Continent. Floating forests of tree-like jellyfish, coral reefs on land, and the final push towards sentience.Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Southern Continent2012-07-11 2 
19887569Primordial Evo: Southern Continent IV (Pre Tribal)A wrap-up of evolution of that lovely little island in the south. Geist, Puruu, Elen, Punchaz, and Bladeshwirm. Who shall prevail?Collective Game, Primordial Evo, evolution, Indonesian Gentleman, nongent, Southern Continent2012-07-19 4 
August 2012
20247080Primordial South Tribal Game part 3The south part of the primordial tribal game of the south continentprimordial, south, tribal, nongent, evolution game2012-08-13 2 
20369440Primordial South Tribal Game part 5The fifth part of the Primordial south tribal game. Thread count was confused by the co-co-GM.primordial, south, tribal, nongent, evolution game2012-08-20 2 
September 2012
20540543Primordial South Tribal Game final?The last thread for tribal development before the epilogues. Primordial, South, nongent, Evolution, Tribal2012-09-10 1 
December 2017
2146482Silent Stars: Side StoryAn Industrial mech becomes self aware, slaughters a gang, fights a tank, and rescues a clone.NonGent, Space, Mechs, Tanks, Ultraviolence, Clones2017-12-22 2 
January 2018
2165968Silent Stars: Side Story vol 2An AI commits fraud, becomes a cop, gets molested, meets and kills strange people, develops a sense of morality, and starts a city.NonGent, Dystopia, Cyborgs, Tanks, Ultraviolence, Collective game2018-01-01 2 
February 2018
2241861Silent Stars: Side Story vol 3A maintenance drone fixes some things, fights some rats, becomes a nuclear power, and accidentally wipes a city off the map.NonGent, Dystopia, SciFi, Drones, Collective game2018-02-01 1 
July 2018
2685885Xenomorph Quest: AftermathWe roll a new character set in the CursedQM Xenomorph setting. Adventure ensues.Xenomorph Quest, NonGent, collective game, USCMC, xeno, android2018-07-04 3 
2752391Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 0: CRABNEET is killed by a meteorite. Somewhere along the line he ends up as a Mecha Crab Kaiju. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-07-26 3 
August 2018
2816506Dungeon Rebirth Quest Gaiden 1: CRABHeroic MechaCrab goes to hell to battle for justice, honor, friends and tiddies. Mostly a shitpost.Dungeon Rebirth, CRAB, Magic, fantasy, NonGent, collective game, The Snake Report, Shitpost, Mecha, Robots2018-08-29 2 
January 2019
3134783Biomorph Quest #1Cursed and Sorboclese Tag team a quest involving a mutagenic horror from beyond the starsAlien, Horror, Sci-fi, Space Station, Space, Silent Stars, CursedQm, Sorbocles, Nongent, Collective Game2019-01-09 4 
3164622Biomorph Quest 1.5: In the DepthsCursed and Sorboclese coQM a murderous scifi buddycop adventure. Carl gets laid.Alien, Horror, Sci-fi, Space Station, Space, Silent Stars, CursedQm, Sorbocles, Nongent, Collective Game2019-01-25 4 
August 2019
3739270Warlord Sidestory #4 Restless DreamsThallos the Defiler makes his way further north in search of his fate. Fury sees him through a hellish dreamscape where he accepts his pastThallos, Warlord Quest, Warlord Sidestory, Collective Game, Nongent, Fantasy 2019-08-12 1 
April 2020
4154902Essari: Grabraf QuestA Kholeskan expat looks for coin and glory.Collective Game, NonGent, essari, kholeskan2020-04-05 1 
February 2021
4614226Scrapworld quest (silent stars)Grug gets killed, AS0L becomes the hero we need.Cyborg, Android, Post apoc, Sci-fi, Silent Stars, Nongent, Collective Game2021-02-22 0 
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