/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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May 2010
10092063Horror Noir BonanzaIn which we wake up without memory in a motel room, save a woman from being murder-raped by a demon, discover a little of our past, get caught up in big events beyond our control.Horror Noir Quest, Man In Suit, Roleplay, Fun2010-05-27 2 
October 2011
16534647Kobold Sorcerer Quest Ch. 5 part 2You finalize what will be done with Torvash, the troglodyte, and watch a demonstration of the StalArmen armor.Kobold, Quest, Collective Game, Mobile Suit, Kobold Sorcerer Quest2011-10-06 5 
May 2012
18967708NearFuture Cyborg Quest 9.5In which Dave learns Grayson's Story, becomes Cyborg Batman, Amy joins EE, and we got a distressing message from Abel.Collective Game, NearFuture Cyborg Quest, Cyborg, Exabyte, Futurepowersuits2012-05-04 14 
July 2012
19986383WETSUITAn RPG based on the 90s TV show of the same name.WETSUIT, SeaQuest, scan, submarine, post-apocalyptic2012-07-22 11 
May 2013
24790756Slash Gordon!fa/tg/uy discovers a giant inflatable Ultramarine selling mobile homes by his houseUltrasmurfs, Slash Gordon, WTF, Best Value, lawsuit, heresy2013-05-13 68 
June 2013
25199763Gundam AGE Quest: part 25Engineering, discussion, hearts to hearts, interrogations, technical mind rape and the start of a nasty fight...Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, X-Rounders, Asemu, Dirk, Magicians 8, Woolf, Mobile Suit, 2013-06-03 32 
July 2013
25737577Gundam AGE Quest: Part 38We learn more about the workings of Vagan, the people, the poverty, the disease and the secrets...Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, X-Rounders, Asemu, Dirk, Magicians 8, Woolf, Mobile Suit, Soylent Green 2013-07-01 32 
25760117Gundam AGE Quest: Part 39Robotic Spiders, dying to Iron Maiden, and our psychotic aunt plays her hand...and fucks up miserably. Gundam AGE Quest, Collective Game, X-Rounders, Asemu, Dirk, Magicians 8, Woolf, Mobile Suit, Cyborgs, Metallica, Iron Maiden2013-07-02 28 
August 2015
41751553Space Suit QuestWe introduce protagonist Jay Carbon, who loses her pants.Space Suit Quest, Space Suit, Collective Game, Randumb, lewds, magical realm, waifu, faggotry2015-08-09 1 
February 2016
45472841BIO-SHIFT: MetamorphosisSetting about suited humans being the oldest aliens in the universe. All of the other aliens wonder why they have so many sub-species.suits, space suits, humans, setting, worldbuilding, world building, aliens2016-02-20 4 
April 2016
46948039Marvel providing Lawyer Chum Never thought i would see the day that i would want GW to sue someonediscussion, lawsuit, IP, Lawyer, Marvel, Games Workshop, venom,2016-04-28 11 
June 2016
208234Sphess Suit Quest: The Second BummerTim Helium goes on a compensated date with an alien bug princess only to get caught in the middle of an invasion.Space, Suit, Sphess, randumb, Collective Game, Space Suit, Sphess Suit2016-06-07 1 
August 2016
448853Nanosuit Merc QuestMother of all shockers: a raid goes fucking south. We shoot some dudes and get attacked by Flubber's evil cousin. Oh, we also get a nanosuiCollective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-08-07 2 
469409Nanosuit Merc Quest 2We escape a burning building and bitch about heights some more. Also nanosuit powers! All one of them!Collective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-08-14 1 
September 2016
551196Nanosuit Merc Quest 3We get debriefed by the boss lady herself and learn that our shit is royally fucked up.Collective Game, Nanosuit Mercenary Quest, Nanosuit2016-09-11 1 
November 2016
49992316Star Trek General - Space Suit Dave EditionThe /stg/ beginning on Thursday, 27 October, 2016Star Trek General, Space Suit Dave, USS Ark Royal2016-11-04 1 
50054951Star Trek General - Where's My Thread Edition/stg/ Star Trek General beginning 01 November 2016.Star Trek General, Space Suit Dave, USS Ark Royal2016-11-08 10 
December 2017
56774869Kamigakari Thread storytimesMisfits in Osaka & Crazy Isekai Storytiming. Slavery, Social Awkwardness, Akira in a Plugsuit! Advice on building and rebuilding characters.Kamigakari, storytime, Ruth, Crazy Isekai Story, Misfits in Osaka, Kansainon, Ito, Akira, Futaba, Shizune, plugsuit, pdf2017-12-10 4 
October 2018
62528232Unbreakable Tritons #2More writefaggotry for the Unbreakable Tritons.40k, Imperial Guards, /tg/, Unbreakable Tritons, sonic weapons, wetsuit.2018-10-17 0 
December 2019
3946808L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 0We create Bayushi Kiyoko, a young samurai who thinks that she's destined for greatness.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2019-12-15 12 
3977464L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 1Bayushi Kiyoko faces her gempukku, the rite of passage that all samurai go through.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2019-12-24 12 
January 2020
3994328L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 2Bayushi Kimiko, now a samurai of the Scorpion Clan, is given her first task.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2020-01-14 13 
February 2020
4036973L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 3Bayushi Kimiko upholds the law in the town of Beiden.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2020-02-06 11 
4079444L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 4Bayushi Kimiko investigates the disappearance of Beiden's dead.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2020-02-27 11 
March 2020
4112894L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 5Bayushi Kimiko gets her first taste of Court. Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness 2020-03-21 13 
February 2021
4625309L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 5.5Bayushi Kimiko welcomes the Lion Clan to Beiden.Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness2021-02-26 10 
April 2021
4671316L5R: Pursuit of Greatness, Session 5.75Bayushi Kimiko investigates a murder in the castle. Collective Game, Quest, Legend of the Five Rings, L5R, Pursuit of Greatness 2021-04-01 7 
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