/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2010
8598508/tg/ talks planes VOP shows up again, and has a new mission come out. Details are sketchy, but the general consensus is that the French are a bag of dicks. Flanker vs Raptor, Troll VS Awesome Homebrew.Planes, homebrew, flanker, raptor, Mercenary Air Squadron2010-03-16 14 
June 2010
10516939Dino Quest : Genesis/tg/ embarks upon its quest to survive as a Raptor in a world full of fighting and hardship. Watch as we grow form a small insignificant creature into something much greater....Dino Quest, Collective game, Raptors, Dinosaurs, HONK HONKs, Delicious Meats, Fighting, survival, 2010-06-16 6 
August 2012
20403360Amnesiac Quest 3Find a pool made of Shoggoths. Blow up a monstrosity. Make a few calls.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish2012-08-24 7 
20483789Amnesiac Quest 4We meet Doll, have an exchange of differences with Alice, plot with holograms, and attempt to steal some tech for Doll's mission.Collective Game, Amnesiac Quest, Hazard, The Watch, Hazmat, Mystery, Horror, Future, Doll, Raptor, Catfish, Alice, Titan, Crazy Earl2012-08-28 10 
November 2015
43403391Xenomorph quest: part 3.In which we repel some colonial marines, and create the first xenomorph geneticist.Xenomorph, genomorph, praetorian, fixer, spooky, Scree!, Dildo, Raptor, facehugger, Queen, Xeno, colonial, marine.2015-11-01 2 
43421306Xenoquest part 4: thread 1.OP forgets the title, like a dumbass.Xenoquest, xeno, facehugger, genomorph, queen, praetorian, Fixer, Dildo, raptor, Scree., Spooky.2015-11-02 4 
43422151Xenoquest part 4: thread 2In which Spooky tears a guy in half and ChatterBox starts licking eggs and sacs.ChatterBox, Spooky, Fixer, Scree!, Dildo, raptor, Xenomorph, Colonial, marine, Xeno.2015-11-02 2 
43440044Xenoquest part 5.In which we prepare to ambush the enemy force, we find some hosts chilling in the forest, and learn about a town nearby.ChatterBox, Spooky, Fixer, Scree!, Dildo, raptor, Xenomorph, Colonial, marine, Xeno.2015-11-03 1 
43461574Xeno Quest: Part 6In which we birth a white egg, evolve twin chestbursters and finally pave the way for our glorious ascent to the stars!Collective game, xeno, fixer, dildo, spooky, genomorph, xenomorph, xeno, chatterbox,, raptor, scree2015-11-04 4 
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