/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2010
11143565Zerg QuestCerebrate Anon begins the "What the fuck" brood. Hilarity ensues. Also, rape.Cerebrate Anon, rapelings, dicklings, cocklisks, ernie, bernie2010-07-15 39 
October 2010
12517127Zerg Quest XVIIRoutine planning meeting to consolidate power takes a turn for the horrific as Nargil initiates something unspeakable. A dark force returns. All hope built over the last 15 threads may be lost.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, fleshlings, Starcraft, WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE?, Kerrigan, true evil, Bernie2010-10-21 20 
November 2010
12670760Zerg Quest XVIIIRegular Zerg Quest returns. Bernie is immediately shipped to boarding school, and Anon gives a touching pep talk to Labbrate. Anon aims Kingston at the Protoss. Will it backfire?Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Starcraft, Motivational Speaking, Subterfuge2010-11-04 12 
December 2010
13165814Zerg Quest XXIIIAfter squandering some resources, the Swarm finds that Kingston's assault is Blitzkrieging through the third-wave colonies. Gorn and Warbrate work together to fight it back, and Anon turns to Bernie for an offensive.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Starcraft, KINGSTOOOON!!!, Quest Thread, Bernie, May our children forgive us2010-12-16 11 
13257958Zerg Quest XXIVAnon meets a strange Protoss colony, and decides to try its hand at diplomacy. Meanwhile, Bernie's brood wreaks horrible atrocity upon a Confederate Core World. Hilarity ensues.Cerebrate Anon, Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Collective Game, Quest Thread, Bernie, Diplomacy, TossTalk2010-12-23 12 
13330984Zerg Quest XXVAnon learns what the strange Protoss are about, discovers that Kingston has developed Valkyries, watches Bernie get beaten up, and fights off a pretty bad Terran infestation one of its colonies.Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Quest Thread, Collective Game, KINGSTOOOON!!!, TossTalk, Bernie, Conspiracy Theories2010-12-30 11 
December 2011
17360840Zerg Quest LXVIIThe Swarm deals with a couple of scary-looking fellows who are both kinda-sorta members of the SwarmZerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Starcraft, Drunk op, Bernie, Oh What Now?2011-12-29 11 
January 2012
17589231Zerg Quest LXIXSomebody rapes Moria, and then we tear part of reality open. Yikes.Starcraft, Zerg Quest, Cerebrate Anon, Bernie, Earth-shattering kaboom, Rape monsters, Scheduling changes, 69 Dudes!2012-01-19 10 
17637446Zerg Quest LXXSunday Zerg Quest? Inconceivable! In this thread, LOTS of internal politics. Nuclear politics.Zerg Quest, Starcraft, Cerebrate Anon, Collective Game, Bernie, Kerrigan, Nukes, Lying to genocide/rape survivors, Not even thinking twice about it, Group Therapy2012-01-23 10 
August 2012
20268058Zerg Quest XCVIIIThe tests suddenly ramp up in difficulty, stretching across the sector.Zerg Quest, Collective Game, Cerebrate Anon, Xel'Naga, -A- Bernie is back, Labbrate to the rescue, What have you done with my Cerebrates!?2012-08-11 6 
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