/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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June 2009
5036057Why Colonial Marines are AwesomeYour typical nighttime /tg/ thread takes a turn for the winside when a crazed fan of the US Colonial Marines takes fifty minutes to write up how well-armed stormtrooper IG equivalents took down 156+ genestealers on their lonesome against ALL odds with a broodlord thrown in to boot, making it eight stormtroopers, two pilots, one combat servitor, one civilian with prior experience with the genestealers, one administratum drone, and one unarmed and unarmored whiteshield took down an Apocalypse Reloaded Tyranid "Genestealer Infestation" formation. Epic ensues and cries of SCREENCAP commence.Colonial Marines, awesome, tyranids, xenomorphs, epic2009-06-29 12 
February 2010
8100383Xenomorph Quest Part 1Part 1 of Xenomorph QuestXenomorph, Alien2010-02-15 6 
8105428Xenomorph Quest, part 2Brohiss and his brother protect their QUEEN EGG from all kinds of crazy stuff.xenomorph aliens2010-02-16 1 
April 2013
24495277Xenomorph Quest 3Xenomorph in 13th century, managed to herd a small settlement of humans to the queenXenomorph Quest, Alien, Collective Game2013-04-28 2 
October 2015
43386039Xenomorph quest.The beginnings of our fledgling hive, in which we take hosts and name our 3 xenomorphs, Dildo, Raptor and Spooky.Xeno, Xenomorph, Alien, Weyland, Colonial Marine, Marine, Colonial, Queen, Praetorian, Drone.2015-10-31 2 
43388708Xenomorph quest; part 2.In which, our fledgling hive hatches it's final two eggs, and we await our colonial friends to make planetfall.Queen, Xeno, Xenomorph, weyland, Colonial, marine, Praetorian,2015-10-31 2 
November 2015
43403391Xenomorph quest: part 3.In which we repel some colonial marines, and create the first xenomorph geneticist.Xenomorph, genomorph, praetorian, fixer, spooky, Scree!, Dildo, Raptor, facehugger, Queen, Xeno, colonial, marine.2015-11-01 2 
43422151Xenoquest part 4: thread 2In which Spooky tears a guy in half and ChatterBox starts licking eggs and sacs.ChatterBox, Spooky, Fixer, Scree!, Dildo, raptor, Xenomorph, Colonial, marine, Xeno.2015-11-02 2 
43440044Xenoquest part 5.In which we prepare to ambush the enemy force, we find some hosts chilling in the forest, and learn about a town nearby.ChatterBox, Spooky, Fixer, Scree!, Dildo, raptor, Xenomorph, Colonial, marine, Xeno.2015-11-03 1 
43461574Xeno Quest: Part 6In which we birth a white egg, evolve twin chestbursters and finally pave the way for our glorious ascent to the stars!Collective game, xeno, fixer, dildo, spooky, genomorph, xenomorph, xeno, chatterbox,, raptor, scree2015-11-04 4 
December 2015
43906997AVP QUEST #1A Big tiddied predator huntress and Colonial marine number 12762 start their adventure, and must escape from both Bad Blood Hunters and a Xeno Hive Collective Game, AVP QUEST, Xenomorph, Predator2015-12-01 7 
January 2017
1035266Xenomorph quest!From a young face hugger to soon to be queen. We had an show down with a cat, found eggs mother left us in her death and begin war on moomooXenomorph Quest, One Eye Cat, Moomoo2017-01-13 8 
1039999Xenomorph quest pt2: Electric boogaloooIn which we mutate Twitch, Acquire Ox, Secure the Abel farm, bitch slap a bear and get terrorized by a eagle.Xenomorph quest, XenoQm, Grimalkin, Moomoo, Twitch, alien, collective game2017-01-14 6 
1050054Xenomorph quest pt3: Hive RisingBuilders, Gargoyles and Destroyers oh my! We scout the colony, molt Grimalkin into a queen and Op cannot spell for shit.Xenomorph quest, XenoQm, Grimalkin, Twitch, Ox, Alien, collective game2017-01-19 7 
1099425Xenomorph part 5: The end of Xeno?We begin an expedition into the deep tunnels as Bob and find a false hive. Op is Ip spoofed and b& forever.Xenomorph quest, XenoQm, Bob, Grimalkin, Twitch, Ox, Alien, collective game2017-01-31 5 
February 2017
1136849Xenomorph Quest - Part 6In which we conquer the smuggler outpost, resurrect our fallen Reaver, and initiate Operation: Pest Control.Xenomorph Quest, XenoQM, Aliens, Collective Game, 2017-02-10 2 
May 2017
1416283Xenomorph QuestThe coming of darkness is born and scares some farmboys. Also death by no-bumpage.Xenomorph Quest, Wendigo-Chan, Quest, Xenomorph2017-05-07 1 
1451589XenoMorph Quest! Rebirth!XenoQm returns with a new name and a new game. We begin our fledgling hive and gain a Predalien and Shadow Early.Xenomorph Quest, CursedQm, Xeno, Alien, Horror, Collective game.2017-05-16 5 
1480477Xenomorph Quest Pt2. Android IssuesOur Fledgling hive grows ever larger and begins a hostile takeover of Echo Station. Mutations are had and killteams annihialted Xenomorph Quest, CursedQm, Xeno, Alien, Horror, Collective game.2017-05-25 3 
June 2017
1508182Xenomorph Quest pt3. Beta deck Falls.Our hive grows ever stronger with the addition of new mutations, improvements and the deadly Quillmorph Quiet.Xenomorph Quest, CursedQm, Xeno, Alien, Horror, Collective game.2017-06-02 3 
1538063XenoMorph Quest Pt4. D-Day EditionThe attack on Alpha Deck begins and we construct Infector cannon for those pesky Escort ships.Xenomorph Quest, CursedQm, Xeno, Alien, Horror, Collective game.2017-06-08 2 
1564871Xenomorph Quest pt4.5. D-day averted.The Escort fleet is vanquished by clever Xenomorphs and Echo Station gets two unexpected additions. Op suffers life so a short thread.Xenomorph Quest, CursedQm, Xeno, Alien, Horror, Collective game.2017-06-16 2 
1578367Xenomorph quest pt:5! Screes in space!Our hive becomes a verified space hulk capable of bringing the light of the hive to other planets. We experience a high speed collision. Xenomorph Quest, CursedQm, Xeno, Alien, Horror, Collective game.2017-06-22 3 
July 2017
1694081Alien: Eternal Lie #1The intrepid crew of Melita conducts their survey mission of CS-759 until something strange causes them to deviate.Alien, xenomorph, horror, survival horror, space, in space no one can hear you scream, lovecraft, Eternal Lie, MU-TH-UR 60002017-07-30 6 
January 2018
2257402Colonial Marines Quest[Thread 1]You are R.J. MacReady the Third, and you are put in charge of a rag tag group of marines. Your goal is to put down whatever gets in your wayColonial Marines, Xenomorph, Alien, Aliens, R.J. MacReady, CMQ2018-01-30 5 
February 2018
2298450Colonial Marines Quest[Thread 2]We deliver some sweet chin music to a Yautja, and then go get drunk.Colonial Marines, Xenomorph, Alien, Aliens, R.J. MacReady, CMQ2018-02-17 1 
July 2018
2685885Xenomorph Quest: AftermathWe roll a new character set in the CursedQM Xenomorph setting. Adventure ensues.Xenomorph Quest, NonGent, collective game, USCMC, xeno, android2018-07-04 3 
May 2019
66449437Alien TTRPG discussionAnons discuss the Alien TTRPG and lore and realize all the possibilities Aliens crossovers givealien, sci-fi, space, xenomorph2019-05-30 0 
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