/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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August 2011
15951797Board Quest IVThe journey to battle is finally under way! But in the night, we are ambushed by werewolves! Some badass glowing and even more badass speeches later, we decide to find out exactly HOW the beasts knew where to find us... And, who may have told them.Collective Game, Board Quest, Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropes, What a Twist, Epic2011-08-16 12 
January 2012
17721317Oregon Coast Horror Vol. 1Lovecraft inspired horror story in turn of the century rural-coastal Oregon, where a group of 3 friends search for a missing local and discover an ancient blood thirsty evil which has haunted the forested hills since before the Indians. Collective Game, Oregon Coast, Oregon, Werewolves, Lovecraft, Cthulu2012-01-29 10 
June 2014
33071790werewolvesInfo and new takes on werewolveswerewolves, myth, folklore2014-06-30 2 
July 2014
33181192FATWOLVESA discussion of werewolves devolves into the society of fat werewolves.funny, humor, werewolf, werewolves2014-07-05 8 
December 2015
43967090Monstrous Wolves WorldbuildingA discussion on the role of wolves as a monster in mythology derails into worldbuilding. Original monsters and nightmare fuel ensues.wolf, wolves, werewolves, worldbuilding, monsters, dogs, rat king, horror, breath weapon,2015-12-04 5 
June 2016
213336Supernatural Butler Quest 1Stanley Morison manages to avoid being eaten by a woman who ends up become his boss at the end. We also get turned into a demon.Supernatural Butler Quest, Stanley Morison, Vampires, Demons, Werewolves2016-06-03 4 
November 2016
786407Werewolf Reich 4We go to another dimension, fuck up, and realize living underground is decent enough. Oh, and QM dies for this as well.Collective Quest, RIP QM, QuestingQM, Werewolf Reich, Nazi Experimental Quest, Werewolves, Lycanthropy,2016-11-13 0 
February 2017
51491227Making werewolves menacing rather than fetishbaitWorldbuilding ideas as to how to fix werewolves.werewolf, werewolves, wolf, worldbuilding,2017-02-08 2 
October 2017
55671882how does /tg/ like their werewolves/tg/ discusses and worldbuilds various original twists on lycanthropywerewolves, worldbuilding, fluff,2017-10-13 3 
November 2018
3015589Reluctant Werewolf QuestA boy with weird canid abilities and an even stranger guardian meets with his best friends, share in jokes, and foil a dark plot.999 Quest, SCP, World Of Darkness, /qst/, Werewolves, cliffhangers, OPIsMiserable2018-11-16 1 
August 2020
74033962lycanthropic generatorsIf werewolves spontaneously gain mass when transforming from human to wolf, how can this be exploited to generate vast amounts of energy?werewolves, werwolf, lycanthropy, troll physics,2020-08-03 1 
July 2022
5293419Kobolt Klan Adoption 5Local knight partners with a troubled waif of a knight to exterminate werewolves along the way to stop the dragon apocalypse.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Dreygaun, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy2022-07-09 10 
August 2022
5333328Kobolt Klan Adoption 6Local knight meets some of the archmage's people and has a small touch of drama as a result. Addendum: squire goes bald and freaks out.Kobolt klan, Reynauld, Darkest Dungeon, Underrail, Werewolves, Sci-fi Fantasy, Paracelsus, magic is lead poisoning2022-08-14 9 
January 2024
5877887Seekers of the Esoteric: Volume 4A half-elven mystic meets monsters in battle and is rewarded with a journey to a heavenly moon-realm, where the secrets of creation layReptoidQM, Reptilian Infiltrator Quest, fairies, werewolves, greys, ultraterrestrials, neoliberalism, colonialism, population demographics2024-01-20 6 
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