/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

Shit Thread (Under -4) Average Thread (-4 to +4) Good Thread (+5 to +9) Excellent Thread (+10 to +19) Epic Thread (+20 and above) Editor's Choice

November 2008
3029632Imperial Guardsman Briefing #4585: Pleasuring a WomanImperial briefing on how to finger a girl. Accurate and entertaining, later leads on to Eldar Vagina Tentacles.40K, Self Help, Girls, Tentacle Vaginas2008-11-21 27 
May 2009
4655339Neckbeard marriage!A fellow eloquen/tg/entleman asks /tg/ on ways for him to propose to his beloved lady. The neckbeards respond in their usual way, alongside some good ideas.dick-in-a-box, love, /tg/, metathread, neckbeard, help, advice2009-05-25 5 
October 2009
6143735A broken Character Help threadA fa/tg/uy asks for help a Touhoufag deliversHelp, Broken, Touhou2009-10-06 1 
6164865Touhou HelpTouhous last thread autosaged and this in the continued3.5, Help, Touhou, Broken, D&D, DnD, Dungeon and Dragons, Advice thread 2009-10-07 1 
November 2009
6558083Exalted 101Despite a little meandering, this topic soon became quite the primer for anyone asking after Exalted.Exalted, Exalted 101, newbie seeking help2009-11-04 2 
6608237Getting into D&DA new player wants some help with getting into D&D...and /tg/ actually helps. WITHOUT EDITION WARS.D&D, 3.5, 4e, helpful, reasonable2009-11-08 3 
December 2009
7256441How to not be a shitty DMOP asks how to not be a crap DM /tg/ helpsDM, Help2009-12-23 2 
February 2010
7989803Back to BasicsA helpful citizen of /tg/ fights troll threads and stupid threads with uploads of many games, some of which are not reposts. games, /rs/, uploads, rare finds, helpful anon2010-02-09 2 
May 2010
9614082Running a Horror GameA thread about tips to run a horror game, great read for any aspiring DMs.Horror, Advice, DMs, Setting, Help2010-05-05 2 
9641686Cooperative /tg//tg/ helps guy from /b/ through Hunter: The Reckoning character creation. Surprisingly civil!helpful, /tg/, /b/, oWoD2010-05-06 5 
October 2010
12582554Most Trustworthy of EightOP posts interesting question, /tg/ responds with class and many lols are had.Trustworthy, DM help, epic2010-10-27 4 
12594371Most Trustworthy of SixteenOP continues with a new 8.Trustworthy, DM help2010-10-28 0 
12621591helpful links for DMsexactly what it says on the timdm tools helpful2010-10-30 8 
November 2010
12692497Trustworthy? 32-40Ribbonfag asks /tg/'s opinion of eight more.Trustworthy, DM help, characters, portraits, ribbonfag, first impressions2010-11-06 1 
January 2011
13492769Space Opera BBEG Asks For AdviceHe's a brain in a robot with psychic powers, three planets to start with, and some Mary Sues and Furfags to kill. And he need's /tg/s help to do it.Space Opera, Space, Opera, Scifi, Help, Advice, Mary Sue, Furfag, Lasers, FTL2011-01-12 9 
June 2011
15248777HelpWe're shown a map with no instructions, but after a few deaths we see. We are White Legion, and this is a rules-light, real-time strategy, image-board game.Help, legion, real, time, strategy, game2011-06-13 4 
September 2011
16432973Dryad Capacity ConundrumTG saves dryad from termite infestationdryad, ants, D&D, vagina, Help2011-09-27 7 
November 2011
16897653General Advice for Quest CraftingOP asks how to make a good quest, people respond.quest, help, create, noob, making2011-11-10 5 
December 2011
17077014Idiot's Guide to Lovecraftian geometryGM asks for advice in making maps and buildings designed for horror. /tg/ obliges, starting with elucidating discussion on noneuclidian geometry.euclid, geometry, map, map design, horror, GM help, dungeoncrawling2011-12-02 5 
April 2013
24215245Beginner Guide to Dungeon MasteringAdvice on how to DM. Templates, instructions, and intermediate advice also.dnd, dnd 3.5, dm, dungeon master, dungeon mastering, advice, help, newbie, beginner, dowjin2013-04-13 14 
May 2013
24576270GM Toolkits for all to enjoy!/tg/ gets together and posts all their favourite GM tools.Tools, GM, GMing, DM, DMing, Helpful, Tips, Resources2013-05-03 18 
December 2013
28787019/tg/ talks swordsComplete with manuals by medieval masters, the various murder instruments and their uses, and civilised discussion.swords, getting shit done, helpful info, useful, history, fechtbuch2013-12-11 7 
May 2014
32359019Anaru Quest: RE-Birth 2Kill_la_Kill, Collective_Game, Quest, Manliness, Anaru, ToothpicksA fallen hero rises from the battleground and enters a fight that only he can settle. With a little help from Mako, of course.2014-05-26 6 
July 2014
33400820High school helper questYou are Takenaka Wakana, reforming delinquent and you help out clubs, teachers and the student council with odd tasks. Today you helped the drama clubHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-15 14 
33448779High School Helper QuestIn which Wakana helps the track team and gets sexually harassed by a track starHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-17 14 
33469519High School Helper Quest 3Wakana fixes an abusive friendship High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-18 12 
33537410High School Helper Quest 4Wakana learns more about Kazuko and scares the hell out of some Kendo rookiesHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-21 10 
33582557High School Helper Quest 5Wakana deals with some troublesome students on behalf of the student councilHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-23 10 
33627824High School Helper Quest 6Wakana gets together with her study group and then has a sleep overHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-25 11 
33723479High School Helper Quest 7Wakana and friends have a nice date and she pays for everything. High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-07-29 10 
August 2014
33796773High School Helper Quest 8Wakana charms some students into joining the culinary club. High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-01 10 
33889594High School Helper Quest 9Wakana sees an old friendHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-05 10 
33962023High School Helper Quest 9.99A continuation of last thread. Wakana helps a ditsy teacherHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-08 10 
34013717High School Helper Quest 10Wakana makes sure Keiko takes a vacation and deals with her own indecisivenessHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-10 8 
34062180High School Helper Quest 10.1Wakana finds the missing members of the swim club, reconciles with Honda and ends up being a heart breaker for the first time.High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-12 7 
34110698High School Helper Quest 11Wakana gets another confession on her hands and attempts to prioritize her love lifeHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-14 8 
34159277High School Helper Quest 12Wakana and Keiko play a karuta match filled with tensionHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-16 8 
34276328High School Helper Quest 13Wakana gets Haruka to go back to school and discusses weekend plans with her friendsHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-21 8 
34320888High School Helper Quest 14Wakana and Kazuko play hooky and spend time with each otherHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-23 6 
34437274High School Helper Quest 15Wakana and Haruka find out about Gou's family business and party at Hikaru's house. High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-08-28 6 
September 2014
34578604High School Helper Quest 16Wakana and Aimi go on a date and talk about girl problems. High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-09-03 10 
34623873High School Helper Quest 17Wakana and Yuki duke it out on the school roofHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-09-05 6 
34678208High School Helper Quest 18Wakana comes to terms with her issues and teaches her underclassmen how to swimHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-09-07 6 
34700583High School Helper Quest 18.5Wakana and Haruka go to the movies and Wakana makes a decisionHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-09-08 6 
34861410High School Helper Quest 19Wakana finally gets a girlfriend and makes Haruka mad. High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-09-15 6 
35176022High School Helper Quest 20Wakana finds out Yuki is out of shape and gets a drunken and disgruntled Haruka homeHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-09-29 6 
October 2014
35323433High School Helper Quest 21Wakana and Haruka reach an understanding, Wakana spends some time with Kazuko and tries to find out what happened to Hikaru and Keiko last nightHigh school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-10-06 10 
35479800High School Helper Quest 22Wakana teaches kitchen safety High school helper quest, collective game, high school2014-10-13 6 
June 2015
40392901/d/ shitfest the questCome join OP as he votes for his own quest because no one else will!Collective Game, Quest, /d/ pls go and stay go, Someone needs to help this guy make friends2015-06-05 5 
October 2017
1922764Fantasy Nation Builder In a world that no one has bothered to name yet, tribes of freaks and weirdos crawl out of the woodwork.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-09 10 
1949287 Fantasy Nation Builder 2In a world that no one has bothered to name yet, the tribes of freaks and weirdos have build some shit and kill each other.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-17 5 
1974552Fantasy Nation Builder 3In a world that still no one has bothered to name, the players wait patiently for OP while Merpires team up with orcs for the first war.Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys2017-10-26 1 
November 2017
2014920Fantasy Nation Builder 4In a world that still no one has bothered to name, the cold war arms race is in full effect and hostilities start bubbling up...Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys, Builder, Builders2017-11-08 2 
2052973Fantasy Nation Builder 5In a world that still no one has bothered to name, WW1 is about to start and OP mysteriously vanishes...Fantasy Nation Builder, Mudkip Overgod, May God help these poor fools, Ninja Monkeys, Builder, Builders2017-11-15 1 
December 2024
94491226/dm/ Gets Found OutA player discovers the truth of the magical realm, and the /d/m begs the board for advice./d/, /d/m, magical realm, rape, advice, help, 2024-12-09 2 
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